• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 2,311 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Young Justice - madhat886

Traveling through the mirror Sunset ends up in the world of DC Young Justice.

  • ...

Chapter 6


In one of the malls of Jump City, Sunset is hanging out with her coworkers at the Mystery Shack as they’re all have the day off. They could see that some of the stores are now carrying knock offs of some of the items that the shack sells. The marketplace is a cut throat world, the local manufacturers have started to produce increasingly specialized products to counter the demand for the things that could only be found in the shack.

They had separated to look around and go to the stores they wanted to go to, before they all met up at the food court and got some shakes. And while they drunk their shakes they began talking, with Jinny talking about how Jeffro took a lot of stuff from her trunk, which he paid her for or walk her through how to donate some of the items to a museum and be able to write it off on her taxes.

“Once I do my taxes, I'll be getting a big check from the IRS, it be a big help with my auto shop," Jinny said.

"How are the people in your town like the robot workers?" Sunset asked who has gotten close to Jinny as she wanted to learn about Megan, Jinny's grandmother.

"I hired my friends to help look after the place and to oversee those robots....," Jinny was saying when she stop as in front of the table that she, Sunset, Raven and Sideways are sitting at is an old lady staring at them. "Hi?"

Causing everyone to stare at the old woman as well. She's a peculiar old woman, who is using a broomstick as a walking stick. She has on a pair of large, round glasses, has enormously bushy gray hair and wears a lime green neck wrap over long purple robes. She also has multiple rings and bangles on her. There are also butterflies or moths fluttering around her.

"Madame Razz what are you doing here?" Sunset asked confused.

"Oh Jeffro was trying to open portals again so, I decided to come through and have a look see," the old woman named Madame Razz said as she stares at Sunset's friends.

"Who is she?" Sideways asked that earned him a bop on the head from Madame Razz.

"Sideways you forgot Madame Razz? Jinny said hi and Raven... while little Raven never did like talking," Madame Razz talking like she knew them for years.

"Have we met?" Raven asked confused.

"This is their first time," Sunset said to Madame Razz.

"Oh... its been so long since it's been the first time," Madame Razz said as she sat down at their table.

"What's going on?" Jinny asked as she felt like she knew Madame Razz from somewhere. "Wait I remember now you were friends with my grandma Megan."

"I seen you before too, back before I came here," Raven said remembering as well.

"I have nothing," Sideways said.

"Yes, yes you all were so little and young when I saw you two girls. It's so nice to see how you two were before I first met you all here," Madame Razz said.

"Explain?" Sideways ask Sunset as he and the others have no idea what's going on.

"Madame Razz here is a Non-Linear Character, which means she's experiencing the past and future at the same time while in the present. So she gets confused in when and who she is talking to," Sunset explained. (1)

"So she's not just talking to us but also talking to my grandma when I was 5?" Jinny asked feeling her head hurting.

"Don't think about it. I tried and didn't like the headache that came from it," Sunset deadpanned. "But Madame Razz you really shouldn't be here. With your power you're going to be messing things up with time in this universe."

"Oh don't worry Time is an old friend, I was at his wedding with Mother Night. And look after their kids... it's too bad about them breaking up. They were such a loving couple," Madame Razz said.

"Oh that's just great...," Sunset said seeing how it's way too late now. While her friends all just stared confused.

"What's happening?" Jinny asked.

"Madame Razz made friends with Time and Mother Night two of the oldest beings in this universe. They're the anthropomorphic personification of Time and Space and the parents of the Endless," Sunset said. (2)

"Wait the Endless as The Endless?" Raven asked having learned about them through her books and what Jeffro gives her.

"As in the one we were told about from Jeffro? As in the one where that book came from that my grandpa somehow got his hands on?" Jinny asked.

"Oh yes it's a funny story how your grandfather got his hands on little Destiny's book. It's a gift from his father you know," Madame Razz said.

"You met grandpa?" Jinny as being weirded out by all this.

"I like Megan more, she doesn't go and curse all the time," Madame Razz said. "Also where are your other friends?"

"Other friends?" Sideways asked.

"Yes the sisters and those two twins, where are they?" Madame Razz ask.

"We haven't met them yet," Sunset said.

"Oh it's been so long since you all meet and become friends. I'll see you kids later, we can bake a pie," Madame Razz said getting up and teleporting away.

"She teleports?" Jinny asked.

"Magic user like me and Raven," Sunset said.

"You learn anything from her?" Raven asked.

"A few things but you should be ready for her not to make sense and talk about things that haven't happen yet. Or her talking to you like you're someone else," Sunset said remembering her going to the world that Razz came from and learning how to use her style of magic.

"So we're going to be meeting sisters and twins who will be part of our group?” Sideways asks.

"Yup," Sunset said.

“How long would that be?” Jinny ask.

“Have no idea,” Sunset said before a loud boom was heard coming from outside of the mall. “Looks like it’s another something.”

“Better check it out,” Sideways said.

“Hopefully it’s something that the cops can handle,” Jinny said.


Themiscrya -

Queen Hippolyta could only stare as an old friend who she hadn’t seen in centuries just appeared and made herself at home. Her fellow amazons also stared as said friend is busy in the kitchen, baking a pie. The last time they had seen her was when Diana was still a child.

“Now where’s the sugar?” Madame Razz asked as she toss things out of the pantry looking for the sugar.

"Madame Razz?" Hippolyta ask walking up to her old friend.

"Yes dearly?" Madame Razz asked turning to face her.

"Where have you been?" Hippolyta asked.

"Oh been here baking a pie for Diana," Madame Razz said turning back to the sugar she finally found and poured the jar into the mix. She turns back to Hippolyta only to find a small child staring at her.

"Hi," the child said.

"Oh Diana there you are," Madame Razz said as she adjusted her glasses. "Have you gotten shorter?"

"No," Diana said wondering who the strange woman is and why she looks so strange. For she never seen someone who looks old before.

"Diana?" Hippolyta called out entering the kitchen to find her daughter talking with a strange old woman. "Who are you and what are you doing?"

"Baking pie for Diana, Hippolyta. I finally found some sugar," Madame Razz said flicking her fingers to light the fire of the oven.

"Goody pie," Diana shouted out.

"You can use magic?" Hippolyta asked.

"Of course I can, Hippolyta," Madame Razz said putting the pie into the oven.

"How do you know me and my daughter?" Hippolyta asked.

"Wait is this?" Madame Razz said looking to Hippolyta who looks the same as always and to Diana who looks to be only about 5. "This is the first time. It's been so long since the first time."

"First time?" Hippolyta asked puzzled.

“Never mind, got to wait for the pie,” Madame Razz said turning to the pie watching as it bake. When it was done she took it out and turn to face the mother and daughter, only to find Diana now all grown up and with her mother and other amazons.

“Madame Razz?” Diana ask having come home to once she was called by her mother about her old nanny suddenly appearing again.

“Oh Donna there you are,” Madame Razz said handing the pie to Diana.

“It’s Diana, don’t you remember?” Diana said as this happens before with Madame Razz calling her Donna long before she was born.

“Of course I know you Donna,” Madame Razz said shoving the pie into Diana’s hands. “Now eat.”

“Where have you been?” Diana asked holding the pie.

“I been here,” Madame Razz said.

“Here by yourself?” Diana ask.

“No I been with broom. Say hi broom,” Madame Razz said holding her broom to Diana’s face.

“Hi broom,” Diana said remembering how she use to act like broom was alive when she was younger.

“I see you Loo-Kee!” Madame Razz suddenly shouts out as she looks out of a window and shakes her fist at a cloud.

“She’s the same as always,” Hippolyta said.

“This was easier when I was younger,” Diana said as she got along with Madame Razz better when she was a child and just went with what Madame Razz does.

“No, it wasn’t easy seeing how you use to go looking for Loo-Kee and make a mess while doing so,” Hippolyta said.

“I thought he could change his shape and turn invisible,” Diana said as she takes a bite from the pie.

“Still how is she here?” Hippolyta said as she watches Madame Razz is shouting at her broom, again.

“I’ll get to it,” Diana said.


Jump City -

When the employees of the Mystery Shack arrived at the crash site where the alien escape pod had landed. They found two orange skin young women, both look alike, with the same slender and busty built, but one has long black hair and the other long red hair. Then there are a young man and a young woman who both had short black hair and look like they’re related. Sunset quickly used her scanner on them.

“Those two are Tamaranians, who like Superman absorb sunlight through their skin which resulted in their culture are not big on modesty and while most of them wear some clothing they are a clothing optional culture where all the clothes show off a fair amount of skin. They have super strength, vitality, durability, can fly, don’t need air, immune to cold and heat, are renowned for their passion and intense emotions as they’re tied to their powers, capable of assimilating other languages through physical contact and have prehensile tongues,” Sunset said reading the information on her pip-boy. “The other two are Exxorians who are born with the ability to transform themselves. Ranging from elements like fire, water and earth, to animals and such.”

“So how do we talk to them?” Jinny ask hearing the aliens talking among themselves and didn’t understand a thing.

“A simple translation spell will handle this,” Sunset said casting the spell on the four aliens that made them blink as they could suddenly understand what the aliens around them are saying. “So you all can understand us now?”

“Yes we can understand you,” the black haired Komand'r said.

“You’re a Tamaranian too?” the redhead Koriand'r asked seeing how the female in front of her has orange skin and red hair like most Tamaranians have, with few with dark hair like her sister.

"Nope, I'm a pony," Sunset said. "And I'm guessing you four aren't here by choice."

"No we're not," Jayna said.

"We broke free from the Psions that imprison us," Zan said.

“The Psions are an alien race from the Vega system, notorious for their genetic experimentation. They're lizard like race but have removed their tails for some reason," Sunset said bringing up the information on her pip-boy.

"And I'm guessing that's their ship," Sideway said pointing to the big alien ship that appeared over the city.

"Yes it is," Komand'r said as the ship hovers over where she and the others are.

Around the group several robots appeared along with several Psion soldiers.

"There another Tamaranian!" one of the guards shouted spotting Sunset.

"Capture her!" the lead soldier shouted to the robots.

The robots blasted Sunset with electrical blasters, causing Sunset's personal barrier to appear around her preventing her from being harmed. Seeing Sunset being attack, Jinny, Sideways, and Raven leap to action and attack the robots and alien soldiers. Jinny using the Rainbow of Light that acted like a Green Lantern Ring, began wrecking the robots and aliens, with Sideways teleporting in and out grabbing weapons away or giving them a hit, and Raven casting spells.

No longer being attack by the robots Sunset recovered from the attack and let her attackers have it. Not only using magic but also telekinesis which is stronger than anyone else on this planet. Effortlessly crushing the robots like cans without even trying, thanks to her training herself in the training room that Jeffro provided her.

Seeing this Komand'r and Koriand'r jump into the fight as well. Unleashing starbolts and displaying their super strength on their former jailers. The twins join the fight as well, Jayna the ability to shape-shift into animals and Zan the ability to shape-shift into water constructs. Showed how powerful they are when they no longer have collars that kept them from using their powers.


Mystery Shack -

Through an open portal Jeffro was making deals from other worlds, trading things for stuff. While he could just make what he needs, he just enjoys doing trade deals. Currently he’s making a deal with a version of the Judge Dredd universe. Of course he wasn’t dealing with Mega-City One, as the judges there are just way too uptight to make deals.

He made deals with the judges of Murphyville of Ireland, getting some tech from them in exchange for potatoes. Which have been long died out in their world and them having to use rice that's been smashed together to make it look like the real thing. And deals with Oz or Australia with the judges there.

"The devices that, I have given your two countries are able to get rid of the radiation and exposing mutants to it, will fix their DNA. So that any child after the parents have been exposed will be normal. Just say your countries been working on the devices and can lore it over the other Mega-Cities, of actually fixing the big problem with the radiation filled world you all live in," Jeffro said to the two Chief Judges of the two Mega-Cities, using two portals.

"So how do we contact you if we need help?" the Irish judge asked.

"Here," Jeffro said making two old fashion phones appear on their desks. "Just give the help center a call and I'll get to you when I can."

Jeffro closed the portals and open another showing him the scene in Jump City.

Sunset and the others had held off the Psions long enough for the Justice League to show up. With their help the Psions were all captured and Jinny inviting the former prisoners of the Psions to comeback to the shack. Seeing how they couldn't go back home.

"All according to plan," Jeffro said bringing up another screen showing the Young Justice crew still with their mentors. All the pieces are in place and it's time to shake up the cannon of the show.


Author's Note:

1 - I would had really liked to see more of Madame Razz in the show.

2 - Seeing how things are in the DC verse. Someone like Madame Razz would really run into many big players while in that verse.