• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 6,510 Views, 384 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Deergenerate

Johan is a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, he doesn't have anything special going for him, which becomes all too apparent when his friend who was displaced beside him becomes the most special person ever. Jealousy arises.

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Chapter 5: Broken Promises

Day 31 in Equestria

Derek looked at the magical mirror with a look of dread and disappointment. He slowly paced in place, looking between it and the window, Equestria shined to him on the other side.

He let out a pensive whimper before he turned to look at Johan. The deer was standing next to him, his eyes narrowed and one of his lips raised in a snarl, and his eyes locked directly on his reflection in the mirror.

"I..." Derek started before he was interrupted when Twilight entered the room.

"Ok guys." She said as she wrote in a book with a quill. She stepped up next to Derek and cleared he throat. "I sent a message to Sunset Shimmer and asked her and my friends to meet me at the other side of the mirror before school-"

"Wait what? School?" Johan asked, his brow furrowing.

"Oh yeah, even though my friends and I are like, in our twenties, for some reason on the other side of the portal we are in our teens and at a high school. It's actually pretty lame." Twilight chuckled, before, with a shimmer, the mirror lit up, rainbow light filling the reflective surface.

"Whelp, here we go." She said, taking a couple of steps forwards. Johan followed after her, but Derek stayed put.

Twilight went right through, but Johan stopped, his frown faltering for a second. He saw Derek's reflection. It wasn't coming with him.

"Are you coming?" He asked, looking over to Derek.

"I... I don't want to." Derek said, sitting on his haunches. "I'm gonna stay."

"You're what?!?" Johan asked, quickly spinning around and narrowing his gaze.

"I said, I'm going to stay," Derek said, straightening up and a frown coming to his face. "Back on Earth, I was a loser, we both were. Here though? Here I can fly. I can use magic. I'm actually cool!"

Johan snarled. "So you'd rather be stuck on four legs than have hands? You'd rather stay here with a bunch of pastel horses than go home to your real friends and parents?" He hissed, genuine anger filling his voice.

Derek only nodded. Johan paused for a second before he turned around and kept walking towards the mirror.

"Fine." That was all he said before he was on the other side of the portal.

Equestria Girls Earth

Johan walked through the portal on all fours with a sigh. "Bad news Twilight." He said with a sigh. "Derek's going to stay in- What the heck?!?"

What he saw was almost nightmarish. Impossibly thin multiple colored humans with massive heads. They looked identical to the ponies of Equestria he had already met, the 'Elements of Harmony' as they were often referred to as, plus one whose hair looked like bacon. They looked identical to them if they were twisted into some thin man-like mockery of a person.

They were looking at him like he was the most confusing part of this picture.

"I thought you said he was a human Twilight?" the Rainbow Dash look-alike said.

"Excuse me? Was there a chemical spill here or something? Last I checked, humans weren't blue with rainbow hair." Johan hissed, sitting up. Perhaps he was a little too rude in his tone, but right now he was pissed, and for probably good reason. "Maybe you've never seen a normal person before."

He stood upright, happy to be back on two legs at least. Just then, however, he tumbled backward onto his back. That's when he realized he still couldn't feel his toes or his hands. And then there was the weight on his head that, over the past month he had grown accustomed to, but now only felt all too apparent.

Looking down, he saw brown and white fur, black hooves kicked up in the air, and his deer tail.

"I'm still a deer!?!" He yelled, rolling onto his front and standing up on four legs. "What the fuck!?!"

"Woah woah," Twilight said, rushing to his side and crouching down next to him, a comforting hand on his back. "I'm sure there is some kind of logical explanation to this. Calm down."

"No! You promised me I'd be able to go home through this portal! Instead, all I've found here are flamboyant mutants and I'm still something that's about to be mounted on someone's wall!" Johan shouted at her, straightening up and glaring down at her.

"I'm sorry, really I am. I genuinely thought this would work." Twilight said, a slight frown. She sat up with a sigh. "Where did you live, maybe we could at least get you there?"

Johan sighed. "Maybe I can at least say goodbye to mom... how far away is Salt Lake City?" He asked, looking over at the human versions of the Elements.

"Do you mean Salt Lick City?" the bacon-haired one said, raising an eyebrow. "That's about 2,500 miles away."

And then it hit Johan. This wasn't even his Earth, it was just another Equestria. Johan felt his heart sink. He would never get home now. The deer stammered on his hooves, almost collapsing to the ground so many times that he just gave up eventually.

"W-what... No..." He said as he fell to his knees. "I'm never getting home, am I?"

Twilight pursed her lips and sighed. "I'm sorry."

Johan shook his head. "Let's go back through the mirror." He sighed with a whimper.

Twilight nodded grimly before the two stepped back through the portal together.

Derek sighed as he stood up. Johan and Twilight were taking a while on the other side of the portal. The thought crossed his mind that, he really should have gone through to the other side... at least to make sure Johan was going to be ok.

He shook his head and let out an exhale. He was in the wrong in this situation, he knew it. But he just couldn't give this place up. This was his chance to be something. Back on earth he was and was always going to be, a nobody. Someone who was going to be forgotten and ignored by everyone.

His eyes returned to the portal mirror thingie, and a grimace came to his face.

"Maybe I should at least make sure Johan is ok." he sighed, approaching the mirror. Just then, a pair of purple hooves emerged.

Twilight stepped through with a grim expression. She was then followed by Johan, who looked... broken.

"W-what happened?" Derek asked, concern building on his face.

Twilight sighed, a dry smile coming to her face. "Looks like Johan is staying here in Equestria after all." She said.

The second she finished speaking, there was a blast of confetti as a certain pink horse appeared in the center of the room out of nowhere, throwing her hooves in the air.

"That means it's time for the 'Welcome to Ponyvile' Party!" She cried in a high-pitched voice, rolled up white banners unfurling on the walls, the words; 'Welcome to Equestria.' written on them in bold pink and purple lettering.

"Now's not really the ti-" Twilight started but Johan interrupted her.

"No, please. Go ahead. Don't call off the... 'party' on my account." he sighed, his voice shaky. He continued walking going in the direction of the door.

Twilight grimaced once again before she shook her head and walked over to talk to Pinkie Pie, as guests, who somehow knew there was going to be a party despite there being no invitations, started to stream in.

Derek turned to Johan as he arrived at the door.

"What's going on Johan? Is everything ok?" He asked with a grim look.

"It wasn't home," Johan replied as he walked through the door. He turned and looked at his friend, a miserable smile on his face. Derek saw the deer's eyes water as he tried to put on a happy face.

"Looks like you got your wish. We live here now." And with that, Johan closed the door behind him.

Author's Note:

Equestria Girls is now never going to be mentioned in this story again. Whoop whoop.

Told you this chapter would be out sooner.

No checklist this time lol.

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