• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 6,510 Views, 384 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Deergenerate

Johan is a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, he doesn't have anything special going for him, which becomes all too apparent when his friend who was displaced beside him becomes the most special person ever. Jealousy arises.

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Chapter 10: The Swarm attacks Ponyville.

"Twilight!" A voice cried out to their right. The group turned around to see a pinkish unicorn with a purple and blue mane, followed closely behind by a blue one with a white mane. They were running towards them, pure desperation and fear written on their faces.

Derek and Johan recognized her, somewhat. They had seen her around, but never really talked to her during the past month. Her name was Starlight Glimmer. The same could not be said about the blue one though.

"It's Chrysalis, I just know it!" Starlight said, skidding to a halt in front of them. "This must be the revenge she told us about..."

"How did she get a new army though? Did Thorax get overthrown or something?" the blue one cried out. "I thought changelings were good now!" Johan grimaced.

"Wait a minute, those are changelings? I was right, they are creepy." He shuddered.

"Not the time," Derek said a grim look on his face as the swarm started to dive downwards towards the town, blotting out the sun and sky.

Twilight's brows furrowed as she thought for a second. She rapidly turned around to Derek, Johan and Spike. "Spike, send a letter to Cadance and Shining Armor and tell them to get down here with the Crystal Guard as quickly as possible."

Spike nodded before his gaze quickly turned upwards towards the mountain that Canterlot sat on. "What about Princess Celestia and Luna?"

"I think at this point they can already see the swarm. Now go write and send the letter. Quickly, so I can put up a magical shield to buy us some time." Twilight ordered. Spike nodded, before quickly rushing inside to find a piece of paper and a quill.

"Derek," Twilight said as she turned to the alicorn. "You are probably one of the most naturally gifted magicians I have ever seen. We need your help. Do you know how to cast combat spells yet?"

Derek shook his head. "No, but I'll probably get it if you showed me how." He said, a small smile coming to his face.

Twilight smiled back. "Good, Starlight, please show Derek what to do while I put up a shield." She said as she noticed a plume of green and white smoke leave from a window of her house before speeding off northwards at a breakneck pace.
Twilight turned around as both Trixie and Starlight started running towards the town center, Derek in quick pursuit.

She let in a deep inhale. Closing her eyes, she concentrated, calling on her inner wells of mana. She opened her eyes as she exhaled, and her horn started glowing. With a roar, a beam emerged from her horn, heading directly towards the center of town, before shooting upwards and pooling in the sky over the town hall. A large purple dome of shimmering light started to form from the top-down until it gradually enclosed the entire town.

Just in time too, as just mere seconds after the dome had completely closed she felt the first wave of the swarm slam against the shield. She grunted as she felt the push of hundreds of changelings against her magic, but it held up.

Twilight let out a deep breath. It was working. That outta buy them a couple of hours at least. Long enough for relief to come from both Cantlerot and the Crystal Empire. That's when she felt something tap on her shoulder. She gasped in shock, quickly turning around. She let out a sigh of relief when it was just a certain deer.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry Johan. I forgot you were there for a second." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

"Ur... I suppose that's ok, what with the shield and all. No doubt that takes a bunch of focus." Johan squeamishly said, a slight look of discomfort on his face. "It's just that, I couldn't help but notice you told everyone else how they could help, but not me."

Twilight rubbed her chin. "Urm... I'm sorry Johan but we still don't know if you have magic or not, and I'm not really sure what you can do right now without unicorn, pegasus, or even earth pony magic." She stated apprehensively. "I think it would be best for now if you found somewhere to hide until everypony is safe."

Johan grimaced. "Seriously?"

"It's for your own safety," Twilight said softly. She suddenly flinched, bringing a hoof to the side of her head.

"Are you ok?" The deer asked, holding out a hoof.

"Grn, yeah. They are just starting to hammer the shield with spells. It's headache-inducing."

Johan was silent for a second until he spoke up. "Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help, cause like... this looks bad. Like, really bad."

Twilight hesitated for a second, before an idea came to her mind, just as Spike walked outside the castle's front door. "Actually there is." She said, turning towards the castle and gesturing for Johan to look. "In the library, in a secret room behind a bookcase, you are going to find a display case with five necklaces and a tiara inside. These are powerful artifacts that I need to get on my friends asap. I need to go to the town center to coordinate a defense, so do you think you can get them for me and meet me there?"

Johan quickly perked up. "Oh yeah! Totally!" He cried, sudden conviction filling his gaze.

"Good, Spike will show you where it is. Hurry quickly!" She cried as she quickly turned around and started rushing towards the town hall. Johan nodded after her. Then he turned around and sprinted into the castle, Spike following after him.

"Which bookcase is it?!" Johan yelled.

"It's the one covered in books on ornithology!" Spike replied in a shill cry.

Starlight looked up at the dome with an uncomfortable grimace. She didn't know why, but she felt like it wouldn't be enough to hold the changelings back. she grimaced as she turned to Trixie.

"Trixie, I need you to go get all of Twilight's friends and tell them to meet us in the town center. Quick!" She said. Trixie nodded.

"On it!" She shouted, before sprinting off. Then Starlight turned to Derek, who was staring at her expectantly.

"Ok, combat magic is pretty simple. Still, we should keep it easy for now I think. You know how to do levitation right?" She asked, brows furrowed. Derek quickly nodded.

"Yeah, I got that down a while back." He flinched slightly at the sound of a distant explosion. The changelings were starting to hammer the shield.

"Ok, ok ok ok." Starlight said with an exhale, shaking nervously. "Now, tap into your mana again, and aim your horn at... uh..." She scanned the town center, her eyes locking on the nearby fountain. "There."

Derek spread his legs and lowered his head into his best attempt at a combat position and closed his eyes, letting in another deep breath. Once again he reached deep, towards the golden sea of mana inside him. Once again, he felt the other presence, though, oddly enough, it was much closer to the surface than before, as if there was someone standing next to him, but he knew there wasn't.

He exhaled as his horn ignited into golden light. "Ready." He said, gaze steeled.

"Now, this is a simple stun spell, anything hit with the beam will be knocked unconscious on conta-" Starlight started, turning towards the fountain. She was interrupted by Derek.

"I don't think a stun spell is going to cut it right now..." He said, clenching his teeth as another explosion slammed against the shield. Starlight gulped.

"Yeah, your right. Ok then. This kind of spell is only used by soldiers but, I sorta picked it up in my research. A kinetic spell. It's used to punch through stuff like a crossbow bolt, it's good against light and unarmored opponents, but heavily armored opponents will be close to immune to it." She said as she took a couple of steps back, she really didn't want to get hit by it. "Now then, you know how with levitation you imagined slowly reaching out and grabbing what you wanted to pick up?"

Derek nodded.

"Ok, instead of that, imagine you are striking out with a fist with your magic. Don't hold back!" Starlight said pointing at the fountain.

Derek did just that with a slight roar. Instantly, a massive golden beam, about the width of a pony, shot out of his horn and zoomed forwards. It completely absorbed the fountain and kept going through trees and walls until it struck the shield in the distance where it dissipated.

The spell soon died down, allowing both Starlight and Derek to see the damage. The entire upper half of the fountain was just gone, alongside several sections of walls in several houses, which now had ponies peaking out of them to see where the beam that had just demolished their living rooms had come from. Thankfully no one was hurt.

"Uh... woah," Starlight started, flinching slightly. "I think you might have put a little too much force into that spell."

Derek blinked twice. "Really?" he asked, turning to Starlight with a raised eyebrow. "I was trying to hold back a little..."

Starlight's jaw dropped. She stammered for a second, but just then Trixie and Twilight's friends arrived, quickly rushing up to join the two.

"Sweet Celestia," Rarity started grimacing as she saw the horde of changelings around them.

"Pardon mah Prench but," Applejack said, slowly taking off her cowboy hat and bringing it close to her chest. "I don't think we got a chance in Tartarus right now."

"Don't worry guys, I'm sure Twilight has a plan." Starlight said as she stepped forwards to join them, Derek following after her. Just then Twilight started to sprint into the town center.

"My queen!" An armored changeling roared as Chrysalis landed next to him. They were on the ground just outside Twilight's magical dome. Green flashes and explosions hammered the dome, magical spells meant to bring such a shield down, but they had close to no effect. "This spell has obviously been put in place by an alicorn of great power. It could take hours, even days to bring it down."

Chrysalis snarled loudly. "I don't care," she hissed slamming a hoof against the shield. "Even if Celestia herself put this shield up, I want it ripped down now. We need to level this town to the ground before their reinforcements can muster and get here."

The armored changeling turned back to the shield. "With the deepest of apologies my queen, I don't think that is doable under these circum - urk!" The changeling started, but he was stopped with a choke as Chrysalis grabbed him by the throat, lifting him into the air and slamming him back first into the shield.

"What makes you think you have the right to voice your shoddy little opinion at me, drone." She hissed. Her horn glowed, but a crashing noise behind her made her instantly stopped. She, and every drone near her, turned around to see a plume of smoke and a small crater. Slowly, a large, antlered shape slowly rose out of the dust. A platinum guard stepped forwards, light glinting off his visor as he started to approach the shield, a halberd floating next to him, grasped in a shimmering white field, is horn and antlers glowing the same color.

"Halt! No one approaches the Quee - AH!" A drone said, bravely moving to block the platinum guard's path, but a quick and merciless vertical slash of its halberd completely bisected the changeling in two. The drones surrounding the queen quickly dropped into combat positions, but Chrysalis stopped them with a raise of her hoof.

The platinum guard merely walked forwards without acknowledging anyone else. It was given a wide berth by Chrysalis's soldiers. Eventually, it reached the shield and silently raised a hoof, running it along the dome with a slight cock of its head. Chrysalis growled and, with a quick squeeze, snapped the neck of the disobedient drone in her grasp.

"Hmmph, so, did my mysterious benefactor send you here to gloat at how my army can't break this shield, or are you here to actually help?" Chrysalis growled, her eyes narrowing. It didn't respond, merely taking a couple of steps back. Chrysalis rolled her eyes and began turning back to the dome, but, in a single swift movement, the platinum guard charged forwards, his horn ignited with white light.

Then he jumped, colliding horn and antler first with the dome. There was a screeching sound as the armored creature instantly went through the shield like a hot knife through butter. The shield shuttered then instantly started to dissipate. Unlike most shields, which shattered, it disintegrated like a paper held over a fire. The hole the platinum guard made quickly grew until the entire dome was down.

Then he stood up, twirled his halberd once, and began the sprint into the town.

Chrysalis blinked in shock then threw her head back and cackled. "The shield is down! Attack! Bring me Starlight Glimmer and her friends!" She roared. The swarm, in unity, took to the air and began to dive-bomb into the city.

The Platinum Guard in the meanwhile skidded to a halt near the edge of the town and began to scan the horizon, eyes narrowing behind his visor. His eyes locked on the Crystal Tree Castle just as the shadow of the hive passed over him, and he returned to a sprint, heading right towards it.

Twilight collapsed with a scream of pain, grabbing the sides of her head. Her friends and Derek quickly rushed over to her, as her shield fell around them. There was a screeching roar and then a loud snap. A single crack appeared on Twilight's horn going from base to tip right above her forehead.

Rarity let out a gasp and covered her mouth with a hoof as both Rainbow Dash and Applejack rushed to her side to help her up. Fluttershy shrank and whimpered slightly as almost instantly a shadow started to cover their surroundings. The swarm was above them now.

"Oh no!" Derek said, rushing to Twilight's side watching as she brought a hoof up and touched her horn, quickly pulling it back and grunting in genuine pain. "Are you ok?"

"I-I'm fine. It's just my h-horn." She said tears forming in her eyes as she let out a moan, grasping at her head. "It'll h-heal. I just can't use any spells for a few weeks." She chuckled, it was a hollow dry one. Derek could tell she wasn't ok, especially with the swarm now starting to dive-bomb towards them, green fires engulfing them as they fell.

"Y-you have an idea to save us all... right?" Trixie asked, gritting her teeth. Explosions started to ring throughout the town as changelings landed. Twilight shook her head. "N-no. All my plans were reliant on the spell lasting for at least a couple of hours. Without it, we won't have time to reach the elements or hold out until help arrives or anything!"

Derek furrowed his brows and charged his horn. "Don't worry. I'll cover you until you think up a new plan." He turned his gaze upwards and spread his wings. With a roar, he fired yet another one of his beams of light up into the sky. He held it this time around, keeping it from dissipating. Then he started shaking it like a glowstick, striking changelings out of the air, some were disintegrated, others were knocked from the air and sent sailing to the ground.

Starlight nodded before joining him, readying several spells of her own. Rainbow rolled her shoulders and spread her wings. She turned to Twilight. "Don't worry, we got this!" She said. With a single flap of her wings, she shot into the air, a rainbow trail behind her.

She started doing twirls and dives in the air, years of being a cloud kicker as her experience. She started joining Derek in his work, knocking them out of the air with kicks and punches. Between the three ponies, it wasn't much compared to the utter swarm they were dealing with, but it did clear out their numbers slightly and prevented any changelings from landing in the town center, both giving Twilight time to think, and giving the ponies of the town a safe rallying point to hide in safe from changelings. However, temporary that space of time was.

Fluttershy turned to Twilight as Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity all stood up to join in on keeping Town Center clear. "Do you know anything that could help right now Twilight?"

"Right now," Twilight started, turning towards her castle. "All we can hope for is for Johan to get the elements to us."

Johan grunted as Spike helped him sling a bag that held the elements over his back. He swayed back and forth for a second before he sighed and started making his way out of the library, Spike right beside him.

A quick glance out the window made Spike and Johan do a double-take, their faces going white. "Oh my god. The shields down." Johan stammered. The weight on his back suddenly became way heavier.

Spike took a step back before he started to sprint down the hall. Johan gulped before following after him. "We need to get the elements to Twilight, and fast!" He shouted.

They had just arrived in the main hallway of the Castle when the front door exploded inwards and fell off its hinges, crystal shards raining everywhere. Johan and Spike froze as the dust started to settle, but Spike recognized the shape in the cloud somewhat. He let out a sigh of relief as it started walking forwards.

It was a tall figure wearing white and cyan armor with a sunglasses-like visor. It had two antlers shaped like mandibles and had a halberd clenched in magic floating right next to him. It glanced left, then right until its gaze locked on Spike and Johan. Primarily Johan. The deer didn't know why, but something about the thing's shape and the color of his armor made his heart race. And not in a good way.

"Oh thank Celestia," Spike said, wiping sweat off his brow. The figure started walking towards them. "It's you Pharnyx!" Spike quickly walked forwards up to the creature, who instantly stopped in place, gazing down at him.

"We need your help! Chrysalis is attacking! Did you bring anyone to help?" Spike started, reaching out a hand and grabbing his armored leg with a raise of his eyebrow. "And where did you get this armor? It looks sick!"

Suddenly, and without warning, in a single move the creature raised, its leg and backhanded Spike across the face, sending him flying through the air until he slammed against a nearby crystal wall.

"Spike!" Johan cried, watching the dragon as he slid down the wall and came to a stop at the base. He didn't move.

Johan took a step back as the creature turned its gaze back to him. There was a glint on its visor as it stepped forwards and held out a hoof to grab him.

Then it said a single word, and almost instantly a fear grabbed his heart, one which instantly activated a fight or flight response in his mind. He didn't know the word's meaning or significance, but hearing this... thing say it almost triggered a literal heart attack.

"Jelen..." It said slowly in a deep voice that reverberated through the hall, making Johan's knees quake. He started hyperventilating as it took another step towards him.

The deer closed his eyes and whimpered before turning in the direction of Spike and running, or rather jumping away as running deer are prone to do. Looks like he made the right decision, as just as he started bounding away the armored... thing pounced directly at him. He didn't open his eyes until he felt himself brush a leg against Spike. He quickly slung the dragon over his back and kept going.

When he next arrived at the front door, the first thing he noticed was the screaming. The swarm had landed all around the town, making pockets of 'fighting' that spread from one end to the other. Now they were working on uniting the regions of the town they controlled together, a classic paratrooper tactic that, while close to useless against actually fortified positions, was almost unstoppable on undefended towns like this.

Smoke rose throughout the town as green fires burned in the distance. Ponies scattered in each direction as black insectoid creatures chased after them, both from the air and on the ground. Those they caught were quickly snatched up and cocooned in green gooey pods. Johan hesitated for a second, wondering if he should take his chances out there or wait for Derek and everyone else to get to him in the castle.

A loud grinding sound behind quickly caused him to change his mind. A quick glance back at the armored creature as it rose its hooves, its halberd slicing into the ground behind him, leaving a large gash in the crystal. Johan decided he had much better odds outside than inside. Johan gulped before leaping out the door, just as a roar and a crash emanated from behind him. The creature, in a burst of speed unbecoming of something of its size, had shot forwards on buzzing bug wings with a hoof outstretched to grab him.

Johan sailed down the tall golden stairs and landed on the dirt path leading up to them with a force that shook his entire legs. He hardly noticed it due to adrenaline pumping through his veins. Like a gazelle he started running, or more like skipping, in a zig-zag method towards the town center. He had underestimated how fast he was when he was terrified like this it seemed, as the creature was having a somewhat hard time keeping up. At least at first.

Soon he arrived at what looked like a massive barricade made up of tables, chairs, and couches. A makeshift militia of unicorn and pegasus townfolk stood on the top, throwing... pies... and slinging spells at any changeling who came close, but the only pony he recognized ontop of the barricade was Rarity, who saw him as he approached.

"Rarity! It's after me! Help! It's after me!" Johan cried as he approached in a fast movement.

Before he made it to the wall, however, the deer heard the tingle of magic behind him. But, it wasn't the calming gentle effect he had come to associate with unicorns and alicorns. It was like the hiss of electricity, the crackle of lightning. The Deer let out a cry of surprise and pain as he felt some kind of force grab him by the leg, yanking at it with an extremely hard force, almost enough to dislocate it. The deer failed his next jump, face-planting on the ground as his leg was lifted into the air, and he was dragged towards the tall armored creature.

The deer's hooves dug into the ground as both Spike and the elements of harmony toppled off his back onto the ground. He cried out as a metal hoof grabbed one of his skinny legs and picked him up off the ground, lifting him until he was on eye level with it. Its visor showed the reflection of a terrified, close to tears, deer.

Emotionlessly, it slung Johan over its back, binding his hooves together with a magical spell, and started walking away, seemingly not even noticing the ponies behind it.

Rarity let out a gasp when she saw Johan approaching, Spike and a knapsack slung over his back. He was running from something, most likely some changeling soldiers.

Rarity gasped and turned around, hoping off the barricade, her position being quickly taken by a pony throwing random assorted items at the changeling soldiers flying above them.

"Twilight! Johan's here, and I think he has the Elements with him!" she cried, getting the attention of the wounded Alicorn, as well as Derek, who was taking a second to recharge his energy after fighting.

The two Alicorns quickly rose to their hooves and rushed to join Rarity. They peaked their heads over the barricades and were introduced to a rather distressing scene. Johan was being held up by one of his back legs by something armored and tall. The creature wasted no time in slinging Johan over his back and started walking away, a squad of changelings rushing past it towards the barricade, noticeably giving it a wide berth.

Another equally distressing sight was that of Spike, lying unconscious on the ground and the elements of harmony scattered in the dirt around him. It wouldn't be long until the changelings were on top of them.

Twilight grit her teeth before jumping into action, spreading her wings and flying over the barricade landing next to Spike. In the excitement, she forgot her cracked horn, attempting to charge a combat spell to hold them back, but it had no effect at all. Before the changelings could pounce on her, however, they were disintegrated by a golden beam of magic. Derek landed in front of her with a growl, eyes narrowed.

"Keep Spike and the elements safe, and get ready to use them. I'll take care of this." He hissed, his voice taking a dark inflection that Twilight had never heard before. The alicorn stomped forwards, his horn glowing and eyes narrowed in hatred. Twilight gulped before slinging Spike onto her back and collecting the elements.

"Rarity!" She said, turning up to the Unicorn still on the barricade. "Go get everypony else, let's finish this!"

She nodded down at her and rushed off. Twilight took a second to stop, turning to Derek.

"Be careful." She said quietly before she spread her wings and returned to the safety beyond the makeshift wall.

The Platinum Guard walked forwards, ignoring the cries of battle around him and the distant explosions of spells going off. That didn't matter. All that mattered was that he had his objective and he could return to his master. He ignored the squirming and whimpers of the deer on his back. No matter how much he moved he couldn't escape his magical bindings. Soon it would all be over.

A stomp quickly attracted his attention and he stopped, slowly turning his head to see a yellow and green alicorn, which emanated an unintentional hiss of hatred.

"Stop right there!" Derek roared, wings flaring and horn igniting into golden magic. "Put. My. Friend. Down. Now!"

The Platinum Guard stared at him for a second before slowly turning around, his antlers ignited as well, chilling cyan-colored magic laced between them like tesla coils.

"I warned you," Derek said suddenly before a wave of magic shot forth from his horn, a golden beam that filled the street they were standing in almost from end to end.

The armored changeling took a step back, his eyes no doubt widening slightly behind his visor. In a single movement, he grabbed the deer from his back and threw him towards the door of a nearby house. Johan crashed through the door just in time to avoid being caught and likely disintegrated in the magical attack. The Platinum Guard wasn't so lucky.

Derek smirked as he ended his attack. Dust and ash rose from the ground in front of him in clouds. He started walking forwards. He had accidentally put a little too much force into that spell, but it had worked out in the end, because Johan managed to dodge to the side to avoid it... somehow.

Derek quickly rushed forwards, poking his head into the doorway Johan had been thrown into.

"Hey Johan, you ok?" he asked as he stuck his head inside. The deer was laying on his front and groaned as if stunned, which he probably was.

"I'm... un... I'm ok." Johan said, bringing a hoof up to his head. Suddenly, there was a flash of white magic and Johan's hooves were once again bound in white magic.

"What the-" Derek asked, eyebrow raised.

"Derek behind you!" Johan yelled. Derek barely had time to turn around until the Platinum Guard, his armor glowing a deep red from the heat of Derek's spell, back hooved him across the face. Derek was sent flying towards the barricade, the fur on his cheek where he had been struck singed black. The Platinum Guard took a second to stare at Johan, cocking his head to the side, before he turned his attention back to the Alicorn. A long hiss left his throat as he walked forwards.

Derek sat up slightly, grabbing his cheek with a hiss of pain. He suddenly heard the ponies on the barricade behind him cry out and quickly rush down from their fortifications. He immediately saw why. The creature's antlers were glowing again.

Derek barely had time to rise to his feet and dodge out of the way, before with a screech, a spell came hurtling towards him. It was a small beam, but when it struck the ground where he had been, it exploded into a cyan fireball. The barricade was consumed in an explosion of light blue fire, chunks of furniture were flung in every direction, pieces of wood raining down on the defenders, breaking their concentration and allowing changeling drones to swarm in through the new hole in their lines.

Derek had only barely been spared from the same fate, but he didn't make it out unscathed. He was thrown into the wall of a nearby house, his back covered in deep cuts and scratches, and the fur on his entire back burned and black. The alicorn landed in a pile of wooden rubble at the bottom of the wall, and he felt a snap, one of his legs breaking. Derek cried out, trying to rise up again, but his knees buckled and he fell back into the rubble. He looked up and shrunk slightly as the armored creature slowly stomped towards him, his pace leisurely.

Johan barely had time to shimmy out of the building he had been thrown into before he saw the Platinum Guard reach down with a hoof and pick Derek up by the throat raising him into the air. It reared back and then threw the Alicorn towards the town center, where he skidded across the ground and slammed back first into the destroyed fountain, the stone pen forcing him into a sitting position.

All eyes in the town were now on him, be they changeling or pony. The elements quickly scrambled to ready a rainbow beam, but they were stopped when they were suddenly pounced on by changelings, who quickly went about removing their magical jewelry.

Once again, the Platinum Guard leisurely approached the Alicorn, and once more it reached down to grab Derek by the throat, likely to finish him off via strangulation, but this time Derek's horn ignited, in a last-ditch effort to stop it. A small golden beam shot forth from it, and struck the armored changeling directly in the visor, where it's left eye would have been.

The changeling strumbled back, taking a couple of steps to righten itself. The changeling's head was forced upwards from the blast, but slowly it lowered its gaze back to Derek. The visor was shattered and slowly fell apart to reveal two deep orange compound eyes narrowed in pure hatred. Derek smirked slightly.

"Heh... looks like I got a good shot in after all." He tried to laugh, but all he could do was cough.

The Platinum Guard merely drew his Halberd, raised it into the air, and plunged it directly into Derek's chest.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

I prolly should have said this sooner *but* this story takes place between Season 7 and Season 8, but keep in mind that Season 8 would probably be a lot different with 1,500-year-old one-eyed changelings and humans turned alicorns and deer running around lol.

Still, there prolly won't be a school, but I do want to find a way to include the young six, cause they are all great characters.

I probably should find a way to watch the movie too at some point, considering the story takes place around this time and is pretty much all about how powerful alicorn magic is. Ah well.

Hope you guys liked the chapter! It was a long one! Expect the new one soonish!

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