• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 6,510 Views, 384 Comments

The Side Character is a Deer - Deergenerate

Johan is a displaced human stuck as a deer. Suffice to say, he doesn't have anything special going for him, which becomes all too apparent when his friend who was displaced beside him becomes the most special person ever. Jealousy arises.

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Chapter 13: Aftermath

Twilight was the first to rise to her hooves after the changelings were driven off. She quickly rushed to Derek's side, joined just seconds later by Johan. Twilight wasted no time in bending down and pressing the side of her head against Derek's chest. When she heard the steady thumping of his heart, alongside the rhythmic inhale and exhale of life, she let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Oh thank Celestia. He's ok." She said wiping her brow. Johan himself grit his teeth and slowly ran his hoof along the scar that now sat emblazoned on Derek's chest. He brought his hoof back to his face and stared down at it, his breath shaky.

"He... He almost died because of me..." he said quietly to himself. "He got hurt because of me..."

"Don't beat yourself up Johan. If I know Derek, he'd of put himself through the same thing for anypony." Applejack said as she came up to their side, putting a hoof on his shoulder. The deer shook his head and looked away.

"You don't understand..." he once again spoke in a quiet voice. He let out a short sniffle before his eyes locked on the green antler. The one that had once belonged to the Platinum Guard... Tza'ak if he remembered what Derek said... if that really was him.

He sat up as Pinkie Pie rushed over to the now thoroughly destroyed town hall, throwing her hooves into the air after jumping to the top. "Who's ready for a victory party!" She cried loudly.

Johan ignored the resounding cheer that came from both the citizens of Ponyvile and the soldiers who had come to break the siege. Instead, he simply started walking towards the antler. Just as he reached down to grab it though, he watched as it was picked up in a midnight blue aura and lifted into the air, slowly flying away from him.

His eyes trailed it until it landed in the open hoof of a blue Alicorn. His eyes widened for a second when he saw her. She was tall, one of the tallest people she had met while in Equestria, beaten out only by that big bug queen who had been gloating at him earlier, being more comparable in size to the Platinum Guard. Her mane and tail both shook and hummed with magic as they danced in an ethereal pattern. Her 'cutie mark' was that of a white moon on a black background.

"Hmmmm..." she hummed, gazing intently down at the antler.

"What is it sister?" A second voice said as she was joined by an even taller Alicorn. This one was white with a pink, blue and green mane, which similarly floated through the air with some kind of ethereal power. Her mark was that of the sun. For some reason, Johan felt he recognized them. His brow furrowed. He also felt deep down that he didn't like what he was recognizing.

"This antler. It's a changeling antler." the blue one said, her eyes locking over on one of the changelings, who was desperately trying to escape his guard captor. "And not belonging to one of these ones."

"You don't think...." The second one said, a look of disapproval coming to her face.

"I don't know sister... I don't want to think Thorax betrayed us, it seems unlikely with how he acts, but for now..." the first one replied, grimacing down at the antler.

"You are too paranoid." The white one said shaking her head. "There is probably an explanation for this."

Twilight quickly stepped forwards, clearing her throat. "I agree." Twilight said stepping forwards. "I don't think that changeling had anything to do with Thorax and his kingdom. It was too brutal. Even Chrysalis's hive didn't have it in them to execute someone like it did... not to mention..." She turned towards Derek who was still on the ground, now with Fluttershy and Rarity looking over him.

"Whatever is in Derek knew about it."

They both stared at her for a second and nodded. Then the white one locked it's gaze on Johan.

"Well, hello there. You must be the other human. Johan right?" She said with a smile. "Greetings, it is very nice to meet you, my former student here has told me a lot about you."

"Oh? And what has she been saying?" He said with a deepened frown. She merely laughed and stepped closer to him.

"That you are angry, confused... but that's to be expected for someone lost in a new world." She said. Johan's jaw dropped for a second and he looked over to Twilight with death in his eyes, who sheepishly giggled. The white alicorn giggled, sitting down in front of him.

"She also told me that you have what it takes to be a wonderful Equestrian, we just have to get through that rough exterior." She said warmly, holding out a hoof for him. "I'm Princess Celestia, and it is so nice to meet you."

Johan looked at her hoof for a second, before grabbing it and giving it a slight shake. "I probably should have guessed as much." he chuckled dryly, "And I'm guessing she's Luna?" He shot a glance to the other Alicorn who nodded.

"Charmed," Luna said with a smile.

"I wish I could also shake your friend's hoof, but he seems a little... incapacitated right now." Celestia sighed. Johan slowly looked back to Derek, his heart sinking.

"Yeah..." He similarly sighed, shaking his head. "I hope he's ok."

"As do I my friend... as do I."

Just then a slight commotion nearby caught the attention of the three princesses, as well as Johan. Slowly a gold armored guard approached, dragging an armored changeling behind him.

"My princess, this one is a commander, he might know something." She said, tossing the 'ling to the ground in front of them. All three of the alicorns flared their wings and stared down at the commander, who slowly craned his neck to look up at them.

It hissed. "I'm not saying anything to any horses no matter how powerful." He spat up at them. Celestia's eyes only narrowed.

"Are you sure about that? Maybe a thousand years on the moon would loosen your tongue." She hissed. There was a pause as both Twilight and Johan turned to each other and blinked.

"What?" Johan asked.

The changeling only laughed. "Oh yeah sure! Some threat! Shoot me to the moon for a thousand years! See you then, maybe then you'll have solved the problem on your own!" he hollered kicking his legs.

Celestia merely smirked and shook her head. "Oh deary me... you're right. I am no good at this interrogation business. Maybe I should just hand you over to my sister instead." The changeling could only raise an eyebrow before he was suddenly spun around with great force as Luna grabbed him by the collar of his armor, lifting him into the air with no effort.

"I swear to whatever it is you changeling's worship," she started, her eyes glowing with a deep white light and her teeth suddenly turning into fangs. "If you don't tell us what we want to know right now, I assure you that a thousand years of banishment will be a mercy compared to what I'll do to you."

The changeling let out a sudden shriek and brought his hooves up to cover his face. "Alright! Alright! I'll tell you!" he cried with a whimper. Luna dropped him to the ground at Celestia's hooves before she similarly smirked, then the two princesses bumped hooves as the changeling sat up.

"Now then, tell us where you all came from, and where that... 'Platinum Guard' came from." Twilight said, brow furrowed.

"We were all put into magical stasis by her mother, three hundred years ago I think. We were supposed to be reserves in case my queen was ever deposed." The changeling said. "It was our duty to awaken at our queen's call and then retake her kingdom for her."

"Great job you did at that." Johan chuckled. The changeling ignored him.

"As for the big guy... I have no idea where he came from. All I know is that I saw my queen talking to some shady figure when we all woke up. He had two more of them with him and that's the last I saw of them. I swear!" The changeling said with a gulp. "I don't even know his name!"

"U'val." A voice behind them suddenly said. A male one. Everyone instantly turned around to see Derek, propped up on one of his elbows, his other hoof on his forehead nursing his headache.

"How did you..." Twilight started.

"The guy in here..." he tapped on the side of his head. "He told me his name just before I woke up."

"Did he tell you anything else about him?" Luna said, frowning.

"Only that he's bad news," Derek responded. He glanced around for a second. "Starlight and Trixie... are they ok?"

Twilight nodded as Celestia and Luna turned to each other, locking eyes. Celestia suddenly closed her eyes and nodded. "Before we figure anything else out... we need to get every creature together. Twilight send for the global council." She ordered standing up.

The other Alicorn nodded, quickly rushing over to Spike who was just now picking himself up.

Johan himself just looked back to the antler which had been dropped to the ground when Luna had assaulted the prisoner. He felt a chill go down his spine. Just the name U'val had triggered a memory in him. A memory of a single platinum-white compound eye.

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