• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,188 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

  • ...

A Pegasus to study Part 1

In the mind of the carmel pegasus, Sora was thinking about a certain event in his life, back to him and his childhood friend, Kairi. Both of them were sitting on the long branch of the paopu tree. They had their hands overlapping on top of each other's, with both of their eyes locked tightly, staring into each one's own. At that moment in time, Sora told his friend about what he did, and what was the consequence for doing so. Kairi cried her eyes out in the time they had. She was sad that her friend would just disappear. That Sora would be gone, forever. She couldn't accept it in any way but she had no say in the matter.

The keyblade wielder wasn't happy about his fate either. He would leave everyone behind. Riku, his best friend since they were kids. Donald and Goofy, his two companions that have been with him since the first time he left the islands. All of it, left behind.

Just then, Sora disappeared, turning into dust as he left behind his home and his friends.


The pegasus heard a voice in his head.


He heard it again, and again and again and it just wouldn't leave him alone. He didn't know what he was feeling. Guilt, sorrow, loss? It didn't feel right. His heart was aching like crazy and the pain wouldn't end. He kept hearing that voice, just screaming 'Sora' 'Sora' 'Sora'. It wouldn't stop. He couldn't take it, he couldn't help it, the voice wouldn't quiet down, it wouldn't leave him alone. Just as it seemed as if the voice would stop, it instead decided to say some other things to tick Sora off.

Sora didn't know what the voice was talking about. 'Who' didn't care about him?

You're not there friend

Was the voice talking about the ponies he met in Ponyville? What did it mean? What was it trying to say?

You lie

Keep secrets from them

You don't belong here

The voice was getting louder, more rapid. Sora refused to believe that. His friends do care about him. They 'are' his friends. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, they do see him as one. Do they? He hasn't told them the truth.

He never told them about who he really is, where he really comes from or anything like that. He didn't even tell Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Applejack or Granny Smith, the ponies that gave him a place to stay anything about it. Wasn't one of the things about friendship honesty, do they truly think of him like that? Is believing that they are his friends nothing more but a lie in his head?




* * *

"Sora!" The pegasus finally woke up, hearing a voice he was all too happy to hear, Twilight's. The keyblade wielder had woken up from what appeared to have been a bad dream as he quickly noticed the unicorn with Spike, who was carrying some supplies with him.

They both had just gotten back from Ponyville, getting everything required. "Are you ok? You were shaking all over the floor just now." Asked Twilight as she was very worried, hoping to get a response.

Sora remembered what was going on. Just yesterday he agreed to let Twilight study the Keyblade for her own reasons. He figured it wouldn't hurt anybody so why not. When he got there, Twilight told him to wait inside the library while she and Spike went out to go get some supplies for the tests she had in plan. The pegasus must have fallen asleep while waiting.

Still, that dream haunted him. He didn't know how he was feeling at the moment. The things he was being told, or dreaming, really started to have an effect on him.

Spike went up to Sora, inspecting his face. "You don't look too good, is something wrong?"

The caramel pegasus didn't know what to say. He wasn't feeling well, and the reaction Twilight and Spike had proved how obvious it was so hiding it wasn't looking easy.

"I'm fine, really … just a bad dream, that was all." Sora shook his head a little before standing up on his four legs, then shaking a little to loosen up his joints. "Should we get started?"

Twilight wasn't sure if they should do the tests today, deciding to try and shut down that thought. "I don't know Sora. Like Spike said, you don't look so good-"

"I'm fine, I swear. It was just a nightmare."

Twilight was getting a bit distressed. Seeing Sora like this, but as long as he was fine, she didn't see why not. Still, something about him denying any other possibilities was what got her senses tingling.

He couldn't be… No! Sora wouldn't lie, right? Twilight then proceeded to start worrying herself with these thoughts. Could Sora possibly be keeping something? Was he hiding some kind of super important secret from her, was he hiding anything at all? Maybe, but this is Sora, what could he possibly be hiding?

The unicorn decided to lose that train of thought and continue the day. "Alright, only if you're sure though."

Spike got all the materials out, though he felt the same as Twilight, Sora just wasn't himself. The baby dragon decided that it was just better to focus on the tests then on Sora's condition, at least for now.

Both Twilight and Spike continued with their tasks, though they quickly stopped after hearing Sora again.

"Twilight, Spike." The pegasus called out, with the two looking back at him. Sora asked them something, a little worried as to what their responses would be. "Do you two... see me as a friend?"

The purple unicorn was confused at his question. "Huh, what are you talking about?" She asked. Spike, again, felt the same.

"I mean, do you two see me as someone you can trust? Someone you like being around? Someone you can talk to? Someone who can be there for you no matter what? Like… a 'true' true friend?"

Spike and Twilight didn't need to think any longer as to what their answers were. "C'mon Sora, of course we do. Why wouldn't we?" Said the baby dragon.

"Spikes right." Twilight continued on as to her reasons. "You've been here for every pony so many times. From helping us with the Heartless, to finding the elements, to Nightmare Moon and so much more. After all that, why wouldn't we consider you a friend?" The unicorn decided to ask her own question, wondering about the reason it was asked. "Why are you asking this? Did we do something that made you think we didn't?"

The keyblade wielder scratched his head with a hoof, pouting a little "What, no. You guys didn't do anything like that. It was just… never mind."

As soon as Sora finished, his smile and attitude came back. The keyblade wielder was back to what appeared to be normal, relieved that the stupid voice in his head was wrong. His face, attitude, mannerisms and thoughts returned to how Sora normally felt.

Twilight grabbed a quill and scroll with her magic in order to take down any answers Sora had for her. "Alright, let's get started. Can you give me the keyblade?"

The keyblade wielder was ready to begin. For this first question, it was an easy response. "I can't."

Twilight was outright confused by his response. "What? Why? C'mon, you promised you would let me study it today."

"No, I mean I 'can't' give it to you." He summoned the weapon out on his hoof in the same way it always popped up, with a bunch of light materializing into the solid object of the keyblade, sticking it out for the unicorn to grab.

Twilight was curious as to where this was going. She asked herself why he wouldn't give it to her then, but now signaling her to grab it? The unicorn reached over to his hoof in order to grab it herself. As soon as she did, holding the weapon with her own hoofs, the keyblade turned into bright dust as it reappeared on Sora's hoof again. "Yeah, it kinda has a mind of its own."

Twilight didn't know how to react to this, "But... that's impossible. Out of all the magic in Equestria, nothing can work like that. Furthermore, how does an inanimate object have a mind of its own, how does this thing work? Is there a spirit in the thing? Does it magically have a concessions…"Twilight kept on mumbling. She didn't understand a single thing about the keyblade or how it was able to do stuff like this. It was a solid object that somehow had a conscience of its own, that decided on who was worthy of wielding it.

Spike and Sora were watching Twilight's tiny freak out, weirding them out a little. The two didn't even think they saw Twilight breathe once during that time. Sora went up to the unicorn and tapped her a little to get her out of it. "Twilight, are you ok?"

Thankfully, it was just what she needed. "Huh, Oh Sorry about that. Don't know what got over me?" She said, a little embarrassed.

"Can you bring out your keyblade again? I want to try out something else." She asked. The pegasus did just what he was asked too, bringing out the weapon out on his hoof once again. This time, Twilight used her magic to try and grab the Keyblade. It was working, for a little while, with the weapon disappearing then reappearing in Sora's hoof once again. The unicorn placed a hoof near her chin, thinking of other ways to study this thing. "Hm, Alright. Magic doesn't work either. Sora, can you tell me some other things about the Keyblade?"

The pegasus was thinking as to what could be helpful, though he had to make sure he didn't let out anything about the other worlds or who he really is. "Well, let me think…" Sora was trying to compile a couple of things he could tell her with Twilight Sparkle grabbing the quill and scroll from before with her magic, ready to take down any more notes that could be helpful. "Let's see, well it's magic powers are harnessed by the wielder's own power. Whenever I shoot a fireball or summon lightning, it's brought out from my own energy."

Twilight was writing all this new information down as quickly as possible. "If I ever use too much of it, then I need to wait for it to recharge over time. I can gain more powers through bonds my heart has made, though I don't really know how. Also for some reason, the keyblade and I have an odd connection."

Twilight was inclined to ask "What kind of odd connection?"

"Well, it's kind of like me and the keyblade share... I don't know how to say it but it's kind of like a feeling of being together."

The unicorn had a good amount of information, "Alright, this is all good. I think I found a way of studying the keyblade without holding it."

"Really, how?"

"If you and the keyblade are connected in a strange way, then by studying you more closely, I can gather Information on the Keyblade!" The unicorn cheered while throwing her hoofs in the air. It was the best conclusion she could come up with. If Sora's own energy powers the thing along with the weapon being connected to Sora, then she could easily study the wielder to gather information on the item.

The pegasus wasn't sure if this idea was going to work. While it is true that the Keyblade and him have a special connection, could studying him work in favor of studying the Keyblade? "I'm not so sure about this Twilight, is that really a good idea?"

"Well it's the only thing I can come up with." She looked at her friend while smiling. If her face could speak it would be screaming 'please' without a hint of subtlety. The unicorn really hoped that Sora would be on board. "So, what do you say?"

He had to think about this. 'Well, I did promise her that I would let her study it for a bit, and what's going to happen if I do let her? Well, it can't be anything too bad. Anything's better than being hit by a bunch of random magic spells.' With that, he made up his mind. "Eh, alright, why not."

"Woo Hoo!" She screamed as she went to go get everything ready.

* * *

A few minutes passed as Sora was sitting down on a short stool, with Twilight holding a hammer with her magic.

Sora didn't know If he would like this very much. "Um, Twilight. What exactly are you going to do with that?" He asked, very worried for his own safety.

The unicorn was looking over at Spike, watching him get everything ready in order to calculate the whole thing. The dragon also wondered just what Twilight was going to do, "Yeah, I don't see why we need a hammer?"

Twilight went over to sort some more things out, "It's nothing to worry about, I'm just going to test Sora's reflexes." She went over to the pegasus with her getting the hammer ready, putting it just a few inches from Sora's knee. He closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to surge through his body.

Instead, it was just a little tap. "Huh, that wasn't what I was expecting." Twilight then pulled back and hit his knees with far more force this time, "AHHHHHH!!!!!"

* * *

Some more time passed as Sora was shaking his leg around, still feeling a little pain. He tried his best to walk it off but it was proving to be harder then he thought.

Twilight had a sad look, feeling guilty of what she did. "I'm so so sorry Sora! I swear, I didn't want to hurt you in any way. I really thought you could handle it! Heck, I saw you take worse hits and shake them off like nothing, I'm sure you can do it here! You're the strongest stallion I know! It can't be too bad, I hope. Again, I'm really sorry…"

Sora stopped shaking his leg, finally getting the pain out of his system. With that he stopped Twilight's rambling. "It's ok, really. I just wasn't expecting it, that was all." That was a little lie on his part.

It honestly hurt a ton, and that was just from a hammer. That hammer swing was towards his knee joint so it wasn't exactly like he was weak or anything. The pegasus decided to ask, "So, what's the next test?" He was hoping it didn't involve his knee.

The unicorn recomposed herself, coughing a tiny bit to try and hide her embarrassment. She picked up her scroll once again as she examined it. "Hm, next I would like to see the keyblade actually using magic. See if there's more to it, ya know."

* * *

Some more time passed as Sora was now wearing a large helmet like object with flashing lights, along with his hoofs being strapped onto another machine that had a screen, showing the pegasi's heart rate. "Um, Twilight I'm not so sure if…"

"Quite down, I need full concentration." Said the unicorn as she put her hoof on Sora's mouth. She checked some more things on her scroll, before handing it to Spike. The unicorn was checking on the machine, making sure all was working well. "Alright, you can start now."

The pegasus summoned his keyblade in his mouth, starting to charge it up as a bright light at the end of the key's teeth glowed. The machine's readings started to go a bit loose, with the lights starting flashing at a rapid speed. Spike was worried about this, "Um Twilight, is this supposed to happen?"

"Don't worry Spike, it's completely fine." The unicorn replied. The machine started to go even crazier with Sora charging up the magic.

"Twilight, I really don't think this is going to end well."

Twilight was starting to get a little bit annoyed with being told about the 'supposed' problem. She may be smart but sometimes her knowing that can lead to problems. "It's alright Spike, nothing bad is going to happen." She replied, this time with a little bit of a growl and her eye twitching.

The machine started to go more and more crazy. Sora still continued to charge up his keyblade, without noticing the lights flashing over and over again, even more rapidly than before. Twilight's face started to grow a large smile, waiting for the results to appear. The machine's lights were flashing more and more along with it shaking around and making faster beeping sounds. Twilight's grin was somehow becoming larger and larger as time went on. The machine continued on flashing, becoming more wild and wild, until-


The machine exploded, causing a small mess inside the library. Sora Twilight and Spike were covered in black dust, along with the room inside having books scattered around, fallen shelf's and other things slightly destroyed. Spike was the first one to speak, "It didn't work-"

"I know it didn't work!!!" Screamed Twilight, while facing the dragon face to face. "Are there ponies around here saying that it worked!? Because if there are, you let me talk to them in order to let them know things didn't work out the way we wanted!!!" Her mane was becoming more messy, her left ear and right eye were twitching, along with her teeth getting more gritty.

Sora felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing how mad his friend was getting at the situation being a bust, from first the durability test and now the magic test, it didn't seem to be working.

"Maybe you're right, today probably isn't a good day to do this…." The pegasus tried to exit out without letting Twilight know that he wasn't feeling up to co with the unicorn losing her mind.

"NOO!!" She stopped Sora, causing him to jump up a little in shock. As soon as Twilight realized that she yelled at him, the unicorn recomposed herself. Her mane was still messy but she was mostly back to her original state of mind. "I'm sorry, what I mean is... look, let's try this one more time." She pondered a little, thinking as to how to fix this problem. "Ah ha, I got it!" She went off and grabbed more materials along with picking up Sora with her magic.

* * *

A little more time had passed and Sora was being strapped to a chair with leather belt buckles. Twilight was the one strapping his body down, with Sora's expression showing how he was feeling uncomfortable. "Twilight, is this really…."

"Yes, it's absolutely necessary." The unicorn finally tied him up pretty good. She used her magic and picked up another giant silver hat with lights, along with a wire attaching it to another machine. Twilight then placed the hat on top of Sora's head, with it also being strapped to the pegasus with another leather belt.

The unicorn flipped a switch on the machine as it, along with the giant hat, started to glow with flashing lights. "Alright, let's see what we're working with." The machine's readings showed Sora's heart rate, brain waves and blood pressure. Twilight was focusing on it all, needing to make sure everything was in order.

"Alright, I'll bite. What's this one supposed to do?" Asked the Pegasus.

The unicorn was quick to answer, "It's supposed to show your body's functions, like how your brain waves are doing or your heart rates speed." Twilight was trying to make sense of them but the readings she was getting didn't make any sense. They were all wobbly and inconsistent. "It's saying here that your heart is moving incredibly fast, now your brain waves are making rabbit shapes... and now your heart rate is going back to normal?"

Spike went up to his purple friend to point out the problem, "Um, Twilight."

He showed her that the machine was missing some parts, being the reason the machine wasn't working well.

A few wires were loose, some lights were broken and a bunch of other stuff they probably couldn't make out. "Do you two know what this means?"

She asked in a cheerful tone to both Spike and Sora but both nodded their heads left and right.

"It means that this darn thing doesn't work at all!" She yelled, as she kicked the machine with her legs out of rage. The unicorn then started to walk around, furiously as she mumbled to herself. "I knew that price was too good, what am I supposed to do now?"

Sora, while still on the chair, tried to call the unicorn. "Um, Twilight."

"I can't remake it, I don't have the right parts and I no longer have any bits at the moment. Maybe I can try another form of testing to find how the keyblade works."

"Twilight." The pegasus tried again.

"But what can I do in order to get any actual helpful results. I can try maybe… a coconut and an apple! They can help out… Oh what am I saying?"

"TWILIGHT!!" Sora yelled as loud as he could, along with finally being able to get out of the chair himself. His scream actually managed to get Twilight's attention, even Spikes though not for the right reasons. His yell actually managed to scare the two of them.

They never heard him actually mad like that before, not even once. Sora realized what he had done, and immediately tried to explain himself. "I'm sorry, it's just… I'm a little uncomfortable with these tests and seeing you so angry." He moved up closer to the two in order to continue. "I don't want to be the reason you're getting frustrated. What kind of friend would I be if I was?"

Twilight took a few deep breaths in and out. She had been acting up today and she ended up worrying her friend because of it. The unicorn thought hard and came to the rightful conclusion. "You're right, today I have been acting up. You can go."

That last part is what surprised Sora. "Huh, what do you mean by that?"

"I know the way I treated you today with all the tests was wrong. I don't want to keep you here just to treat you any worse then I already have. Besides, me and Spike have some cleaning to do around here." She pointed to the mess that was made today.

The keyblade wielder figured it was for the best. There was no reason to keep on making this day any worse. With that, Sora made his way to the door as he opened it, exiting out of the library along with saying goodbye to his friends.

* * *

A couple of hours had passed since Sora left. Twilight was sweeping the floor with Spike, picking up any remains from the experiments. The unicorn was slouching a little, looking very unpleasantly. Spike, being the good assistant he was, talked to her about it. "Twilight, what's the matter? You look a little down."

The unicorn stopped sweeping as she directed her attention towards Spike, letting out a 'sigh'.

"I'm sorry Spike, I'm just not feeling like myself at the moment." She quickly went back to cleaning up the mess. "I was just so excited about today, studying the Keyblade, finding out it's secrets, but in the end I got little to no new information. Not to mention I treated one of my friends like a lab rat."

As soon as she mentioned that, a small piece of cheese hit her head. Twilight looked down and saw a rat, who gave her a disapproving look before it went out the front door of the library.

Spike didn't exactly know how Twilight was feeling as he has no experience with being disappointed in such a way. Still, it didn't mean he couldn't comfort her, "Don't feel bad, Sora still likes having you for a friend."

The dragon then went back to sweeping, until he got an idea. "Hey, why don't you just ask Princess Celestia about the Keyblade! She seemed to know somewhat about them when she and Sora were talking during the Summer Sun Celebration."

This immediately reignited the spark in Twilight from before, as she went back to being giddy. The unicorn grabbed Spike and hugged him tightly, "Spike, you're a genius!" She then went over to write a letter for her teacher, grabbing a quilt and a scroll to write on.

As soon as she finished it, Twilight gave it to Spike. "Here, now send it." The baby dragon blew out some fire right in the scroll, as it disappeared. The two then waited for a little while. They waited for

Before any of them could say anything, another letter appeared with Spike burping it out, grabbing it midair. "Wow, that was fast." He commented while he opened it up, reading the contents of the letter.

"What does it say?"

The baby dragon read out loud everything from the note to Twilight, "It says 'Dear Twilight Sparkle, I apologize but I do not know any more than you do about this mysterious item." We all know this was a lie, except for Twilight and Spike of course. " all I can say is that it's relationship with the heart is much stronger than it appears'. What do you think she means by that?"

The unicorn was stumped once again. Any possible new information she could have received is now gone out the window. Twilight sighed again, "Ugh, we're back at square one." The unicorn whined. She truly didn't have a single way to figure out the Keyblades secrets now. She didn't have Sora, Celestia or the keyblade itself. Why keep fighting it, unless… "Wait a minute, I got it!" She cheered, getting a new idea.

"What, what is it?" Asked Spike before Twilight ran past him. She ran out the door, going off to go get some of her closest friends.

* * *

Back inside the Golden Oak Library, now much more clean then before, Twilight and Spike were sitting on the ground, being accompanied by the other elements of harmony. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, who was fiddling with a cupcake.

"Ah'm not one ta make a fuss over nothin' but why did ya call us here Twilight?" Questioned Applejack. She was supposed to be bucking apples at the moment so this had to be important

"I agree darling, and where is Sora? Shouldn't he be here if the matter requires all of us?" Asked Rarity.

Twilight was ready to answer that question. "The reason I brought you here Is because 'the matter' is Sora." The unicorn brought over some of the notes she took when she and Spike were studying the pegasus, lifting a bunch of papers and placing them down with her magic. "It's about his keyblade."

Rainbow Dash was quick to take the notes from the unicorn to check them out. "You mean that giant key thing he uses like a sword. What about it?"
Twilight took the notes back with her magic from the pegasus, who pouted because of it.

"Rainbow Dash, that 'Giant key' is more than just a sword. It has a mind of it's own that decides who can wield it. If it doesn't think you're worthy then it just disappears like dust right back into Sora's hoofs."

The unicorn gave the notes to Spike, who gave the notes to the other mares. "I tried studying it but since I couldn't even hold it, I had to study Sora instead, but the tests…. Well, they didn't go as planned so I couldn't figure out anything I didn't already know."

The orange mare's question had still yet to be answered. "That's dandy and all but why exactly do y'ah need us?"

Twilight was ready to answer. "I need you all to study Sora behind his back."

The elements were all a little shocked. Twilight wanted them to study Sora, a close friend, behind his back. That sounded wrong to them. It would be like if someone close to you would suddenly be cautious that you were up to something that wasn't good, as if you weren't the good person they saw you as.

Fluttershy was quick to bring attention to the scenario, "You want us to spy on him?" Pinkie Pie ate the cupcake that she had before then adding to the conversation.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like something a friend would do." The pink mare was then imagining the different outcomes. "What if he found out? He could stop being our friend, or worse? We could hurt his feelings really badly, or we could make him or we could-!"

"Pinkie, that's all if." responded Twilight. "I know it's a little risky but I'm all out of options." She was also developing another reason in her head, that maybe Sora could purposely be lying to them, especially after he didn't elaborate any further to his bad dream. Her trust in the pegasus was wavy at the moment.

Spike didn't like the idea. He felt the same way the others felt about it, not wanting to go through with it.

"C'mon Twilight. Can't we put this on hold? I'm sure there's nothing to it. We can figure things out some other time if you're really that curious."

Twilight quickly dismissed that thought, "Spike, the keyblade isn't something I can put on hold. We are dealing with magic not even recorded in any of Equestria's history. Magic that we've only seen one pony use."

The unicorn then looked over to her friends. "I mean, aren't you girls a little suspicious that Sora hasn't really told us anything about himself. We don't know where he comes from, if he has any family or even when he was born."

Applejack was the first to respond. "Well shoot, when y'ah put it like that."

"It is a little weird he never told us about stuff like that. I don't even know his birthday, How am I supposed to throw a party for him now?" Pinkie Pie continued.

"Not what ah' was thinkn' off, Maybe ah' can ask him about it. Hopefully he won't be touchy on the subject."

The girls were convinced that Sora was indeed keeping something from them. The thing they wanted to know the most was 'why' more so instead of what? Twilight proceeded with the discussion. "Do you girls have any plans scheduled with him?"

The others in fact did, "Yeah, him an' me are going to be harvesting apples over at the farm." Said Applejack.

Fluttershy was next, "I invited him to help me out with a few things."

With Rainbow Dash, "I planned a flying session for us this afternoon."

With Rarity, "Him and I are going to go over my new line inspired by his clothing."

Finally, Pinkie Pie, "And he's going to help me over at the bakery to make some new pastries." The mare found bit kind of odd that they all had something to do with him the day they needed to. "Huh, how convenient."

Twilight was reviewing the scenarios the girls presented. "Alright, I can work with this. I have assignments for all of you."

Rainbow Dash was quick to wonder. "Well, what are they?"

"I'll tell you when they are ready. Me and Spike will be near in order to document any new discoveries." As soon as Twilight finished, the girls all agreed on the plan to find anything out about Sora.

* * *

Over at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was behind the barn along with Twilight and Spike accompanying her. "Now could y'ah tell me what ah'm supposed to do?"

The unicorn brought out some of her supplies along with Spike reading through a few things. "I was getting to that. Applejack, I need you to check on Sora's stamina." Twilight then picked up all the things, making sure everything was there and accounted for. "Get him to work as much as you can and see how long he goes before getting tired." Finally she ran off along with Spike to go hide in a bush.

Applejack walked over to Sora and Apple Bloom. She hopefully didn't have to explain why Twilight invited her to the two of them though as lying isn't the strong suit of the element of honesty.

The filly appeared to have been asking Sora questions throughout the entire time she was gone. "Wow, Ah never knew you were so good with a sword." Apple Bloom admired the pegasus who had a playful grin.

"Yeah, I would always kick my best friend's butt whenever he and I played with wooden ones." Sora was obviously talking about Riku, as to him 'kicking his butt'.

"Uh huh, Sure." Apple Bloom didn't believe Sora by how he said it. "Hey, maybe ah' can get my cutie mark in swordsmanship? Do y'ah think ah' could borrow your key-thingy so ah' can-

"Sorry but no. My key-thingy isn't a toy." 'What's with girls today and wanting my keyblade?' Sora thought.

"Please!! Ah' promise ta be really careful with it."

"No Apple Bloom." The pegasus said playfully. "My keyblade is a weapon, and fillies shouldn't be allowed weapons, let alone super crazy powerful magic weapons."

"Yer startin' ta sound alot like Applejack."

Just as she mentioned her older sister, the two finally noticed Applejack coming their way. Apple Bloom was the first to run over to the cow girl.

"Heya Applejack, glad to see y'ah back." The orange mare smiled as she hugged her little sister.

"What did Twilight need you for? We were waiting all morning for you to get back." Sora asked.

Applejack knew she couldn't tell him about what they were doing, otherwise that would complicate the whole operation. "Oh, Uh? We were just talking about some….. Uh…. Apple pie recipes! Yep, that's what it was."

The pegasus had a look of confusion on his face, though it quickly faded as he stopped thinking about it. Nothing for him to worry about.

Applejack went over to the apple trees, motioning the other two to follow. "C'mon y'all. The trees ain't gonna harvest themselves." Sora and Apple Bloom went over with the orange mare.

Some time has passed and Sora Applejack, Apple Bloom along with Big Mac have been working outside for quite some time.

Twilight and Spike had been hidden in the bushes the entire time, bored since nothing had really happened. The pegasus was still up and ready. Bucking apples wasn't testing him in any way. The orange mare was thinking to herself of just what to do. She had few ideas, none of them useful.

The pegasus had bucked another apple tree. This one was one of the taller ones, and by a large margin. It was covered with apples all over and with just one mighty strike, he managed to get all the apples down and into the wooden bucket effortlessly.

Apple Bloom was beyond impressed, "Wow, that was amazin' Sora!" She cheered for the pegasus.

"Really, you think so?" He responded.

"Ah know so." She continued as to why she thought so, along with jumping up and down. "Yah managed ta' knock down all them apples with one hit!"

Sora turned his head a little to the left while scratching it with his hoof. "Oh C'mon, it was nothing special."

"It was incredibly special! Why, ah think no pony here could even come close to doin' it."

A red stallion was unintentionally listening in to the conversation. Big Mac was getting a tiny bit annoyed at the conversation. He didn't know why but it had something to do with what Apple Bloom was saying. The next thing the filly said though was what struck a chord in him. "Yer probably the strongest pony in all Equestria!"

That one sentence shattered Big Mac's pride. His sister who knew him for years thought that Sora was the best pony, the strongest one in Equestria, even though she only knew the pegasus for around a few weeks. Apple Bloom probably wasn't wrong though, he was told about who Sora is. A keyblade wielder, a hero of light who saves ponies all over from the darkness. Big Mac thought he couldn't really compare to someone like that. He didn't feel angry at Sora or Apple Bloom, more so disappointed in himself.

Applejack noticed the stallions facial expression, "Ah shoot Big Macintosh, why ya' looking so bent up?" The orange mare then looked over to Sora and Apple Bloom. The two were talking, laughing and having a jolly time.

As soon as she saw, Applejack knew what was bothering her brother. "Oh, Ah' see now. Yer jealous of Apple Bloom admirin' Sora, aren't ya."

Big Mac grumbled a little before replying with, "Nope." He was obviously lying with his tone of voice.

"Now don't fiddle around like that. Just because Sora did somethin' mighty impressive, don't make ya any less of a pony yah hear?" Big Mac grumbled again, not believing that statement for a second.

The orange mare thought of a great way to use this opportunity. "If ya don't believe me, why not challenge him to a little competition? See how fast either of y'all can harvest them apple trees."

The stallion thought about it, maybe? There was nothing wrong with a competition, one that can even move along the work around here. Big Mac decided he would do so, and just like that, he went over to the pegasus. "Hey, Sora." The stallion called over.

"Huh, oh hey Big Mac. What's up?" Sora asked as he and Apple Bloom stopped.

"I was wonderin' if ya wanted to have a race through the orchid? See which one of us can harvest the most apples."

Sora thought about it, and yeah that sounded like a fun idea. It reminded him of the races he had with Riku back at Destiny Island's. "Sure, I don't see why not. Though what about Applejack? I don't think she's going to enjoy us goofing off."

"Ah' actually like the idea." The cow girl entered the conversation. "Nothin' wrong with addin' a little fun 'into work. You two have at it."

"Really, thanks. Though, who's going to be the referee?"

Apple Bloom jumped up and down in front of the older ponies, waving her hoof up in the air. "Ooh, ooh! Can ah' be the refra-refirord- whatcha-macolet! Please!"

The filly's older sister decided to let her do just that. "Sure thing, sugar cube." Applejack went over to a spacious enough area and drew a line in the dirt with her hoof that both stallions went behind.

Apple Bloom was standing right in front of both Big Mac and Sora. Both had their eyes steady, legs spread and body's narrow. "Alrighty then, on the count of three!" Screamed the filly as Applejack was watching from afar. "1…..2……… 3!!!!" She waved her hoof in air as the two then sprinted off at an extreme speed. While the two ran off, Apple Bloom went over to Applejack so she could watch with the two.

Sora was quick and nimble, bucking the trees and passing the apples around into the buckets. The pegasus was putting his agility to use, as soon as he filled one bucket, he managed to grab another one and buck another tree repeating the process.

Big Mac was doing well, but was falling a little behind. The pegasus was using his energy better, more strength for the trees while using less on pushing the buckets. Big Mac on the other hand was using a bit too much strength in some areas.

Apple Bloom and Applejack were cheering for the two as much as they could, "Keep going Sora, yer doin' great!" Apple Bloom yelled.

Applejack was trying her best to keep her brothers high spirits up. "Hurry up Big Macintosh! Yer fallin' behind!"

The red stallion kept on trying and trying, putting every ounce of effort he could into this race. Big Mac managed to catch up, thanks to Sora getting a bit tired. The race was still going as the two stallions were doing an incredible job at bucking the apple trees.

In just a few minutes they had managed to buck a good amount of trees. Both were getting more and more exhausted as time went on, and only a few tree's remained. Sora was still going though more out of breath then when he was starting. Still the pegasus wasn't letting up. After all he did spend most of his time running back on the island's so him being able to go for so long was no wonder.

Big Mac was almost completely out of breath. He was tired and felt like giving up. Though he didn't, he wouldn't let himself give up. As soon as he felt like he was, he stopped himself and kept on going. He kept bucking trees, filling buckets with apple's and repeating the process.

The two stallions kept on going, as Big Mac finally passed Sora. He was actually beating him, winning. It wasn't because he was strong then the pegasus, Big Mac simply had more motivation. One tree was left, and Big Mac reached it.

With that, the two stallions fell on the ground together, managing to harvest practically every tree in the farm. The two mares went up to help lift the boy's up from the cold hard ground. Apple Bloom helped up Big Mac by picking up his upper body with her head. "Wow, ya' really put yer all into that race." She exclaimed.

Her brother's response was one he commonly used, "Ey-up." Though this one came from a tired throat.

Applejack laughed a little as to how serious her brother took this little competition. The orange mare figured that telling her sister why he took it so seriously was for the best, "Hahaha, Ta believe, the reason ya' worked so darn hard today was just cause' ya were jealous of Sora."

The filly was surprised to hear that. She looked down at her brother. "That's the reason you an' Sora did all this?" Big Mac realized that the cat was out of the bag. The red stallion nodded his head up and down as his response. Apple Bloom gave her brother a stern look, one of disappointment. "Now why would y'ah think that?"

The stallion picked himself up, as he looked below in order to see his sister, face to face. "Ah heard everything you said. How you thought he was the strongest pony y'all ever met. I guess I thought I was nothin' compared to him." The filly looked down for a little while as she listened to her brother. Big Mac was thinking all that just because she admired Sora a teensy bit? "I thought even more so that it was true when my little sister thought the same thing."

Apple Bloom was quick to stop her brother from thinking that was the case any longer. "Well stop thinkin' that. Yer my big brother, no matter what." She went over to hug his leg, thanks to the filly being relatively short compared to the others. "Ah might think Sora is amazin', but Ah'll never replace you with him, Big Mac." The big red stallion was at an awe, his sister was hugging him, telling him just how important he really is to her. It was all he could ever want at the moment.

Applejack was watching the whole thing unfold. She knew deep inside that Apple Bloom does care about her brother. Big Mac and the filly were still hugging things out as time went on.

Applejack picked Sora back on his legs as he brushed himself off. "Glad to see Big Mac in a good mood." The pegasus coomented while the cowgirl brushed his mane.

"Don't take it personally. Macintosh still likes ya'."

Sora grew a warm smile while looking at the two Apples hugging. "You three are lucky to have each other, I always wanted siblings when I was younger."

"Only child, huh." Applejack coomented. "Say, y'ah wouldn't happen' to have any family elsewhere would y'ah? Maw or paw wait'n for y'ah ta get back home?"

The keyblade wielder was hoping the subject wouldn't get back to him. Yeah, he did have mom waiting back at the island for him. He still remembers when she called him for dinner, it's probably gone bad now. His mind drifted to other people, he had no idea how many times he thought about his old friend's.

He couldn't deny it to himself that he was feeling homesick. He missed the sunny days, the sand on the beach next to the waves. He missed sword fights with Riku. Spending time with Kairi, hearing Donald yell at him or seeing Goofy act… goofy. Heck, he would give anything for some sea salt ice cream with the gang back at Twilight Town.

"Sora, y'ah still in there?" The pegasus was taken back to reality by Applejack calling his name.

"Huh, oh sorry. Guess I got some weird thoughts popping back up."

"Oh, was it cause' ah mentioned…?"

"No, well maybe a little." He interrupted. "I guess I'm just getting a little homesick. I'll get better, don't worry."

The cow girl let him be as Sora went over to celebrate Big Mac winning, leaving Applejack alone again.

She looked left and right, trying to find Twilight. Her search came to a quick end as Twilight and Spike teleported right in front of her. "Great job, Applejack! I would have never thought of something like that!" Said the unicorn.

The orange mare was scratching the back of her head, "Well shoot, thanks Twilight."

The unicorn was smiling as happy as she could, but Spike wasn't. He still felt terrible about what they were doing. If Sora wasn't telling them something, it had to have been for a good reason, at least that's what Spike believes.

Twilight then asked what the orange mare's results. "So, what did you discover? How long did he last?" This was what got Applejack in a twist.

"Uhh…. What do y'ah mean…. Exactly?" The mare was trying to act as If she didn't know, even though she really did.

"I mean what did you find out about his stamina. You know, like I asked you too."

Applejack's face had a desperate smile on her face along with her eyes moving left and right, sweating a little bit too. "Well ya see, ah' kinda… forgot about that part."


The orange mare heard that sound as she looked at Twilight's smile. The unicorn's face turned into that of a crazy ponies. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FORGOT!?" Yelled Twilight at the cow pony.

Applejack quickly shoved a hoof in Twilight's mouth. Thankfully Sora and the others didn't hear them.

The orange mare herself was a little embarrassed that she forgot such an important deatil. Though you couldn't really blame her, the competition between Big Mac and Sora was pretty intense.
"I'm sorry sugarcube. I just got a little distracted, that's all."

The unicorn recomposed herself, able to think straight once again. "No no, it's ok. It was my fault too for not staying closer to the action."

Twilight decided to go over to the next pony, not wanting Sora to catch on to them. "I'm gonna go over to Rainbow Dash. Spike, I want you to accompany Sora, see if you can find anything else, alright?"

The baby dragon was a little hesitant to do this, "Well… I don't know Twi-"

"Great, meet you there."

The unicorn interrupted as she glowed purple, finally teleporting out of the farm. Spike was left alone with Applejack and his assignment of tagging along with Sora.

Speaking of which, the pegasus noticed Spike and decided to make his way over. They tend to do that alot when convenient for the writer.

"Hey Spike." Sora greeted. "Glad to see you again. What are you doing here though? Shouldn't you be with Twilight."

"Um actually…" The baby dragon was about to try and come up with a lie but Applejack interrupted.

"Spike wanted ta' spend some time with y'ah. Ah' said he could do just that after y'ah finished workin' at the farm."

That excuse seemed to have worked for the pegasus. "Well seeing as I finished my work two minutes ago, sure thing. I just have to go clean myself up, I'll be back."

As soon as Sora went inside the house, Spike thanked Applejack. "Thank you so much. I thought I was going to mess it up for sure."

"Don't thank' me Spike." She replied as she ruffled his hair a little. "Really, please don't. It felt all weird an' wrong havin' ta' make up a lie. Ah'm surprised ah' made a good one at that."

* * *

In the middle of a grassy field, under the sky filled with clouds, a pegasus and a unicorn were having a conversation. "So, what do you want me to do again?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight shook her head in annoyance. "Ugh, Alright, I'll explain one more time. Your main objective is to test his flying skills." The unicorn then dashed forward, face to face with the pegasus while having a serious look. Rainbow Dash flinched a little, surprised by this. "And don't mess up, got it?" Twilight said with a strict tone.

The rainbow pegasus gulped a little, being a tiny bit scared. "Yeah, yeah. I won't, don't worry." The unicorn stood back, no longer interrogating the pegasus. Twilight teleported away to a place close to the action in order to check on the progress while Rainbow was awaiting her other pegasus friend to arrive.

Her wait wasn't long as Sora, along with Spike on his back, had arrived at just the perfect time. "Hey Rainbow Dash." Greeted the caramel pegasus.

"Well it's about time. I was thinking you forget all about today." The rainbow mare took notice of the baby dragon on Sora's back. "Huh, why is Spike with you?"

The other pegasus began to explain himself. "Oh, Spike wanted to tag along. Hope that's ok with you."

"Pfft, of course it is. The more the merrier, right." Rainbow Dash turned around, ushering the other two to follow. The three continued on walking forward, until they stopped as Sora and Spike became amazed as to what they saw. "You see this contraption I made."

The pegasus and baby dragon were shocked by it. They saw clouds all over the place, along with pathways leading to trees and other things such as rock formations. The trail lade out also had other things such as many obstacles, including thundery clouds, tree's with different sizes and a bunch of snow clouds as well.

"When did you find time to make all this?" Asked the baby dragon.

"Please, I'm the fastest pegasus in Equestria. Getting it set up was so easy I had time to take a nap and talk with Twi-" Rainbow Dash stopped herself before she could let out any details she didn't want Sora to know about. "-lights pet owl that she definitely has! Ha-ha?" A somewhat close save. Sora's confusion returned but just like before, he didn't seem to linger about it for too long. He didn't even know Twilight had an owl, Probably because she didn't.

Still, Rainbow Dash decided to move things along. "Anyways, I made this obstacle course in order to see how well you can do. It's quite simple really." the rainbow mare took to the sky in order to help illustrate how it would go. "We start right here in this line I drew-" she pointed to it before moving higher, "-then we will fly past that pile of thunder clouds, which will lead us all the way to that area filled with tree's as we then fly circles on top of that mountain, which leads us to the ice clouds we have to maneuver through and finally, we circle back here we're we cross that line right next to the one we started at." She then landed down once again before checking on her friend. "Any questions?"

"What part of that was simple?" Asked Sora.

"C'mon, it's not too hard." Rainbow Dash said. The two pegasi got prepared. Both stood next to each other as Spike went in front of the line Sora and Rainbow Dash were behind.

The baby dragon cleared his throat before beginning. "Alright, I want a good clean race. I don't want to see any cheating. Not that I would be able to see what you're doing…. Or where you two are flying through…. Look, just don't cheat. I really don't have a way of keeping track, just make it easy for me and don't……"

"One two three GO!!" Yelled the Rainbow mare as she quickly dashed off into the sky while maneuvering


(Dare - Transformers the movie)

Sora was knocked back a little bit by wind, along with Spike. The pegasus grumbled a little, wondering just how he was supposed to go and catch up to the rainbow mare. He then remembered that he couldn't fly, but maybe he could fall with style by using an old trick he learned. Twilight from afar, was wondering why Sora wasn't flying with Rainbow Dash, then she was reminded that he doesn't know how to fly, not being familiar with his wings.

She was quickly surprised when she saw the carmel pegasus shoot into the air, he was glowing blue while he jumped from cloud to cloud in order to get higher and higher. Sora then in mid air, let out his wings as he flew through the skies. Well, not necessarily flying per say, but more so gliding. The unicorn knew she had to at least try and document something, fearing what happened with Applejack could happen here, using a teleportation spell in order to get close to some of the action.

Rainbow Dash started to take a nice little flight, while looking back. Sora wasn't even close to her, she was wondering if she possibly left him behind. As soon as she slowed down a little, the pegasus shot past right in front of him. "Hey! Nice moves, Spikey!"

Sora felt a little nice after hearing that complement. "Wow, Thanks Rainbow Da-"

"For a rookie!" Rainbow Dash then proceeded to fly faster as she passed Sora. The rainbow pegasus was getting close to the large amount of clouds but she wasn't able to react to it fast enough and crashed into it, though being a pegasus, she could shake it off just fine. Something felt off though as the cloud was harder, along with the feeling of breathing. Rainbow Dash then pulled something, or rather some pony from the cloud. A familiar purple unicorn. "Twilight!? What are you doing here?" Twilight seemed to be a little dizzy, thanks to Rainbow Dash ramming into her.

Sora managed to catch and even pass the rainbow mare. Rainbow Dash decided to get back into the game, no longer wasting any time. She dashed faster and faster, getting more speed as she was finally able to get closer to Sora, until she herself passed him once again. She knew that the Keyblade wielder would lose some clouds, so his jumping would come to an end. Both managed to get close to the thunder clouds, Sora knew he couldn't glide under these so he decided to jump on top of the clouds, managing to avoid the lightning from below.

Rainbow Dash didn't think of that so she ended up having to dodge the lightning from below the clouds. She dodged every single thunderbolt, passing through the entire pile of them. Both Sora and Rainbow Dash continued on over, both starting to reach the tree's.

Twilight finally managed to get back on track with her head no longer spinning around. She quickly looked over to her far left, seeing the two pegasi getting closer to the trees. "Oh no no-no-no-no-no-no!" The unicorn teleported over to the trees, needing to catch up and get her own research.

Sora and Rainbow Dash continued racing on. She was able the tilt left and right in order to dodge any trees in front of her. Sora instead used his keyblade and flowmotion in order to latch on to their body's and spin around, until he let go and moved on to another tree, continuing the process until both him and the rainbow mare finally made it out.

Rainbow Dash was still far ahead, until she heard a Pop! sound right in front of her. She ended up crashing into Twilight once again as the unicorn came out right in front of her.

Both of them rolled on the floor, stopping Rainbow Dash and leaving Twilight dizzy once again. "Oh C'mon!!" Whined the pegasus.

She looked back and saw Sora was getting closer. Quickly, she looked around and found a bush which she rushed too, tossing Twilight inside.

Before the caramel pegasus could catch up, Rainbow Dash managed to get back to flying before he could. Both of them were now getting close to the mountain. Sora had no way of using flowmotion here, so he had to resort to gliding with his wings as well as he could and good old fashioned running. Rainbow Dash was still ahead of him, with her passing through the mountain very easily. Sora on the other hand, was struggling. He managed to get a few feet forward until he fell down, not knowing how to keep himself in the air. The pegasus looked from afar as he saw Rainbow Dash getting farther away from him, so he decided to keep on running, seeing that trying to get off the ground again would be nothing but a waste of time.

Rainbow Dash managed to pass the mountain but Sora was falling back. She decided to perform a few somersaults in the air in order to show off, but came crashing into Twilight once again as she teleported in. The unicorn was going to fall from the sky, but Rainbow Dash managed to catch her and place her down nice and easy. She was mad that Twilight ended up crashing into her again thanks to her teleporting where she shouldn't.

Still she had to hide her again, since if she didn't, Sora would start to get 'too' curious. Rainbow Dash quickly threw Twilight's dizzy body over to a tree, hopefully not harming the unicorn as she went on, continuing the race.

Sora was able to catch up somewhat, noticing the snowy clouds on top of him. He knew he could use these, just like the thunder ones before. So he activated flowmotion to jump up to them, getting a good amount of momentum, rushing to more and more clouds. He finally got high enough to where he let out his wings to glide down, though it was very difficult as he wasn't able to stay very steady, moving too far to the left or right. The Pegasus was close to the end, seeing Spike over at the finish line, deciding to pick up his pace.

Rainbow Dash was coming from the far back, flapping her wings as fast as she could in order to catch up. Sora was getting close to the end, he kept going on only to fall back to the the grassy ground. No longer having any more room to glide, He began running faster and faster, along with Rainbow Dash flying over, trying her best to pass Sora. Both were getting closer to that finishing line, until….

Both finally crossed it. Rainbow Dash gained enough speed to catch up to the line at around the same time Sora did, where he had to run as fast as he could, sticking his hoof out in order to reach it in time. The two pegasI slid across the grass, stopping right in their tracks.

(Stop song)

The rainbow mare quickly got up and shook like a dog, dusting the dirt off herself. She was up, nice and ready.

Before rushing over to a tired, out of breath Sora, she grew a large and giddy smile. "That, was, THE MOST AWESOME RACE I'VE EVER HAD!!!" Screamed Rainbow Dash in excitement. The rainbow pegasus had a blast flying left and right over and under all those obstacles. The thrill, the rush and the wind in her mane all helped make an amazing experience for Rainbow Dash.

Sora on the other hand was tired beyond belief, running for so long left and right was exhausting. "Still, you can do better. In the race, you barely used your wings to fly. I know you can't use them as well as me, but you still need to at least try. Otherwise, you won't get any better."

The pegasus managed to breathe easy again. Still, he felt a little worn out. "So, any other suggestions for the whole flying thing?" He asked.

Rainbow Dash didn't have anything to really add at the moment. "Nah, at least not right now. The best I can tell you is to keep on trying. Practice makes perfect after all." She put on a nice smile while she raised a hoof, waiting for Sora. He was a little confused, not knowing what she wanted. "C'mon, don't leave me hanging."

Sora quickly remembered what she was talking about, a fist bump, or rather in this case a hoof bump. He still remembers how he learned it, Baymax taught it to him back at Sanfransokyo after defeating the heartless. It's supposed to be a way of celebrating after doing something, he guessed. Sora raised his hoof and did just what he needed to while the both of them made an explosion sound.

"Booooooom!!" Yelled Rainbow Dash

"Ba-la-la-la-la!" Said Sora, confusing the mare a bit.

"What was that?"

"We fist- hoof bumped, isn't that what you wanted to do?"

"Well yeah, but what was that weird sound you made?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Someone I met before showed me, he did it the exact same way. Was it wrong or…?"

"No. I mean, it's a… perfectly fine way to do a hoof bump." Rainbow Dash and Sora heard the sound of footsteps. They both turned around and saw Spike coming up towards them.

The baby dragon cheered for both of them. "Wow, you two were so awesome up there! Who won?" He asked, not realizing he was supposed to be the one to check on that.

Both didn't want to tell him that though, so they both decided to call it a tie. "Eh, we couldn't tell. How about a tie?" Suggested Sora.

"What? Oh please, It's pretty obvious I won." Rainbow bragged. "You did a good job and all, but still no match for my flying."

Sora was a tiny bit ticked off at her statement, though at least she gave him a little credit.

While he looked at the sun far off in the sky, he remembered something else he was supposed to do. "Oh, I'm supposed to go help Rarity with her clothing line! Sorry, gotta go Rainbow!" Sora waved goodbye while picking up Spike and placing him on his back.

The baby dragon stuttered as he heard just who Sora mentioned. "Wait! R-Rarity?!" Sora didn't hear Spike though as he was to busy rushing off.

When Rainbow Dash was left alone, she turned around to go back home until Twilight needed her, which sparked a thought for the pegasus; Twilight was still stuck in the tree.

Rainbow Dash was quicy about to fly back though she never left the ground as she was immediately stopped by a purple unicorn popping in front of her.

Speaking of the devil, Twilight appeared right in front of her incredibly enraged from the look on her face, emitting an incredibly frightening aura. She was covered with bruises up and down, along with having a bunch of twigs, branches and leaves in her mane.

"Oh, heeeeeeeey Twilight. How are you?" Rainbow Dash was incredibly, actually no word could express just how scared she was. "Do the bruises hur-"

"I don't want to talk about it." She expressed her thoughts in a very threatening tone. Rainbow Dash didn't know how to carry the conversation on any further. She tried to ask about what was next for Sora but she was quickly shut down by the unicorn asking, "Did you discover anything new?" The rainbow mare only replied by shaking her head left and right, which was a clear sign of a no.

Twilight then somehow brought a large tree and planted it right in front of her with her magic. She then went over to the tree and repeatedly slammed her head into it, over and over again.




Rainbow Dash flinched and closed her eyes a tiny bit for every single hit the unicorn did to herself. Twilight finished her little episode. She didn't say anything else to Rainbow Dash until she teleported away.