• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,166 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

  • ...

Applejack's Applebuck season....?

Applejacks Apple Buck Season…?

It was day time here in Sweet Apple Acres. Sora, Applejack and Big Mac were looking at the grand landscape filled with apple trees which had, well, apples. Sora stood there enjoying the view, along with the other two ponies. "Look at it". Sora said as he let out a little whistle.

"Ya said it, sugarcube" said Applejack, she stretched a little before finally standing straight again. "I sure got my work hand out for me. This has to be the biggest batch of apples I ever have seen."

Big Mac quickly shut down the idea. "Eyup. Too big for you to harvest on your own." Sora was shocked that the big red stallion actually said a sentence. He usually said no more words than just 'Eyup' or 'Nope'.

He quickly pushed that thought to the side as of now. Sora agreed with Big Mac though, "He's right you know. Doing something this big all alone isn't exactly a good idea." Applejack didn't agree to what the other two thought about her decision.

"C'mon y'all. With Big Mac's broken leg, there's no way he can help." She said while pointing her hoof at Big Mac's front leg which was in a blue cast. Sora wondered how he didn't notice that at first but then thought as to why he couldn't help out.

"Why not me. I'm free all day, you and I could probably get it done in no time." He said with his big grin. Applejack still didn't want to accept that offer though.

The orange mare replied, "Nah, you already work too much here. Let me do it, I can handle it. Unless you think I can't for some reason." She said, starting to think that could very well be a possibility.

Big Mac confirmed that thought. "We think you're biting off more than you can chew." Applejack was starting to get frustrated that her big brother didn't think she could get the job done.

She went up to the big stallion to give her a piece of her mind. "This is your sister, I can handle any job yah hear. No matter how big the orchids are this year, I'll harvest them all before dawn." She then went up to a tree to go buck it and harvest the apples in some wooden buckets.

The red stallion started to leave while advising Sora to do the same. "C'mon Sora. Yah got a delivery to make at Ponyville." The caramel pegasus followed him while speaking in a low tone, as far as Applejack could hear him at least.

"Alright, but why don't you talk a lot. I feel like you……." His voice finally faded away as Applejack went back to her job.

Sometime has passed as Applejack has harvested a few trees already. She stopped to swipe some sweat off her head with her hoof. "Goody, I already harvested 32 tree's and it's only been 15 minutes." She then went back to harvesting the apple trees

At Ponyville, the residents have been doing their daily routines. Sora was pulling a waggon of apples for an order some pony made. He left it in front of a bakery while a blue mare with a dark pink mane and tail came out to take the apples inside. Sora took the waggon off and sat down for a little while. He soon felt something, the ground was shaking. In the air, Rainbow Dash looked far away and saw a bunch of dust fly everywhere, it was a bunch of cow's running in a herd and they were coming straight to Ponyville. She quickly yelled "STAMPEDE!!!"

Every pony in Ponyville was running around like crazy. Some were closing their windows, taking their welcome matt's inside and what not. Pinkie Pie was just bumping up and down while talking. Her voice was shaky though, "He-ey. M-y vo-ice sou-nds re-ally fu-nn-y." She kept shaking up and down until Sora quickly came in and grabbed her to the side. Twilight along with Rarity were in the panic as well.

Mayor Mare tried to calm down the residents, "Calm down every pony. There is no need to panic." Sora went up to the mayor.

He then asked, "But what are we supposed to do about the cow's?" Sora, along with other ponies looked over to the cow stampede and saw something, it was Applejack along with a dog, running with the cow's.

The orange mare screamed "Yeehaw!" The ponies looked over to see Applejack along with the dog start to do something. "Move aside, Winona. Put 'em up, girl!" Applejack was in the far left of the stampede and Winona at the right. Both were leading the cow's somewhere nice and easy.

All the ponies watching had a look of concern on their faces. Pinkie Pie on the other hand was eating popcorn while smiling, "This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen." Sora then took a hoof and put it in Pinkie's mane, he pulled out some popcorn as well to start eating, Twilight saw this and just rolled her eyes a little.

Applejack was bumping into a cow but it didn't really work out. She then got a brilliant idea, she quickly called over her dog, "Winona, put 'em up!" The dog quickly followed her lead as she went in front of the stampede of cow's. Applejack went on top of a one, then took a lasso out and started spinning it around in the air. She then quickly wrapped it around a cow's neck while Winona started leading the stampede away from Ponyville, avoiding it entirely and into a grassy field.

The ponies all cheered for Applejack, saving them from the large herd of cow's. The orange mare went up to one of the cow's and asked her "Now what was that all about?"

The cow she was talking to let out a "Moo!" She then cleared her throat and began to actually talk. "Oh my! Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Moo-riella here saw one of those nasty snakes." At the mention of the snake, the cow's quickly moo'd again. "And it just gave us all the willies, don'tcha know."

Applejack shook her head up and down, "Completely understand. Just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville." The cow's started to make their way back.

The one cow Applejack was having a conversation with just said "We certainly will, Applejack. So long, Winona!" The dog barked with a smile as the cow went to go join the herd. Applejack and Winona stood in front of the ponies. All of them cheered again for her as the orange mare went off along with her dog.

Pinkie Pie then started to imitate what Applejack just did, "Yee haw! Ride 'em, cowpony!" While jumping back and forward.

Mayor Mare was amazed by Applejack's performance. "Applejack was just... just…".

Sora came in and spat out a bunch of adjectives "Amazing, Stupendous, Spectacular, Sensational." All the ponies gave him a stare of confusion. The pegasus pulled out a book from his bag, "I borrowed a dictionary from the library." Every pony quickly shook it off and went back to their business.

Mayor Mare than said "We must do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofedly saving the town." Pinkie Pie quickly came in and yelled just what to do.

"I know!" She said as we then cut to the ponies putting up ribbons, confetti and banners for a little celebration. All of it was apple themed for obvious reasons. "...A party." Finished Pinkie Pie.

Twilight, with Spike on her back, came up to Sora. He had some decorations with him that he was supposed to hang up on the trees. "C'mon Sora. The decor is not going to hang itself." She said to the stallion, playfully.

Sora grew a grin before summoning his keyblade and saying "Oh, isn't it." he then summoned a little vortex of wind that formed, thanks to areo magic, under the decorations as they flew up and landed nicely on the trees.

Twilight was not exactly amused, "They still didn't put themselves up, your magic did." Sora slumped a little at that remark. Mayor Mare oversaw Rarity putting the finishing touches, along with her using her magic to lift a banner with an apple on it. She places it on top of two support beams.

"Now we're ready." Said Rarity. Twilight looked around but didn't find the mare of the hour.

Twilight asked the ponies "Has any pony seen Applejack?"

Sora came in to tell her the bad news, "No. In fact, I haven't seen her all day. I think it's because of her job back at the farm." Sora quickly shook off the sense of worry though. "I'm sure she'll be here in time. It's Applejack were talking about." He then flashed his signature smile as him and the mares went off.

The time for Applejack's celebration has finally come. The ponies from Ponyville arrived all in one big group in front of a stage while Twilight was in front of a little desk for the Mayor with a stack of cards. Twilight began her speech, "Welcome, everypony! Today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small. A pony whose contributions to--" she was promptly interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

The rainbow mare spoke about her side of Applejack, "Did you see Applejack's slick moves out there? What an athlete. This week she's gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know it's gonna be so awesome."

Twilight looked a little annoyed, "Exactly. And…" she was interrupted again, this time by Pinkie Pie.

"This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time." Said the pink mare.

Twilight was confused, "What does that have to do with Applejack?" She asked as to why that was exactly important to all this.

Pinkie Pie answered with "Applejack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony!" the ponies of Ponyville cheered at this news.

Twilight began to speak again but was interrupted, again, by Fluttershy. "I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. She's gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills." she then stepped down.

Twilight was getting more and more annoyed at this routine. She looked around to see if any other pony was going to interrupt her again. She saw the coast was clear and began to speak again, only to be interrupted again, This time by Sora, "I just want to say all the things Applejack has done for me. She's a great pony and all….." he then noticed Twilight's glare that would kill him by how much anger it had. "......but it can wait for another time." Said Sora as he stepped back down.

Twilight was looking over the ponies again, making sure no one else comes up and interrupts her. "Anyone else? Anyone?" She asked. All the ponies just looked around in silence. Twilight put on a smile again, "No? Well then, as I was trying to say.." she looked over and saw Mayor Mare next to her. At this point she surrendered, "..Urgh! Never mind." She then threw her cards in the air as they all fell down.

Mayor Mare took to the stage and began to say her words of gratitude. "Ah-ahem. And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize, Pony of Ponyville Award, to our beloved guest of honor, a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyville's most capable and dependable friend, Applejack!" The crowd cheered as the curtains behind the Mayor opened up. Sadly, Applejack was not present behind them.

Spike, not noticing, started clapping and cheering. "Cool! Way to go Applejack, that was awesome! I mean-- heh." He quickly realized what he was doing and stopped. He and every other pony there was in silence. They looked around and scratched their heads a little, fidgeted around with their hooves and looked around the area. Spike decided to speak up, "Awkward."

Sora, next to the dragon, felt the same way. "Yeah, like when you say goodbye to someone else but you both end up walking in the same direction." Most of the ponies agreed with that, saying 'yea', 'that's true', 'I hate when that happens'.

They all then heard the orange mare, "I'm here. I'm here." she said while walking through the crowd of ponies with two saddles filled with red and green apples. She accidentally bumped into a few on the way to the top though, "Sorry I'm late--whoa--I was just... whoa... Did I get your tail?" she finally made it to the top of the stage while greeting Mayor Mare. "Miss Mayor. Thank you kindly for this here... award thingy." she let out a yawn while looking at the Golden trophy, she was wobbling her head around, making goofy faces. "It's so bright and shiny and, heh, heh heh, I sure do look funny heh. Ooo-ooo."

All the ponies paid more attention to Applejack's features, her eyes had bags, she was yawning a lot and her mane was messy. Applejack was joined by Pinkie Pie in making faces, "Woo-ooo." Said Pinkie while performing the same actions as Applejack.

Twilight came up to greet Applejack with Sora next to her. His face had an expression of confusion just like before with the other ponies. It did make a little sense, considering what they are looking at right now. "Okay. Well, thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everypony." Said Twilight.

Applejack accepted the thanks, though yawning more than usual. "Yeah. I like helping the pony folks and….." she yawned in the middle, "and stuff." She fell asleep just as she finished, Sora went up and tapped her a little, waking her up. "Oh! uh, yeah. Uh, Thanks". Applejack started dragging the trophy through the ground, making screeching sounds thanks to the metal, while passing through the crowd again.

All the ponies, especially the five elements and keyblade wielder, looked at Applejack shockingly. Twilight was the first to speak up about it, "Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little--?"

"Exhausted, fatigued, worn out,?" Sora said as he got another look from the ponies.

The surprised Twilight responded to it with "Huh, that dictionary is really something special." Sora walked in the same direction that Applejack was going, followed by Twilight.

Back in the orchid with Applejack. The mare was bucking more and more tree's for the apples, filling up the buckets. Sora and Twilight finally made it to where Applejack was. The orange mare fell asleep though as they both saw. "Applejack." Said Twilight, trying to get the mare's attention. It didn't work though as the mare was still bucking apples. "Applejack." She tried again to no succession. "APPLEJACK!" She finally yelled, causing Sora to flinch a little.

Her screaming did work in the end as Applejack finally woke up. "Oh, heya Sora, Twilight." She went back to her business as usual, ignoring the two ponies.

Twilight and Sora saw a tiered Applejack go around and buck more tree's for apples. Twilight looked at Sora to ask "What is Applejack doing?".

Sora decided to tell the unicorn what this was all about. "It's applebuck season here." Said Sora as he and Twilight walked over to where Applejack was.

Twilight asked "Apple what season?" She never heard about this type of thing happening. Sora explained just what it was.

"It's what the apple family here calls harvesting season." Sora and Twilight saw Applejack move on to another tree and they followed her again. Sora continued to explain what it was "They gather all the apples here in the orchid so they can sell them for business."

Twilight asked why Applejack was doing this by herself, "Why is Applejack not getting any help for this then?"

Sora didn't have an answer for that one. "I'm not sure, I tried helping her this morning but she just told me and Big Mac to let her do it all alone."

Twilight decided to ask Applejack herself about why she was doing this as a one pony job. "Hey, Applejack! Why are you doing this all by yourself." She then teleported in front of her.

Applejack, while still working, replied with "Cause Big McIntosh hurt himself." She bucked the tree and went over to another one.

Twilight followed her to the other tree. She asked "What about all those relatives I've met when I first came to Ponyville? Can't they help?" Sora came in front of Applejack and answered that question.

"They were relatives here for the family reunion. They all have their own farms spread all across Equestria."

Applejack went up to another tree to repeat the process. She looked in front of her as Sora and Twilight moved out of the way. Sadly, she didn't see them move as her eyes went cross. "Could you two move out of the way."

Sora and Twilight looked at each other, with the same look of confusion in their faces. "Uh, we already did." Said Twilight. "Applejack, you really don't look so well." Said the purple unicorn.

Sora went up next to the orange mare, "Why don't you let us help you. C'mon, there's no way you can get it done all by yourself." Said the caramel pegasus. This didn't exactly get the right response out of the cow girl though.

Applejack went up to Sora while sticking her eye out in front of his face. "Is that a challenge?" She asked.

Sora was tookan back a little. "Well…..no." he said with a little fear.

Applejack strutted away and pride. "Well, I'm gonna prove to you that I can do it! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got apples to buck."

Twilight went up to Sora in concern. "Is Applejack going to be ok?" She asked the keyblade wielder.

Sora replied, "Eh, I'm sure I'll get to her somehow. At least I hope."

The next day, Applejack was running late to meet Rainbow Dash and help her out with her trick. "There you are!" Yelled the rainbow pegasus while standing on top of wooden pink fence.

Applejack, while trying to catch her breathe, was apologizing to Rainbow Dash for tardiness. "I'm a mitey sorry, Rainbow. I was busy applebuckin' and I guess ah, I closed my eyes for a second and, when I woke up, I was late. Now, what's this new trick a' yours?" Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at a giant construction of wood.

"See this contraption." Said Rainbow Dash. Applejack nodded her head up and down. Rainbow Dash explained just how her trick was to work. "Well, I'm gonna stand on one end, then you're gonna jump down from that platform, launching me into the air faster than I can take off on my own. Once I'm in the air, I'm gonna do some amazing flips and spins that are sure to impress the Wonderbolts."

After Rainbow Dash finished her incredibly long explanation, Applejack questioned the safety of this trick. "Isn't that a mite dangerous?"

The rainbow mare shook it off as if it was nothing. "Pfft, Heh, not for a pony who can fly."

"Well, all right-y then." Replied the orange mare. She got on top of the wooden contraption while Rainbow was on the catapult. Applejack jumped off, trying to hit the X but missed. She failed miserably. She tried again, and again, and again ,and again. If it wasn't obvious, she failed a lot.

Rainbow Dash got tired of Applejack's failures, so she spoke up about it. "Applejack, what the hay is going on? I mean, I thought I was working with Ponyville's best athlete!" Applejack was trying her best to stay up. She closes her eyes for a few seconds but quickly opened them back up.

The orange mare shook her head and replied with "You are. I'm okay." she then woke up and thought of something, "I have an idea. Watch this." She went up to the other side of the seesaw. She got on it and yelled "Tada!" It had no effect of sending Rainbow Dash flying into the air. The rainbow mare let out a groan. Applejack put on and embarrassed smile before thinking of something else. "Okay, one more try. I'm sure to get it this time." She got of the wooden seesaw, which caused Rainbow Dash to fall in her belly. Applejack was finally at the top of the wooden contraption again, She jumped off with a not prepared Rainbow Dash growing a shocked expression. "Here I go!" Yelled Applejack on her way down.

The orange mare hit the X spot on the seesaw, "Wait, Applejaaaaack!" Screamed Rainbow Dash while flying through the air, far away from where she was originally.

In the woods, Sora with his keyblade in his mouth was practicing a spell. "C'mon, one more time." He mumbled, he tried again, pointing his keyblade up as he yelled "Flare!". He finally managed to get it right. A large amount of fire works came out of the keyblade, flying all around the air and exploding in the sky. "Alright!" Screamed the keyblade weilder. He then heard a yell all too familiar to him coming closer and closer.

"AHHHHHH." Rainbow Dash came flying in at rappid speeds. She finally crashed into a large branch of a tree, hanging on to it body first. Finally getting control of herself, she looked down to see the other pegasus.

Sora looked at her, "Rainbow Dash? What are you doing?" He asked to the teal, rainbow mare

The teal pegasus replied to him with slightly sarcastic tone, "Oh you know. Just hanging around." Sora started to think more about this and finally came to the rightful conclusion. This happened because of Applejack, and Sora's face showed it.

Sora was accompanying Applejack to help Pinkie Pie in Sugarcube Corner. From what he could tell from its name and what Pinkie Pie said, it sounded like a bakery for pastries. Just the name alone sounds like it would give you a sweet tooth. Applejack wasn't exactly happy about Sora coming along with her though. "Ah don't understand why you gotta come with me to help out Pinkie Pie?" Asked the orange mare towards Sora.

The pegasus looked at her with an annoyed and disappointed expression. "After what happened yesterday with Rainbow Dash, I think me coming along is better for everyone." Sora kept on walking with Applejack on his tail.

She was a little confused as to why he said 'one' instead of 'pony'. Better yet why do ponies flip flop between them. Irritated, she continued the conversation, "It was just one little thing. No pony was hurt." The two finally arrived at the shop, and just as Sora thought, it was indeed a bakery, actually it was the bakery he had delivered some apples to this morning. The building was pink with chocolate fudge on top. It also had frosting on top of that with a cherry on top of that.

Inside Sugarcube Corner, the blue mare from before along with a tall yellow stallion. They were packing things while having a conversation with Pinkie Pie, "Now Pinkie Pie, are you sure you're up for baking the muffins and running the store this afternoon?" Pinkie Pie moved her head up and down, reassuring her.

"Don't worry Mrs Cake, I got the best pony helping out." The pink mare looked around seeing that Applejack wasn't there. "Huh, that's odd. She should have been here by now."

Sora and Applejack finally came in through the door. "Sorry I'm late, I was busy bucking the……" Applejack was close to falling asleep but managed to wake up in the nick of time, "... Cow's! I was bucking the cow's." Applejack stood in place, waiting for Pinkie Pie.

The pink pony looked at Sora and asked him, "What are you doing here. I thought you already delivered the apples. Did you forget one."

Sora, with a worn out look, responded with a little attitude. "No, but an apple did forget something." Obviously talking about Applejack. Mrs and Mr Cake finally got everything ready to go. They waved goodbye to the ponies before finally going out the door.

Applejack was still asleep however. Being no help like this, Sora tapped her as she woke up again, shaking her head in the process. Pinkie Pie came in and brought the two for a hug, "Stop with the shakin', it's time to get bakin'." Pinkie Pie went over to a cookbook. She flipped through a few pages before finally landing on the muffin recipe. "All right-y! I'll get the sugar and the eggs. Can you get me some chocolate chips?" she asked. Sora went to go get them but Applejack didn't exactly hear it right.

"Chips?" The mare asked in confusion. She decided to not question it though, "Tater chips, a little salty and dry, okie-dokie. What next?" she grabbed the chip bag with her mouth and dumped them into a bowl.

Sora came back with some chocolate chips and poured them in the same bowl, not noticing the chips in there. Pinkie Pie then asked for the next ingredients. "Baking soda."

Sora shook his head up and down, "Baking soda, got it." He then went off to go get it off the shelf.

Applejack only heard half of it though. "Soda. Perfect. That'll get the tater chips nice and wet." She went up to the fridge and got the sugary liquid out. The mare went up to the bowl and poured it in. "Now what?" She asked as Sora put in some baking soda, again, not noticing the other ingredients.

Pinkie Pie told them the next ingredient. "A cup of flour." Sora went off to go pour some flour in a cup, and brought it over to the bowl and poured it in.

Applejack heard Pinkie wrong though. "Cup o' sour? Well, lemons are sure sour. One cup o' sour, comin' up." She went off and brought some lemonz. She squeezed the juice into the bowl, again with Sora not noticing. "Anything else, Pinkie?"

"One last thing. Wheat germ." Said the link mare. Sora went off to go get the ingredient. He mumbled to himself 'Wheat germ, Wheat germ' trying to find it on the shelf.

Applejack heard it wrong again, this time getting the most horrid thing to put in, "Wheat worms? Oh, that must be fancy talk for earthworms." She went outside and dug under the grass to pull out some worms. She came inside and poured the worms inside the bowl. Sora came in next and powers the wheat germ. Thanks to all the things mixed in, Sora couldn't tell what was in it, not even the worms.

"Now that's gonna be delicious." Said Pinkie Pie while putting the bowl into tray's in order to cook them in the oven.

Sora was proud of the orange mare for her work. "Nice job Applejack. I thought you were going to screw it up but you ended up doing a pretty good job." The cow girl smiled at that. Sadly he didn't know just how bad it was.

"We came as soon as we heard." Said Twilight, along with Spike, coming in to check on the emergency. They saw all the ponies who went to go get muffins were in hospital beds. Barfing into buckets or just having green faces and being in pain, it was a dreadful sight. Sora was helping out already, giving some water to Pinkie Pie while she was lying down. Twilight asked the keyblade wielder "What happened here?"

Sora looked back at her, he responded in a disappointed tone, "Applejack happened." Sora then went off to go check on the orange mare.

Twilight saw Sora run off and was tempted to follow until she was stopped by Spike who had a half eaten muffin. "Want one?" Said the baby dragon while chewing on a cupcake.

Applejack was getting her last promise done for the day, that is helping Fluttershy with the baby bunnies. Both mare's along with Winona were walking on the dirt road to their destination. "Oh Applejack! Thank you so much for offering your herding skills for the annual rabbit roundup." Fluttershy was ecstatic about this.

The same could not be said for Applejack though. She was looking far more tired then ever before. "Fine. Can we just get on with it?" Fluttershy wasn't tookan back though and was still relatively herself.

The pink maned mare decided to warn Applejack about the baby's though. "Certainly, but remember, these are bunnies we're dealing with, not cows. They're a timid bunch and need to be treated gently."

Applejack was getting more grumpy by the minute, " I do NOT need any direction on corralling' critters. Right, Winona?" She said while looking at her dog which gave her a bark in return.

They had finally arrived at their destination. All the bunnies were sniffing around and all over the place, being their adorable little self's. Fluttershy tried to get them all in one place, "Okay, little bunnies. I need you to all gather here in the middle." She asked nicely.

Applejack took a different approach though, she stopped her hoof in a demanding manner. "That's right! Let's go, bunnies. In the center. Hop to it." Her yells sadly ended up scaring the bunnies. They scattered around the place, annoying Applejack. "Swell. Just swell. Put 'em up, Winona!" The orange mare and dog were running all around, doing their best to capture the bunnies to no succession.

Fluttershy in her usual low tone tried to stop the cow girl. "Applejack! Winona! Stop! You're scaring them."

Applejack refused to listen to her cry. "We know what we're doin'. Get along, little bunnies." Her and Winona finally managed to corner them, but instead of stopping, they were frightened even more and began to run off.

Far in Ponyville, the residents were going above their daily routine, again. Rainbow Dash was in the air, again. While in that air she saw dust fly around. The difference this time around was that it was a bunch of baby bunnies coming in hot. The rainbow mare yelled "STAMPEDE!" All the residents of Ponyville started running around in a panic, closing their windows, taking in their doormats and whatnot. This time around, Applejack didn't come to help them out. One mare was in the middle of the stampede, she quickly wanted hitting the ground. The baby bunnies just ran around her though. It wasn't the end of the problem though as the baby bunnies came in and devoured all the plants, and grass and flowers of all the homes.

Sora and Twilight finally came in to Ponyville, seeing the mares on the ground, screaming " The horror, the horror", "This is horrible", "A disaster. A horrible, horrible disaster."

Sora and Twilight looked around Ponyville to see it was completely fine. Nothing was ruined or destroyed as far as they could tell. "I don't get it." Both Sora and Twilight exclaimed at the same time. They quickly looked around and saw just what the mares were talking about. All the gardens and grass was completely eaten by the baby bunnies. They could tell by seeing Fluttershy running around trying to stop them.

Both Sora and Twilight had enough of Applejack's antics thanks to her overworking herself. At Sweet Apple Acres, the orange mare was kicking and apple tree with one leg while mumbling to herself. Sora and Twilight made it. The keyblade wielder was the first to scold her, "Alright Applejack, So far you have over launched a pegasus who knows miles away, probably injuring her."

"Food poisoned many ponies." Followed up Twilight.

Sora finished off with, "And probably scared many baby bunnies for the rest of their two year life's. We don't care anymore about what you have to say, you need help."

Applejack was still not letting them though, that mare was just not passing it through, "No, I don't. Look, I did it. I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help. How d'ya like them apples?" She said on her last legs. She pointed to a large amount of trees already harvested.

Twilight and Sora looked unamused, "What about those apples?" Asked Twilight very sternly while pointing to the other batch to the left side.

Applejack just mumbled and went to go get them done, she grabbed an apple and took a bite while throwing it behind her. The partially eaten apple landed on Sora's head though. The keyblade wielder asked, "Where are you going?"

The orange mare replied, "To go get that side done." She went off walking very tiredly to the apple trees.

Twilight couldn't take it anymore, "Ugh, how do we get a pony who won't listen to listen?" She asked Sora.

The carmel pegasus started to ponder as a little caterpillar came out of the apple on his head. "By….." suddenly he got an idea with the caterpillar on his head glowing, "...Not listening back!" Exclaimed Sora. He got some buckets and boosted off to go over to the apple trees, putting his plan into motion.

Applejack saw Sora dash off and he was doing just what she had said not to do, he was bucking the apples at an extreme speed, "Hey, what are you doin?" She asked as Sora quickly blitzed over to another tree.

Sora yelled back, "What's that. I can't here you." In a mocking tone. He went over to more tree's buck them for the apples, annoying Applejack even more.

"Ah say quit it." She yelled while trying to chase Sora. She was going left and right but the pegasus was winning for one major reason, she was getting dead tired. She tried going, she really did but the cow girl couldn't as she fell down and fell asleep.

"Applejack, Applejack." The orange mare heard her name being spoken as she was waking up. She saw Sora and Twilight right in front of her. The unicorn finally did what she needed to do. "I completely respect the Apple family way's. You're always there to help anypony in need, so maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you."

Applejack took those words to heart, she really has been pushing herself to far, "Okay, Twilight." She stood up and saw her two friends face to face. "Please. I could really use your help." Sora and Twilight smiled, happy to see everything work out.

Later on in the day, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Sora along with Twilight we're getting down the apples from the tree's in their own unique way. Twilight monologue to herself about just what lesson she had learned, or rather knew about thanks to an orange mare, 'Dear Princess Celestia,
My friend Applejack is the best friend a pony could ever have, and she's always there to help anypony. The only trouble is, when she needs help, she finds it hard to accept it, so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends, it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle'

Applejack came in with some applejuice for her friends, "How about y'all take a little break? I got some fine apple juice waitin' for ya!" They all came around and say on a wooden table. The orange mare had to finish this off in one way though, "Girls, I can't thank you enough for this help. I was acting really stubborn. I'm awful sorry, Now, I know the town gave me the Prized Pony award, but the real award is having you six as my friends."

All of them were touched by that, accepting her apology. Rainbow Dash's stomach starts to grumble reminding her of something, "Phew! That applebucking sure made me hungry." Spike came in with some half eaten muffins, The same ones that gave everyone food poisoning.

"And I've got the perfect treat." He said, he showed all the ponies there the horrid abominations they were.

Pinkie Pie, of all ponies, felt the need to ask "Eeew... Spike, I threw those all away. Where'd you get them?"

The baby dragon replied "In the garbage can." The ponies yelled 'Eww' in Union while walking away.

Spike tried to get them to try it but they all didn't want food poisoning so they obviously rejected the offer. Sora finished it off with "You know they have worms, right? How did I not notice." The ponies finally ended there day walking off into the sunset, until another, hopefully more hygienic adventure.

Author's Note:

Sorry again for this chapter being late. School really is a pain, but what matters is I finished it. Again, I only hope you all enjoy.