• Published 31st Dec 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

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Griffon Brush Off

Griffon Brush Off

Day time here in Ponyville is a peaceful time. No danger, no problems and hardly any noise. This made it a perfect place for Sora to have some lunch, a daffodil sandwich and hay fries which should be a good meal, for a pony. While Celestia did state he was mostly a pony now, he wasn't sure if he had the taste buds of one. Although he did have a weird craving for meat in the Pride Lands and as a mermaid, or man, he didn't feel like eating meat. 'Maybe this is a similar scenario?' he questioned himself.

Sora took a small, hesitant bite from the sandwich, and it was amazing. The flavors all mixed in together so well with the bread and vegetables, he was enjoying it, actually enjoying it. He continued to eat the sandwich and fries with a warm smile. He then heard something, it was Pinkie Pie. He looked over and saw her going around and asking ponies questions. "Hi, I'm looking for Rainbow Dash. Have you seen her?" she asked a group of mares who nodded their heads left and right. She went over to another few to ask the same thing, "Hi there, have you seen Rainbow Dash?" It was the same response.

Sora was wondering why she needed Rainbow Dash at the moment. The pegasus then heard a noise from above, he looked up and saw the mare Pinkie Pie was looking for. He saw her digging into the cloud she was on, trying to hide, probably from Pinkie Pie. The pink mare came up to him, "Hey Sora, have you seen Rainbow Dash?"

The teal mare grew a look of worry. She hopped that Sora wouldn't give away her position, if he knew she was there at all. Fate wasn't on her side though, the caramel pegasus told Pinkie Pie, "Yeah, she's up there in that cloud." Rainbow Dash quickly bolted out if the cloud as she was flying at supersonic speeds, far away.

Pinkie Pie noticed this and quickly chased her down. Rainbow Dash managed to hide behind the Apple family barn, as she saw Pinkie Pie pass by. She let out a sigh of relief while walking away. "Hi!" Rainbow Dash heard as Pinkie Pie was in front of her, face to face. She quickly dashed off again trying to get away from the pink mare. Pinkie Pie was skipping her way over to where the pegasus was flying off too. Rainbow Dash ended up flying into the Golden Oak Library leafy part on top. She let out a another sigh while relaxing, she didn't realize where she was sitting though, or better , who. "Hi again." Said Pinkie Pie under Rainbow Dash, the pegasus quickly yelled again while flying out of the tree with Pinkie Pie going after her again.

Rainbow Dash finally lost Pinkie Pie, getting away far enough from the pink mare. She landed next to a lake and fell down, resting. She catches her breathe on the nice ground, unitil Pinkie Pie made herself known again by coming out of the lake with scuba gear. She spit out some water into the lake, "I need a favor" She said.

Rainbow Dash quickly got back up ready to run off again, "AAAHH- oh what's the use?" She asked herself before giving up entirely.

The pink mare went up to her, while looking down to see Rainbow Dash In a more positive view, "I promise it will be really fun!"

Rainbow Dash didn't have any other options, it was either this or running away and trying to hide which would be pointless as Pinkie Pie would just find her again. "Fine." Rainbow Dash answered, defeated.

Turns out what Pinkie Pie needed help was with a cloud. Rainbow Dash, with an annoyed look, was moving it around while being instructed by her friend. "Over to the right." Pinkie Pie motioned her hoof to which side as Rainbow Dash followed her order. "No, a little to the left now." Rainbow Dash again moved the cloud. "One more smidgimeter to the—."

"Pinkie Pie!" Yelled Rainbow Dash, furious as to how back and forward the whole scenario.

The pink mare decided that maybe ending things here was for the best. "Uh, I mean, perfect." Pinkie Pie looked inside a tall building through the window. Spike was inside, grabbing some scrolls. "Now wait for my signal." Pinkie Pie was next to the front door to the building. Spike was exiting out with his scrolls, walking forward casually.

As soon as he was a few steps out, the pink mare gave the signal, Rainbow Dash quickly bucked the cloud making a thunder crackle sound, causing Spike to yelp. He ended up dropping his scrolls in the process while standing completely still, until he let out a hiccup. He continued to hiccup like crazy, trying to pick up one after the other with very little succession in each attempt.

The mares were enjoying every little bit of this, giggling which turned into uncontrollable laughter. "HAHAHAHA!" both were now in the ground trying their best to stop but no luck.

Spike finally put the picture together, and joined in in laughing, "Hahaha, good one girls." Spike went up to go and grab another scroll, he let out another hiccup though letting out a bit of fire which we all know are sended to Princess Celestia.

The mares finally got control and stood up. "Have you ever seen anything more hilarious?" Asked Pinkie Pie to her Rainbow friend.

The pegasus was quick to answer, "I can think of one." She flew up and jumped on the cloud again, letting out another crackle. Pinkie Pie yelped herself while also catching the case of the hiccups, quickly laughing it off in the process. "I didn't take you for a prankster, Pinkie Pie."

Rainbow Dash came down to see her friend face to face. The pink mare was answering her with a few hiccups in her sentence. "Are you -- kidding?-- I love to pull pranks. It's all- in good fun, and Pinkie Pie lo--oves to have -fun!"

Rainbow Dash let out a nice little chuckle. Turns out, Pinkie Pie was a great person to be around. "You know Pinkie Pie, you're not as annoying as I thought, wanna hangout?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Pinkie Pie let out more hiccups, bouncing around in the process, "That'd be-- I'd really---- When do--- I mean-- When would you." Rainbow then put her hoof in front to stop Pinkie Pie from bouncing even more. Once she placed her hoof down again, Pinkie Pie asked her something. "So, Who do you want to prank now?"

Rainbow Dash had the perfect idea as to who, "Ooo, a very special pegasus." She took her hoofs and rubbed them together while growing a large, evil smile that spread across her whole face. "Pinkie Pie, I'm going to need your help for this next one." The other mare shook her head up and down as both went off to strike there next target.

Sora was walking through Ponyville. The stallion wasn't exactly going anywhere, just enjoying the scenery. He was stopped though by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, who had a basket filled with cookies. "Hey Rainbow, Pinkie. How are you two?" Sora asked the mares with his jolly tone, not knowing what was waiting for him.

The pegasus decided to play him into her trap, "Oh just fine Spiky. Say, we made a batch of cookies. Since you're such a good friend, want one?" Her tone was that of an over the top supervillain, with the smile to boot.

The stallion didn't notice however, seeing it as a friendly jester. "Sure, I don't see why not." He put his hoof in the basket and grabbed a cookie, his hoof was slowly bringing the cookie to his mouth as he took a bite.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie started to chuckle a little, trying as hard as they could not to fully laugh out at him, thankfully it was small enough that Sora wouldn't hear them. "How do they taste?" Pinkie Pie asked while still chuckling.

Sora was tasting every single crumb in his mouth to savor it. After he met the little chef in Twilight Town, he felt he has a good taste for amazing food, despite not cooking on his own will. "It's pretty good, Nice blend of chocolate with cinnamon. Ooo, and a touch of AHHHHHHHHHHH!" He opened his mouth due to the pain his tongue was feeling, along with fire coming out. Turns out, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie ended up putting a to of hot sauce in the cookies. Speaking of the mares, they both finally fell to the ground and started laughing at the stallion's misfortune.

He was running around, looking for some way to cool off his tongue. Sora went left and right trying to find something anything, he finally managed to find a large tub of water and jumped in. Both mare's finally got back up, "That's for ratting me out to Pinkie Pie!" Yelled Rainbow Dash.

The pink mare felt the need to ask, "Wait, what do you mean by that?"

The teal pegasus put herself into a corner, "Oh, uh, forget what I said. It was a long time ago." She was trying to hide the actual reason she was avoiding the mare, trying to mostly enjoy the prank she and Pinkie Pie just performed.

The mares went off, probably to go prank some pony else. "This means war." Sora came out of the water and shook himself, getting the water off and giving him back his messy mane. The stallion then went off, planning his revenge.

Later that day, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were making their way down Ponyville. The pegasus and earth pony looked down at the floor and noticed something, two banana split's. They were just laying there with no pony claiming them. "Yum!" Both mare's licked their lips as they rushed over to them, as soon as they got close enough, a rope came out and tied them up from their back legs.

The both were now hanging upside down, along with hearing some laughing. "Hahahahah!" The culprit came out, revealing himself. It was Sora and he was enjoying every second of this. "Hey, I see you two are 'hanging around'. Hahahahah!"

Rainbow Dash wasn't impressed by his little joke. "Really, this is it? I expected more from you, honestly." Her tone was filled with attitude. The teal pegasus wasn't going to fuel the stallions pride any more then she had too. Pinkie Pie was just trying her best to grab the pastry.

Sora picked up the two banana split's with his wings, similar to how someone would with their hands, and slammed them into both of the mares faces. He went back to laughing, this time even harder then before. Rainbow Dash's expression became even more irritated while Pinkie Pie just licked her face, filled with Ice cream.

It's now Sora's turn to be pranked. The two mares were overlooking the stallion, asleep on a bench near many trees. This one was a classic prank to pull off, Pinkie Pie took out the supplies for this one from her hair. Rainbow Dash placed a white creamy substance on the stallions hoof, with Pinky getting a feather out. As soon as the pegasus finished, she got back a safe distance with the other mare moving the feather gently around Sora's nose. The caramel pegasus is twitched a little, the mare tried again getting a bigger reaction, with him shaking a little. One last time, Pinkie Pie tried again with Sora finally smacking his face with his hoof. "Ah!" He screamed, surprised. He then licked the substance, tasting it. "Shaving cream? Rainbow Dash!" He yelled, not being able to see the mares, laughing at his expense.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were on another stroll through Ponyville. They quickly got notice of Sora, setting up two ropes with banana splits near them. The stallion finally noticed the two mares, but not losing his confidence. Rainbow Dash felt the need to call him out, "Really?" She quickly zipped and grabbed the Banana split's with the trap not catching her. "I know your a lot of things Spiky, but repetitive wasn't one I thought of." She picked up the silver spoon, ready to dig in.


Rainbow heard a thunder crackle. She looked up and saw a cloud placed on top of her, which dropped an enormous amount of water on her, completely soaking her wet along with her ice cream. It was all according to plan on Sora's part. He fell down and laughed as hard as he could. "Did you forget I'm a pegasus too?" He went back to his chuckles with Rainbow Dash letting out a small groan.

Sora was asleep again, justike the lazy bum he was to take a nap twice in the same day. He heard something, waking him up. It was…..waves? He decided to check what it was, getting up as he finally noticed what the noise was. Turns out he was on a river, just to make sure this was Rainbow Dash's doing he checked in front to see if there was a waterfall in front, sure enough their was. While falling down he yelled "RAINBOW DASH!" He finally hit the bottom as a large splash was made.

The two mares responsible for this were watching from near the river, again, laughing at the mischief they have created. "Man, that one was our best one yet." Pinkie Pie exclaimed as both mare's bumped hoofs. "I hope he's alright though."

The pegasus shook of the thought, "It's Sora, I'm sure he's fine Pinkie."
Both went back to laughing, while doing so, Sora finally came out if the river and fell down next to the mars.

"Sora! Are you ok?" Pinkie Pie inspected him from head to toe, seeing if he was hurt in any way.

The stallion then started laughing, "That one was the best prank you and Rainbow ever pulled off today!" All three then laughed together, enjoying their time. "This was great. It reminds me of when……" his sentence came to a screeching halt as he thought back to his friends. Riku, Kairi. How the three played as kids, running around and pulling pranks on one another. The same prank he played on Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie was the exact same one he played on Riku and Kairi. It took him 15 minutes just to get everything ready. He started to feel…… sad.

Both mare's saw his expression change, "Sora, are you ok? You look a little down." Pinkie Pie inspected his face, he looked as if he was about to cry, as if he lost something very valuable to him.

The stallion's eyes got a little watery, much to his displeasure. He wiped them away and tried to stop thinking about it. "Sorry, I was just getting some memories back. Nothing to worry about." He looked up and saw that sunset was fast approaching. "Look at the time. I should head back to Sweet Apple Acres. See you girls tomorrow!" The Stallion quickly ran off with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie doing the same, going back home.

The next day, Pinkie Pie was looking for Rainbow Dash once again so they could pull off more pranks together. She made it to a building made out of cloud's, Rainbow Dash's residence. "Rise and shine Rainbow Dash! It's a brand new day and we got a lot of pranking too-" she cut herself off as she noticed a new face, a hawk looking creature, presumably female.

"Mornin', Pinks". Rainbow Dash finally flew down and hugged Pinkie with one hoof. "Gilda, this is my gal pal, Pinkie Pie." The other female came down to greet the pink mare.
"Pinkie, this is my griffon friend, Gilda."

The pony asked the Pegasus "What's a griffon?" Being unfamiliar with that kind of species, never running into one her entire life.

"She's half-eagle, half-lion."

"And all awesome. Raa. Heh-haa. Yeah, that's right." Gilda came in and bumped Rainbow Dash in a friendly fashion. Both of them then proceeded to do a special handshake right in front of Pinkie Pie.

The mare was enthusiastic about a new friend, definitely a great way to start some good hearted mayhem. "It's so nice to meet you Gilda!" Pinkie went up to the Griffin and furiously shook her hand, causing Gilda to quickly pull it back in annoyance. The mare ignored that while going over to her pegasus friend. "Hey, you two wanna go pull some pranks on unsuspecting ponies?"

The pegasus looked over to her friend. Gilda wasn't exactly what too, "Well, I groove on a good prank as much as the next griffon. But Dash, you promised me we'd get a flying session in this morning." she went off to go get ready for her little race against rainbow.

The pegasus looked back to her friend to see if she was ok with accepting that offer, "Yeah, uh, well, Pinkie Pie, you don't mind, do you? Gilda just got here. We'll catch up with you later."

The mare wasn't sure about it, but seeing how good of a friend Gilda is to Rainbow Dash she allowed her, "Um, well sure, no problem. Have fun you guys, I'll, uh, just catch up with you later." She saw the pegasus fly off along with the giffin, along with her blowing her party hooter, sadly.

Rainbow Dash and Gilda flew through the sky at extreme speeds, passing through clouds left and right. Gilda landed on a cloud with Rainbow Dash coming in, crashing into her friend. Both now fallen over laughed at their antics. "Whoa, that was sweet. Just like old times."

They got back up and fist/hoof bumped, "Yeah, only faster. So now what?" as soon as teal pegasus and griffin got up on their legs, a familiar face showed herself.

"Hey there." Pinkie Pie's head came out from the bottom of the cloud's. She then fell down and came back up thanks to the trampoline under her.

This got a laugh out of Rainbow Dash, happy to see her friend. "Pinkie Pie, you are so random." Gilda wasn't happy about it though, feeling bitter about seeing her friend hanging out with someone else.

She then had an idea, "Hey Dash, think you got enough gas left to beat me to that cloud?" Both of them then boosted off, leaving Pinkie Pie behind.

Sora was taking a little stroll, he quickly noticed Pinkie Pie, jumping up and down on a trampoline. He wondered what exactly was going on. The stallion looked over to his left and saw Rainbow Dash along with a griffon, talking about who knows what. While he wonders who she was, he noticed Pinkie Pie flying over to them with a stack of balloons carrying her. "Wow guys, that was really close, but I think Rainbow Dash beat you by a teeny weeny itty bitty hair, or a teeny weeny itty bitty feather." Pinkie said. Sora was looking closely at the situation, as to what was going on.

"Okay... Dash, last one to that cloud up there is a gnarly dragon egg." Gilda pointed up to the finish. "Go!" She yelled as Rainbow Dash, well, dashed off leaving behind a small cloud. Gilda emerged, staying behind while confronting Pinkie Pie. "I think the high altitude is making you dizzy." She then used her pointy claws to pop the balloons, one by one with the mare losing altitude fast.

Sora sea this, "Oh no." He was making his way over to Pinkie Pie, until she flew up again in a pink bicycle, helicopter thingy. She was flying higher and higher, going over to Rainbow Dash and Gilda.

The pegasus and griffon landed on another cloud with Pinkie going near them. "Wait, guys! Oh wow, you guys almost got away from me that time."

Gilda was getting more and more annoyed by the mare. She then had an ever better idea as to how to get rid of her. "So, Dash, got any new moves in your tricktionary, or are you 100% old school?"

Rainbow Dash quickly flew up, "New moves? Heh, sit back G, this is gonna take a while." She flew away, going so she would be ready.

As soon as the pegasus left, Gilda went up to Pinkie Pie's contraption. "Don't you know how to take get lost for an answer? Dash doesn't need to hang with a dweeb like you now that I'm around. You're dorkin' up the skies, Stinkie Pie, so make like a bee and BUZZ OFF." she then span the contraption, causing the mare to spin out of control, falling down, getting ready for a crash landing.

As soon as Sora saw what happened, he dashed off as fast as he could, trying to fly over an rescue his friend, although he knew the basics of flying, he still had some learning to do, so staying in the air was a little difficult. He still managed to get up to Pinkie while grabbing her out in time. The contraption hit the ground, thankfully not hurting any pony from below. As soon as the two ponies made it to the ground, Sora told his friend "I saw everything."

The two were now in Ponyville, sitting in a round table eating some ice cream. "...and as soon as Rainbow Dash leaves, Gilda comes in and tells me to buzz off! No matter what I do she just keeps trying to steal her away! Griffons are never this mean, well I only ever met her, but still if I met others they wouldn't be that bad!" Pinkie slimmed down while eating some of her Ice cream, trying to figure out what to do.

Sora was thinking about how to deal with the griffon, "I don't know Pinkie Pie, she's a horrible person no doubt, but dealing with her is tricky. We can't just call Gilda out with her and Rainbow Dash being long time friends." He took another bite of ice cream. It was no sea salt ice cream that's for sure but it was still Ice cream. "Maybe……. I got it!" He exclaimed, getting the perfect idea.

"What? What is it!" Pinkie Pie asked, jumping up and down on top of the table.

The pegasus told the mare his plan, "We prank her!" Pinkie Pie went back to sitting down while hearing Sora out. "If we can irritate Gilda just enough until she bursts, right in front of Rainbow Dash, then she can see just how terrible of a person she is!"

Pinkie Pie didn't see eye to eye with his plan though, "I'm not sure, I mean, she's really bad but going so far just sounds mean." As if her timing was right, Gilda made her way to Ponyville, going around, looking for a bite. She then jumped inside a waggon, filled with many fruits and vegetables. Sora and Pinkie Pie noticed this and paid attention to what she was up to. Gilda then stuck out her tail right in front of an old mare, turns out it was Granny Smith who thought it was a snake, she tried her best to run off but thanks to her old age, she wasn't going very far very fast.

Both ponies noticed this, Sora looked over to Pinkie Pie, "Aw, poor Granny Smith, she didn't know it was a joke! How mean!" She quickly realized Sora's facial expression, urging her to agree to his plan. "No, it's just a joke right, no pony was hurt."

Gilda then moved over to a new kart and ended up stealing an apple, sneakily, leaving no sense of regret. Sora gave Pinkie Pie another look with the mare trying to deny the fact that she does want to knock the griffon a few pegs. "No, I'm sure she just didn't know she had to pay for it." The mare was trying her best to not want to, but it was becoming harder and harder.

The final straw was coming though. While Gilda was walking strutting, Fluttershy was helping some ducks walk through Ponyville, "All right little ones, this way, this way. Mama duck, you're free and clear." She ended up bumping into Gilda.

The griffon took this small mistake very poorly, "Hey". Fluttershy noticed what she did and quickly apologized.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry. I-I-I was just trying to…"

As soon as she began though, Gilda mocked her, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Why don't you just watch where you're going, doofus?" Fluttershy was loosing her courage and tried her best to get out of this situation.

"B-b-b-but I... I…".

Before she could finish though, Gilda let out a roar that the birds in the sky could hear it, causing Fluttershy to run away crying. This was what finally got Pinkie Pie to finally agree with her pegasus friend, "She's a grump, and a thief, and a bully! The meanest kind of mean meanie-pants there is! I can't take it, no one treats Fluttershy like that. No. One. This calls for extreme measures, Pinkie Pie style!"

Sora got up and cheered. "Woo hoo, Glad to hear it, so what do you have in mind?" The mare went over to Sora and whispered into his ear as to what she has thought out.

Turns out, Pinkie Pie had a party set up, so Sora questioned, "I don't think this is what 'I' had in mind." Pinkie Pie gave him a 'Trust me' smile as she went over to the door to welcome some ponies into the party.

Finally, Gilda, along with Rainbow Dash came in to the bakery, seeing the festivities. "Gilda, I'm so glad you're here!" Pinkie Pie went up and sahked her hand feriously. Gilda was slightly annoyed but she couldn't show it right in front of her old friend.

Sora went up to the three. "Hey, you must be Gilda. It so nice to meet a friend of Rainbow Dash." He put out a hoof for Gilda to shake, as soon as she did though, she felt a little shock go through her body. "Oh, sorry. I forgot to take this off." The stallion's tone was anything but subtle. The griffon started getting annoyed, so far so good.

The mares laughed at this little joke. "Joy buzzer, good one Spiky." Rainbow went up to Sora to give him a little friendly bump. "Gilda, this is Sora, a new friend of mine." The teal pegasus then made her way into the room asking her friend to come along, "I'll introduce you to some of my other friends."

"Right behind you Dash." The griffon took this opportunity to do something, grabbing Pinkie Pie close to her face, "I know what you and that spikey maned dweeb are up too."

"I'm still here you know." Said Sora, he then looked up to see his mane.

"I've got my on you two, you hear!" Threatened Gilda, though Pinkie Pie and Sora didn't feel like they were, they saw Gilda as nothing more but a bully.

All the ponies now circled around an area, with many treats. "Ooo, Vanilla lemon drops. Don't mind if I do." Gilda took one and tossed into her mouth. Sora and Pinkie Pie gave each other a wink while Gilda chewed on her lemon drop.

The griffon then felt the taste, it was sour, and it got more and more sour, "Ah, too sour!" She yelled, trying to get the taste off.

"Quick the punch!" Rainbow Dash said while Gilda went over to try and drink some but it ended up pouring all out. The ponies laughed at her misfortune. "Ha! Priceless, priceless!"

The griffon managed to find some water, drinking it as fast as she could. The sourness finally went away, much to her relief. "Yeah, hilarious." The griffon was loosing her patience. Sora and Pinkie Pie were ready to put this plan into high gear.

The pink mare came out and brought with her a large cake with six candles at the top, "Cake time, every pony!" Gilda licked her beak, the cake looked absolutely delicious.

Sora quickly brought her over. "C'mon, why don't you blow the candles. You are the guest of honor." Gilda stood right in front of said cake. She took in a large gulp of air, and blew out the candles. As soon as they were blown though, the candles quickly lit back up. She tried again and again but the candles always just lit up again. This was just what the two ponies planned though, as Gilda started getting tiered.

"Hahahahah! Relighting birthday candles, I wonder who thought of that one?" Pinkie Pie said with the griffon getting more annoyed. While the candles weren't blown,Sora still stuck his face in and chowed down while getting a disappointed look from the other ponies.

Rainbow Dash looked at her friend directly, "C'mon G. You didn't take that prank to literally, Right?"

"No way, Dash. Like I said, I'm down with a good prank." As soon as that little prank was over, Gilda snatched Pinkie Pie to where no one could see them. "Hey, I'm watching you. Like a hawk."

Pinkie Pie didn't feel threatened, not even close really. "Why? Can't you watch me like a griffon?" She looked over to Sora for the finally, giving him a wink with him giving another wink back.

"Hey look guys. It's pin the tail on the donkey!" Gilda went over and quickly snatched the tail in order to play the game. "Perfect, Gilda you should go first." Sora took a blind fold and placed it on Gilda with Pinkie Pie spinning her around and around.

"We're spinning you around and around and then you can pin the tail on the pony. Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." Gilda wasn't falling for it this time.

"Now just walk straight ahead and pin the tail." She said mockingly. "Hmph, yeah, right. This is another prank, isn't it? I'm going this way." Though it wasn't, she was walking in the complete wrong direction.

Pinkie Pie tried to stop her, this wouldn't end up well if she did. "Wait. The poster is this—."

It was too late though as Gilda need up slipping on a piece of cake, crashing into a bunch of presents. As soon as the dust cleared, She was messy from head to toe, along with the tail around her nose.

The ponies started to lightly chuckle at her expense, Sora the most. "Gilda, I think the tail is supposed to go somewhere else." He then went back to laughing his 'tail' off.

This was all just what was needed though, Gilda finally let out a large roar that all the ponies could hear. "This is your idea of a good time? I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And Pinkie Pie, you! You are queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks! Did you really think you could make me lose my cool? Well, Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene." Despite her calling her friend over, The pegasus didn't comply. "Come on, Rainbow Dash. I said, we're leaving."

Rainbow Dash finally saw just what kind of person Gilda was. She stood her ground this time. "You know Gilda, I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party."

"What?" The griffon was shocked by this statement. "Come on, Dash, you're joshing me."

"They weren't all meant for you specifically, it was just dumb luck that you set them all off."

Gilda still tried to deny accepting that fact, "No way, i-it was Pinkie Pie and her stupid friend! They set up this party to trip me up, to make a fool of me." Sora didn't let that insult get to him this time as he was eating cake in the background.

"When Sora and Pinkie Pie came up too me and told me what you did, I didn't believe them at first. Now that I saw the real you, I made myself an idiot for thinking my friends would lie to me, just like how you made and idiot of yourself today." Rainbow Dash made herself clear.

At this point, Gilda didn't care. At least, that's how she tried to make it out. "Rrgh... yeah? Well you, you... you are such a, a flip-flop, cool one minute and lame the next. When you decide not to be lame anymore, gimme a call." she then flew out the door, exiting out.

Rainbow Dash felt a little hurt about what happened, her childhood friend turned out to be nothing but a jerk after all this time. Sora went up to help her out, "It's alright Rainbow Dash. Gilda might have been a jerk but that's no reason to feel bad."

The pegasus tried to hide her feeling's. "What? No, I don't feel bad at all…..".

"Hey, I know what it's like loosing friends. It hurts a lot, but thinking that other people's faults are yours isn't the way to deal with it."

Rainbow Dash sighed, he was right. She knew she could trust him and Pinkie Pie, unlike Gilda, they were true friends. The three ended this little episode the best way friends could, by being there for each other.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took so long, again. I was busy with school work as most people are these days. I also need to ask for some help. I ended up making up a cover for this story but every time I try to add it I keep getting the same screen saying there was an error over and over again. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.