• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Bonus: Sweetie Belle's List

Author's Note:

For the ones who are curious, here is the list that Sweetie Belle made in chapter 55.

Dark wizard who wanted to spread nightmares to everyone and use them to gain power and conquer everything. I didn't fight him personally, the local hero, Kirby, taking care of him instead, but he could have given an alicorn some problems. Fired many star-shaped projectiles and big lasers. Could teleport a lot. Was invulnerable to everything excepted stuff powered by dreams. Kirby killed him with the help of a rod of dreams. Exploded when he died, leaving a huge crater on the Moon visible from the surface.

-Dark Matter
Blob of pure negativity that could change his appearance slightly and that could take possession of someone. Very good swordman. Used dark lightning bolts, dark beams, and homing explosive balls. Invulnerable to everything excepted stuff powered by positive emotions. My first villain that I fought alongside Kirby and another Dark Matter who became a blob of positivity named Gooey. Animals also helped while he was in possession of a host, a strong king named Dedede. We had to use a sword powered by positive emotions.

-Meta Knight
A being of the same species than Kirby. The greatest warrior of the planet. Master swordsman who could swing his sword at the speed of sound, send beams from it, and even tornadoes. Had a flying futuristic battleship with a large crew of loyal soldiers. Wanted to conquer the world, thinking that the inhabitants needed to learn to defend themselves from threats without having to depend on someone else to save them. Kirby and I managed to defeat him and destroy the battleship by ourselves, convincing him his way was wrong.

Cosmic jester who wanted to conquer the world to turn everybody into his playthings. Manipulated me and Kirby to invoke Nova, a wish-granting planet-sized supercomputer that was called a Clockwork Star so we could wish for the Sun and the Moon to stop fighting each other. Stole the wish and gained immeasurable powers, surpassing the level of an alicorn easily. Could teleport, fire giant beams from his mouth, send hundreds of energy arrows in just a couple of seconds, and even create black holes. We sent him crashing into Nova with so much force that Nova blew up. He survived, and I was able to convince him to stop being a jerk.

Father of the Dark Matters. Giant white orb with a single blood red eye. Went from planet to planet with his swarm of Dark Matters to spread pain and hatred to plunge them into darkness. the first Dark Matter and Gooey had just been scouts. Could spawn dozens of Dark Matters in a few seconds. Sent his own blood as projectiles. Eye could leave his damaged body to continue the fight. Greatest weakness: love. Kirby, Gooey, and I faced him in the heart of his swarm with a powerful scepter made of love. His death caused the swarm to explode. My first kill.

-Zero Two
Zero reborn from the remains of his body following his first death. Now had a more angelic form, with a halo and a pair of wings. Still had the big hole left behind by the eye in the first fight, under a bandage under the halo. Recreated a swarm of Dark Matter. Took possession of the queen of a people of fairies with a large part of his swarm. Could now send clusters of little explosive energy balls from his eyes. Attacking the hole under the bandage revealed his true weakness, a cactus-like tail that could send poisonous gas. Destroying it destroyed Zero and the Dark Matters for good. I fought him alongside Kirby and a little fairy named Ribbon. We were armed with a powerful crystal embodying positivity that could fire little crystal projectiles. Kirby and Ribbon were eventually out of commission, so I had to end the fight myself, alone.

-Dark Meta Knight and Dark Mind
Respectively dark, distorted mirror versions of Meta Knight and Zero. Dark Meta Knight had everything from the real Meta Knight excepted his sense of honor. He was ruthless, violent, egotistical, and even more powerful. Could use mirrors to deflect projectiles. Could sprout giant swords out of these mirrors. Could enter a mirror before creating more mirrors with fake Dark Meta Knights in them. If fake Dark Meta Knights were attacked, they broke into mirror shards that homed in. Somehow divided Kirby into four Kirbys when he attacked him. I fought him alongside the four Kirbys plus Mirror Kirby. Meta Knight was the one who finished him.
Dark Mind first was closer to Nightmare in appearance and power. Had a fake helmeted head, the helmet looking monstrous, and two big disembodied hands. Also had a cloak of dark energy. Could send star-shaped projectiles, some of which homed in. Could materialize giant bombs. Used mirrors to attack and deflect projectiles. Teleported a lot. Eventually revealed his real form: giant fiery orb with an eyeball. Could fire beams from his eye, including a giant laser. Used mirrors to deflect his beams into us. Could turn the world upside down. Fought him alongside the five Kirbys while armed with Meta Knight's sword.

Witch born from a painting. Used a magical paintbrush to turn the world into a giant painting. Used it to turn Kirby into a ball and to make my horn disappear. We managed to take the paintbrush from her before she escaped. Even without the paintbrush, could paint armies of minions and all kinds of attacks. Could spawn miniature versions of herself and send giant energy balls. Once defeated, turned into a giant five-eyed ball of paint and went crazy along with her painted world around us. Could turn into a giant fireball and charge at us. Could spawn little Dark Matter-like things that could do various attacks. Could divide her body into countless blobs of paint that rained on us, hurting upon contact. Bounced around to try to crush us. Once defeated, she returned inside her painting which then broke.

-Dark Nebula
Star-shaped Dark Matter being incarnating nightmares and other negative dreams. Could possess others and even take control of people without possessing them. Took possession of a powerful and skillful thief named Daroach and took control of his lieutenants. Fired star-shaped projectiles. Could turn his body red, blue, and green to use respectively fire, ice, and electricity. I fought him alongside Kirby and Meta Knight while armed with a more powerful version of the rod used against Nightmare.

While we were friends, Kirby and I were also rivals. I worked with King Dedede - who was also rival to Kirby - to defeat him. Kirby could inhale other beings like a powerful vacuum cleaner to copy their abilities, making him very versatile. So, depending of the abilities, he was an expert at using swords or spears or hammers or other weapons, could use fire or ice or electricity or other elements, had wings to fly, could turn into a wheel to roll rapidly, use mirrors, fire beams, throw bombs, create huge explosions, cook, use martial arts, and many, many other things. He was also naturally very strong and skillful. Despite everything we threw at him, including a whole army and hired mercenaries, he defeated us. Still almost got him.

-Yin and Yarn
Living, corrupted knitting needles that, similarly to Drawcia, could use yarn to create minions. Created for themselves a wizard body that they could turn into anything, including a powerful tank that could fire dozens of missiles per second. Used the power of a magical yard to multiply their own power and turn the world into a world of yarn and other fabrics. Could also brainwash people. Not much of a threat in the end. I managed to defeat them by myself rather easily while Kirby was busy putting back in one piece the world they had come from. I convinced them to become my minions.

Literally means 'God of death'. Necrodeus was actually a powerful lich from space at the head of an army of less powerful lich-like beings. Was armed with a powerful magical scepter that he used to divide Kirby into ten smaller, less powerful versions of himself. Took control of the inhabitants of four islands (including King Dedede) and enrolled a pig that he turned into the size of a mountain to be the general of his army. Could also create doubles of beings as powerful as the originals. Had huge disembodied skeletal hands that could send energy balls. Could fire huge lasers from his mouth. Could send mines. Could spawn groups of his most powerful lich-like creatures. His weakness was an eyeball inside his mouth.

Mage descendant of a powerful ancient civilization. Appeared with a very damaged Lor Starcutter. Manipulated me as well as Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight, and another friend named Bandana Waddle Dee into repairing the ship to then fight a four-headed dragon in another dimension. The dragon was actually the guardian of a powerful crown created by the ancient civilization that had been corrupted by an evil God. Once the dragon was defeated, Magolor took the Master Crown and used its powers to try to conquer the universe. We chased him through the other dimension while riding on the back of the dragon (now divided into four smaller dragons). Magolor used his powers to control the Lor Starcutter and sent it to attack us before we got to fight him directly. Magolor could open portals, fire powerful lasers, create black holes, create hundreds of big spikes, send hundreds of dark energy balls, use elements, teleport constantly, create a near invincible shield, and much much more. I had to absorb a bit of the power of the Master Crown to use it against him.

-Master Crown
After we defeated Magolor, the Master Crown took matter into his own "hands" and reformed the mage's body to turn him into a near all-powerful puppet and use its full power. Magolor was now a floating orb with two big horns and a pair of wings made of gaseous energy, and had a big smiling mouth that was also a big angry eye (with two white dots above the mouth forming smaller eyes). Could use all previously mentioned moves but more powerful, constantly regenerated Magolor's body to heal it of any wounds we gave it, used "Super Abilities" such as powerful giant swords or dragons made of fire, could turn the world upside down, create walls of dark matter of different shapes, or simply charge at us, sometimes through portals. To win this fight for the universe, we had to attack the crown directly until it was destroyed. Its destruction caused a part of the other dimension to collapse. Magolor survived the ordeal and repented.

In order to one day defeat Kirby, I first had to surpass his other rivals, starting with King Dedede himself, so I fought him in a duel. The king was battle hardened by his many fights against Kirby and by his adventures alongside us. He could inhale other beings like Kirby, and wielded a huge and heavy mallet as if it weighted nothing. For this fight, he even used a second mallet, metallic with a reactor integrated, extremely heavy, that could shoot missiles and streams of fire. Despite his weight, Dedede could be fast and tanked hits like a wall. The fight happened on the king's own boxing ring, inside an electrified cage. I won.

Queen of the Bug Clan of the sky kingdom of Floralia. Sectonia was originally a benevolent ruler, but her soul got corrupted by a mirror that had been cursed by Dark Mind. She turned into a cold-hearted tyrant who only cared about her beauty, and even magically changed her appearance to look like a giant queen bee, or a wasp. She then conquered the other floating islands of Floralia and enslaved their peoples before turning her attention to the surface. Having heard about a hero who protected the surface from invaders, she sent her lackey, previously her best friend, Taranza, to capture him and bring him to her. Taranza mistook me for that hero and captured me, and Kirby, Dedede, and Waddle Dee went after him to save me. They managed to rescue me inside the palace of Sectonia before we had to face the queen herself. Sectonia was a mistress of fencing, could teleport as easily as someone could breathe, could turn her swords into scepters, fire dark electricity from them into large areas, and materialize sharp golden rings of different sizes. She could also call her ant soldiers, which she didn't hesitate to kill if they were in the way of her attacks.
Upon defeat, she merged with the Dreamstalk, pretty much the beanstalk like in fairy tales with a giant flower at the top, gaining powers near the level of the Master Crown and spreading her new roots all over the planet to turn it into an eternal food source. As a half-flower, she could manipulate giant vines and spawn swarms of little one-eyed flowers that she used to do many attacks. She could even fire a giant laser from her main flower. The situation became so bad that friends from all over the world came to help, including Meta Knight, Marx, Gooey, and Daroach among others. Even Taranza changed side and helped us in stopping her. But then, when she was defeated, she went crazy and absorbed dozens of local, powerful fruits that boosted her powers beyond imagination. Totally losing her mind, she then ripped her head and her wings off the flower (while keeping control of the vines) to unleash Tartarus on us. The best example that I can give is that, at a moment, she fired a laser so powerful that it left a very bad scar in the landscape below. Lasers rained like water, she teleported almost all the time, and she was totally unpredictable. Even with all of us together, it was a very difficult battle. Until Taranza managed to give the final blow by piercing her head with a sword, ending her sufferings.

-Meta Knight
Like with Dedede, I duelled Meta Knight to prove that I had surpassed him and that I was closer to defeat Kirby. He had become a lot more powerful since the fight aboard his battleship, but I still managed to win, barely.

-Dark Crafter
Another Dark Matter-like being. This one looked like a colored cloud with a single eye and two disembodied giant hands (which also had an eye each). Dark Crafter was the one responsible of the corruption of Drawcia and Yin and Yarn. This time, he personally took possession of a living statue of clay, Claycia, and used her powers over clay to create an army of minions. He also stole the colors of the planet, freezing everything. With Claycia's powers, he was a real threat, being able to sculpt anything to fight. But once he was expelled of her body, he was a pushover. He still could use the colors in his body to create attacks (like, red turned into fire, and blue turned into ice) and he could spawn dozens of spiked balls to hinder us. With the help of Yin and Yarn, of Claycia, and of Elline (a friend of Claycia who was half fairy and half paintbrush), me, Kirby, and Bandana Waddle Dee created a plane that we used to chase Dark Crafter into space, and kill him.

-Star Dream
Most powerful supercomputer of the universe before the Clockwork Stars themselves, Star Dream could bend space and time too to a lesser degree. Like the Master Crown, however, it had been corrupted, and if anyone used it, it would brainwash them. A poor father, Max Profitt Haltmann, became victim of it. Haltmann lost his daughter in an accident involving Star Dream and, thinking that she was dead, attempted to use Star Dream to bring her back. It failed. And because of Star Dream's influence, Haltmann forgot about his daughter and began to use his powerful company to harvest whole planets of all their resources while mechanizing them and their inhabitants. The brainwashing was so bad that when his daughter eventually returned to him, he didn't recognise her.
When he invaded the planet with armies of robots and mechas and brainwashed, robotised, cyborgised minions (including Meta Knight), and even of clones of previous foes, Kirby and I managed to reach his office in his mothership where we confronted him. He then attempted to use Star Dream only to get his control device snatched by his daughter who thought that it would help him recover his mind. However, this caused Star Dream to absorb Haltmann's soul, thus becoming a sapient machine. It then got itself in its mind that to reach absolute, eternal prosperity, it needed to wipe out all organic lifeforms in the universe. It then flew into space.
Susie (Haltmann's daughter) then gave us mechas to chase Star Dream, which we used to merge with Meta Knight and Dedede's battleships. Thus, we were in command of two powerful battleships to face the supercomputer, and we sure needed them. Star Dream's reality bending powers allowed it to open countless portals to send lasers and all kinds of other stuff, from robots to a field of meteors. It could also change its size, spawn heart-shaped giant mines, charge at us, create a shield, and fire a powerful beam from its personal cannon. However, in the end, Star Dream wasn't much of a problem to fight. But things went real when it took control of Haltmann's mothership, which was the size of a planet. Worst of all, said mothership revealed to be a Clockwork Star, like Nova, and Star Dream intended to use its wish-granting powers to accomplish its goal in one go. The ship could also teleport, use giant legs to try to hit us as if we were flies, create a vortex to inhale us, fire eye-lasers, send a whole planet at us, create a tunnel in the fabric of space and time, and even used pieces of Nova to do even more crazy stuff like make the universe spin around us or slow time. To face it, we had to merge our two battleships into a single giant one, and even then Star Dream almost managed to grant its wish. Thankfully, Haltmann's soul rebelled, giving us enough time to enter the core of the Clockwork Star and destroy it, which was a whole hard battle in itself. The heart was protected by a shield, and to remove it, Kirby and I had to destroy weird crystals in which Star Dream had stored the data of Haltmann's soul. As a result, when we destroyed all the crystals, we also destroyed Haltmann's soul, allowing Star Dream to retry granting its wish. The heart then attacked us with crazy teleportations, lasers, explosions, energy shockwaves, and so on. We barely managed to destroy it in time, stopping Star Dream from granting its wish. We then used our mechas to destroy Star Dream itself by drilling it all the way through the Clockwork Star, from top to bottom, resulting in the Clockwork Star blowing up.

-Void Termina
There is so much to say about Void Termina. He is the Evil God responsible of the corruption of the Master Crown and Star Dream, and he is also the creator of Zero, Dark Nebula, and Dark Crafter. He is pretty much responsible, directly or indirectly, of everything I went through until now. He is also Kirby's father. It would be too long to resume everything me and my friends went through to fight him. Just know that to defeat him, we were a small army including some powerhouses like Kirby, Meta Knight, Dark Meta Knight, Dedede, Magolor, or Marx. We were even joined by Void's eldest son, Galacta Knight, who could slice a planet in half with a swing of his sword! Countless lives were lost during the fight, many planets were destroyed, stars were blown up, and what remained of the other dimension where we fought Magolor even collapsed entirely. After a long and VERY difficult battle, we managed to defeat Void with the power of friendship literally by throwing at him a giant heart full of positivity gathered from all over the universe. Void thus returned to what he was at the origin, a benevolent God, now living with Kirby and Galacta Knight. I'm really happy to call him a friend.

I finally estimated that I was strong and powerful enough to fight Kirby. The hero had gotten better and better through his adventures, so it had been a challenge to keep up. Also, for this fight, he actually trained, which was a first. Kirby never trained. He spent his days sleeping, eating, walking around, and playing with friends. Training was the very last thing he would think of doing. But here, he not only trained, but he was also helped by his father, Void. And thank to it, he learned to switch at will between all his abilities without having to inhale something. So, in our fight, he had full access to his full panoply of weapons, elemental attacks, transformations, and so on. Despite me literally using the powers of all the foes I listed here plus some more against him, he managed to resist and to bring me at my limit. And when I unleashed the power of my own soul, he managed to power up by tapping in the same energies than Void and Galacta Knight to reach near god-like levels. He had now free access to the same Super Abilities that the Master Crown could use, and he now had a permanent pair of wings to fly and do laps around the world in a few seconds. The fight reached apocalyptic level, but he still managed to get the better of me. That's then that my soul got so angry that it triggered my ascension into alicornhood, gaining powers beyond imagination. Kirby, despite everything he had, didn't stand a chance and was utterly trashed, defeated in barely one minute. However, I have no control over this soul transformation and it could destroy the universe, so don't expect me to use it.

Other foes that I managed to defeat: Galacta Knight, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek powered by the magic of four alicorns, Grogar with an army of monsters, an evil lord of darkness named Ganondorf, a powerful cyborg space pirate dragon named Ridley, and an entity named Dark Samus.

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