• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 100: Little Purple Glowing Spheres

Author's Note:

Already the hundredth chapter. Back in A Sweetie Dreamland, we were right in the middle of the Star Allies arc, near the end of the story. But here, we are only nearing the end of the first saga out of five, just starting the Earthbound/Mother arc (which shouldn't last long).

And look at that. For the one hundredth chapter, a BIG event is happening! Now... Time to get serious... :pinkiecrazy:

Sweetie Void and Ness looked down at the invaded town, seeing dozens more of these pig men (mainly pink ones but also several blue ones, a few green ones, and they saw one white one with a cape) and clay beings, and also some tanks. The pig men were taking some pleasure terrifying the inhabitants, causing as much damage as possible. Further away, the children could see that they started a forest fire.

Behind them were the five pig men they fought plus the two they previously knocked out, now in a pile beside the remains of the clay being.

Sweetie Void sighed. "So much for just scouting." She looked at Ness. "A friend is having a party in a few hours so let's hurry up."

"Uh... Okay. Then let's go."

"Wait! Big bro!" The shout gained their attention, the two seeing the little girl run toward them holding a red cap. "Here, your cap!"

Ness took the cap she presented to him and put it on, blue bill turned to his right side. "Thank you, little sis."

"Kick their butts!"

Ness laughed. "I will."

He then ran down the path to the town followed by Sweetie Void, the two quickly encountering a couple of pig men that were quickly knocked out before the two children separated to cover more ground. The invading pig men weren't that many, thankfully.

Sweetie Void easily rolled over anything she encountered. Men armed of guns and beings made of clay were just small fry to her, as easy to knock out as Waddle Dees. She bonked a man on the head with the handle of her sword, punched another with so much force that she sent him crashing into a house, cut a clay being in two like you cut butter, and then used another clay being as a shield to protect herself from the shell fired by a tank. Looking at the tank, she was silent for a few seconds before she grinned, getting an idea.

Meanwhile, Ness had a bit more problem but still was able to knock out in one hit most pig men he encountered. The pink ones were really weak. The few blue ones he encountered, however, already asked more caution. Then he encountered a green one.



Ness hit the green pig man on the head with his bat like he did to all the pig men he encountered. But the pig man tanked the hit and immediately retaliated by kicking the boy away before he fired his gun. Ness was hit by the energy projectile which hurt him quite a bit despite his shield. At least, thanks to the shield he put being a stronger version than the one he used earlier with Sweetie Void, some of the damage blocked by it was returned to the green pig man.

"Ouch... PK Lifeup," Ness mumbled, focusing a bit before his wounds closed. He then pointed a finger at the pig man and said, "PK Paralysis!"

To the green pig man's surprise, he found himself numbed to the point that he could barely move, leaving him vulnerable to Ness' bat without being able to counterattack. After a few more hits, he was out.

But after defeating some more pig men including two more green ones, Ness encountered the white one with the cape who was at the head of a group of three greens. Frowning, the boy quickly put two fingers on his forehead and strongly focused before he yelled, "PK Rockin!" A huge psychokinetic wave then came out of him and hit the group of pig men like a train, sending them flying to land further away on their back, out cold.

Just then, he saw a group of pig men run away, chased by a tank with Sweetie Void poking out of its entrance now wearing a military helmet. Cackling, she pointed at the pig men and yelled "Fire!!!"



"I knew I should have called in sick todaaaaay!!!"

Two of the clay beings suddenly jumped in the tank's way and managed to stop it in its course, holding it in place with their strength.

"Hey! Come on! You're ruining my fun!" the filly complained, but the clay beings didn't react to her words at all. Annoyed, she grabbed them in her magic and crushed them into balls of clay before tossing them away, restarting spreading terror among the pig men.

Ness sweated at what he witnessed before he shook his head and resumed fighting the pig men, encountering a clay being too against who he discovered that these things were easy to put to sleep with a "PK Hypnosis". Already, not many enemies remained in town. Pretty much all the clay beings and tanks were destroyed by Sweetie Void, and many of the pig men who weren't knocked out escaped by either running out of the town or returning inside their pig UFOs. Ness still encountered a couple more clay beings that he easily eliminated with PK Hypnosis' help before he finally ended up facing a tank that had managed to escape the filly's rampage.

The boy quickly jumped out of the way of a shell before he yelled, "PK FLASH!!!" A group of small flashing green lights then came out of him and moved toward the tank. A huge green explosion followed, destroying the tank in one hit while the pig men that had been inside it were sent flying away.

With this, the town was mostly cleared of enemies.

But this wasn't over as Sweetie Void entered the forest, leaving the tank behind, and began to put out the fire only to see that said fire was caused by weird flies spewing fire. Upon looking closer after catching one in her magic, she saw that they were actually flies combined with a lighter.

She snorted. "Way to make literal fireflies." Deep down, she was both amused and worried by this. If these guys could combine animals with objects... Well, Fluttershy would be horrified.

No matter. It meant that she had to find and stop all these flies to stop the fire. Thinking of how difficult it would be, she instead decided to fly toward the ocean and levitated a huge quantity of water to flood the forest, not only putting out the fire but also sweeping the flies all in one go, and she made sure to control the water so it didn't reach and flood the town.

Her job done, she returned in the town and found Ness as he destroyed one last clay being that had been left behind by the retreating pig men.

"I put out the forest fire," she informed.

"And I think that I eliminated the last enemy," Ness returned. He then gave the filly his hand. "I'm Ness."

She shook his hand. "Sweetie Belle. But you can also call me Sweetie Void. I'm an alien from another dimension simply visiting your world. That I arrived just in time to help fight off this invasion is just pure coincidence." Or not.


She raised an eyebrow, bemused. "I'm not the first alien from another dimension you meet, uh?"

"Well, it's not exactly the same, but I met a rhinoceros beetle-like insect alien from the future. And I fought a humanoid robotic one who followed him. And then I had to go to the past with my friends to defeat this last one's master who had become Evil incarnate." Ness got a thoughtful expression. "I'm not sure if the Giygas I fought was the one from the future who travelled to the past or if it was a past incarnation... Speaking of, Porky was his right-hand man."

"The same Porky who is now at the head of this army and who is now forcing you to "play" with him?"

"Yeah... He was my neighbor. A bully, jealous, self-centered, immature, but also with a very difficult home life. Despite all this, he was alright to be around. But then he got corrupted by Giygas and became worse, actively helping him to destroy the universe. When I defeated Giygas with my friends, he used Giygas' technology to escape through space and time. I didn't hear from him since then, several months ago."

Sweetie Void sighed. "Darn... Then I hope that we can save him if he's still corrupted."

"I'm not sure if he's still corrupted. I mean, Giygas is dead. His influence is gone. Everyone and everything that had been turned crazy by his power is back to normal. So..."

"Then... Let's deal with him. Fourside, right?"

"Yes. I can teleport us there."

"Not so fast, young man," a female voice interrupted them before they turned to see Ness' mother approaching. "You just pushed back an invasion. I advise you to rest a bit before you go. Who knows what that horrible boy has prepared for you. I prepared a steak for you. And a salad for your new friend."

Ness reluctantly agreed.

While they shared a meal in Ness' home, Sweetie getting to know Ness' mother and sister, the woman eventually said, "It's too bad that you must go on an adventure now. Your father is returning home. You will barely miss him."

"Don't worry, mom. If everything goes well, I should be back in a few hours," Ness reassured.

"You know as well as me that you shouldn't say that. Chances of things not going according to plan are very high in a hero's life. For all we know, this is the start of another journey across the world to save the universe," the mother reprimanded.

Sweetie Void snorted. "I know that from experience. One moment you chase a cake thief. The next, you fight a god-like incarnation of evil in space."

"Exactly. Or one moment you are investigating a poltergeist phenomenon, and then you end up stopping an alien invasion."

Ness' sister laughed. "A hero's life is so weird!"

"You have no idea," the filly said with a giggle.

Ness groaned. "I hope that you are wrong..."

"Just in case, you should bring your other friends. Jeff and Poo," the mother proposed.


Once they were done eating, Sweetie Void and Ness exited the house and moved to an area of the path where there weren't any obstacles.

Then Ness began to run faster and faster in a circle, only to stop when he saw that Sweetie Void wasn't doing the same and was instead looking at him as his he was crazy.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm teleporting," the boy answered as if it was obvious.


Ness raised an eyebrow. "To teleport us, I must run faster and faster until reaching a certain speed, with you following me. Thanks to Teleportation Beta, I can run in circles instead of having to go in straight lines, which takes less place. You didn't know?"

"Well... no," Sweetie Void answered before she demonstrated how she teleported, simply by popping out of existence and reappearing at another location further to the side. "To teleport, I don't need to run."

Ness was flabbergasted. "Woah... Uh... W-well... Can you teleport us to Winters, then?"

"No, sorry. I have to know where my destination is to teleport there, and also know the place to make sure that I don't accidentally teleport into something. So I guess that you will have to teleport us. So I just have to run in circle behind you?"

"Yes. Just follow me."

So Sweetie Void went behind the boy and the two began to run in circle, gaining speed until the two just ran into a portal that opened. The next thing they knew, they ran out of the portal in an area covered in snow, before the gate to a large building.

A building that was attacked by weird animals. As in, there were animals that looked like amalgamations of at least two animals, and there were cyborg animals. Or animals that were both amalgamations and cyborgs.

Sweetie Void stared bemusedly at a wolf whose head was replaced by the one of a goat with two horns looking like small spears. Then she looked at a bear whose front legs were replaced by gattling guns and who had a cannon in its mouth.

"What the buck...?"

Despite the questions, the two quickly sprung into action and began to attack the animals. After knocking out an elephant with huge wings instead of ears, they entered the building where they separated to save everyone.

Sweetie Void entered rooms after rooms, saving children and staff from the rampaging animals. She barely stopped a porcupine armadillo from turning a girl into a strainer. Then she saw a gang of sunglasses-wearing mice forcing other children into giving them money by threatening them with guns, and the filly promptly gave them a lesson. The weirdest was probably when she encountered a bird that could lay explosive eggs, dealing with it as it just entered the building through a window. At least, she didn't encounter many people so she guessed that they must have gathered somewhere, and the ones that she saved were the ones who got themselves separated.

Meanwhile, Ness found his friend Jeff in a classroom in the second floor, defending the majority of his classmates and the school's staff with one of his guns. Many animals were laying unconscious all over the room.

"Jeff! Are you alright?"

"Hey, Ness. How did you know that we needed help? Has Paula seen this and informed you with her psychic powers?"

"Uh... No. I came to ask you to help me saving her from Porky. I had no idea that the school was being attacked."

"Uh. Then as you can see, everyone here is alright. However, we are missing a few people. You should go search for them before something bad happens. Don't worry, I have the situation in hand here."

BOOOOM!!! Boomboomboomboomboomboomboom! A huge explosion followed by a series of smaller ones suddenly came from elsewhere in the building only to stop as suddenly as they started by a big CRASH! Looking out a window, Ness saw a giant squid with a cannon as a mouth and more cannons at the tip of its tentacles being blasted off into the sky.

"What was that?!" Jeff asked.

"A new friend I made today. She's helping me pushing back these animals."

"Oh? Cool. You will present me once this is over."

"Of course. Then we will go take Poo before going to Fourside. By the way, any news of your father?"

Jeff shook his head. "Nothing..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Now is not the side. Just go."

Ness nodded and exited the room.

Only to quickly find out that Sweetie Void had already cleaned most of the building and saved everyone else. He only had to fight a few more animals before they were all defeated. A few remained outside but the filly quickly dealt with them before they could get away and risk to rampage elsewhere. She then gathered all of them in a big cage that she sent to New Halcandra with a message clarifying what that was, hoping that the guys there will be able to help them one way or another.

"So you are Ness' new friend, uh? I... didn't expect a winged unicorn," Jeff stated upon meeting the filly not long afterward, before the school's entrance.

She giggled. "Nobody expects a winged unicorn."


Blond bowl cut. Rectangular glasses that made him look smart. Freckles. Green coat and pants with a black bowtie and white shirt. He really looked like your typical genius kid/teacher's pet. And yet, he didn't act haughty like most were depicted to act. Actually, he seemed to be the shy type as he was hesitant when he talked to Sweetie Void. But behind his shyness and his glasses, the filly could see a lot of curiosity in his eyes. She intrigued him.

A bit as if he was a fusion of Twilight and Fluttershy.

"I can't wait to fight alongside you," she eventually said, hoping to open him more.

"Me too. I can't use psychic powers like Ness, Paula, or Poo, but I make up for it with gadgets. Speaking of, they still must be in my bag, in my room. One minute." He returned inside the school and exited it a couple of minutes later with a backpack. "Look at these!" He put the bag down and opened it, starting to show items that were inside. "Here I have a bazooka! Beside my gun, it's the weapon I used the most back in the days. Huge damage to the main target plus splash damage to any enemy stupid enough to be close to said target. Very useful against groups of enemies. And best of all? Infinite ammo and no need to reload it! And look at this! I call it the Hungry HP-Sucker! It drains the enemies from their energy and heals me! Oh, and I love this one. The Neutralizer. With this, I can undo all the effects of all the psychic moves, including buffs and debuffs. But I must be careful when I use it because it affects even friendlies. A bad timing and I could destroy Ness' shield just as the enemy attacks him, or remove a PK Hypnosis and wake up the enemy. I really should work on doing one that targets only the enemies' psychic moves..."

Before he could continue, Ness interrupted him by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Sorry Jeff, but we must go. If your school was attacked, then I fear that Dalaam was attacked too. Let's hurry."

"Uh... Yeah! Right! See you quickly Tony, hopefully," he said to a boy with a black hat who was standing at the entrance door.

The boy waved back at them. "Good luck!"

Ness teleported the group to a large floating island in the sky, made of a series of slopes and cliffs with one of these oriental palaces with a golden domed roof at the very top of the island while a village was in the lower levels.

They appeared in a large area beside the palace only to almost run into a rather large pile of unconscious pig men of all four encountered colors with only a single destroyed tank, a couple of destroyed pig UFOs, and a few destroyed clay beings.

"Woah..." Sweetie Void was amazed to see that the enemies were already dealt with here.

Jeff chuckled and crossed his arms. "I guess that it was useless to worry." He looked up at the top of the pile. "Right, Poo?"

Sitting on the top of the pile, as if meditating, was a young teen, a boy wearing a white gi with a black belt and black shoes. He was almost entirely bald except for a patch of black hair tied into a pigtail. From what Sweetie could see, he was also wearing a well-decorated diadem, cloak, bracer, and had also a beautiful sword at his hip.

After a few seconds of silence, the boy, Poo, spoke. "These fools were no challenge to me. They tried to invade my home, only to hit a wall, very painfully." He opened his eyes and looked down at the group, smiling. "But I thank you for worrying. I take it that they also attacked you?"

"Well, these pig men attacked my hometown, but Jeff's school was attacked by rampaging animals that these guys seem to have experimented on," Ness informed. "Porky is responsible of this. They work for him. He kidnapped Paula."

Poo sighed. "I see... So he is back... I would have loved to forget about this brat. And who is the... uh... kirin?"

Sweetie Void tilted her head. "Kirin? That's the first time I'm called like that."

"Her name is Sweetie Belle-"

"But you can call me Sweetie Void!"

"-and she comes from another dimension. She is helping us."

Poo got up and jumped down from the pile, landing before the filly before bowing to her. "How lucky I am to meet such a noble creature. Thank you for helping us in our time of need."

"Uh... You're welcome?" Sweetie Void was a bit weirded out. "Actually. I'm what we call an alicorn. Sorry, but I don't know what are these kirins you are talking about."

"Mmh... You said that you came from another dimension?"

"Uh... It's Ness who-"

"Then I guess that this is how kirins call themselves in this dimension you came from. I understand. If this is your wish, then I will refer to you as an alicorn from now on."

Sweetie gave Ness and Jeff a pleading look, which the boys returned with shrugs.

"Now, Ness, I will gladly join you again to give the brat another lesson," Poo said to Ness. "Do you know his current location?"

"He said that he would wait for me in Fourside," Ness answered. "Let's go."

Poo nodded.

They teleported into a huge city that reminded Sweetie of Manehattan, with skyscrapers surrounding her. However, she quickly saw two problems:

Firstly, the streets were empty. Like, there was absolutely nobody, not even a cat. Usually, streets in such large cities were bustling.

Secondly, above the skyscrapers was a huge ship with the snout of a pig and a giant propeller like an helicopter, looping the same music that the smaller pig UFOs had been playing.

"So, in which building do you think that Porky is with Paula?" Sweetie asked to the others.

"Mmh..." Ness thought for a few seconds. "I'm guessing what had been the Monotoly Building. This is where I last encountered Porky before the final battle against him and Giygas, and he loves feeling at the top."

"Ding dililing! We have a winner!" An holographic screen descended from the sky, showing an empty golden sofa. "You know me so well, Ness. Oh. How I missed you, old pal. Old buddy. Old friend. Eheheheheh. You know, I gained immortality. I lived thousands of years... Probably. It's hard to say, with time travel. And yet..." From behind the sofa jumped a young, overweight blond boy Ness' age who dropped on the sit. "Look! I haven't aged at all! Well truthfully, because of time travel, I became a frail old geezer. Bleh. Not fun. I could barely walk out of my walker. But then I met some new friends who helped me regain my youth! And just for you, I decided to return to my good old thirteen years old-self. Well, that and also because it felt so wrong for me to be an adult. I mean, me? An adult? What a joke! Adults are no fun. They only think of working and working and working again. No, I prefer to remain a kid, thank you. This way I can do what I want without caring for the consequences. I can play all day, stuff myself with icecream, and sleep as much as I want. And the best? Nobody to scream at me! No stupid parents to punish me! THIS! Is good life! Well, almost. Like I said, I really missed you, Ness, you loser. Like I said, if I chose to return as a thirteen years old instead of any other age, this is for you. Because I miss the good old times. When you went in your little adventure to save the world and I was here to oppose you. I never felt so alive, had more fun than back then. You as the hero, and me as the bad guy! I want that again! I want to play with you again! So... Come! Come save your girlfriend! Hehehehehehe! That is..." He grabbed a remote control with a single red button from his pocket. "If you reach me!" He pressed the button.

Then, a hatch opened in the underbelly of the huge ship, and out of it came countless of little purple glowing spheres that dropped all over the area around the group. Once reaching the ground, these spheres then gathered into groups and merged together, taking shapes that looked more and more like bipedal humanoid creatures about the size of Luigi. They formed a round head, some suit with a large collar, shoes, gloves, and a hat with what looked like a feather. Finally, the purple turned into different colors. Thus the beings' skin became dark grey/black while the suit and hat turned green with the feather being red, and the shoes and gloves were brown. Finally, on the suit was a little emblem that looked like a circle with a single line going to the center, the space inside the circle being red. All of these beings had different faces, going from simple soulless white and red eyes to complex patterns, or just a single large red circle, between many others. Some of them had just their bare hands while others were armed with boomerangs, swords, and guns, and a few had red suits and hat instead of green ones.

Surrounding the kids, these things easily numbered the hundreds, maybe over one thousand, much move numerous than the pig men had been.

"What are they?" Sweetie Void wondered, not really asking the question to Porky.

And yet, the boy answered. "No idea! I just got them and didn't bother to ask their name. Now... Let's get ready to rumbleeee!!!"

As if this was a signal, the mysterious humanoids charged at the kids.

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