• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 160: Arrival On Zebes

Back to when Sweetie Void left to help Samus

When Sweetie Void stepped out of the rift into the control room of the Lor Starcutter, she immediately went and inputted the coordinates sent to her by Samus into the Lor’s computer while saying, “We got an urgent request from Samus, get us to her universe, and to these coordinates, quickly!”

“ACKNOWLEDGED,” the ship’s near-sapient artificial intelligence replied, taking off from its current docking station and into the sky a safe enough distance to open a rift. As the Lor made and traversed the rift into Samus’ universe, the ship turned to begin its voyage towards Planet Zebes.

Approaching the planet, Sweetie Void saw, through the screen of the Lor, that it was a rocky, mountainous world that didn’t seem very likely to have life due to a seemingly constant torrent of acid rain. That was until Sweetie Void spotted the occasional hopping insect-like creature that the Lor identified as “Sidehoppers'' thanks to a database provided courtesy of the Galactic Federation of this Universe, which showed that the climate, while harsh, could be lived in with natural means, unlike the Pirate Homeworld Samus and Sweetie Void had raided during the Phazon conflict.

We should really think of a way to differentiate the Federations, Sweetie Void mused, before shaking her head and refocusing on her reason for being here: to help Samus try to save the Baby Metroid from the Space Pirates.

Upon spotting Samus and her ship, she immediately noticed that something was off. The bounty hunter was clad in her armor, but it looked different, more streamlined, without the large semi-spherical pauldrons, with a yellow coloration aside from the upper torso and helmet, which were the latter’s normal reddish color, flattened pauldrons that had a sort of orange color, and the arm cannon, which was still green. The ship was also different from the one she had back in the Phazon conflict. It didn't have wings. Instead, it was more circular with a black underside and three feet.

Disembarking from the Lor and using a shield to protect herself from the acid rain, Sweetie quickly addressed Samus. “Hey, I hope you didn’t have to wait too long. Is that a new suit?”

Samus sighed, then replied, “Hey, fur ball, wasn’t all that long. No, this isn’t new, it’s actually the same one you last saw me in, without any of my upgrades.”

Sweetie Void was about to go on a rant asking how Samus could have lost her equipment, when the latter continued, simply saying, “Ridley got in a lucky hit on me, messed with my armor’s systems enough to force them to default.”

One facehoof later, Sweetie Void finished connecting the dots. “Which means we’ll need to look for new upgrades and get you back up to your top capability. Well, let’s get started. Lead the way, Samus.”

Turning from the filly, Samus made her way to a cavern entrance to her right, Sweetie following close behind.

They passed a blue door and, a short walk later, their path was blocked by a suspicious stone wall that Samus identified could be destroyed but she didn’t have the right means yet (well, Sweetie could destroy it, but just in case, she decided not to). Before this wall, they came upon a hole in the ground, and they went down it riding on a shield courtesy of Sweetie Void. As they moved down, they passed before a first blue door behind a passage too small for Samus, then reached another blue door that they could reach. So they passed it, only to find out that they could do nothing in the room behind (which seemed to be part of some temple) because there was a passage too small for Samus again.

Samus sighed. “I already miss my Morph Ball.”

So they returned to the cavern and ignored the red door facing them before they moved down again until reaching another blue door in the ground at the bottom, which seemed to be the entrance of some metallic structure. They passed it, entering what Samus recognised was Tourian. They had to move down again for a while before they reached a blue door. On the way, Samus identified a couple of parts that could be destroyed, one at the top and one near the bottom, but she would need the Morph Ball again, so she didn’t bother yet. There was also a destructible wall at the bottom, but like with the cavern wall, Samus didn’t have the means to destroy it yet.

The two then entered a room that seemed like a lab of some kind. A large amount of shattered glass was present around a centralized area that Samus said was the room that she fought Mother Brain in during her first mission. Behind them, a metal door closed, blocking the exit where they came from. Under the remains of Mother Brain’s capsule, Samus identified a part of the floor that could be destroyed, but she didn’t have the means yet too. Traversing the room with some jumps, or flying for Sweetie, the two then entered another room with an elevator that led down.

Stepping on to it, Sweetie voiced her curiosity. “I remember you mentioned that this was your home, but I thought that meant you lived on the surface of the planet, not in the caverns.”

“To be fair, I hadn’t mentioned the weather,” Samus replied while pointing upwards as the elevator descended.

As the elevator touched down on a raised pedestal in a hall-like room of the cavern, Sweetie was momentarily taken aback by the size of the area. Samus explained that the reason the caverns were so big was because the planet’s crust was abundant in a substance called Urthic Ore, which makes the stone much stronger, allowing the planet’s crust to be hollow as it is, without compromising structural stability

This also made Urthic Ore an ideal material for underground construction.

Samus also revealed that this cavern was part of a larger network of caverns going everywhere under the surface of Zebes. Some of these caverns had lush underground jungles where 60% of the planet’s wildlife lived. This whole network was called Brinstar.

“Does the surface have a name?” Sweetie Void asked.

“Yes. Crateria,” Samus answered.

Turning to one direction, Samus and Sweetie encountered a large stone structure. Samus, recognizing the whole setup, told Sweetie, “I’ll be right back,” and jumped up and over the wall-like stalagmite. A few seconds later, Sweetie saw statues animating but not doing anything before she spotted Samus in her Morph Ball coming out of the wall beside her.

Standing up out of the Morph Ball, Samus gave a satisfied breath. “Some of the upgrades were left in shrines, for some reason, last time I was here. If I know the Chozo like I think I do, I’m willing to bet this new Morph Ball unit is only the first of them.”

Sweetie Void leapt to her hooves, ready to get started. “We’ll grab what we can on the way, then I’ll have a quick look around once you’re more powered up. You mentioned Ridley being here, and if he’s here, so are the rest of the Pirates he commands. You’d be seen as easy pickings for a group of them, as you are now.” Samus simply sighed in feigned resignation, as it was a truth she knew all too well, from prior experience.

“But now, the planet knows I’m here. A camera scanned me, and Komas, these weird statues, looked at me creepily,” Samus said.

Sweetie Void groaned. “That’s gonna slow us down, I bet.” She then smiled eagerly. “Then again, I might get to play with Ridley again!”

In his control room, Ridley was sweating bullets, seeing Sweetie Void on the cameras.

Walking down the other end of the cavern, the pair came upon a raised section of the cave with a blue door. Passing through it, they spotted a red door on the other end. A quick look around with the Scan visor allowed Samus to see that part of the floor was weakened, and with a quick shot from her cannon, found out that it was weak enough to be destroyed with her Power Beam and opened an entrance to a room below

Dropping down, the two saw that they were in a room with two floating platforms in the middle of it (Sweetie Void Processes that before shelving it for later) and a small hole further down, below the platforms. Going down into it allowed Samus to spot a small opening that she used the Morph Ball to traverse. Coming out of Morph Ball as Sweetie Void popped her head through the opening behind Samus, the pair saw a blue door that they opened, revealing what looked to be a form of shrine, with a statue in the shape of a Chozo holding a large orb with orange spots in its talons.

Sweetie Void marveled at the statue, wondering how something like this could have been made.

And was snapped out of it by Samus blasting the orb, revealing a Missile Expansion, which the bounty hunter took to rearm herself with the Missile Launcher. “Always good to have those on hand,” she commented.

Making their way back to the top, Samus then fired a missile at the door only for it to flicker slightly, and not much else. With an aggravated sigh, which sounded more like a groan, she blasted four more missiles at it, the fifth missile finally opening the door.

As they entered and explored the room beyond, Samus addressed the door. “An older system, similar to the ones used these days, but not as cost efficient. It's meant for draining invading groups of their resources, but didn’t get much use once it was found out that bypassing it the first time keeps it disabled.”

Sensing an energy source in the ceiling Sweetie Void quickly flew up and found an Energy Tank wedged into the stone, seemingly impossible to retrieve. “That’s weird. The system being disabled after the first time, I mean. Why bother installing it to stop invaders if it fails after the first time it’s gotten around?”

While Sweetie Void did that, Samus checked out a small hole that led to another room with another Missile Expansion.

As Sweetie Void landed with the Energy Tank in hand, she received a call on her interdimensional phone. Seeing it was from Magolor, she answered. “Hey, Magolor, did you find something out about the Subspace Bubbles?”

“No, but we hope to have something soon. I’m actually calling to ask if you’re available to help escort a team to Donkey Kong's Island, to build a portal there for easier access to the Island.”

Sweetie winced, “Sorry, I’m busy helping Samus in her universe. Call Phantom or Apple Death, one of them will be able to help you out.”

“Alright, see you later,” Magolor hung up as Sweetie Void put away her phone while Samus returned with a Missile Expansion.

As the pair turned back to exit the room, a slight humming noise sounded off from the wall Samus had gotten the Missile Expansion behind. Then a yellow light encompassed the two of them from behind briefly, then faded. Turning back to the wall revealed the source to be a camera now focused on them.

“That’s the same kind of camera that scanned me earlier. They’re keeping watch on us,” Samus said while placing her hand on her arm cannon.

Sweetie Void simply smiled at the camera.

Ridley felt a chill run down his spine as he saw the filly smile at the camera.

Samus gave an amused huff, and opened the blue door so the pair could continue their journey.

Seeing that they could do nothing else here, they returned to the elevator and went back up to explore some of the doors they couldn’t either open or reach.

Upon reaching the top of the elevator, the two noticed that the room was a bit brighter, as if power had been restored.

Treading carefully, the two passed through the door to the room which once held Mother Brain.

Samus immediately ducked while Sweetie Void cast a shield on reflex to block a pair of beams fired from something invisible in front of them! The beams bounced off the shield and one of the beams impacted the attacker in the chest, sending him sprawling to the floor below, the other impacting on an upper wall, revealing a lobster-like creature clinging to it with a shimmer.

Samus quickly recovered, then fired at the other invisible creature that fired from the wall above as she called out, “Here they are!” The shot hit her target.

On impact the now confirmed Space Pirate died after one shot and turned visible.

Samus kept her arm cannon ready in case there were others waiting to attack while Sweetie went to look at the now dead pirates, the first one’s cloak having failed with the reflected shot and having broken its neck from the fall.

“Wow, when you said how they look changes because of their own genetic experiments, I wasn’t expecting to go from something vaguely reptilian to… this,” the filly remarked. But then something occurred to her. “Wait, I should’ve been able to sense this guy charging his weapon through the door!”

Taking a moment to check her senses, she found that she couldn’t sense any energy, at least not clearly. Then, she looked over the Space Pirates, finding a small device attached to the lower back of one, shaped roughly like a brick, with only a button on it.

Pushing the button, Sweetie Void could hear alarm bells in her head as she suddenly realized what that device was.

It was a device designed to scramble energy readings in a small area.

She realized this as she suddenly sensed the 5 or so other Space Pirates around the room, including one between her and Samus that the filly immediately jumped and back hoofed the head off across the room, shimmering slightly as its stealth cloak failed.

Directing Samus one way as the remaining four pirates dropped their cloaks, Sweetie Void sent a ball of energy at another Space Pirate clinging to the wall, blowing its upper body off, then rushed her second Space Pirate, who tried to avenge his comrade, only to be bisected by Sweetie Void now holding a beam sword.

Samus, meanwhile, blasted her first Space Pirate in the arm, causing it to fall from the wall it clung to as it tried to fire back, despite the lost limb, then ended it with a shot to the head, only to spin and parry the last Space Pirate’s attempted sneak attack with her cannon. Then, she grabbed its head while slamming the barrel of her arm cannon into its gut, then blasted the pirate into a wall.

As they relaxed after waiting for more pirates to reveal themselves, Sweetie Void took a quick moment to check the local energies around her.

Only to be shocked as she noticed she couldn’t feel any Void energy at all.

“Wha… ho-....” She then had a thought and expanded her probing.

Samus suddenly felt the room grow slightly colder as she looked over at Sweetie Void. “Something wrong?”

Sweetie Void shook herself from her probing of the planet’s energy (and thoughts of tormenting Ridley), and looked at Samus, the temperature seemingly back to normal. “Something’s draining all the Void Energy on the planet. Between that and these things that seem to mess with my ability to sense nearby energy,” she said as she pulled off the device from the Space Pirate it was attached to and showed it to the hunter, “I’ve got the feeling that the Subspace Army may have gotten the Space Pirates to join with them.”

Samus gave a faint growl as she recalled the events of the “Tournament” held by Master Hand.
“If that’s the case, then let’s show them what we think of it.”

Stowing the device in her personal pocket space to give it to Magolor for study later, Sweetie then turned her attention to the now flashing metal door as she and Samus crossed the room back towards it. Opening the door with a shot from the hunter’s Power Beam, the two were met with the sight of more pirates clinging to the walls along with those soldiers in green on various platforms (Big ones and ones armed with boomerangs? Ok.) and one of the cyclops fish that Sweetie had seen from Porky and the Subspace Army!

“Oh, COME ON!” Sweetie Void exclaimed, throwing her forelegs into the air. Samus, on the other hand, raised her arm cannon and started firing, making sure to stay mobile to avoid getting hit.

Sweetie then rushed the cyclops fish, immediately sending it flying into a wall with an energy-charged punch, before manifesting her whip in ten cannon mode, turning two into double beam swords and using her fore legs to use them, and using the rest as cannons. She proceeded to carve her way through both the soldiers in green and the Space Pirates on the walls, blasting any who avoided coming close with her eight floating cannons alongside Samus.

By the time the room was clear, despite their best effort, the two still took a few hits during the battle (and Sweetie Void was already hating those scramblers!). Before they could relax, however, a sudden shriek sounded off, disorienting Sweetie for a moment, but sending Samus collapsing to the ground in pain! Looking around for the source, the filly spotted what looked like a ghost with glowing red eyes made of shadows with what looked like patches of… something dark making up what counted for a body coming out of the wall.

Wishing to save Samus (and her ears), Sweetie bombarded the creature with beams from her cannons until it faded completely from view. A quick check of the local energy (The scrambler was destroyed in the fight) showed it had been destroyed, and the filly quickly went to check on the swiftly recovering hunter. “Samus, are you alright?”

Samus shook her head slightly while holding it with her hand as she answered, “I’ll be fine, helmet’s audio systems took the brunt of the noise, but couldn’t stop it all, or the massive headache it caused.” She then checked her suit’s energy, and saw that she was down to half a tank. “But I will admit, that thing’s shriek can dish out a lot of hurt. It took most of my suit’s energy.”

Sweetie Void looked back to the group of enemies they previously slain, only to see that the soldiers in green and cyclops fish had faded into both those little back wisps, along with what looked like floating balls of pink energy. Gathering them into one cluster, she quickly presented it to Samus as the hunter managed to get to her feet.

After taking a moment to catch their breath, the two rode one of Sweetie’s shields back to the top of the shaft to see if they had any new paths open to them in the cavern above. On the way, they investigated the two destructible blocks Samus identified earlier. They couldn’t be destroyed by Samus’ beam however, same with the wall at the bottom. So they continued to climb until entering the cavern above where Samus insisted on checking the door to the room with the small passage she needed the Morph Ball to access.

Upon investigating, however, they found the passage to be blocked off with a chunk of stone that proved too resilient for Samus’s arm cannon to damage with her power beam, and she’d try missiles, but Sweetie Void reminded her of there being a red door across the cavern, which take five each, and she only had six.

“We’ll come back for this one, eventually,” Samus said as they once more entered the cavern. Crossing over to and opening the red door, the two found themselves in a hallway with raised stones in a pattern on the floor. Crossing the room (shooting at large insects known as Mellows and a Reo) and entering the next one, they found themselves in a long worn room, with a console in a recessed area in the center with a slot that Samus’s arm cannon could fit in.

Samus breathed a sigh of relief at the sight. “That’s gonna make things a bit easier. If I recall correctly, this is one of the pirate’s map stations. If they’ve been as diligent as they are, they should at least have Crateria mapped out.”

Approaching the machine and inserting her arm cannon into the slot, she pressed a couple buttons on the console, then a whirring sound came from the machine as Samus received the map data the Space Pirates had collected. “Looks like our job is a bit easier, at least.” Disconnecting from the console she turned back to Sweetie Void, who had sat by the door waiting.

The two returned to the main cavern, shooting some hostile wildlife, and finding that some released a gray-ish energy that gave Samus 3 missiles each. Reaching the door behind a small passage, the two opened in to find a tall cylindrical device with an opening.

Samus practically jumped into it, far too ready to have her energy and arsenal topped off. Two panes of glass closed Samus into the device.

A droning sound followed by a strobing light indicated there was a successful transfer of energy, and once both died down, the Hunter stepped out of the cylinder, ready to go.

“Recharge Station, it’ll be good to remember,” Sweetie Void remarked.

Leaving the Recharge Room, the pair rode a shield to the top of the shaft, shooting at Blue Geemers and some flying beetle-like creatures identified as Rippers. A quick scan of the previously identified weakened wall revealed they still didn’t have the means to destroy it, and the two, consequently, decided to check out one of the two small passages that were along the way in, after dealing with some Skrees. Allowing Sweetie Void to go first, the filly found that it was a drop. But before Sweetie Void could think to convey this to Samus, she heard a whoosh behind her and a thunk below her a second later.

Looking below her, she saw Samus coming out of her Morph Ball, having just dropped down after. Taking stock of their surroundings, they found a single Ripper that they easily eliminated. They saw that they were standing on a ledge, with a section down lower barely visible under the ledge below them.

So the two descended lower, and finally, found a blue door. Passing through it, they entered a hallway, filled with a swarm of Mellows and a red door on the other side. Sweetie Void cleared the Mellows while Samus opened the door.

As the door opened, Sweetie hoofed Samus the energy that the Mellows dropped, replenishing the missiles used to open the door.

Entering the room, Samus and Sweetie dropped down, expecting the door to close behind them immediately.

But after not hearing the telltale sound, they looked back seeing the door was sitting wide open.

Now on alert, the two quickly surveyed the room, but the only thing in it was a Chozo Statue with an Upgrade Orb (as Sweetie decided to call the shells). Still wary, Samus shot the Upgrade Orb, revealing a glass case with an orange sphere inside. Taking it, she found it to be her Morph Ball Bombs.

However just as they were starting to relax, a metal door slammed shut over the opening, locking them in. Samus and Sweetie then heard stone cracking from the statue. Looking back at it, they watched in shock (for Samus) and wonder (for Sweetie Void) as the statue stood up and loomed over them, shedding its stone shell and revealing it to be some kind of robot. The two quickly stepped back.

Samus groaned. “A Torizo, guardians of the Chozo’s technology.”

“How bad is it?” Sweetie asked.

“It depends on the model, but this one shouldn’t be a problem, it’s one of the classic ones. The golden variants, however, are bullshit. But the small size of this room will make it a little harder to avoid it.”

The Torizo began to advance toward Sweetie Void and Samus. In just a few steps, it reached them and began sweeping its claws at them, the claws leaving behind trails of explosive energy. As the Torizo approached, Sweetie Void and Samus fired at it, then, as it swept its claws, Samus turned into a ball, and the two passed beside its legs, avoiding the attack and getting behind the animated statue. The Torizo immediately walked after them only to jump back before it opened its beak and spat a dozen balls that looked like Upgrade Orbs but certainly weren’t as good news.

Samus fired at them, destroying some, enough that she and Sweetie Void were able to avoid the remaining ones as they exploded upon impact with the floor. The orbs Samus destroyed left behind energy that could replenish Samus’ missiles but also her energy. Seeing that she didn’t have to worry about getting out of missiles, Samus began to fire them at the Torizo, dealing heavy damage to it. As she took the energy to replenish her ammunition, the Torizo resumed walking toward them.

One shot from Sweetie Void dealt enough damage that it opened the Torizo’s chest, making it leak some silver liquid. However, this made the Torizo mad as it suddenly gained speed, forcing the girls to pass beside its legs to get away like earlier, not even giving it time to attack with its sweeping claws.

The Torizo jumped against the wall again, and this time, it swept its claws to send green energy cutters. There were lower ones moving against the floor so they could be jumped above, and there were others flying higher so Samus had to duck. All the while, the two continued to fire at the Torizo until its head exploded.

This wasn’t the end of the fight however. Despite missing its head, the Torizo remained up and running, and it was now actually running blindly across the room to sweep at the girls. The two had to run and roll beside its legs again, but the Torizo wasn’t stopping and continued to run around.

Sweetie got an idea and turned her cannons into a staff that she planted into a wall. She then made the staff grow until it reached the opposite wall. Sweetie firmly kept it like that as the Torizo’s feet ended up hitting it. This made the robot trip and fall on the floor hard. Samus then finished it with a missile into the hole left by the head.

The Torizo stopped moving, and it exploded, leaving behind a lot of energy to replenish Samus’ missiles.

The two relaxed as nothing else showed up to fight them. Samus collected the missile refills, and, seeing nothing else they could do in this room, she and Sweetie left to see if they could get out of the pit.

Without Sweetie Void breaking through the caves.

Author's Note:

Chapter written by me and Cyrus Colter. Mostly Cyrus.

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