• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 892 Views, 33 Comments

My Little Pony: The School Musical - Harrison Sparrow

Twilight Sparkle meets another alicorn named Harrison Sparrow, where they audition for the winter musicale at Canterlot High.

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3. Group Meeting

Potion Nova and her brother Wally make their way through the crowded hallways, heading to their class.

"Uh-oh, looks like the science wizard has returned from the laboratory." Eddie said.

"You know, she probably spent the holidays the way she always does." Lightning said.

"How's that?" Harrison asked.

"Shoppin' for magic mirrors." Wheelburn said.

The Great Six laugh at the joke.

Twilight and her friends walk to her first class.

"Okay, so your first class on Mondays and Tuesdays will be in room B109." Rainbow said. "I will be with you."

"Got it." Twilight said.

"And remember, you need to wise-up, and not break any pinkie promises." Pinkie said. "Twilight?" Twilight is staring at Harrison, who is staring at her back. Pinkie thinks Twilight isn't listening to her. "Are you listening to me!?"

"Yeah, sorry. I am, I just, uh…" Twilight said, as she walks up to Harrison.

"Was she starin' at that red and blue guy over there?" Applejack asked.

"What are you doing, bro?" Duramy asked.

"Sorry, Duramy, hang on a sec." Harrison said, as he walks towards Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle?"

"Hi, Harrison!" Twilight said happily.

"Hey! I-I don't..." Harrison said.

"Believe it!? Well, me..." Twilight said.

"Either! Are you new here?" Harrison asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not the only one." Twilight said. "I have company."

"Ah, I guess we have quite a crowd here today, everypony." Harrison said.

"Bro, why are you talking to a girl right now?" Lightning asked.

"Guys, I wanna introduce you to my new friend." Harrison said. "This is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship."

Eddie feels shocked. "What!? Are you serious she's a princess?" He said.

"This is Harrison Sparrow, my new friend." Twilight said to her friends.

Rarity gasps. "He's also an alicorn!" She said.

"So, Twilight, these are your friends, right?" Harrison said.

"Sure. This is Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy." Twilight said.

Pinkie waves. "Hello! We're the Mane Six." She said.

"The Mane Six?" Harrison said.

"It's our group name. We made it up ourselves." Applejack said.

"Wow, sounds cool." Harrison said. "You can call us the Great Six."

Rainbow snickers. "Really? A Great Six?" She said.

"The Great Six." Harrison corrected. "This is my best friend, Lightning Bolt."

"Yo." Lightning said.

"My Earth pony pals, Eddie Filo and Wheelburn…" Harrison continued.

"Hello." Eddie said.

"Howdy, y'all!" Wheelburn said.

"Australian unicorn, Duramy..." Harrison said.

"Hey, nice to meet you." Duramy said.

"And this heavy metal dude here is-" Harrison said, but Metalscar covers his mouth before he could say anything further.

Metalscar stares at Fluttershy and smiles. "Hi." He said, and he walks up to her. "My name's... Metalscar." He winks at her.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy said, surprised. "What wild hair you have!"

"All the better to surprise you with." Metalscar said. "And what lovely pink hair you have."

"Oh! Um... thank you, I guess." Fluttershy said.

The school bell rings.

"Uh, I think that's probably enough introducing right now." Rainbow said. "Good to meet you too, guys."

"No problem. Welcome to Canterlot High School!" Wheelburn said, as he, Duramy and Metalscar walk off.

"I guess we're going in the same class." Twilight said.

"Are we? That's amazing!" Harrison said.

"Yo, chillax, man!" Lightning said as he goes into the classroom.

"I'll see you guys soon." Twilight said to her friends.

"Good luck in your assignment, Twilight!" Applejack said as she leaves with the others.

"You too, Applejack!" Twilight said.

"And don't break a pinkie promise!" Pinkie said.

"I'll try, Pinkie." Twilight said, as she takes a deep breath.

"Well, here we go, then." Rainbow said as she and Twilight go into the classroom.

Harrison makes his way into the room, with Twilight and Rainbow following behind.

"Hey, Harrison! How's it going?" A Kirin said.

"You're awesome, dude!" A Pegasus said.

"Miss Sprinkle?" Twilight said, as she gives her some papers.

"Ah, you're a princess, I would assume." Miss Sprinkle said.

"Yes, ma'am." Twilight said. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you."

"Well, you too, Miss Sparkle." Miss Sprinkle said. "And by the way, welcome to Canterlot High."

"So, do you remember the night before?" Eddie asked Harrison.

"Not at all, Eddie. All I know is like, lemon jelly." Harrison said.

"Ooh, squishy!" Eddie said.

"Excuse me, please." Twilight said to Eddie, as she sits next to Harrison.

Potion is in front of Harrison, who turns to face him and waves. "Hi, Harrison." She said, giggling.

Harrison wasn't paying attention. "Hi..." He said softly.

The school bell rings.

"Well, happy new year, everypony." Miss Sprinkle said. "I trust you all had extraordinary holidays. Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities."

"You okay?" Lightning asked Harrison.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Harrison said.

"Especially for our winter musicale." Miss Sprinkle said. "We will have singles auditions for our supporting roles and pairs auditions for our two leads." Lightning blows a raspberry and is not amused. "Mr. Bolt, this is a place of learning, not a racetrack!" Lightning puts his basketball on his lap. "There is also a final sign-up sheet for next week's scholastic decathlon competition."

"That is us!" Rainbow said to Twilight.

"There will be a Chem Club president who can answer all of your questions about that." Miss Sprinkle said.

Harrison dials Twilight's number on his phone.

"So, our first lesson of today will be-" Miss Sprinkle said.

Twilight's phone rings. "What?" She said.

Miss Sprinkle feels alerted. "Ah, the cell phone villain has returned to our vessel of teaching." She said.

Twilight looks in her bag to find her phone. Potion and Wally check their phones.

"Is it ours?" Wally asked.

Miss Sprinkle goes around the room with a can to collect the students' phones. "Potion and Wally, phones, please." She said, and Wally and Potion put their phones in the can. "I'll see you two in detention."

"WHAT!?" Potion said, growling.

"I will absolutely not tolerate any phones in class, so we will be seeing each other in the auditorium." Miss Sprinkle said, and she goes to Twilight. "Phone, please." Twilight puts her phone in the can. "And I know this is your first day here, Miss Sparkle, but still, mistakes are made." She then moves over to Harrison. "Mr. Sparrow, I see your phone is involved, so I'll be seeing you in detention as well."

"Whoa-whoa-whoa, that's certainly not possible, Miss Sprinkle, 'cause we have basketball practice coming up, and Harrison-" Lightning said, interrupting.

"Ah, that will be fifteen minutes for you too, Mr. Bolt!" Miss Sprinkle said, and Lightning makes a face. "Count 'em!"

"That could be tough for Lightning." Rainbow said, also interrupting. "I don't think he can count that high."

"Rainbow Dash, fifteen minutes!" Miss Sprinkle said. Rainbow gasps in shock, and Miss Sprinkle slams the can on her desk. "Shall the drama keep going on!? The holidays are way over, ponies! Now, any more questions?" Eddie timidly raises his hoof. "Eddie."

"So, have you spent your holidays at the Crystal Empire, Miss Sprinkle?" Eddie asked. The entire class stares at him. "What?"

The bell rings as the ponies leave the classroom and head for the next class. Harrison waits outside the classroom for Twilight.

"Sorry, man. See you in detention." Lightning said.

"Lightning, it's okay. See you later." Harrison said.

"Ugh, she's bananas, dude." Eddie said, leaving with Lightning.

Twilight leaves the room and walks with Harrison down the hallway.

"You all right?" Harrison asked.

Twilight sighs. "I can't believe it." She said. "Detention on my first day."

"That was my fault." Harrison said. "I dialed your phone."

"I noticed. Why did you do it?" Twilight asked.

"I was gonna ask if you would have lunch with me in the cafeteria later today." Harrison said.

"Oh, okay. Well, at least I'm not going alone, since Rainbow Dash is coming along as well." Twilight said.

"Yeah, and Lightning Bolt." Harrison said. "Oh, I didn't ask you. Where do you live?"

"I live in Ponyville, with Mom and my friends." Twilight said. "How about you?"

"Same." Harrison said.

"Really?" Twilight said, surprised. "I can't believe you live there too, Harrison!" Harrison chuckles. "Also, I looked for you at the lodge on New Year's Day."

"I know, but we had to leave first thing." Harrison said, whispering.

"Is there a reason to whisper?" Twilight asked.

"What? Oh, uh... well, I did tell my friends about the snowboarding, but, um... not about the singing thing." Harrison said.

"Hey, what's up?" A unicorn said.

"Yo." Harrison said.

"Was it too much for them to handle?" Twilight asked.

"No, it was okay." Harrison said. "But, you know, my friends, it's, uh... not what I do, really. That was, like, a different pony. Oh, now that you've met Miss Sprinkle, I bet you can't wait to sign up for the musical." He points to the sign-up sheet for the musicale on the bulletin board.

"Sorry, me and my friends are doing our assignments for the scholastic decathlon." Twilight said. "And also, we're still getting to know the school. But if you sign up, I'd consider coming along."

"Oh yeah, right. That's completely impossible." Harrison said.

Potion pops up from behind. "What's impossible, Harrison?" She asked. "I don't think 'impossible' is in your vocabulary." She then looks at Twilight. "Oh, how fortunate of you to show our new classmate around." She uses her magical horn on a red pen and signs her name on the sign-up sheet. "Oh, were you also gonna sign up? Wally and I have starred in all the school's productions and we definitely welcome newcomers."

"How long have you been doing that?" Harrison asked.

"Duh! Since we came here three years ago." Potion said. "There are a lot of supporting roles in the show. I'm sure we could find something for you." She said to Twilight.

"Me? Oh no, no-no, I-I was just looking at all the bulletin boards." Twilight said, as she and Harrison smile timidly. "Wow, there's a lotta things going on at this school!" She looks at Potion's name on the sheet. "Nice hoofwriting, by the way." She walks off.

"I didn't use my hoof." Potion said. "So, Harrison, I haven't seen you during vacation. What did you do?"

"Um, well, I played basketball at the lodge, done some snowboarding down a mountain, and then played more basketball." Harrison said.

"When does the big game start?" Potion asked.

"Two weeks." Harrison said.

"You're so devoted, just like I am." Potion said. "Promise that you'll come and watch me in the musical?" Harrison reluctantly nods in agreement and leaves. "Toodles!"

"Toodles..." Harrison said in a whisper.

Potion frowns and walks off to her next class.

Author's Note:

New OC's:

Miss Sprinkle: She is the stern drama teacher at Canterlot High. Sprinkle really doesn't like phones or sports. Not even Harrison's dad; they clash all the time! She is a dark red unicorn and her cutie mark is two drama masks.

Wally Nova: He is Potion's twin brother who is a member of the drama club. He is not as mean as Potion is and he's also not extremely smart. He is a pale blue unicorn with short blonde hair and has three shining stars as his cutie mark.