• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 894 Views, 33 Comments

My Little Pony: The School Musical - Harrison Sparrow

Twilight Sparkle meets another alicorn named Harrison Sparrow, where they audition for the winter musicale at Canterlot High.

  • ...

17. Never Ending Story

The school buses arrive back at Ponyville. The Mane Six and Great Six get out.

"Twilight!" Future Twilight called out.

"MOM!" Twilight said, as she runs to her and they hug.

"So, how did it go?" Future Twilight asked.

"We've won!" Twilight said.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you!" Future Twilight said.

"Thank you, Mom." Twilight said.

"Oh, and I have a little surprise for you." Future Twilight said.

"Surprise?" Twilight said.

They walk over and see Celestia and Luna, who have returned from Silver Shoals!

"They're back home." Future Twilight said.

"Celestia? Luna?" Twilight said, and she walks to them closely.

"Twilight!" Celestia said.

"Is it really you?" Twilight said, about to cry.

"Yes, it is." Celestia said.

Twilight begins crying and hugs Luna and Celestia tightly.

"We missed you so much." Celestia said.

"Oh, Twilight!" Luna said, also crying. "WHY ARE WE CRYING!?"

Celestia giggles. "Oh, sister..." She said.

"I missed you guys so much, too." Twilight said. "Why’d you come back?"

"It was all Harrison's idea." Celestia said.

"Harrison? You met him?" Twilight said.

"That's right." Harrison said, smiling as he walks up to them. "They brought me to Silver Shoals. Welcome home." He bows to Celestia and Luna.

"I'm sure we'll be happy in our new retirement home here." Luna said.

"Thank you so much, Harrison." Celestia said. "We're happy to be back."

"Oh, and did you win the championships?" Luna asked.

"Right at the last moment, I did!" Harrison said.

"Ah, congratulations!" Luna said. "GO WILDPONIES!"

Harrison laughs. "Thank you." He said.

"You said you would make us proud, and you did." Celestia said.

"Celestia." Future Twilight said, as she walks up to her. "It's been too long... teacher."

"You're right, my star-student." Celestia said. "How much I've missed you, too."

"I love you, Celestia." Future Twilight said, as she and Celestia hug.

"CELESTIA! LUNA!" Rainbow called out, as she and the others run up to them.

"Girls!" Celestia said.

They all have a big group hug.

"You're back!" Spike said.

"Oh, we missed you loads!" Pinkie said.

Celestia laughs. "Now this is a real family reunion." She said.

"I love happy endings..." Luna said.

"You all right now?" Harrison said to Twilight.

Twilight sniffles. "Never better." She said. "I can't believe you met them."

"Well, I told them you missed them." Harrison said. "You wanted to see them again, right?"

Twilight hugs him. "I love you." She said.

Harrison hugs her back. "I love you more." He said, and they kiss.

Lightning walks up to Rainbow. "Hey, Rainbow. Or, Rainbow Dash?" He said. "So... you're going with me to the after-party, right?"

Rainbow felt surprised. "Like on a date?!" She said happily.

"Well, it must be your lucky day!" Lightning said.

"Oh, Lightning!" Rainbow said, and they hug. "I'm so happy, I love you already! Can we also race together?"

"Totally awesome!" Lightning said. "You're on!"

"Uh, Pinkie?" Eddie said. "I brought you something." He brings down a drone that’s carrying a pink pie, baked for Pinkie.

Pinkie gasps. "Eddie, you baked and named a pie after me?!" She said.

"It’s for your victory in the decathlon." Eddie said. "You like it?"

Pinkie smells the pie. "Ah, I LOVE IT!" She said, and she hugs Eddie. "And I love you too!"

"Aww..." Eddie said, hugging her back.

"Hey, Applejack." Wheelburn said. "You want me to help ya out at Sweet Apple Acres sometime?"

"I think my delicious food trees would love a helpin’ hoof by you." Applejack said. "Say, can we sing together whilst we’re on the job?"

"Sure! I'd love to." Wheelburn said, and they smile lovingly at each other. "I love you, Applejack."

"Aw, I love you, Wheelburn..." Applejack said, and they hug.

"Fluttershy? Uh… do you wanna rock the world together with me?" Metalscar said.

"What do you mean, Metalscar?" Fluttershy asked.

"I-I meant, do you wanna hang out with me? Take care of your animal pets together?" Metalscar said. "I promise I won’t bite ‘em."

"You want me to go out on a date? With you?" Fluttershy said, and Metalscar nods. "OH, METALSCAR, YOU’RE ONE CRAZY PEGASUS!!" She suddenly screamed, and she hugs him joyfully.

Metalscar laughs and hugs her back. "You too, babe!" He said.

"Rarity, I… I saw all of your designs online yesterday, and, I really love the way you and your mum decorate them, so…" Duramy said.

"Aw, thank you, Duramy darling, that’s so sweet of you." Rarity said lovingly.

"So, can I ask you out?" Duramy asked.

"Ask me out? On a date?!" Rarity said. "Of course you can, dear!" She said happily, and she hugs him tightly. "I CAN’T WAIT!"

"Me either." Duramy said.

"Whoa! Looks like all our friends love each other, too." Twilight said.

Harrison snickers. "You're not wrong." He said. "So… Sugarcube Corner tonight? For the after-party?"

"They're all welcome." Twilight said.

"It's how the Magic of Friendship grows." They both said.

"Twilight! Lightning just asked me out!" Rainbow said.

"I know!" Twilight said. "I'm happy for you, guys."

"We're happy for each other." Lightning said. "Right, bro?"

"Of course we are." Harrison said. "Come on, let’s get this party started!"

"PARTY TIME!!!!!" Pinkie yelled.

Everyone around Ponyville has a huge party together.


The Famous Twelve hang out together at their after-party in Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie tastes some cookies. "Oh my GOSH! Eddie, these cookies are the greatest ever things in the WHOLE WORLD!!" She said.

"Don’t forget about my crème brûlée, Pinkie." Eddie said. "In fact, I got ‘em right here, everypony!" He shows some crème brûlée.

Everyone gasps.

"Whoa!" Spike said.

"Eddie, dude, they look AWESOME!" Metalscar said.

"Rock on, Wildpony!" Fluttershy said, as she and Metalscar chuckle.

"So, Duramy. How do you like my fabulous design?" Rarity said.

"It’s gorgeous, Rarity!" Duramy said. "So gorgeous, I could tickle you!" She tickles Rarity and makes her laugh.

Luster tastes some crème brûlée. "Yummy! I think you baked these really great, Eddie!" She said. "So delicious!"

"Well, now that we’ve won both the decathlon and the championship, what do ya think is next, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked Wheelburn.

"I think we may do a lotta cool stuff together, Buttercup." Wheelburn said.

"Really? Come on, guys, it’s still the start of 2020!" Lightning said.

"And still the start of a new awesome era!" Rainbow said, and she eats a donut.

"You know, I’m still happy that Celestia and Luna have moved back here." Twilight said. "Also, I think doing a lotta different things makes us even more special. Don’t you agree, Harrison?"

"Completely." Harrison said. "And you know what? I think there is an infinite amount of adventures and activities in store for us."

"How do you know that?" Spike asked.

"Duh! We're the Famous Twelve." Harrison said. "With all of us together, how can there not be?" He and everyone laughs. "It's a never-ending story. So what team?!"






"WILDPONIES!" Harrison said.


They all celebrate wildly.

Comments ( 27 )

There's a High School Musical Tag!?!?

No. It's just that, I never saw a High School Musical tag in this site. This might very well be the first High School Musical fic in this site. Of course I may be wrong about that.

It’s been since they first created Fimfiction but this tag has never been used once before

Oh, you're certainly not wrong! This IS the very first one indeed!


If that's the case, then this story is definitely making history!

This is missing one important thing. The Self Insert tag. It's painfully obvious when the author's name is shared by one of the characters that it's one of those things.

I've added the tag in now!

p.s. is the Alicorn Royal ?

and he is Male ?

Harrison IS male, but he isn't royal because his parents weren't part of a royal family.

this was clear

What's the hard part to explain ?

Comment posted by Harrison Sparrow deleted Nov 6th, 2020

After reading the rest of the fic, I liked how Luna and Celestia appeared.
Didn't expect Spike can hack stuff too.

I'm sorry about that, but I don't blame you.

Still bothers me though.

Me too... He was left out in 'Rainbow Roadtrip', so I guess some fans were bothered with that.

That really ticked me off for sure.
And the reason for him being left out is having to watch over the school(despite its STARLIGHT's job) made it hurt worst.
Its essentially "Force Spike to miss out by making him stay behind to watch over the dumb library/castle" reason there.

Oof... Well, I wish I could make it better if Spike DID come along with the girls. Students at high schools are like 13-18 years old, I would think. But in this story, Twilight and the girls are teens, and Spike is more younger than them, so maybe, I think he would go to elementary school with Lil' Cheese.

Spike is clearly older than you think though.
A young "kid" wouldn't do all of that stuff such as handling royal business stuff/ stuff for Twilight.
And Twilight literally has Spike run the school in Rainbow Roadtrip on his own apparently along with him being alone in watching over the library.
So he's not really that of a "kid" there.

:facehoof: That is really confusing...

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