• Published 6th Nov 2020
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My Little Pony: The School Musical - Harrison Sparrow

Twilight Sparkle meets another alicorn named Harrison Sparrow, where they audition for the winter musicale at Canterlot High.

  • ...

14. The Next Right Thing

In the evening, Harrison flies to Twilight's house and lands at the front door. He rings the doorbell, and Future Twilight opens the door.

"Hi, Ruler Sparkle. I'm Harrison Sparrow." Harrison said.

"Harrison? Nice to meet you!" Future Twilight said. "I heard about you lately."

"Is Twilight there? I wanna speak to her." Harrison said.

Future Twilight looks up at Spike, who shakes his head in disagreement.

"Um, she's kinda busy with homework and such, so now's not really a good time." Future Twilight said.

"Please, I made a horrible mistake, and I would really want Twilight to know that." Harrison said. "Could you tell her that I came by to see her?"

"I will." Future Twilight said, smiling. "Good night, Harrison."

"Thank you. Good night." Harrison said.

Future Twilight closes the door.

Harrison sighs, but suddenly, magic appears and swirls around him. The magic teleports him to Silver Shoals!

"Where am I?" Harrison said.

"Hello, Harrison." A voice said.

Harrison turns around and sees that it is none other than Princess Celestia!

"Princess Celestia?" Harrison said.

"It's so lovely to meet you." Celestia said.

"Hey! You too!" Harrison said, completely surprised, and he shakes her hoof. "Twilight told me about you!"

Celestia giggles. "Just not everything." She said.

"But I heard that you were her mentor." Harrison said.

"Of course I was, when she was only a unicorn." Celestia said.

"Many, many years ago." Luna said, as she gets aside Celestia.

"Princess Luna?!" Harrison said, even more surprised.

"She's my younger sister." Celestia said.

"Nice to meet you, Harrison." Luna said.

"Hi, you too!" Harrison said, and he also shakes her hoof. "Uh, what is this place?"

"Oh, this is Silver Shoals, our retirement home." Luna said. "We lived in Canterlot till Future Twilight was ready to be the kingdom's new ruler."

"You do know there's two Twilights too, right?" Harrison said.

"Oh, we certainly do. Even her friends." Luna said.

"And we also knew about the comet." Celestia said. "It changed everything and brought us here into the future."

"Weren't you upset that there's no more magic for time-travelling?" Harrison asked.

"We were, but only a little." Celestia said. "This is still our home."

"Even though it is very different." Luna said.

Harrison chuckles.

"You know, Harrison, when I first met Twilight, I told her that she needed to make some friends. Nothing more." Celestia said.

"You did?" Harrison said.

"Absolutely. And we heard you made some friends, too." Celestia said.

"Yeah, they're Lightning Bolt, Eddie Filo, Wheelburn, Metalscar and Duramy." Harrison said. "We're the Great Six."

"Was Wheelburn raised at a barn? Like Applejack was?" Luna asked.

"I would say so." Harrison said.

"But we also heard you were having a lot of trouble with them lately." Celestia said.

"Really?" Harrison said.

"Yes. What happened, Harrison?" Celestia asked.

"I started a relationship with Twilight, after she told me that she would never go back to the past to see her birth parents again." Harrison said.

"Really?! That's wonderful!" Luna said.

"Luna..." Celestia said.

"Before that, we auditioned for my school's winter musicale and got a callback." Harrison said. "But my friends weren't happy with me. So yesterday, they wanted me to forget about everything and focus on winning the championship this Friday. I told them not to worry… but they set me up. Twilight's friends sent my words right to her, just to make me break her heart." Luna and Celestia gasp, and he tears up. "Then they've realised what they've done wrong. They didn't know I loved her."

"Oh, Harrison..." Celestia said, and she and Luna hug him.

"We're so sorry that happened..." Luna said.

"I swear, I didn't mean any of it." Harrison said. "Now, Twilight won't do the callbacks with me. I don't know what to do…"

"Maybe you need to fix everything." Luna said.

Harrison sniffles. "How do I do that?" He asked.

"What you need to do, Harrison… is never give up, so you can do the next right thing." Celestia said.

Celestia and Luna sing a song together with Harrison to cheer him up.

"Now you need to tell Twilight that you really mean to do the callbacks with her." Celestia said. "Only you can do it, Harrison."

"I will. But, will I ever get to see you again?" Harrison asked.

"Of course. Anytime." Luna said. "We'll always be here, and we'll always be watching."

"Hey, I… I hope you'll come back." Harrison said. "Twilight misses you; you know."

Celestia and Luna look at each other for a moment and agree.

"We would love to." Celestia said.

Harrison smiles. "Thank you, Celestia." He said. "And you too, Luna."

"You're welcome, Harrison." Luna said.

"And by the way… good luck in the championships." Celestia said.

"Get'cha head in the game, Wildpony." Luna said.

Harrison chuckles. "I won't let you down." He said. "I will make you proud, I promise."

"We know you will." Celestia said.

The magic appears and teleports Harrison back to Ponyville.

"Do the next right thing." Harrison said to himself.

Twilight is studying for the decathlon in her bedroom with Spike aside her. Her phone rings.

"Your phone's dialing, Twilight." Spike said. "Do you want me to get it?"

"Yes please, Spike." Twilight said.

Spike answers Twilight's phone whilst walking out of her room. "Hello? This is Spike." He said.

"Spike? Hi, I'm Harrison Sparrow." Harrison said. "You must be Twilight's best friend, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you, Harrison." Spike said. "Are you Twilight's new friend?"

"Of course I am." Harrison said. "Where is she? I wanna talk to her."

"She's in her room, but I don't think she wants to speak with you." Spike said. "She's still upset because of what you said the other day. It hit her really hard."

"Spike, please. I was set up by my friends." Harrison said. "Could you please put her on? I wanna say I'm sorry."

Spike returns to Twilight's room. "Twilight? I think this is for you." He said.

Twilight sighs. "Okay." She said, and she takes her phone. "Hello?"

"Listen, what you heard yesterday, none of that is true." Harrison said. "My friends were still riding me about singing with you, so I got really angry and said things I knew would shut them up. I didn't mean any of it, and I never wanted to hurt you."

"You sounded pretty convincing to me." Twilight said.

"Twilight, the guy you met on New Year's Eve is way more me than the guy who said those stupid horrible things." Harrison said.

"Harrison, the singing thing is making the entire school whack." Twilight said. "You said so yourself. Everyone's treating you differently because of it."

"Well, that's because I don't wanna only be the basketball guy." Harrison said. "They can't handle it. It's their problem, not mine."

"But what about your dad?" Twilight said.

"And it's not about my dad." Harrison said. "This is about how I feel, and I'm not letting my friends down. They set me up, and they let me down. So I'm gonna sing. What about you?"

"I don't know, Harrison." Twilight said.

"Well, I really wanna do this, Twilight, so you need to say 'yes'." Harrison said. "I don't wanna throw it away. Oh, and I also brought you something."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Turn around." Harrison said, and he hangs up.

Spike turns around and gasps. "Twilight!" He said.

Twilight turns and sees Harrison on her balcony. She goes to the door and opens it. Harrison sings the chorus of the first song they sang together in acapella, and Future Twilight sees him after entering Twilight's room.

Harrison holds up Twilight's copy of their song. "It's a pairs audition." He said, and Twilight takes back her copy. "Twilight... I'm sorry..." He said softy.

Twilight smiles tearfully. "Harrison..." She said, and they hug in reconciliation.

"Can I join in?" Spike asked, and he joins Harrison and Twilight for a group hug.

Future Twilight smiles lovingly.