• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,707 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon - Sunny Solaire

Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

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After a moment or two of brooding, Sunset returns with her swords, your blasters, and helmet. She crouches beside you and sets them down before turning back to you. As she inspects your blasted leg wound, you hear her still straining a little to breathe. She's still inhaling in wheezes. Getting the wind knocked out of you is one of the worst feelings a person can ever experience.

You wince in pain as she touches your injury wrong. "Ah!"

She pulls her hand back quickly. "Sorry."

"It's fine... Leave it be, we'll get stuff to fix it in a bit." She nods and sits down next to you, giving a slight whimper as she holds her chest. "You alright?"

She nods. "I'll live." She sits there in angry silence with you for a second. "What did that Sith mean by 'plans on Nar Shaddaa'?"

You shake your head. "I have absolutely no idea. I didn't do anything except get Adagio, and I doubt that the Sith would work with a druggie like her. Even they have some standards."

"Maybe you created some collateral damage to them when you were getting her." She suggests. "That still doesn't explain how they found us here though."

"I don't know how they could have." You reply. "We were in and out on Nar Shaddaa, it was just us on Coruscant, and Rarity doesn't tolerate the Sith much on Cato Neimoidia."

"That doesn't mean it's impossible for the Sith to be on Cato Neimoidia though." Sunset says.

You nod, but say nothing for a long moment. "Speaking of Rarity, you were absolutely right about her." You look at Sunset. "And I knew you were right about her too. She's absolutely useless out here. She's great for finding wanted people and getting us paid, but that's it. She didn't even try to fight the Sith off, she just ran away and hid." You clench your fists and lean back, looking back up at the awning you're sitting under. "A part of me knew she would do that though..."

She scoffs at you and throws her hands in the air. "Then why did you agree to bring her with us, Anon?"

You give a frustrated sigh and pinch between your eyebrows. "I don't know. It seemed like the friendly thing to do at the time..." There's another long moment of silence between you two and you feel yourself calm down a little. "That fight put me on edge though. Seriously, how did the Sith find us here?"

She slowly shakes her head. "I don't know."

You contemplate to yourself. The Sith's presence means something is definitely going on.

"I've taken a few jobs from the Sith before, so I'm damn sure that more will be coming for us soon. Especially since we've killed one of them." You pause. "I don't know how or when they'll find us, but I know that they will eventually."

Sunset looks at you.

You clear your throat and look at her again. "We have two options here: we can either quit this job now and go to someone else, or we can risk it and find Trixie as fast as we can before more Sith catch up to us."

She thinks to herself for a moment. Her wheezing breaths have pretty much stopped now. You wince as you readjust your injured leg.

Finally, she looks to you again. "It's only 5,000 credits, but I'm always up for a challenge." You grin at her and she continues. "We'll take Rarity back to Cato Neimoidia right after we're done here. We made it this far, and I didn't help fight off a lightsaber-wielding Sith warrior for nothing. I say we go to Diamond Tiara, then take her back before we go after Trixie."

You nod at her. "Rarity is going to wait in the ship until we're done here."

"I was just going to say that." She smiles.

You chuckle at her before looking back to see Rarity finally jogging over to you with an armful of medpacks. "I'm here, darling! I'm here!"

You groan and stretch your leg out in front of you, wincing a little. It's about time. Rarity crouches next to you, panting as she takes one of the medpacks and opens it. She pulls out a bit of bacta and pours it onto a cloth before rubbing it on your wound. There's a small sting as the cloth comes into contact with your open flesh, but it's immediately followed by a cool feeling that makes the pain fade away. After a couple moments, she removes the cloth and sticks a bacta patch onto your injury. Already, your leg feels much better.

You sigh with relief and look at her. "Thank you."

She looks back at you and gives a little grin, but says nothing. She still looks nervous, which is understandable, honestly. As she sets the medpack to her side, you rub your leg with your hands. You don't feel any major pain anymore so you stand up and put some weight on it.

Bacta is a wonderful thing. The injury is still there, you can feel it, but it hardly hurts anymore. You grab the cloth that Rarity used and start to rub your injured arm as well. Just like your leg, there's a small sting on contact followed by a cool, refreshing feeling. You then discard the cloth, grab another patch from the medpack and place it on your arm, pressing it down.

After some time, you wiggle your arm and test it out. "Much better."

Rarity stands up and faces you, rubbing her hands together nervously. "So, um, are we leaving now? Please?"

You and Sunset both stare at her, giving her an incredulous look. "No." You say. "We haven't even got to Diamond Tiara's yet."

Her face twists into one of despair. "Yet?! Anonymous, we could've just died!"

You take a step toward her, eyeing her intensely. "No, me and Sunset could've just died! You just ran away!" You point a finger at her to emphasize your words. She slowly backs up out of the shade as a result. "You wanted excitement? Adventure? This is it!"

She just looks up at you as you yell, her lip quivering. "B- But... I-"

"But nothing!" You snap. "You had no excuse to just run off like that!"

"I'm not a soldier, Anonymous!" She yells back at you before she starts crying.

You don't flinch. "I know. I am acutely aware that you're not... And I was so stupid to bring you along with us out here. You're through."

She gasps and looks taken back at your words, like she's shocked. She probably misinterpreted what you said. You don't want to get rid of her completely.

"You're through out here, I mean." You continue. "On the ground, actually seeing the action." She sniffs and exhales, looking slightly relieved but still distraught. You firmly hold her shoulders and speak to her a bit softer. "Rarity, you are an invaluable asset to us as intel for bounties, events from around the galaxy, and a friend, most of all. But out here, you're just dead weight. You're slowing us down. I can't have that, especially now that I know the Sith are in the picture. If they find you with us, you're dead. I cannot let that happen to you."

She sniffles and searches for a reply. "So... What happens now?"

You release her and rest your hands on your hips. "You're going to go back to the ship and wait for us to return. Once we do, we're going to take you home and everything is going to go back to how it was before."

She looks down and sniffs again. "Okay..."

You take a deep breath and stand up straight. "Thank you very much for grabbing the medpacks. We definitely needed them. Now, go back to the ship and wait for us. We'll let you know when we're on our way back."

"Alright..." She just nods and turns around, slowly walking back toward the docking bays.

As she gets further away, Sunset walks up beside you. "That was brutal."

You nod. "But necessary." You sigh again and pause before facing her a moment later. "Come on. We have to get going. If we weren't on the clock before, you sure as hell are now."

The both of you head back under the awning and start gathering up your gear again. You put your helmet on and holster your two blasters while Sunset puts her helmet back on as well and sheathes her vibroswords. You also pick up the Sith's lightsaber off the ground next to where you were sitting and inspect it in your hand. It has a large black grip that rests just beneath the silver controls. Two flat black metal pieces rest on either side of the blade's emitter, giving it a somewhat menacing appearance.

You turn back to Sunset. "Think we'll run into any Sand People out there?"

You can't see her face behind her visor, but her shoulders slouch. "You're really going to keep that?"

"Yeah!" You say as you toss it up in the air and catch it. "I've always wanted a lightsaber, but I could never find out how to make one. I figured I'd have to steal one, but this is better. That Sith is dead anyway. He won't care."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "Turn it on. Let's see."

You look at the grip and turn it around in your hands until you find and press the little silver button. The crimson blade instantly extends outward with a crackly hiss, followed by a low hum. It's literally a beam of hot energy, so it's practically weightless.

You grin and give it a few small swings. "Cool."

Sunset just watches. "Yes, yes, it's very impressive. Now put it away."

You scoff and deactivate it. "You're just jealous because you don't have one."

"Oh don't you start that with me." She points at you sternly.

You chuckle and hook the saber onto your belt before heading out into the sun with Sunset walking beside you.

"But it's true though, isn't it?" You say with a smirk.

"No, it's not." Sunset says flatly.

"You're jealous." You pester.

"Shut up!" Her voice raises an octave.

The two of you laugh with each other as you tease her and continue down the street that leads to the city's wall. Upon approaching another crowd of people, you both cut the laughter to keep up your 'tough Mandalorian' look.

Time to get back to work.

Author's Note:

A common medpack.

The Sith's lightsaber.