• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,707 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon - Sunny Solaire

Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

  • ...


Your eyes open slowly and you see a foggy light directly in front of you. Or, above you. After a moment, you realize that you're laying on your back without a shirt on. You groan and blink a few times to try and refocus your vision.

You don't feel like a monster, so the Rakghoul serum must have done its job. Other than feeling sore all over, you feel pretty normal. Your arm hurts the most though.

Your eyes shoot wide open as you start to remember what happened when Sunset gave you the serum. You look to your left and reach over to where your arm should be, but you feel nothing.

"No..." You breathe.

You try to feel some part, any part of your left arm, but your right arm only feels air. It's really gone. You start to breathe harder as you sit up and only feel the bandage wrapped around your upper chest and shoulder.

"Woah! Take it easy there, Anon." You feel a hand press down on your chest and move you flat onto your back once again.

You look and squint your eyes to see who the hand belongs to. "Nurse Redheart?"

She gives you a small smile and takes her hand off of you. "Just take it easy and move slowly. You've been busy."

Yeah, no kidding.

You groan again and cover your eyes with your remaining hand. "How long was I out?"

"About ten hours." She replies. "You passed out once you got back onto your ship."

...Just you?

"Where's Sunset?" You ask.

"She's in the next room." Redheart says. "She had a few minor injuries, but she's all patched up and fine. She's sleeping now."

You give a relieved sigh and relax, finally. After a second or two, you look around at the room you're currently in. You're laying on a bed in a medical bay. Redheart has her back turned to you and she's looking at something on the counter to your right.

"Where are we?" You ask.

She turns back to you. "We're back on Captain Shining Armor's cruiser over Kashyyyk."

You lean in slightly. "And the cruiser over Mandalore...?"

She nods and grabs a nearby datapad. "The ship's reactor cores overloaded and destroyed everything. Your mission was a success."

You exhale a sigh of relief and lay flat on your back again, shutting your eyes.

Mandalore always comes first.

Redheart pulls up a chair and sits at your bedside. "I need to ask you a few questions. It shouldn't take long."

You don't even look at her. "Alright."

"How do you feel, physically?" She asks.

You're sore all over, a bit nauseous, and your arm is gone, but otherwise, you're fine...

"I've felt better. Obviously, I'm not at 100%." You wiggle your empty left shoulder for emphasis, cringing slightly at the pain.

Redheart hums as she records your answer. "Yes, miss Sunset did that. It saved your life." You look over to her and she looks up from the datapad. "The infection was in your veins for enough time that, if she hadn't, you would've transformed into a Rakghoul even with the serum."

"How is that possible?" You ask.

"As Fluttershy stated before, this newer, more evolved version of the Rakghoul plague is so aggressive that it can sometimes turn its host in a matter of minutes. It works harder if the victim's heart is beating faster than usual." Redheart explains. "With everything going on, the serum wasn't strong enough to go through your whole body and counteract the effects in time for you to return to the ship in one piece. It was either cut your arm off and live, or leave your arm on and become a monster."

Huh. The pros do outweigh the cons, you have to admit. Sunset really saved your ass this time. Still, that doesn't mean you're totally pleased with how everything turned out. You understand that desperation warrants sacrifice, but this was your arm. You had it since you were born.

You pause to take another deep breath and start to sit up again.

"Anon, please be careful." Redheart leans forward and places her hand on your shoulder as you push yourself up. If you had your other arm, you'd use it to push her away.

"I'm fine..." You grunt as you strain to prop yourself up to a sitting position. Everything is still really sore.

You exhale before slowly swinging your legs over to the right side of the bed in an attempt to stand.

Redheart leans over and pushes against your legs. "Anon, please stop! You need to rest!"

You growl a little under your breath and glare at her. "Just... Just let me do this! Please! I'm sick of just laying here!"

She looks defiant, and with reluctance, she releases your legs and you set your feet on the floor. She doesn't go more than a foot away from you as you hold yourself steady on the bed and attempt to stand. Your legs shake as they protest to you standing, but you ignore it as best you can as you slowly stand up straight, your arm never leaving the bedside as you hold yourself up.

You keep yourself steady and give your legs a chance to get used to working again before you slowly release the bedside and stand up without support. You take a small, shaky step forward and grab the bed again to support yourself before taking another step. After a minute or two, you're walking around the room by yourself. You're moving slower than usual, but you're doing it. With your left arm gone, everything feels off-balance. You feel like you have to make a conscious effort to lean more to the left if you want to walk straight.

Redheart looks astonished. "Not many people with an injury like yours can bring themselves to even move around after only a few hours, let alone stand up and walk on their own."

"I've always been a quick healer..." You turn around again and face her. This walking is quickly making you very fatigued. You feel weak, and you hate it more than anything. "Alright, I'm finished walking... Now I'll rest."

You appreciate her doing her job, but you're not really in the mood to be understanding and willing to go along with absolutely everything she says right now. Plus, your pride was insistent on you trying to walk your injuries off, despite the pain.

You lay on the bed once again and Redheart stands there, ready to help you if you need her to. Which you don't.

You lay back and take another deep breath. "How much longer before I can leave?"

"That's not my call. Sunset is the one who will decide that. However, it is my professional opinion that you stay here for another day or two, at least."

You wince and let out a little groan. You don't want to spend another second aboard this damn ship.

She continues. "Also, Captain Shining Armor says that he wants to see you before you leave, once you're up and about."

"Well, tell him that he's going to have to wait. I'm taking your advice and resting a bit more." You reply bluntly.

"That's fine. You need it." You hear her get up and head toward the door. "There's a red button on your right. Press it if you need me."

You wave your hand at her. "Will do."

After a second, the light above dims a bit and the door opens and shuts, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You sigh and cover your eyes with your hand as you try to relax.


After what feels like thirty minutes, you wake up in the same room you were in when you fell asleep.

You yawn and sit up in your bed. Surprisingly, you aren't as sore as you were before. You actually feel pretty good. How long has it been since you went to sleep?

You groan and crack your neck as you stand up next to the bed. Looking back at the bedside, you see the red button that Nurse Redheart told you about and you press it.

A few moments later, the door opens and she walks in with a small, tired smile on her face and a grey tunic in her hands. "Feeling better?"

You nod. "Much better, yes."

She grins. "Well, I certainly hope so. It's been a few hours since I saw you last."

Wow, time flies.

She gives you the tunic and helps you put it on. Your left sleeve dangles lifelessly.

You take another breath. "What happens now?"

Nurse Redheart clears her throat. "Well, if you're feeling up for it, Captain Shining Armor would like to speak with you. He has an offer he thinks you might be interested in."

No, you're not feeling up for speaking with some high-ranking Republic slime ball. Especially him. You're an amputee, you're very stressed, and you want to be anywhere else but here right now.

Unfortunately, you don't know what to do at this point. What can you do? You can't go back to work, and you don't think you'll be able to afford a replacement arm, so you're pretty much out of luck right now.

Damn it...

"Sure. Let's go have a talk with him." She smiles again and leads you out of the room. You're grumbling the entire way. "Where's my armor and equipment?"

"Your weapons and jetpack are back aboard your ship." She replies. "We gave your armor and helmet to Sunset. I think she still has them in her room."

"Is she awake?" You ask.

Redheart nods. "She is. She should be waiting just outside the medical bay right now."


You follow her past a few other rooms and around a corner into the waiting area, where Sunset, Applejack, Fluttershy, and a purple Twi'lek female are all waiting.

Sunset's shoulders slump in relief as she begins walking up to meet you. "One of these days, we're going to have to sit down and tally up how many times I've had to come in and save your stupid ass, Anon."

You smile at her. "I don't think I can count that high."

You both give a small laugh as you meet each other for a hug. It hurts your sore muscles quite a bit, but any pain you endure is worth it for her.

"How are you feeling?" You asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

"I'm okay." You reply softly.

You feel her touch the vacant spot where your arm used to be and she hugs you tighter. "I'm so sorry, Anon... If there was another way, I would've done it, but there wasn't, and I couldn't let you die-"

You gently shush her. "Sunset, it's okay. I'm not angry." You aren't happy about the situation, but you definitely aren't angry with her. "You saved my life. The only one I'm ever going to have. I'd much rather be handicapped than be a Rakghoul any day. Plus, and don't take this the wrong way, I would've done the same for you."

She lets out a small giggle before taking a deep breath. "Thank you, Anon." When she releases the hug, she looks back to everyone else and backs up behind them. "He'll survive. He always does."

You see her smile fade and she looks down to the ground a little bit. She's feeling guilty.

You continue to look at her for a moment, thinking to yourself a bit longer before Applejack breaks your focus by patting you on your right shoulder. "Glad to see you're feelin' better, Anon."

She's got a big smile on her face, which you return to her, along with a nod. "Thanks, Applejack. It's good to see you too."

Fluttershy pokes her head out from behind her and smiles as well. "Thanks to you and Sunset, Angel, Twilight, and the others are safe."

She's still so quiet and submissive, even with the danger passed. You don't like that about her, but you take her compliment to heart and nod at her. "Mandalore is safe as well."

She lowers her head, but still looks at you with a smile. "Y-Yes. Mandalore is also safe."

And that's all you care about.

You look around Applejack and see the purple Twi'lek standing there beside Sunset. "You don't look like a Wookie, so I assume that you're Twilight?"

She nods and extends her right hand to you. "Twilight Sparkle." You take her hand and shake it once before pulling away. "I have to admit, I never thought that I would be shaking hands with a Mandalorian and thanking him for saving my life."

You weren't there for her, so she really shouldn't be thanking you. You probably would've just blown the ship up under different circumstances.

"Well, Sunset was technically the one who rescued you." You say.

Sunset grins and turns to Twilight. "But he planned this whole thing. I was just doing what he said."

Yes, because you're such a nice guy, you went out of your way to make sure she was rescued by someone reliable.

Twilight giggles and looks to you both. "Well, seeing as how you're both up and about, my brother would like to see you guys."

You let out a silent breath through your nose and nod. "Very well."

Applejack moves in front of you both. "He's expectin' you both in one of the meeting rooms just down the hallway. Me and Twilight will lead you there."

You and Sunset both turn around and say goodbye to Fluttershy and Nurse Redheart before following Applejack and Twilight down the hallway.

"What's this meeting about?" You ask.

Twilight shakes her head. "I don't know, but I'm sure it's fine. Shining didn't tell us any specific details."

You navigate through the hallways for a while before stepping into a large room with a monitor on the far left wall and a long table in the center. Shining Armor is talking with a Republic officer, but he turns around to face you when you enter.

Applejack stands at attention in front of him. "Here they are, Sir. As ya'll requested."

He nods at her and looks at you both. "Thank you, Applejack. You and Twily can-" He stumbles over his words at that, making you raise an eyebrow and smirk a bit. "...uh, ...you and Professor Twilight can leave now."

'Twily'? That doesn't sound very professional to you.

"Thank you, Sir." Applejack replies.

Twilight giggles a bit behind you as she follows Applejack outside. The officer that was in the room with Shining also exits, leaving you and Sunset with him and two armed guards in two corners of the room.

He stands up straight and looks at you both. "Before anything else, I just want to thank you both so much for everything. You saved my sister and her colleagues from a ship full of Rakghouls. Rakghouls! Not many of my men would have been able to do what you two did. As her older brother, I personally owe you a debt of gratitude that I will never be able to fully repay."

That's disappointing. Some compensation would be nice right now.

He smiles a little and shifts his gaze between you two. "But I'd like to try and repay it. Which is why I've decided to present you both with an excellent opportunity to further yourselves."

You and Sunset look at each other for a moment. "What kind of opportunity?"

He puts his arms behind his back. "Well, firstly, I'm going to have my medical staff get Anonymous a cybernetic limb, completely free of charge. Your sacrifice will not go unappreciated."

Huh. That's a thoughtful gesture.

He continues. "Secondly, I'm presenting you with the opportunity to join the Republic. We could really use both of your skill sets to help us in our effort to destroy the Sith once and for all and help establish peace throughout the galaxy. You would make some of the finest soldiers in our army. I've run this by my superiors and have explained my reasoning behind my offering you this, and I have their support. All you need to do is say yes."

You and Sunset look at each other for a bit before she turns back to him. "Excuse us. We need to talk." He nods and puts his arms behind his back while you and Sunset huddle together with your backs to him. "I'm inclined to say no, Anon. We aren't Republic lap dogs."

You nod. "I'm right there with you... Although, I do want to take advantage of the new arm he's offering."

"I was just going to say that you should accept that." She says.

You look at your empty sleeve and back to her. "But, yeah, I'm not about to switch my allegiance to the Republic just because they asked nicely. If they want our services, they need to make us an offer like everyone else does. Let's let him down easy though. No need to be rude."

She gives you a small smile. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Anon." You grin back at her before you both turn back around to face Shining Armor. "We appreciate, and are honored your offer, Captain, but I'm afraid we're going to have to decline. We're mercenaries. Bounty hunters. But above all, we're Mandalorians."

"Mandalore is the only person in the galaxy with the privilege of having us on-call." You add. "I'd love to take you up on that offer for a new arm, but if you want our services in the future, I'm afraid you're going to have to hire us just the same as everyone else."

His hopeful smile fades and he sighs through his nose, pausing a bit as disappointment comes over his face. Sunset folds her arms and you set your hand on your hip as you wait for his response.

"Well, that's disappointing, but I can sure respect your undying loyalty to your people. It's commendable." He pauses before looking up at you both again. "Very well then. If you'd head back to the medical bay, I'll send word to begin preparing for your new limb's construction."

"Appreciate it." You and Sunset both nod and turn around to head out the door.

"And Anonymous?" You look back to him. "Thank you once again... Both of you... Thank you for rescuing Twilight."

You pause a moment and nod at him again, not saying anything else as you head out into the hallway.

"It was just another job..." You say under your breath.

Applejack and Twilight aren't out here anymore, so you and Sunset retrace your steps back to the medical bay together. She's acting distant. She hasn't looked at you or spoken once since leaving the room, she's just kept on staring at the floor as you've walked.

"You okay?" You ask.

She pauses for a long moment before she slowly nods. "Yeah..."

She's not telling the whole truth.

"You sure?" You pry.

She still doesn't look at you, but she shakes her head this time. "No... I still feel bad about what happened..."

Oh man...

You look at her again. "Sunset, you saved my life. That's what's important, and it's all that matters to me. Besides, I'm going to get a new arm in a little bit."

"I know... This is just kind of overwhelming, emotionally... It's still just a lot for me to take in..." She sighs and stops walking.

The medical bay is just around the corner. You look back at her and give a little sigh. Everything will be better in a while. You don't know why she's so upset.

"Do you want to... talk about it a little?" You ask.

She then looks up at you for a moment before shaking her head again. "No, not yet. I think I just need some more time alone..."

You don't reply right away. "Alright."

She slowly walks around another corner that leads away from the medical bay. You just watch her walk away from you down the hallway and turning a corner, disappearing from your sight.

You sigh and rub your head. What's her deal? She was just fine, literally, two minutes ago. You're not angry at her, you're happy to be alive. You've made that perfectly clear. You're usually so good at brushing dust off and moving forward together, why is this situation so different? Sure, this is the first time you've lost a limb, but the principle is still the same as before.

You don't know what to do.

You sigh and think for a moment. You need some clarity on this.


"Rarity..." You say to yourself. She's a girly-girl and a gossip. Maybe she can help you out.

You make a mental note for yourself to ask her about this later. Right now, you need to be ready for your surgery. First thing's first.

You go back into the medical bay and head into your room. It's the same as when you left it. You take a seat on your bed and just wait for a moment. Nothing else you can do right now.

After a few minutes, the door opens and Redheart comes inside with a smile. "Hello again, Anonymous. Are you ready?"

You get back to your feet. "I am."

She leads you into a nearby room where you see a trio of medical droids surrounding a table in the center. On the counter behind them, you see a few tanks of bacta, some rods, tubes, and other machinery you aren't familiar with. Behind one the droids however, you see a sleek, dark grey, robotic human hand.

That's going to be yours pretty soon.

Redheart turns to you. "Alright, let me help you get your shirt off, then just lay down on the table and we can begin."

You grab the bottom of your shirt and begin removing it while she helps. Once it's off, you move past her and lay down on the table. You jump a bit as you make contact with the cold steel, but you relax after a second.

"How long is this going to take?" You ask.

"Not long. Don't worry, we'll put you on anesthesia and you won't feel a thing." She replies.

You let out a small laugh. She thought you were scared. That's funny.

"I'm not worried." You reply. "I've just got stuff to do."

Redheart looks over you, her smile still there for the most part, but you swear you see concern on her face. "Anonymous, you shouldn't always think of just what you're going to do next. You need to slow down more."

Oh great, another lecture.

She continues. "When this is done, you need to take a few days to get acquainted with your new limb. You won't be able to feel it."

"I won't be able to feel it?" You ask.

She shakes her head. "No. This is a synthetic arm. We'll be able to connect it to your nerves so you can command and control it like your old arm, but no matter what we do, it will never feel like your old arm."

You take another look at your stump where your arm used to be. It's only just hitting you now that your real, physical, human arm will never come back. You'll get a new arm, but it won't be your arm. It will always just be a replacement.

You sigh. "Maybe you're right."

"I am right, Anonymous." She looks at you and gives you a small smile again.

You stare back at her for a moment before nodding slowly and laying back. "Alright. Let's do this."

She motions for the droids to approach and she grabs something on your right. You feel the slight prick of a needle go into your right arm's vein and she looks at you. "Alright, count to ten for me, please."

You've been on anesthesia a few times and you've honed your willpower to be extremely strong. This time, you're determined to get to thirteen before passing out. Your personal record is eleven.

You start counting. "One... Two... Thr-"

Woah, this stuff is new...


Author's Note:

Shining Armor's cruiser.

A medical droid.