• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,707 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon - Sunny Solaire

Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

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A Darkness in the Desert


There's only a split-second of silence before you raise your rifle and fire a barrage of blaster bolts at the Sith. The ones that do not fly past him are deflected by his lightsaber with incredible ease as he makes his way toward you.

Most of the deflected bolts whiz past you, but a few hit the ground in between you and him. Finally, he deflects two that hit you in the arm and leg, but your armor takes the brunt of it. Other than a sharp sting that makes you stop firing for a moment, it just makes you angry.

You quickly shake it off and raise your rifle at the Sith once again, but from your right, Sunset lunges at him. Wielding her two vibroswords, she engages him in a clash of sparks a few seconds later. Meanwhile, the two troopers on the Sith's left and right move forward to engage you, raising their blaster rifles and firing.

You growl and activate your jetpack, flying into the air and raining blaster fire down onto the two Sith troopers. You swerve left and right as you gain altitude, making yourself a harder target to hit. Two of your bolts hit the left trooper in the chest and leg, and he goes to his knees. Another bolt hits the right trooper in the face and he falls to the ground. You immediately take advantage of this and quickly descend toward the left trooper.

Positioning the butt-end your rifle in front of you, you swoop down and fly into him at full speed. He cries out as he's thrown backwards beneath you.

You double over in the air and descend to the ground, landing beside him. You point your rifle in his face and pull the trigger. He doesn't have time to react before you kill him.

Sunset is still expertly dueling the Sith warrior a short distance away, while Rarity is nowhere to be seen. You curse under your breath and hope that she's alright.

The shower of sparks and crashing of blades is quite the spectacle. Sunset blocks, counters, and parries the Sith's lightsaber with incredible skill. However, in an aggressive move, the Sith pushes her blades back with his lightsaber and gives her an extremely hard kick in the chest, making her cry out and momentarily drop her guard.

In that moment, the Sith pushes his arm towards Sunset and she goes flying backwards, dropping her vibroswords in the process. The sound that accompanies her launch is almost identical to a loud thunderclap in a rainstorm.

"Sunset!" You cry out. She falls to the ground a few meters away and rolls a few more times before stopping on her side.

In a rage, you fly into the air again and raise your rifle at the Sith, raining down another barrage of blaster fire on him. He faces you and deflects more blaster bolts with his lightsaber.

He lands a good shot directly back to you and it hits your rifle, making it explode in your hands. It doesn't do any significant damage to you, but the rifle is now completely useless. You drop it and pull out your two sidearm blasters, pointing them both at the Sith and pulling the triggers in quick succession.

They obviously do not fire as rapidly as your rifle did, and the Sith begins running closer beneath you. He's about to jump. You grit your teeth as he approaches and you fly backwards, ascending higher into the air to get more distance between you two. You stop firing with the blaster in your left hand and quickly go to your gauntlet to prepare your missile.

You lock onto the Sith warrior but hold your fire for now. As he approaches, you continue firing your blasters at him in a poor attempt to distract or overwhelm him before, suddenly, he leaps high into the air and throws his lightsaber at you. The spinning blade flies toward you at an alarming speed.

In a split-second decision, you cut the engines to your jetpack and fall towards the ground. When the lightsaber whizzes just barely over your head, you reactivate your engines and fly down toward the Sith as he falls back towards the ground as well. He's so focused on using the Force to return his lightsaber that he doesn't make a good attempt to block or avoid you as you crash into him.

He grunts as you grapple and hold him tight and you both quickly descend back to the ground together. It's now when he starts fighting against your grip and punching you in the head or arms. You're able to return a punch or two, but you focus on keeping hold of his waist. You twist around in the air so he is between you and the ground before cutting your engines again.

The two of you hit the ground with a hard thud, but the Sith takes the full brunt of it. He exclaims and you both roll forward onto the hot sand. You come to a stop on your stomach and groan as you look at the Sith. His hood has been lowered and you get a good look at his face. He's a Chagrian with grayish-red skin, yellow eyes, and two short horns on his head.

You quickly get back to your feet before he does and kick him in the jaw, which makes a loud crack. He falls on his back with the left side of his jaw hanging limp and bleeding. You turn around and get ready to land another blow to his face but, he holds his hand up and you freeze where you are. A second later, he roars and pushes his hand forward. That same thunderclap sound erupts out of nowhere, and you suddenly feel yourself thrown backwards by the Force.

You cry out as you fly through the air and land hard on the ground a few meters away. You grunt again and look up. A few feet away, you spot one of Sunset's dropped vibroswords.

Risking a quick look behind you, you see the Sith rise back up to his feet. You squirm over to her vibrosword as fast as you can. When you get to your feet again, you hear his lightsaber activate again behind you. Swinging an arm down, you scoop the weapon up into your hand and whip around just in time to clash your blade against his. He was right there within a matter of seconds.

He's very strong, and you find yourself straining to keep your blade held tight against his. You grit your teeth as you both engage each other in a series of metal-on-saber strikes. He hisses through his bloody teeth and glares those hate-filled yellow eyes at you as his attacks become more feral, but also more sloppy. His anger is getting the better of him.

Stay focused, Anon. He'll mess up eventually.

You try to stay collected and block his relentless attacks, but with each strike, you notice that you're straining harder to keep yourself in a strong defensive position. He finally forces you to your knees after a few more blows. You breathe heavily as you keep blocking his unnaturally powerful attacks.

"Die! Die! DIE DIE DIE DIIIIIIE!!!" He's full on screaming at you now. When he raises his saber above his head for a killing blow, you act.

He brings it down, but you roll out of the way, and he barely misses you. You spin around and plunge the vibrosword directly into his back, gripping his thick neck as you do. He gasps sharply as the blade impales him completely and exits through his chest.

"...You first." You growl.

Releasing him, you kick him away and press a button on your gauntlet, unleashing a spray of fire from your flamethrower and engulf him in it from head to toe. He screams in agony and fury as his flesh begins to burn.

Once he's fully engulfed, you turn around and find Sunset's other vibrosword close by. You pick it up and whip back around, swinging the blade as hard as you can at his neck. His screams suddenly cease as his head flies off of his shoulders and his flaming body falls to the ground.

You stay standing there for a moment longer and stare at the seared, flaming corpse of the Sith warrior, panting heavily. You eventually lower your weapon and drop it to the ground.

As you give the body another kick, you turn around to see his lightsaber laying beside him. It catches your attention, so you decide to jump at the opportunity to have one. You pick it up and look around at the area around you where you fought. A small crowd had gathered to watch, but only a few individuals seemed genuinely interested in the fight. Most of them act like they had seen it many times before. Unsurprising. Tatooine is pretty much a lawless wasteland, after all.

The fight had left quite a mess. Most of it was your mess though. Sunset didn't have a chance to make much of a mess before she-


You whip around to see Sunset slowly moving toward you, holding her stomach. You quickly limp toward her. She coughs a few times as you approach. "Sunset... Sunset, are you- AAH!"

You take a wrong step on your injured leg, causing the pain to intensify greatly and you trip in front of her, landing on the hot sand.

"A-Anon!" She breathes out.

You grab your leg and let out a loud, frustrated growl and Sunset reaches you. She holds your head up and takes your helmet off. The sudden light from the twin suns overhead blinds you for a second and you shut your eyes.

"Anon, just... just hang on! You're g... You're going to be fine!" She sounds wheezy, almost out of breath. It looks like she had the wind knocked out of her.

"I... I know." You grunt. "I'm fine... I just..."

"Are you okay?!"

You open your eyes and look to your right to see Rarity hiding behind a building a good distance away. She had run away at the first sign of danger, and only returned when the fight was over.

You just glare at her and breathe hard through your teeth.

Sunset looks at her. "Rarity, go back to the ship to get some medpacks!"

"Me?!" She exclaims. "But what if there's more Sith here?! What if they find me?!"

You clench your fists...

"You've got a blaster! Fight back!" Sunset says.

Rarity stammers. "Sunset, I can't! I-I just can't! What if I-"

With a growl, you sit up and practically roar at her. "Dammit... RARITY, GET BACK TO THE SHIP!!"

She squeals and jumps backwards, startled, before running back toward the ship a moment later. "Okay! Okay, I'm going! I'm sorry!"

You stare daggers at her as she quickly returns to the ship. When she's out of sight, you lay back on the ground.

Sunset watches her leave as well before looking back at you. "She's going. Can you stand?"

You grunt and prop yourself up with your arm. "Yeah... Give me a second..." You take her hand and she pulls you up. She supports you as you wrap an arm around her shoulders and put most of your weight on your good leg before she leads you toward one of the nearby buildings that has an awning.

Once you're in the shade, she sets you down and starts inspecting your wounds, but you stop her. "I'll be fine. Go get our stuff."

She insists. "Anon, let me-"

"No." You interrupt. "This is nothing. Rarity will be back soon with those medpacks, just... go get our stuff before someone steals it." You pause for a moment before adding, "...Please."

She doesn't want to agree, but she nods and quickly heads back into the sun to retrieve your gear. You take a deep breath and rest your head back against the wall.

Yelling at Rarity like that probably wasn't good, but you are too angry to care right now. Sunset was absolutely right. She's just dead weight out here. She's not a warrior, she's a coward. A business associate. She's a damn fashionista for hell's sake, and you're the idiot who agreed to take her out here!

You growl and rub your temples with your fingers. Where the hell is she with your medpacks?

Author's Note:

Sunset with her vibroswords.

A Chagrian Sith (for refrence).