• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,024 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Chapter 6: The Magical, Musical Final

The next day after school, the Rainbooms were at the amphitheatre and on stage setting up their gear. Rainbow walked up to the microphone and spoke into it.

"Check, one, two, testing, testing…"

Hearing nothing Rainbow tapped the microphone head and confirmed there was no power. She looked over to Sunset who turned to the soundboard and adjusted on of the fader controls and gave Rainbow the thumbs up.


The amplified sound was greater than they anticipated, and the high-pitched whine pierced their hearing, making them wince in discomfort. Sunset, grinning sheepishly, brought the slider back down again to end the ear-splitting noise.

“Well now we know it works,” Pinkie remarked as she set up her drums.

Fluttershy seemed worried a concerned about something, and it wasn’t because Red wasn’t with them. "This doesn't make any sense. We were awful!” she said, “doesn't anybody else think it’s strange that we’re the ones that made it to the finals?"

"Very strange,” said an annoyed voice, the seven turned to see Trixie, very cross with them.

"What are you doing here, Trixie?" Rainbow asked smugly, pointing to the seats, "Pretty sure the losers are supposed to be up there in the cheap seats."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is the most talented girl at Canterlot High,” she yelled at them, “It is I who deserve to be in the finals, and I will not be denied!"

Before anyone could react, Trixie snapped her fingers and the stage trap door opened. The seven of them fell through and landed hard on the floor below. They looked back up to see Trixie cackling like a mad woman.

“See you never!” Trixie guffawed as she brushed her hands and walked away.

The Dazzlings were walking from behind the curtain back stage. “Told you someone would give them a shove,” chuckled Adagio.

“But she didn’t shove them,” said Sonata, “she pulled a lever.”

“Go back to sleep Sonata,” groaned Aria.

Under the stage, the girls were all looking around for an exit, Rainbow found a door, but it was locked. Sunset opened her phone and sent a message to Red. The message wrote:

‘Red, please come and help us. We are stuck under the stage at the amphitheatre thanks to Trixie. I’m getting a little worried that the girls are going to get annoyed with each other. Please help.’

“Is there any other way out?” Applejack asked. Everyone shook their heads.

"It would seem that we are stuck here," Applejack responded as she sat herself down on the floor.

"Well I'm not going to sit around and do nothing," Rainbow said defiantly, "I'm gonna try and get us out of here!"

She walked over to the door and tried forcing it open.

"Rainbow, it's locked up tight!" Rarity said sounding defeated.

"Then I'll find a way to open it," Rainbow remarked as she launched herself at the door, using herself as a battering ram. Unsurprisingly, the skinny school girl had no effect on the much sturdier door. Rainbow, unperturbed, tried again. And again. And again.

Applejack sighed, "This is going to be a loooong night."

Sunset looked at her phone and waited for Red to replied or as least see it. “Come on Red, I’m counting on you.”

Where Red was, was simple. He was back at his home. That morning before he about to leave with Sunset for school, his mother was worried about him and told him to stay home today. So he did without fuss. Ace and Sparkler were there also as Sapphire allowed Red to have friends over. Although Red told his mother that he was ok, he really wasn’t. the Kiss Adagio gave him was really messing with him now. Every person he saw he only saw Adagio, and it was really scaring him.

“Come on Red,” Ace told him, “you need to go and see the Rainbooms preform.”

“Nope, I’m not going out there,” Red snapped, “I might go under Adagio’s spell. I still you two as Adagios.”

“Are we saying a mean comments to you?” Sparkler asked, her arms crossed.

“Surprising, no,” Red said.

“Exactly, our friendship respect to is more power than Adagio’s cursed kiss,” Adagio told Red.

Red smiled at them, but then he felt rather weak. He dropped him cup of water to the floor and tried to hold himself up. Ace ran up to help him.

“You ok?” Ace asked worried about him.

“I’m not sure,” Red said. But he looked up at Sparkler to see a very shocked and worried expression, “what’s wrong?”

L…Look at your arm,” she stuttered. Red and Ace looked at Red’s arm, and they were just as shocked to see it started to turn a more rose colour. Even Red’s nails on that hand, turned a hot red and sharpened. It also became more feminine.

“Get me to Francis,” Red said demandingly, “NOW!”

Ace and Sparkler helped him down into the basement, where then Matt and Vector helped him into a stasis pod. Francis worked quickly to find out what was wrong, he found out the kiss that Adagio gave Red was a virus of sort and that it was slowly turning Red into one of them.

“Is there anything we can do to stop it?” Sparkler asked.

“So far, nothing, my dear,” Francis said, “but I’ll try at find something as quick as possible.”

Just then Ace looked heard Red’s phone buzz, he looked at it, and was shocked to see Sunset had texted him to come and help them.

“Why are you looking at Red’s messages?” Sparkler asked.

“Sunset’s and the rest are in trouble,” Ace said. This somehow woke Red up, and he got out the stasis pod.

“What?!” he exclaimed, “What happened?”

“Red you need to stay in the stasis pod to help me figure out how to help you,” Francis said.

Red then just spat in a testing tube and injected a needle into his arm and drew blood, “that should help you,” he said as he ran upstairs to get change.

“Red you should really stay here,” Sparkler told him, but Red wasn’t listening. His finished getting change and grabbed him cyber gear. Then he ran out the house.

“Red! Wait up!” called Ace, but Red was being really stubborn. The faster he ran the faster his skin turned rose. His chest even started to grow out. But he paid no attention. He had on goal on mind, to help Sunset. Ace and Sparkler ran behind him. So Red came over a hill. He saw that Trixie was finishing her song.

You'd better believe I got tricks up my sleeve
And I captivate 'cause I'm powerful and great, yeah, yeah
You’d better believe I got tricks up my sleeve
See me dominate ’cause I'm powerful and great, yeah, yeah

Before Red went down the hill, he noticed a puddle next to him. He looked in it, but it wasn’t Red that was looking back, it was a girl, with rose colour skin and a similar face structure to Aria, she had red makeup and cherry lipstick. Her hair was long and black with scarlet streaks going through. Red then realized that this girl was him. Or herself.

Red looked over her body, she blushed at how big her butt and breasts were but was slapped out of it when saw the Dazzlings start to sing. She notice that Adagio was looking right at her with a smile.

Ahh, ah-ah, ahh
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah

Red knew she had to hurry, Ace and Sparkler soon came up panting.

“Red… you’re even more.. Dazzling… than before,” panted Sparkler.

“I know,” Red replied, even her voice was higher, “but we need to stop the Dazzlings. I’m gonna Cyber Agent up.”

He pulled out his Cyber Nizer and Cyber Gomora card, “Cyber Gomora Armour on,” the Cyber Nizer said, and Red dawned her cyber armour again. The three of them ran to the door of that led out form under the stage. Red was about to kick the door down when the three of them heard a voice. They turned to see Spike and Vinyl.

“Spike!” Sparkler called.

“Guys, I thought you were in the crowd, or the Dazzlings had finally got to you,” Spike said.

“Nope,” Ace responded, “I’m guessing you came to rescue the girls?”

Spike nodded, “Well stand back,” Red said as she lifted a leg and kicked the door down. Scaring all the girls inside.

They all were very surprised, as Spike said, “You’re welcome.”

“Spike!” Twilight yelled as Spike ran into her arms.

“Sorry I took so long,” Spike said, “I had to find somebody who wasn't under the sirens' spell to help me get you out.” Vinyl gave a wave.

“Why isn't she under their spell?” Twilight asked.

“She never talks of her head phone,” Spike Replied.

“Well I’m glad you came to rescue us,” Sunset spoke up, “but where is Red?”

Ace and Sparkler looked at each other before looking at Red. “You need to tell them,” Sparkler said.

“It’s now or never,” Ace said.

Red sighed, “Ok, before you all freak out,” she said, “the kiss Adagio gave me has really messed me up.” Red grabbed her the helmet and slowly took it off.

When Red took the helmet off everyone was shocked that Red was Cyber Agent that have just showed up out of nowhere, but that Red was also a girl. “Oh my,” Sunset said, the most shocked of them all.

“Cyber Gomora Armour off,” Red said, as the armour digitized away, revealing a girl in Red’s clothing.

“Red? Is that really you?” Sunset asked she came closer.

“Yeah,” Red replied with a sigh, “If I don’t turn back to me, I will be a Dazzling, and be under Adagio’s control.”

“Oh you poor darling,” Rarity said.

“Why didn’t you tell us that you were the superhero,” Rainbow responded.

“Cyber Agent code, can’t tell anyone about you identity,” Red said, “but if you do, those that know need to keep it a secret.”

“Oh, so normal superhero thing,” Rainbow stated.

“I don’t know how much time I got left as myself,” Red remarked, “but judging by my clothes now changing, I don’t have long.”

“So this may be my only chance to do this,” Sunset said as she got closer the Red’s face.

“What are you…” Red tried to say but Sunset put a figure over her mouth.

“Shh. Just relax,” Sunset told her, as she slowly pressed her lips onto Red’s and gave her a kiss.

As she did, Red started to glow, her skin turn back to red, her hair shrank back to Red’s normal hair style, her chest and rear flattened, and her face became more masculine. When Sunset pulled back, Red was back to his normal self. Not only that, but he no longer saw everyone as Adagio. He was cured.

“I feel… good,” Red said shaking himself, “do I look different?”

“You haven’t, you look just fine the way you are,” Sunset said as Rarity show Red a mirror. Red was amazed that he was himself again and felt better than ever.

“Come on, y'all!” Applejack spoke up, “time to prove we've still got the magic of friendship inside us!”

“And there's only one way to do it!” Twilight called out.

“We're getting the band back together?” Pinkie asked excited.

“We're getting our band back together!” Rainbow pumped.

Pinkie squealed with excitement. “Ooh, which version of the counter-spell are we going to play?” asked Rarity.

“I don't think it matters what song we play,” Twilight admitted, “as long as we play it together as friends.”

“I know just the song,” Rainbow said as she looked through Fluttershy’s notebook, “Fluttershy's written a really great one.” Fluttershy squealed with happiness.

“As we're about to save the world here,” Applejack said, “personally, I think we should do it in style. Rarity?”

“I thought you'd never ask!” Rarity said. Soon after getting into so nice outfits, the group made their way up the hilltop where they watched the spectacle with increasing dread and the blowing wind did nothing to hamper the perfectly harmonious voices of the Sirens.

“How are we supposed to play over them from up here?” Rainbow shouted over the music.

As if on cue, they heard a car horn. The white convertible, driven by Vinyl, came to a stop atop of the hill. At the press of a button the car transformed into a multitude of sound speakers, lights, equaliser panel.....everything you would need for a concert concentrated onto a few square feet.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Red remarked.

Applejack and Rainbow quickly plugged in their guitars and Twilight connected the microphones. Within a minute they were ready and started their song. And not a moment too soon either as red 'shockwaves' pulsed through the students, sending them into a hypnotic trance.

Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh
I've got the music in me
Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Don't need to hear a crowd cheering out my name
I didn't come here seeking infamy or fame

The one and only thing
That I am here to bring
Is music, is the music
Is the music in my soul
Gonna break out (out!)
And set myself free, yeah
Let it all go (go)
Just let it be, yeah
Find the music in your heart
let the music make you start
To set yourself apart

“Cyber Gomora Armour on!” Red Streak called out as he was transformed into his Cyber Agent form. He then pulled out his Gomora Spark Doll, scarn it then fired the energy out before it became Gomora. Gomora roared out in defence, ready to battle.

Dazzling light and thunderous rock music contributed the awe-inspiring spectacle. Red, Ace, Sparkler and Sunset watched as their six mutual friends transformed into their harmonic, ponified forms. Their performance had caught the attention of the audience and the Dazzlings. With a look of sheer, malevolent determination, Adagio addressed the entire crowd and indirectly, the Rainbooms.

"So the Rainbooms want to turn this into a real Battle of the Bands? Then let’s battle!" She exclaimed as she, Aria and Sonata pulled out Spark Dolls and using their dark magic, brought them out of their Spark Doll shells.

The three monsters landed behind Gomora, Red looked at them and he knew these monsters, he had thought them before. The was a lobster like monster, called Reicubas, that Aria had summoned.

Sonata had summoned a monster that could’ve came from a child’s nightmare, being a giant mass of eyes, called Gan Q.

The third was summoned by Adagio, this was a space creature with scythe arms, named Super COV.

Gomora roared at the monsters and charged forward. He punched Gan Q in the eye, causing the monster the fall back. Super COV slashed at Gomora’s chest then Reicubas used its big pincer to clamp around Gomora’s neck then threw him to the ground. Super COV and Gan Q then stomped on Gomora, Super COV fired its Flash COV Shot at Gomora, making him roar in pain.

From on the ground, Red dropped to a knee, as he could feel Gomora’s pain. Ace and Sparkler wanted to help be didn’t know how. Then suddenly in their hands, appeared Switch and Nosey’s Cyber Nizers.

“What do we do with these?” Sparkler asked but they remembered what Red did with Gomora.

Super COV was just about to slash at Gomora, when energy bullets suddenly struck it, making it fall to the ground. Gan Q picked Gomora up and Reicubas was about to charge at him, when a pincer struck it in the face. The same happened to Gan Q. Red and Gomora wondered what just happen, they looked to see that Melba and Sadora just appeared and helped out.

Red turned back to see that Ace and Sparkler were holding Cyber Nizers. “You know what that means,” Red said, Ace and Sparkler looked at him, “you’re both Cyber Agents.”

Ace and Sparkler were shocked, but happy to finally help. The helped Red up and the three of them commanded there monster partners.

Gomora roared out and charged towards Super COV, Sadora ran to Gan Q and Melba flew to Reicubas. Gomora punched and kicked Super COV back before front flipping and slamming his mega-ton tail on Super COV’s head, causing the monster to fall back. Sadora used his pincers to hold Gan Q still and sprayed fog in Gan Q’s eyes, blinding the monster and then Sadora threw Gan Q into Super COV. Melba flew above Reicubas, so it could reach its pincers at her, Melba flew around in circles around the lobster, making it dizzy, then charged towards it and kicked it into Gan Q and Super COV.

Gomora, Melba and Sadora roared in victory as the three monsters failed to get off each other. Red, Sparkler and Ace high fived each other, then looked back at the Dazzlings.

While Red, Ace and Sparkler were busy with the monsters, the two bands battled for vocal and musical supremacy. The Dazzlings, with their power building, they transformed themselves as well. They each grew pony like ears and a pair of translucent wings each. Their entire eyes glowed red and from their pendants arose what appeared to be apparitions of their true forms. But behind the curtain, Zettra threw a Plasma empowered Crystal at them, the crystal’s plasma energy plus the Sirens dark magic made a large mess.

Plasma energy flow into the Dazzlings pendants as they were overflowed with power and energy. Adagio, Aria and Sonata even called out for help as the screamed and flew high in the air. Everyone watched as they were fused together and were turned into a three headed monster, that towered over the monsters.

The Siren Beast crushed the amphitheatre under a massive foot. Red used his cyber powers to create a force field around the people to protect them. The Aria head fired powerful beams of energy upon Super COV, Gan Q and Reicubas, destroying them. The Sonata head fired upon Sadora and Melba who roared out in pain. Ace and Sparkler called them back before the could be destroyed. The Adagio head charged up and fired a much stronger beam than the other two and fired it towards the gang on the hill. Everyone braced from impact, but Gomora jumped in the way, taking the full power of the beam. Once the beam had subsided, Gomora’s front was very badly burned and scarred. Red flew to the ground clutching his stomach. Ace and Sparkler helped him.

“Red you need to call Gomora back,” Sparkler said.

“He can’t hold against another attack like that,” Ace stated.

“Ok,” Red struggled to say, “Gomora, return.”

But Gomora refused. He didn’t want to give up so easily, even if his life is on the line, Gomora will do anything to protect his master. Red understood this, so he turned Gomora into Cyber Gomora. Then he tossed two Cyber Cards to Ace and Sparkler. Ace had Cyber Gazort, and Sparkler had Cyber Rudian.

“Side those in your Cyber Nizers, NOW!” yelled Red.

Ace and Sparkler did so, once they did, their Cyber Nizers spoke, “Cyber Gazort Armour On, Cyber Rudian Armour on,” and Ace and Sparkler gained the armour of the Cyber monsters. A Cyber Gazort and Cyber Rudian even appeared next to Cyber Gomora. But these were just robots unlike Gomora.

The three cyber monsters charged forward, Cyber Gazort flew up and shot lasers from its eyes and the wings of the Siren Beast. But Sonata arm reached up grabbed the Cyber monster before crushing it in its claws.

“Ace, the Cyber Gazort Armour can help you communicate to the inner mind of someone,” Red told him.

Ace had an idea, he sat down and crossed his legs, he focused on the Sonata head, and with his eyes glowing white, his mind was transported into Sonata’s.

Ace looked around in Sonata’s blank mind, well it would be blank if it wasn’t just filled with tacos. He then saw Sonata surrounded in a red aura, that seemed to be chaining her down.

“Sonata!” Ace called out to her.

Sonata’s eyes shot open, her eyes as small as pins. “Go away,” she screamed, a shockwave of energy blasted Ace backwards.

“Sonata please don’t!” Ace called back. He then tried to get close to her.

“Go away, I’m a monster,” she shrieked, another pulse of energy blasted Ace backwards.

“No, Sonata, you’re not!” Ace called out, “You’re not a monster, it’s those sisters of you! I’ve seen what you’re like Sonata! You’re kinder, cuter, and happier than them!”

“Please just leave me alone!” Sonata cried, another pulse of energy pushed Ace back, but he brace himself and didn’t move back.

“Listen to me Sonata! You can change, you don’t have to listen to them!” Ace called out to her as he got closer, “Please Sonata, come with me!”

“I can’t change! They won’t let me!” Sonata yelled, she was pretty much breaking down into tears, “even if I want to, the won’t let me. They keep me away from making friends, they keep me from wanting to be a normal kid, they don’t love me.”

Ace reached out to Sonata and embrace her, she cried into his chest, “Well I love you,” Ace said softly, stroking her head, “and I’m sure if the girls knew, they will be more than happy to bring you into their group.”

Sonata did say anything, she just cried.

Back in the real world, Cyber Gomora and Rudian were struggling, Cyber Rudian had used all its ammo and Cyber Gomora was getting tired.

The Aria foot lifted up and crushed Cyber Rudian, Cyber Gomora stood his ground. Red was also getting tired, but he stood his ground and wouldn’t give up. Suddenly, 16 Cyber Cards flew out his Cyber Case, and the Cyber Gomora card started to glow as well as the others.

“What’s happening?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t know,” Red replied.

“It’s the rise formation of the Cyberzord,” said a voice on the Cyber-con, it was Francis, “it’s something that is used as a last resort if a Cyber Agent get too tired and fighting against a monster bigger than the Cyber Monster.”

“Wow,” Red remarked.

“Red, you most hold the up your Cyber Nizer and give all your power to the cards,” Francis instructed.

Red nodded and held up his Cyber Nizer and focused all his power. Twilight wanted to help Red. “Come girls let’s distract the monster while he does what he needs to do,” Twilight told them.

“Right,” the girls replied.

Needing to act quickly, Vinyl adjusted the settings and Pinkie fired off an intense drum solo; sending off sound-waves to get the Siren Beast’s attention.

Rarity supported her by playing her keytar with exceptional skill and a hailstorm of diamond-like jewels blasted from her instrument and struck the Sirens heads with considerable force.

Fluttershy, with a forceful shake of her tambourine, sent a torrent of butterflies that further repelled the Siren beast.

Twilight, being the lead singer, responded with her voice. Her powerful voice caused the ground top rumble and vibrate and a salvo of six pointed stars launched themselves from Twilight and struck the Sirens head on. Twilight was a little wondered that that might of messed with Red’s focus, but it didn’t faze Red what so ever.

An epic battle with the power of the voice followed between Twilight and the Sirens, but with three powerful voice against one powerful voice; there was only going to be one winner. Twilight was quickly overwhelmed by the Sirens' combined vocals, and she was knocked off her feet, the microphone flew free of her grasp and landed near Sunset.

“Sunset Shimmer, we need you!” Twilight called out with an out-stretched arm.

Sunset looked like she couldn't decide whether she should help or not. Or more accurately, if she could help. But she could only try. With a determined look, Sunset picked the microphone up and walked to the front of the 'stage’, in direct view of the Sirens.

You're never gonna bring me down
You're never gonna break this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singing just for popularity

Twilight walked over to Sunset and put a hand on the microphone, sharing it with Sunset.

We're here to let you know
That we won't let it go

The other girls picked themselves up and started playing again, giving their friends all the support they could. Sparkler went over to Red and helped in focusing all her power to the Cyber Cards.

Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow

The Siren Beast angrily charged up there beams. The Rainbooms though, were performing in perfect harmony with one another.

And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of
Friendship on our side!

A white ball of light lit up behind the two singers and it glowed with brighter and brighter in intensity. Twilight and Sunset, still holding the mike together, arced out their respective free hands and formed a rainbow beam fired from them to the Cyber Cards and enhanced the power.

The 17 Cyber cards glowed brighter in rainbow colours and grew larger, within into seconds, there was stood giant titan, that was made of different Cyber Monsters. Cyber Telesdon, Gomess, Gudon, and Windom formed the legs, while Cyber Lunaticks and Bemstar formed the torso. Cyber Eleking and Neronga formed shoulder pads, while Cyber Black King and Red King formed the right arm and Cyber Demaaga and Gomora formed the left. Cyber Birdon formed the back wing her Cyber wings, and Cyber Verokron formed a neck with his coral missiles pointing out. Cyber Fire Golza formed a helmet with Cyber Pigmon formed the head and face with his legs resembling horns. Finally forming in the Cyber Red King Fist, was Cyber Shepherdon and a sharp crystal sword.

The Cyberzord stood tall and proud, the girls continued to sing which gave the Cyberzord the power. Red Streak was inside the cockpit, with a new set of gear on. He held up his right arm, and the Cyberzord did the same. The Siren Beast fired the most powerful combined beams of energy from their mouths they could do. But the Cyber Bemstar gorge opened and absorbed it all. The energy absorbed transferred to the Cyber Gomora claws and a much stronger beam fired from there and struck the Siren beast in the chest. The monster roared in pain, which broke Ace out of his focus.

Some extra energy transferred to the Cyber Shepherdon sabre, it glowed a bright blue, filled with Cyber energy. What happened next was so fast no one knew what happened, one moment, the Cyberzord was standing in one stop, the nest it had charged forward, with its sabre and slashed at the gems on the bases of the necks of the Siren Beast. This resulted in the monster exploding and reverting the Dazzlings back to normal. The Dazzling hit the ground and looked up to the giant titan, feeling quite scared.

Inside the Cyberzord, Red pulled out a card with Ultraman on it. He then scanned it. “Ultraman, Specium Beam,” the Cyberzord spoke.

Sunset found herself slowly floating free above the ground. Around Sunset, yellow lights and sparkles blazed dazzlingly around her. A pair of yellowish orange pony ears sprouted from underneath her hair. Another flash of light and her hair elongated into a long ponytail secured by a studded band. The energy surrounding her surged out to fully reveal the transformed Sunset. Sparkles on her clothing and boots, and a large sun on her skirt completed her transformation. Her face now bore an expression of unbreakable determination and confidence.

The other students inside the shield Red had protected them with, were free from the Dazzlings control and had their attention now fully on the Rainbooms, felt themselves overwhelmed by the music. They couldn't help themselves when they joined in with the performance, singing and dancing along with the Rainbooms.

Here to sing our song out loud
Get you dancing with the crowd

The Dazzlings, looking upwards they recoiled in fear. They saw above them and the Cyberzord a colossal alicorn whose entire body glittered with like stars of the night sky.

As the music of our friendship
Survives, survives, survives!

The alicorn opened its eyes and a pure white beam of energy emanated from its horn Red Streak place his arms in a plus sign, and the Cyberzord did the same and from the top of the sabre to the Cyber Gomora claws a beam of light was fired, both beams strikes the Dazzlings in a brilliant display of magic and lighting up the surrounding area like sheet lightning. Within the light, the Dazzlings pendants cracked and shattered.

After a few seconds and everything calmed down, the Dazzlings could still be seen on the now fixed stage though without their pendants. Having been knocked off their feet, they got themselves back up and tried singing again.

But they couldn’t get into harmony, and it sounded terror, like nails on a chalk board. The crowd booed them and threw tomatoes at them. The Dazzlings ran off stage in shame. The Cyberzord started to vanish as in rainbow colours and revert back to Cyber Cards.

“Guess that explains why these were so special to them,” Sunset laughed.

“Without those pendants and the magic you brought here from Equestria,” Twilight explained, “they're just three harmless teenage girls.”

Red high-fived Sparkler and Ace, “Thanks guys for the help,” Red said, “all of you. Thank you. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to sit down right here.” And he fell back on to the ground. He was drained of energy. Everyone laughed at his anticks. Just then Flash ran up.

“Rainbooms rule!” he exclaimed, “that was amazing!”

Twilight giggled at his comment. Just then, Trixie stormed up.

“You may have vanquished the Dazzlings,” she said crossly, “but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” And she threw a smoke bomb on the ground.

The gang coughed when she did that, when the smoke cleared, Trixie was gone.

“She’s gone,” Pinkie gasped but then she looked to her left, “Oh, wait. There she is.”

Trixie was trying to sneak away, she jumped over a wall and then they heard a thud. “Trixie’s okay,” she called out.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and walked over to Sunset, "You know, Twilight is going back to Equestria soon. The Rainbooms could really use someone as lead singer."

Sunset smiled then grabbed a guitar, “I also play guitar,” she said as she strung the strings. Everyone was shocked and amazed.

“We'll see,” Rainbow chuckled, “then how about you Red, fancy singing in being a singer? We all know how well, you can sing.”

“I’ll think about it,” Red replied, “but now, I just was to relax.”

Later, everyone including Sparkler, Ace, and Red with around the stature, ready to say goodbye to Twilight and Spike.

“Sure wish you could stay longer,” Applejack said.

“Me too. But I have responsibilities in Equestria that I have to get back to. Its citizens need me,” Twilight told them, “but now I can go through the portal whenever I need or want to. This isn't goodbye. It's just goodbye 'til next time.” She the turned to look at Red, “I’m sorry if…”

“No need Twilight,” Red said cutting her off, “water off a duck’s back. I’m just glad that I made a new friend in the end.”

Twilight smiled, then whispered in his ear, “You are going to take Sunset on a date right?” Red blushed but he could hide it, Twilight had whispered loud enough for the rest to hear. “I’m glad that I mean you and made a new friend,” she then hugged him, Red returned it, soon all the girls joined in, Sparkler even made Ace join in. They then broke and Twilight turned to Spike, “Ready?”

“Ready!” Spike replied, and waving back at her friends, Twilight and Spike walked through the portal.

“So are you going to ask me out on a date sometime,” Sunset asked Red. He just blushed deeper.

“Alright,” Red took a deep breath and said, “Sunset, would you like to go on a date with me sometime?”

“Yes I would love to go on a date with you,” Sunset replied, Red smiled and sighed, “does tomorrow sound good.”

Red built up a sweat again, “Urm… sure,” he nervously replied.

“Ok see you tomorrow lover boy,” and Sunset start to walk home. Soon the other girls said their goodbyes and headed home. Red slowly made his way home, thinking about what happened today, first he was turning into a Dazzling, then he revealed his identity to his friends, then he was fight a giant three headed Siren beast, and now he was going to go on a date with Sunset tomorrow. “Man, What a day,” he sighed, “can’t wait until I get home and sleep. Right Gomora?” His Spark Doll replied with a roar.

Meanwhile, on a building, Zettra stood cursing the air, “I was for sure that would work,” she hissed, “but now we need to start from scratch, I’ve never seen so much power before.” She opened a portal and walked through it thinking of what would happen next.

Elsewhere, in a garage, at a rather large house, two Spark Dolls, an Antlar and King Pandon stood. A violet hand picked up King Pandon and examining it closely. “No doubt about it, Spike,” she spoke to her dog, “there's definitely something strange going on at that school...”

Author's Note:

hi guys, here's the last chapter in the Rainbow Rocks arc

it took me a while to complete this but I'm proud with the results, and sorry if the endings seemed rushed.

but I hoped you like it