• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,025 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Kill them with Kindness

A few minutes later they were sitting in the music room. Red was going through Sunset's phone, showing her how to set up a security lock. While they were making one, Ace and Sparkler began writing down notes about the situation they were in; piecing together clues that could help identify the culprit.

"Well whoever it was knew about Applejack's nickname, and gained access to Sunset’s photos," Ace said, pacing up and down.

"And set up the page in such a way to make it look like you did it," Sparkler said, stating it to Sunset.

"You said you noticed it start after the first slumber party at Pinkie’s?" asked Red.

"Well yeah," Sunset replied.

"Hmm," Ace thought.

“What are you thinking?" Sparkler asked.

"Who originally knew of Applejacks' nickname?" Ace asked Sunset.

"Applejack, Apple Bloom and their family," Sunset answered.

"And who else was at Rarity's that night apart from you’ll?" Ace asked.

"Well there was Rarity's parents, but they went out for the evening,” Sunset answered, “other than them, there was Sweetie B-"

Sunset was cut off Sparkler, "Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are friends aren't they?" she stated.

"As far as I know, so is...Scootaloo? is that her name? She Idolises Rainbow as a sister," Red remarked.

"But what would they have to gain from doing this?" Sunset asked.

Sparkler shrugged her shoulders, "You not being able to hang out with their sisters. Considering what happened earlier, you could say they succeeded."

Sunset sat down on the piano stool, tears once again starting to form in her eyes at the realisation. She was angry and confused to why they would do this. She was the one that saved them from the Sirens. Red was equally cross with them, he could sense Gomora and Fire Golza in his bag shaking with anger.

Seeing Sunset was upsetting to Red. he walked over to her and sat down next to her. Sunset rested her head on his shoulder and put an arm around his waist. His comforting embrace was doing wonders to put her at ease and quell her fears.

"But why have they done it?" asked Sunset.

"It could be any number of reasons,” Sparkler said, “maybe they reason I said earlier.”

“What should we do in the meantime?" Ace asked.

"Monitor what Anon-a-Miss posts and keep our own record," Red stated, "Will you be OK?"

"I will be now, with you’ll at my side," Sunset replied.

As the day went on, Red stayed close to Sunset not wanting her to get harassed and shouted at by the mane six and possibly other students. Most students just minded their own businesses while a few managed to sneak insults under their breaths, but would get a mouthful from Red. At Lunch, Red, Sunset, Ace and Sparkler avoided the other students like the plague, sitting right in the corner out the way of the students. Ace checked the Anon-a-miss Mystable account on his phone, he groaned when he saw that Anon-a-miss had been posting more during break and had just put one up now.

“Looks like Anon-A-Miss has been busy during the breaks between lessons,” he said showing his phone to the others.

“Who have they insulted now?” Red asked.

“It seems to just be the girls individually,” Ace replied, “just Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and just recently Pinkie.”

“I’m scared to what they’re going to write about Fluttershy,” Sunset said, “I don’t think her heart is going to take it well.”

“I’ll be more worried about Rainbow,” Ace said, “she’s got her boyfriend that will defend her with his life.”

“I don’t think I met him yet,” Red said.

“Me neither,” Sparkler stated.

“Trust me, he’s not a guy to mess with,” Ace warned them.

“Can we change the subject?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah let’s,” Red agreed, “does anyone have something else on their mind?”

“I do,” Ace said, “I remember you telling us about you’re old friends, but what I got on my mind, was how was Moon Smooch corrupted in the first place?”

“Well you see,” Red begun, “Back at my old school, it was a very down and sad school, no one would smile, no laughs could be heard, nothing exciting at all. Its not like the lessons where bad or the teachers were too strict, it was just a sad for lack of a better word. When Alien Octogon attacked, he corrupted most of the school to obey him, after he disguised himself as the Headteacher. Those with Negative or thoughts and feelings were corrupted more easier and where giving dark copies of the Cyber Nizers and became Dark Cyber Agents.”

“Woah,” Sparkler responded.

“Yeah,” Red replied, “And now with this school now starting to feel lower everyone passing moment, I fear that it may happen again.”

“Is it possible for it to happen again?” asked Sparkler.

“Unless the evil force that’s been attacking the city recently can get a hold of the technology that Alien Octogon used then it’s not possible, I destroyed his ship and in turn destroyed his technology,” Red told them, “all the same, we should be careful in case that happens.”

“Right,” replied Sunset, Ace, and Sparkler.

Meanwhile, in the dimension in between worlds, Zettra was at work creating something and was using Plasma Empowered Crystals. An alien came into her work space, this alien had an egg shaped head, a beak, and a rather feminine build despite being male. This was the Alien Guts, Dark King Kreag.

“The Dark Empress wanted a status report,” he said.

“I’m also most done,” Zettra replied as she held the crystal close to the device, suddenly the crystal and device fused and what sat in Zettra’s hands was a crystalized Dark Cyber Nizer, “yes, I have replicated Alien Octogon’s technology and improved it.”

“What is that? A knock-off of a knock-off?” Kreag joked.

“This is an improved Dark Cyber Nizer,” Zettra as she slid in a cursed Cyber Card.

“Cyber Antlar registered,” it spoke in a deeper more masculine voice that Red’s normal Cyber Nizer.

“Now I just need a someone to test it on,” Zettra said, “and I know just where to find one. Tell the Empress that I’ve completed my work and with test it on someone now.”

“I don’t believe it’s going to work, it is just a prototype,” Kreag responded, “but if you’re sure.” He then turned and walked away.

“Oh I am sure,” Zettra spoke under her breath, “problem thought is I know where to find a test subject, it’s who is the most sad, angry or negative in general that’s the problem.” She then opened a portal and walked through it bringing her Dark Cyber Nizer with her.

Back at CHS, the day had ended and Red thought it would be best to not go to the music room, in case the girls were there. Indeed they were. They were complaining about what Anon-A-Miss said about them.

“‘One thing worse that her accent is her taste in food, really who can live on only apples all their life’,” Applejack read out, “what does Sunset think she’s writing about.”

“‘Rainbow says she’s the best at all sports but that’s just an excuse to cover up her own insecurity’!” Rainbow shouted, “that’s so not true.”

“‘Rarity’s fashion sense is worse than Vinyl's like over types of music’,” Rarity said, “Why I never.”

“‘I would like to burn all of Pinkie’s cupcakes, but then I remembered I can’t burn rubbish?!” Pinkie cried, “I’m not inviting her to anymore parties, she is out of my friends list.”

“What has she written about you Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked, but Fluttershy didn’t reply, “Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy was just staring at her phone, tears forming in her eyes, and her lower lip quivering. Suddenly she burst into tears and ran out the music room and out the school.

“Fluttershy wait!” called her friends but she didn’t hear them over her crying. The girl quickly found the post that Anon-A-Miss wrote about her.

“‘Fluttershy’s only friends a bunch of stray animals because she too much of a woos to make real friends with real people’,” read Rarity.

“Ouch that hurts,” Pinkie said, “I hope Fluttershy will be all right.”

As Fluttershy ran out the school and down the path to her home, she failed to notice that Zettra was hiding in the bushes watching her run away, she smiled and followed her. When Fluttershy got home, she dashed up to her room and jump into her bed crying loudly, her backpack opened up and out came her rabbit Angel Bunny, a cat, a bird, and a hamster. Angel hopped up onto Fluttershy’s bed next to her and nuzzled against her, he was worried for her.

“Oh Angel,” Fluttershy sobbed as she brought Angel into a tight hug, “why is Sunset being so mean.”

Fluttershy heard her phone vibrate, as slowly reached out for it, but she didn’t know that Zettra had teleported the Dark Cyber Nizer into her back, and Fluttershy grabbed that instead of her phone.

“W-what’s this?” she asked through sniffs. Dark energy from the false Cyber Nizer flowed from the device into Fluttershy, corrupting her mind and turning her eyes red. The cyber Antlar card appeared in the device and Fluttershy took it out.

“Sunset and Red with pay for what they said,” Fluttershy growled. As she swiped the card back into the Dark Cyber Nizer.

“Cyber Antlar, activated,” it spoke as a roar sounded from the device and dark cyber energy surrounded Fluttershy and she was now in a dark Cyber Agent suit with the colours and weapon of Cyber Antlar.

The next day, Anon-A-Miss had continued to post information about, not just Sunset, but other students also, over the course of one day. At one point Sunset assumed Trixie was behind it and confronted her in the hallway, but it was soon obvious Trixie wasn't Anon-A-Miss; despite her admission she wished she was.

Secrets posted included a video of Rarity's slumber party, along with a unflattering comment. The video was also from Sunset's phone, further giving the girls and other students, evidence that Sunset was Anon-A-Miss. The students started to get more confident and make hurtful remarks at Sunset whenever they passed her in the hallways, while Red was there. He did his best to protect her, but even with the help of Ace and Sparkler he was vastly outnumbered. Given that they was still to be targeted, and that Red was dating Sunset who the students believed to be Anon-A-Miss, students assumed they were working together, which was why there wasn't anything embarrassing posted about Red.

At Lunchtime, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack were worried about Fluttershy. She hadn’t texted them last night, and they hadn’t heard from her this morning.

“I do hope she’s alright,” Rarity said.

“I do too,” Pinkie remarked, “she just ran off in tears.”

“Still not getting think from her,” Applejack said, she had been trying to call her all morning.

“Calm down girls,” Rainbow told them, “Fluttershy might have just over slept and is running late. She’ll show up any time soon.”

“Hello girls,” came her voice as Fluttershy in her Dark Cyber Agent Gear minus the helmet and weapon, came walking in. She had also styled her hair differently as well

“Fluttershy?” Applejack question.

“I love your hair style darling,” Rarity remarked.

“What happened to you?” Rainbow asked.

“I’ve had a little make over last night,” Fluttershy replied, “and now I have to confidents to put a stop to Sunset and Red.” As she summoned her weapon, which was Cyber Antlar’s head on her left arm. She then aimed it at the wall and used it’s magnetic powers pulled a guitar toward her and crushed it in the pincers. “permanently.”

The girls were taken aback from this violence their friend was showing. Fluttershy was never this aggressive ever.

“Fluttershy darling, we can see you’re mad but maybe this isn’t the right way to deal with the situation,” Rarity tried to calm her down.

“What are you saying?” Fluttershy said harshly.

“I’m saying that you don’t need to bring violence into this,” Rarity told her.

“You’re not one for violence Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, “just calm down and take over the suit.”

“Don’t touch me!” Fluttershy shouted as she swung her Antlar weapon, smacking Rainbow in the face, “I’m trying to help you all by getting rid of the problem, and this is the thanks I get!”

She donned the Cyber Antlar mask and used the Cyber Antlar pincer to magnetize the light above them down on them. The girls dodged it in time as the light came crashing down, Fluttershy slipped away to find Red and Sunset.

Meanwhile Sunset, Red, Ace and Sparkler were walking down the hallway on their way to the canteen for lunch. Red, Ace and Sparkler had formed a defensive ring around Sunset, with Sunset close to the wall, Sparkler behind her, Ace in front, and Red beside her. As they walked, around them the students were arguing, their personal secrets exposed for all to see by Anon-A-Miss.

"Anon-A-Miss has really set everyone against each other," said Sparkler sadly.

"And only makes us more likely to be the ones responsible as Anon-A-Miss hasn’t said anything about us yet," Ace replied sighing.

Sunset looked around at Red, Ace, and Sparkler. They had risked a lot by coming to her side and defending her, even being targeted themselves for abuse and backlash from the other students. She'd be forever grateful for their faith in her. Moments later, a student called out.

“There you are Anon-A-Miss!” Red, Ace, Sparkler and Sunset whipped their heads around as saw a tall student with orange spike hair, and Black skin.

“Ah! it’s Rainbow’s boyfriend, Sierra!” Ace jumped.

“Oh so you’re Rainbow’s boyfriend,” Red said.

“Yeah, and I’ll show you how loyal I am to her,” Sierra said as she shoved Sparkler aside and when in to punch Sunset.

Sunset braced for the punch, but Red jumped in the way and took the full force of the punch. Red collapsed to the ground, his ears ringing.

“RED!” Sunset cried.

“Dude, what’s you’re problem?!” Sparkler shouted.

“That was for Sunset, and I’ll do it to her properly,” Sierra said readying another.

“Don’t you dare,” came Fluttershy’s voice, everyone looked up to see her. Her eyes blazing red and scowling at them through her mask.

She used the Antlar pincer to pull off a locker down and throw it at them, missing, Red, Sparkler and Ace, but was aimed toward Sierra. He couldn’t do anything as it came flying towards him.

“Look out!” cried Sunset, as she jumped and pushed Sierra out the way just in time.

“Are you ok?” Sunset asked.

“You… saved me?” Sierra questioned, “after I tried to punch you.”

“I keep trying to tell everyone I’m not Anon-A-Miss,” Sunset replied.

“Yes you are!” cried Fluttershy. She ran forward and swung her Cyber Antlar pincer towards Sunset. Just before she could strike, she was blocked by Sparkler with a Cyber Bemstar Shield.

“Get back,” Sparkler spoke strictly.

“Step aside,” Fluttershy growled, “and let me take care of Anon-A-Miss.”

“Ace, take Red to see Nurse Redheart,” Sparkler said.

“Yes,” Ace said as he grabbed a whole of Red.

“Wait,” Sierra said, “let me help, I was the one that punched him.”

“Ok grab his legs,” Ace said as the two took Red to see Nurse Redheart.

“Sunset get out of here,” Sparkler told her.

“No,” Sunset said, standing her ground, “that’s my friend, I can’t just let her get corrupted by whatever has happened to her.”

“You’re not a Cyber Agent!” Sparkler yelled, “you’ll get killed. Go and protect Red, he needs you.”

“But…” Sunset tried to talk back but Sparkler cut her off.

“No buts, just go!” Sparkler said as she donned the Cyber Bemstar gear ready to fight, “I got this.”

“Ok…” Sunset replied as she ran off after Ace and Sierra. Fluttershy stepped forward but Sparkler blocked her way.

“You’re going to have to get through me,” Sparkler as she held up the Cyber Bemstar shield, “let’s dance.” Fluttershy charged forward and the two clashed their cyber weapons together.

Sunset had managed to get to the medical room, she saw that Ace and Sierra where still there, with Nurse Redheart just finishing patching up Red’s face. His face was wrapped is bandages with only his left eye that was showing, three quarters of his head was bandaged.

“Red seems to in a stable condition, and doesn’t need to go to the hospital,” Nurse Redheart told them, “but he’s going to have to stay at home for the rest of the week. Luckily, you didn’t knock him into a coma like state.”

“I’m sorry Nurse Redheart,” Sierra apologized.

“I’ll report this to Principal Celestia, and you’ll have to have a week of detentions,” Nurse Redheart said.

“I deserve that,” Sierra said.

“Do you now believe that I’m Anon-A-Miss? Or will you still believe everything Rainbow tells you?” Sunset asked, catching Sierra off guard.

“I… don’t know,” Sierra replied, “I want to believe her and protect her from Anon-A-Miss, but if I believe you, she’ll think I’m going against her.”

“So what’s more important, believe her, or believe us?” Sunset asked. Sierra didn’t answer right away.

“I… I need some time to think,” he said as he got up to leave the room.

“I’m hoping you don’t make the wrong choice,” Sunset said, as Sierra left, just then Ace and Sunset heard Red groan. “Red!” she cried as she and Ace dashed beside Red.

“Where… am… I?” Red asked, his voice groggily and muffled by the bandages.

“You’re in the medical room,” Ace told him.

“Don’t try and get up,” Sunset said, “you need to stay here.”

“But… what about… Fluttershy?” Red asked.

“Sparkler’s taken care of her,” Ace replied.

“Sunset… take Gomora,” Red told her, “he’s strong enough… to defeat an Antlar.”

“But I’m not a Cyber Agent,” Sunset replied, “I don’t think I can. Will he even accept me?”

“Good and Neutral Spark Doll monsters can see into your heart that you’re a good person,” Red responded, “you just need to show him that he can trust you. Which should be easy as he likes you.”

“I’ll… I’ll give it a try,” Sunset replied.

“He’s in my back with the Cyber Nizer,” Red told her, Sunset reached into his back and pulled out the Cyber Nizer and Gomora, “good luck.” Sunset nodded and ran off to help stop Fluttershy. While Ace stay behind to look after Red.

“Is there something you want me to do?” Ace asked.

“Could you get me something to eat,” Red requested, “I’m rather hungry. A hotdog or two would be nice.”

“How are you going to eat it?” Ace questioned, “your mouth is covered up.”

“Bugger,” Red remarked.

Meanwhile, Sparkler was having difficulties fighting Fluttershy. She was surprisingly skilled and pretty fast. Plus having Cyber Antlar’s wings made it harder to hit her as she hover and dodge her attacks. But she was able to lure Fluttershy outside so she would hurt anyone.

“Fluttershy please calm down and stop this rampage!” Sparkler called out, “you’re endangering students!”

“I don’t care if I put students in danger,” Fluttershy yelled as she pulled out the Antlar Spark Doll, “As long as Anon-A-Miss is still around, I’ll stop at nothing until she’s gone!” she scanned the Spark Doll on the Dark Cyber Nizer, and summoned Antlar into reality.

“Oh for god sake!” cried Sparkler. Antlar screeched as it stomped over to attack Sparkler.

“Now, summon your monster,” Fluttershy demanded.

“hah, I hate to disappoint, but Bemstar’s not my partner,” Sparkler said.

“What?!” Fluttershy shouted, “then you’re powerless to my partner. Antlar, step on her!”

“Hey… wait!” Sparkler called as Antlar matched forward. Suddenly, a blast of energy hit Antlar in the face, making the monster stagger.

“What the?” cried Fluttershy, she and Sparkler turned to look and see Gomora come out from behind the school. The monster roared at Antlar ready to fight it.

“Gomora?” Sparkler questioned, then stepped forward from the school’s entrance came Sunset holding Red’s Cyber Nizer. Gomora and Antlar roared at each other, with Gomora picking up a lamp pole and throwing it at Antlar’s face.

“Fluttershy! Stand down!” ordered Sunset.

“Not until you’re defeated!” Fluttershy cried.

“Sunset what are you doing?!” Sparkler called out.

“I know what I’m doing Sparkler!” Sunset yelled back.

“Antlar, step on her!” Fluttershy cried out.

Antlar screeched and Gomora roared as the latter stomped forward. Antlar dug his pincers into the ground and blast dust and debris into Gomora’s face. Gomora roared and charged forward to attack, but Antlar was gone. Gomora wondered around look for Antlar, where Antlar was, it was underground. It resurfaced his head and jabbed Gomora in the back of the leg. Causing Gomora to fall to the ground in pain, Sunset gasped as she clutched her leg and Antlar resurfaces.

“Gomora, Ultra Oscillation Wave!” cried Sunset as Gomora got up.

Gomora’s horns started to glow with energy, as he then fired pulses of energy from his nasal horn at Antlar. It pushed the insect monster back and seemed to hurt it, but Antlar swiped it’s pincers, stopping the blast. Fluttershy flinched feeling the power of the attack.

“What power,” commented Fluttershy, “but my Antlar is much stronger. Show them!” Antlar opened its pincers and ran forward and clamped them around Gomora’s body.

“Gomora!” Sunset cried. Then suddenly Fluttershy used her Cyber Antlar Pincers to clamp around Sunset. Sunset cried in pain as Fluttershy’s grip grew tighter around her torso. Both Gomora and Sunset tried to break free, but they couldn’t.

Gomora then slammed his claws on Antlar’s head hard causing it to let got, then Gomora pushed Antlar away and kicked it in the face, sending the insect monster flying to the ground. The dinosaur and insect monsters then started to trade blows, punches, kicks, and bites came from both sides. As the two monsters fought, Sunset and Fluttershy were also exchanging blows. Sparkler was getting worried.

“At this rate but are going to kill each other,” she thought out load.

Gomora swung his mega-ton tail into Antlar’s side causing the monster to fall to the ground and be fell by Fluttershy. Antlar smacked Gomora with its pincers causing Sunset to feel it as well. Sunset was starting to get tired, she wasn’t a Cyber Agent, so she didn’t have the extra stamina.

“Getting tucked out, are we?” Fluttershy asked, “soon I’ll defeat you and restore order to this school!”

Antlar then jumped onto Gomora and started to beat him down. Sunset fell to the ground, feeling the attacks from Antlar, She couldn’t do anything. Sparkler ran over to help.

“Sunset! That’s enough!” she screamed in worry, “Call Gomora back! You’re going to get hurt! Fluttershy! Stop fighting too! This isn’t you!”

“Mind your own business!” Fluttershy shouted.

“Please, Please, stop it!” Sparkler cried.

Suddenly an electrical beam struck Antlar’s head causing the monster to jump off Gomora. Sparkler looked to where the beam was fired and was in shock. They was another monster, with rotating antenna, a visor for a mouth and an eel like body and tail. This was the Discharge Dragon, Eleking.

“What the?!” remarked Sparkler.

“I thought you needed help old friend,” came a voice, Sparkler looked and there stood a female Cyber Agent in Cyber Eleking Gear.

“Are you talking to me?” Sparkler asked.

“I’m talking to Gomora,” Cyber Agent Eleking spoke.

“No matter how many Cyber Agents come, I will defeat you all!” Fluttershy shouted. Antlar stood up and used it’s magnetic ray and tried to pull Eleking in, it didn’t seem to work much from a far, but Gomora was closer and as he got up, he started to get pulled towards Antlar. Gomora tried to pull back against Antlar’s beam but he wasn’t strong enough as he was dragged closer to Antlar’s pincers.

“Yes Antlar,” commented Fluttershy, “draw him to you and finish him off.”

Gomora was helpless as Antlar closed its pincers around the monster’s body. With the beam still in effect, Eleking was starting to get dragged into the beam as well. Fluttershy had Sunset in her Cyber Antlar Pincer again, and her grip was much more tighter than before. Cyber Agent Eleking and Sparkler ran over to get Fluttershy off Sunset, but Fluttershy just kicked Sparkler away and smacked Cyber Agent Eleking with her free hand. Then some beeping was heard from Red’s Cyber Nizer.

The beeping was indicating that Sunset and Gomora were bonding in heart, mind, and soul. Sunset and Gomora managed to break free again, Sunset held up Red’s Cyber Nizer, feeling she was one with Gomora. She slid in the Cyber Gomora card and shouted out.

“Cyber Gomora Armour, Activate!”

The Cyber Gomora Gear donned her body, and Gomora changed into Cyber Gomora. Sunset stood proud with Cyber Gomora behind her, she was now a Cyber Agent and now she and Gomora were one. As Cyber Gomora started to fight Antlar, Sunset attacked Fluttershy, both of them in sync with each other.

Cyber Gomora slammed his side into Antlar, knocking Antlar down. Then as Antlar got up, Cyber Gomora grabbed a hold of its pincers and wrestled with it. Sunset did the same with Fluttershy’s Cyber Antlar pincer. Then with enough force, Cyber Gomora broke Antlar’s pincers off as he threw the monster to the ground. Sunset also broke Fluttershy’s Cyber Antlar pincer. Fluttershy and Antlar where now defenceless, as Cyber Gomora and Sunset beat them up, Cyber Gomora rolled forward, swinging his mega-ton tail down on Antlar’s head causing the monster to fall back in pain. Antlar slow stood up, just as Eleking’s tail wrapped around it to whole it still, and Cyber Gomora charging up his Cyber Ultra Oscillation Wave. Cyber Energy charged in Gomora’s claws and horn before he shot forward and impaled Antlar, sending shockwave through out Antlar’s body and causing it to explode. A cyber Shockwave blast out reverting any damage to the town.

Fluttershy cried in pain, her bond with Antlar shattered once the monster had exploded. Her Dark Cyber Nizer had fallen to the ground once her Cyber Antlar pincer broke. Cyber Agent Eleking came over and stamped on it, destroying it and freeing Fluttershy from its corruption. The Cyber Antlar Gear disappearing in corrupted energy and Fluttershy returned to her normal self. She collapsed to the ground, but Sunset caught her. Cyber Gomora and Eleking roared in victory and returned to normal spark dolls. Sunset’s Cyber Gomora Gear disappeared as she held the tired Fluttershy.

“Sun… Sunset?” Fluttershy asked as she slowly opened her eyes.

“It’s ok Fluttershy, you’re safe,” Sunset assured her, as Sparkler came over.

“I see… a bright light,” Fluttershy remarks.

“Is this better?” Sparkler said getting in the way of the sun on her face.

“Much better, thank you,” Fluttershy spoke softly, “what happened? I don’t remember anything.”

“You were corrupted by this Dark Cyber Nizer,” said Cyber Agent Eleking, still in her Cyber Gear.

“You went of a destructive rampage saying you with Destroy Anon-A-Miss no matter what,” Sunset told her.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy remarked.

“Then Sunset saved you,” Sparkler said.

“You… saved me?” Fluttershy asked, “Why? I turned away from you.”

“Would Anon-A-Miss save for you from corruption?” Sunset asked.

“N…No,” Fluttershy replied, “Oh Sunset, I’m so sorry, can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course I can, you’re my friend,” Sunset said, as she help Fluttershy back on her feet, “and nothing is going to change that.” Fluttershy felt tears forming as she gave Sunset a tight hug.

“Ok now that Fluttershy is free, I just one more thing on my mind,” Sparkler said, before turning to face Cyber Agent Eleking, “who exactly are you?”

“Let’s just say, I’m an old friend of someone,” she said as her Cyber Gear started to disappear into energy, “you can call me, Phantasia.”

“You’re… You’re… Phantasia!” Sparkler exclaimed.

“Yep that’s me,” Phantasia replied, “and I need to report this to Red right now.”

“We can take you to him,” Sunset said, “but he’s not in the best shape.”

“What do you mean?” Phantasia asked.

“You’ll see,” Sunset replied.

“Oh my goodness, Reddy!” Phantasia shouted rushing up to him and giving him a tight hug.

“It’s great to see you too, Phantasia,” Red replied, his voice still muffled by the bandaged on his face.

“I was more reacting to your face,” Phantasia asked, “what happened?”

“I got slugged around the face,” Red replied.

“Oh you poor sweetie,” Phantasia remarked giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“What are you doing here anyway?” Red asked.

“I wish it was just to see you,” Phantasia said, as she pulled out what remained of the Dark Cyber Nizer, “but I’m afraid that it’s something else.”

“A Dark Cyber Nizer?!” Red exclaimed, “how?”

“I don’t know,” Phantasia stated, “but whoever made it must of revived Alien Octogon’s work and improved it, due to the crystalized look it has.”

“Someone must of fused it with a Plasma Empowered Crystal,” Red remarked.

“Must of,” Phantasia said.

“So what does that me for us?” Ace asked.

“That we have more work to do,” Red answered, “we need to stop Anon-A-Miss before they cause anymore trouble to the students.”

“Easier said than done,” Sparkler replied, “we can’t get near the CMC due to their sister protecting them.”

“Well all I know is that I can’t work with my face like this,” Red said, “Sunset, can stay in my place as Cyber Agent Gomora while I’m healing?”

“Of course,” Sunset replied, “It’s the least I can do for you protecting me.”

“I’ll hang around here so can help train Sunset here,” Phantasia said.

“That would be great,” Red said, if you want you can stay with me at my place for the time being.”

“I would love that, thank you,” Phantasia said.

“And Fluttershy, do you know now see that Sunset and I and not Anon-A-Miss?” Red questioned, turning to the shy girl.

“Yes, I now see that you two and not Anon-A-Miss, you two would never do such a thing,” Fluttershy replied, “I’m really sorry for abandoning you.”

“You’re apology is accepted,” Red responded.

While this was happening, Zettra was standing on top of the school and was hearing everything they were saying.

“You may have destroy my first Dark Cyber Nizer,” she remarked, “but it was just a prototype, I have perfected it and now have four more. And I know just the victims to use them on.” She cackled and opened a portal and walked through it.

Author's Note:

Greetings Friends,

HAHA, I have finally put up another chapter of Cyber Agents, sorry that I couldn't get back to it, I've been really busy over the last three months. and I was also stuck on what to write, but I should now have an idea of what to do next

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter