• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,025 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Chapter 11: Honesty against Generosity: Applejack vs. Rarity

The weekend soon came around and now Dark Cyber Nizer activity has occurred of the remaining school days. Red was still out of action, getting visited by Sparkler and Ace, and even an apology from Sierra. Phantasia had been training with Sunset after school, but while she was at school, Phantasia was staying close to Red, maybe a little too close at times. That Saturday morning, Fluttershy had just woken up from a nightmare. In the nightmare she had been corrupted and wanted nothing more than to end Anon-A-Miss. Then she ended up fighting Sunset who saved her.

Only it had not been a nightmare. It all really happened, and she was still horrified over it.

The shy girl was still trying to get her head around what had happened, the last thing she could properly remember, was coming home in tears and hugging Angel Bunny, then everything went blank, until she was freed from the corruption of the Dark Cyber Nizer, and then she could think clearly again. It just seemed to strange and it sickened her that she wanted to kill someone, that was just never in her nature.

Fluttershy was quieter than normal that morning, her friends had call her up to see if she wanted to hang out with them, but as they still believe that Sunset was Anon-A-Miss and she had avoided them all week, she couldn’t face them. She was in deep thought when her phone went off and broke her out of mindset. Fluttershy answered it, it was Red Streak.

“Hello?” Fluttershy answered.

“Heya Flutters,” Red’s voice replied, “how are ya holding up?”

“Oh, hello Red,” the Shy girl responded, “I’m not really sure, I’m still a little shaken up from yesterday.”

“Yeah, I get that,” Red retorted, “but I’m used to it.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“We believe it or not, I was a victim to something rather similar,” Red replied.

“You were?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Yeah, I wasn’t an actual target to the Dark Cyber Nizers, but I was a victim to something else,” Red explained, “you see, when becoming a Cyber Agent, we first have to bond to a Cyber monster, the process requires you to mentally fuse with Cyber Monster, and in doing so, our own DNA gets modified. Giving body enhancements like able to run faster, jump higher, and fight harder, as well as a special ability relating to our bonded Cyber Monster, as example I can generate Cyber Oscillation Waves, Phantasia, can fire electricity etc.”

“Right,” Fluttershy replied.

“But it also enhances our emotions,” Red continued, “and rage was common for me. Once my anger, hatred, and rage, passed my limit, I went into an uncontrollable force of power. I would erupt in a fiery rage, and would basically become invincible. Pulses of Heatwaves would erupt from my body at random, my body would glow orange, the temperatures in the area around me would rise, I could withstand any powerful attack, and could punch someone through a whole block of buildings. My Body was so hot and so durable that any physical attack would be powerless to affect me, any beam or range attacks would curve around me, and water based attacks with completely evaporate. Once I finally cool off and calm down, I would forget what had just happened.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy replied, “that sounds scary.”

“Trust me Fluttershy, you don’t want to be facing me when I’m in this rage form,” Red remarked, “It’s hard enough for me to deal with my face all swollen.”

“How is your face by the way?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s healing,” Red replied, “the bandages around by whole head are gone, and it’s just more or less only the swollen side of my face, holding a frozen steak against my face.”

That remark made Fluttershy giggle, “What is Sunset up to now?” she asked.

“My guess is Phantasia is teaching her how to fight,” Red replied.

“Oh, I hope she’s doing ok,” Fluttershy responded.

“Hey, she was able to take down you, nearly fine,” Red remarked, “take down a someone who’s been fight as a Cyber Agent for much longer is a different story, but I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

Red was right, far out form the city, Gomora and Eleking when battling each other, and Sunset was holding up quite well. As both her and Phantasia had bonded to the monsters, they were feeling their power and pain.

Gomora charged forward, and got Eleking onto his back and threw her onto the ground. As Eleking staggered back up, Gomora bumped Eleking’s side causing the electric monster to role on the ground. Then as Eleking stood up, Gomora front flipped and slammed his tail into Eleking, making the monster stumble back in pain. Eleking managed to get some blows in, first she shoved her shoulder into Gomora’s chest, then smacked her hands down onto his head. But as she went to kick Gomora, he caught her leg, and thrusted it away causing Eleking to fall back.

Gomora roared as he tried to jump on top of Eleking but she used her legs to kick him away. Once Eleking was back on two feet, she tried to smack Gomora with her tail, but the Ancient monster simply jump up and dodged it before defying all laws of physics and launched himself forward and slamming his head into Eleking’s chest and sending the monster flying backward. Gomora the jumped onto Eleking and started to smack the crap out of her face. Eleking used her tail the grab Gomora’s right wrist to stop him from smacking and pulled to get him off.

But Gomora was smart, with Eleking’s tail still around his wrist, he grabbed it with his other claw, and hoisted Eleking in the air and started to spin around the discharge dragon before throwing her into ground. Thinking he had won, Gomora looked down at Sunset, but didn’t see Eleking get back up, as she charged up an attack.

“Gomora!” Sunset cried.

Just as Eleking fired a Discharge Disk, Gomora ducked and spun around, swinging his mega-ton tail, and whipping Eleking in the face, causing the monster to fall to the ground again.

“Gomora, Ultra Oscillation Wave!” Sunset cried.

Gomora’s horns started to glow with energy as he charged up his attack, then he fired concentrated waves at Eleking, dealing massive damage to the monster. Once Gomora stopped, Eleking let out one last cry as she collapsed to the ground. Phantasia fell to the ground, as well feeling tired. Sunset walked over and held out her hand. Phantasia grabbed her hand and Sunset helped her up. Gomora did the same held out his claw to help Eleking up before the two returned back to the Spark Doll forms.

“Well Done,” Phantasia remarked, “You actually got me down this time.”

“Well it’s thanks to the training you’ve been teaching me,” Sunset replied.

“I know, I’m great aren’t I?” Phantasia retorted.

“You sure are,” Sunset smiled.

“Now, let’s head back to check on Red,” Phantasia said.

“Yes let’s,” Sunset replied as the two started to head to the nearest bus stop. As the bus drove on, Sunset started to get things on her mind. Red’s relation with Phantasia, and the Dark Cyber Agents. Phantasia noticed how quiet Sunset was and was a little concerned.

“Are you ok?” Phantasia asked.

“Yeah, I just have somethings on my mind,” Sunset replied.

“Like what?” Phantasia questioned.

“Well, I’m concerned about the Dark Cyber Nizers,” Sunset answered, “What is a Dark Cyber Agent? Why do they exist? And how does one become one?”

“Well, I’m guessing you’ve been told this already, but I guess I’ll remind you,” Phantasia said as she became to tell the history of the Cyber Agents. “When the Cyber Agents first came around, their goal was to protect all universes from evil. The closest that came to defeating the Cyber Agents was Alien Empera, the Lord of Darkness but he underestimated the Cybernetic power of the Cyber Agents. But one day, the technology was stolen by an evil alien, Alien Octogon. He then used the tech to created the Dark Cyber Agents, and recruited a few evil aliens to his side. The Cyber Agents went to war with these dark copies, but it wasn’t easy to destroy them. The only real way you destroy them, is by destroying the Cyber Monster that was bonded to its owner.”

“Like what happened to Fluttershy,” Sunset commented.

“Yes, but that was easier said than done, and there was another setback,” Phantasia replied, “as the Dark Cyber Nizers are based on the original they function the same, so when a monster dies, and the Cyber Nizer is destroyed, the owner of the destroyed monster also dies.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Shh, not so loud,” Phantasia whispered, “we’re still on a bus.”

“Oh right,” Sunset chuckled nervously, “please continue.”

“Yes, it nearly happened to Moon Smooch,” Phantasia said, “She was going all out trying to defeat Gomora with her corrupted partner, Tsurugi Demaaga, somehow the monster was clever enough, that it was controlling her rather than her controlling it. But a Shepherdon appeared and fought alongside Gomora to defeat and destroy Tsurugi Demaaga. Moon Smooch was on the brink of death from the monster’s destruction, but Shepherdon bonded with her and healed her corrupted heart.”

“But if you die from the destruction of both monster and Cyber Nizer, why didn’t Fluttershy die?” Sunset asked.

“My guess is it’s the Plasma Empowered Crystals,” Phantasia remarked, “Normal Dark Cyber Nizers work basically the same as normal Cyber Nizers, the owner can still think for themselves, and be in control of their bodies. With these Crystal Cyber Nizers, Fluttershy was shown to have on thing on her mind, to destroy Anon-A-Miss at any cost. And Plasma Empowered Crystals tend to sent monsters into a frenzy, empowering them and they lose control of themselves. The Crystals empowered the Cyber Nizer and therefore infected Fluttershy with them.”

“So Fluttershy was corrupted by the Crystals instead of the Dark Cyber Nizer?” Sunset asked.

“I would say she was corrupted by both, but the Crystals had more of an affect than the Dark Cyber Nizer,” Phantasia responded, “She became uncontrollable and completely set on destroying you.”

“I just hope than none of the other go out of control,” Sunset said.

“If we don’t want them to get corrupted, we need to stop Anon-A-Miss now, before it’s too late,” Phantasia darkly remarked, “because if their negative emotions it acts like a beacon to the Dark Cyber Nizers.”

Meanwhile, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity were hanging out at the mall, though it seemed that Anon-A-Miss had spread to the mall as well, as the atmosphere seemed rather negative. They were in the food court to get something to eat, but it seemed like they couldn’t escape as people made rude remarks about them, Rainbow was holding her urge to punch someone.

"It's not the same any more without Sunset or Red," Pinkie whimpered, her hair seemed to have lose its puff and was all straight.

"I know, but they betrayed us and posted all that stuff about us," replied Rainbow, "We can't let it get to us."

“Why do you think Red’s in on Anon-A-Miss?” Applejack asked.

“Sunset and him are dating, of course he’s involved,” Rainbow said, “Sierra told me he slugged him around the face defending Sunset. I just don’t get why Fluttershy said she doesn’t believe they’re Anon-A-Miss.”

“She did seem angry and wanted to kill them,” Rarity mentioned, “I think she’s calmed down and thought it out.”

“Do you believe that they’re Anon-A-Miss?” Applejack asked.

“The only evidence that points to them is that the pictures came from Sunset’s phone,” Rarity replied, “I don’t want to believe it, but there’s too many fingers pointing at them.”

“I wish Twilight was here,” Pinkie responded, “she’s smart, she could help us figure out who Anon-A-Miss is.”

“She’s probably busy with some princessy stuff,” Applejack remarked.

Just then, their phones vibrated, “Anon-A-Miss has probably posted something else,” Rainbow remarked, the four looked to see what the post said.

“WHAT?!” Applejack and Rarity shouted as they looked at what was written. Rainbow and Pinkie were taken off guard by their outbursts and looked at what Anon-A-Miss said.

“‘Applejack claims that Rarity thinks of no one but herself, that strumpet wouldn’t know what being generous is even if it bit her on her poor excuse of a behind,’” Rainbow read out.

“‘Rarity say Applejack is honest with all her heart, but that’s the biggest lie that she has ever told, maybe if she was like Rarity, she could tell us what she really thinks of her,’” Pinkie spoke.

“I think of everyone and I’m kind and caring as well!” Rarity shouted.

“You know I’m honest and I would never say that!” Applejack yelled.

“Is that a lie too?! Just tell me what you really think of me!” Rarity hollered.

“I think you’re a great person, I would never call you a strumpet,” Applejack tried to tell her, but Rarity wasn’t listening.

“You don’t mean that, you’ve been lying about our friendship all this time!” Rarity screamed she started to get tears in the corners of her eyes, “You are the biggest liar!”

“Well if you want the truth fine! I think you are a selfish person, you care for no one but the dresses you make, and you’re flatter than Rainbow!” Applejack barked.

“HEY!” Rainbow shouted.

“Keep out of this Dash!” Applejack bellowed.

“You are going to regret saying that!” Rarity shouted as she ran away.

“The selfish cow,” Applejack remarked, as she turned back to look at Pinkie and Rainbow, “she’s just going to head home, lay on her couch and eat ice cream, and that is the truth.” Then she too started to walk away.

“Anon-A-Miss is driving us apart,” Pinkie sobbed as she and Rainbow watched Applejack walk home. From one the upper floor, Ace and Sparkler had seen the whole scene go down.

“This aren’t good,” Ace said.

“They’re going to be the next victims,” Sparkler commented.

They were right, as Rarity turned left to run home, and Applejack walked right, Zettra watched them from the roof of the mall, smiling to herself. She had bot Dark Cyber Nizers registered with monsters and teleported to Rarity’s, know she was going to get there first.

Rarity did arrived home first, her makeup was running down her face as she ran to her room and jumped on her bed crying her eyes out. Zettra had teleported in and was sitting in a chair, she was also disguised as a human to try and fool Rarity and have her believe she was human.

“It’s such a shame really, being friends with someone for a long time only to find out it was all a big lie,” Zettra spoke up, startling Rarity. She looked up at Zettra in her chair, her mascara was all over her face.

“Who-Who are you and how did you get in my room?” Rarity stuttered.

“Don’t fret love,” Zettra said as she turned to chair around to face Rarity, “I’m not your enemy, I’m a friend. You see I’ve been in the same shoes as you.”

“Really?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I too know how it feels to be mocked and be call selfish and flat in certain areas,” Zettra lied, but her lies were very believable, “so do you know what I did?”

“What?” Rarity asked.

“I got revenge on them,” Zettra said, “Oh wow it felt so good to enact it.”

“Are you sure?” Rarity questioned, “didn’t they get hurt.”

“Who said I hurt them,” Zettra answered, “I merely gave them what they deserved. Maybe you should enact revenge of you’re so called friend.”

“How would I anyway?” Rarity asked, clearing the makeup on her face.

“With this,” Zettra said, holding out the Dark Cyber Nizer. Rarity slowly reached out and grabbed the device, dark energy entered her body the moment she touched it. Her eyes turned red, and she chuckled evilly once she was corrupted by the Dark Cyber Nizer.

“How do you feel now?” Zettra asked.

“Much better, I feel like enacting my revenge on Applejack will make me feel even better,” Rarity answered.

“Good,” Zettra chuckled as she watched Rarity leave, and teleported away.

She had teleported to Applejack’s room in her house and placed the Dark Cyber Nizer on her bedside table. She teleported outside just as Applejack stormed upstairs to her room and she fell back on her bed, wanting to clear her head.

“Why is Sunset saying all that stuff, I don’t think Rarity’s selfish, she’s kind and caring like she said,” Applejack said trying to clear her head. She heard her phone vibrate and reached out to get it, but she touched the Dark Cyber Nizer, and was now corrupted by it as her eyes turned red.

“You know what, I don’t care, I will crush Sunset for saying that stuff about me,” Applejack commented, “but I think my first target is, sweet, little, Rarity.”

She pulled out the Cyber Card already in the device and slid it back in.

“Cyber Black King Activated,” the Dark Cyber Nizer spoke, as the Cyber Black King armour appeared on Applejack. She grinned under her mask as a Black King Spark Doll appeared. Applejack grabbed it and scanned it on the Dark Cyber Nizer, then pointed to the window.

“Go Black King, get my revenge on Rarity!” Applejack shouted. A bright light out of Applejack’s room and landed on the ground, then a black monster with gold spikes, claws and horn appeared on the ground. It then smashed a fist into Applejack’s room and allowed her to climb onto it’s claw. This was the Bodyguard monster, Black King.

Black King stomped through the city, holding Applejack as it went, people screamed in terror as Black King seemed to stomp through buildings, this didn’t phase Applejack at all, she only had one goal on her mind, and that was to crush Rarity. Suddenly, two fireballs struck Black King in the side of the head. This made the monster stumble and almost dropped Applejack.

“What in the tarnation was that?!” Applejack shouted.

“Over here you lying southerner!” cried Rarity’s voice.

Applejack looked and saw she was also in Dark Cyber gear, her monster partner was a two headed bird monster with red scales. It was the Twin-Headed Monster King Pandon.

“Black King, put me down,” Applejack ordered, “I’ll deal with Rarity, you take care of her pet.”

Black King did as she said, gently place Applejack on the ground and then charged towards King Pandon. King Pandon did the same, the monster place Rarity on the ground and charged towards Black King.

“I told you, you will regret what you said,” Rarity mocked as the two ran at each other and fought.

They mimicked the movement of their monsters, Black King grabbed King Pandon by the head and forced it back, King Pandon swiped at Black King getting it to let go. King Pandon tried to elbow Black King, but the Bodyguard monster stopped it and smacked its claws on King Pandon’s back, then uppercut the monster back before kicking it in the chest. King Pandon headbutted Black King in the chest, but then Black King swung its tail around and struck it in the heads.

King Pandon fell to the ground, which gave Black King the chance to kick King Pandon in the left head, sending the monster back. Black King grabbed both heads in a headlock and slammed the twin-headed monster on the ground. Black King got up and kicked the monster down again. With King Pandon still on the ground, Black King grabbed its tail, and toss it from side to side before throwing it to the ground, King Pandon just cried in pain on the ground.

King Pandon seemed to be not much of a fighter, because Applejack was too strong for Rarity, who the former had managed to knock the latter’s helmet off. Rarity spat blood on the ground as she looked up in fiery at Applejack.

“Had enough, Rares?” Applejack mocked as she placed a boot on Rarity’s cheek, “don’t bother getting up, it’s clear that I’m stronger than you.”

“I will not give up,” Rarity muttered, “My revenge will be fulfilled!”

“Ha, suit yourself,” Applejack said as she pushed her foot down harder onto Rarity’s face.

“STOP!” shouted a voice, as a blast wave knocked Applejack off Rarity. The two looked to see Sunset running up in Cyber Gomora gear.

“Red?” Rarity suspected.

“Sorry, but Red is taken out of action for the time being,” Sunset replied as she took of her helmet.

“What?! Sunset?!” the two Dark Cyber Agents shouted.

“Stand down both of you,” Sunset ordered.

“Never!” Rarity yelled.

“Where did you come from?” Applejack questioned.

“I had just arrived back here after training with Phantasia,” Sunset answered, “I saw Black King and King Pandon appear, and I knew I had to stop you for causing serious damage.”

“You already caused serious damage by posting what you say about us, Anon-A-Miss,” Rarity told her.

“I am not Anon-A-Miss!” Sunset shouted, “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I write anything mean about you.”

“Well then, we’ll see you there!” Applejack yelled, “Black King, crush her!”

Black King roared and stomped over to Sunset. Sunset pulled out Red’s Cyber Nizer and summoned Gomora.

“Go Gomora!” she shouted as Gomora appeared and roared out loud. Black King swiped its claws and Gomora smacked his chest, before running and jumping and kicking Black King in the chest, causing the monster to stumble back. Gomora then pounded and punched Black King in the chest then shoved his body into the bodyguard monster, sending Black King stumbling backwards.

Gomora managed to block a left swipe from Black King but didn’t block a swipe from the right. But Gomora got right back in the fight, tussling with Black King, and avoiding another claw swipe before headbutting the monster in the chest. Following by two kicks to the stomach and then grabbed its head and throw Black King to the ground. Gomora was ready for Black King to get up, that he didn’t notice King Pandon getting back in the fight.

Sunset was also shocked to see Rarity join back in her brawl with Applejack. Rarity had managed to get Sunset off guard, as she stumbled to get her footing. Sunset retaliated by slamming her body in Rarity. Gomora mimicked her motions as he slammed his body into King Pandon’s chest, followed by a kick. Black King held Gomora still as King Pandon kicked Gomora in the chest. Applejack held Sunset still as Rarity kicked her.

Then Black King threw Gomora to the side as it then punched and swiped at King Pandon in the faces. Black King roared seemingly forgetting about Gomora as the ancient monster kicked Black King in the side, sending it swaying. Gomora uppercut Black King in the face and kicked King Pandon in the chest. Black King came back in fast, but Gomora back slapped it in the face, before slamming his horns in to King Pandon’s chest. Gomora then grabbed King Pandon but the necks and threw it to the side, before swinging its mega-ton tail into Black King’s side, causing the monster to fall over.

Gomora then ran towards King Pandon, then preformed an impressing front flip and slamming his mega-ton down on King Pandon. Gomora got up and roar, before running to King Pandon, kneeing it in the left face, kicking it in the right, and knocking it to the ground.

“Gomora, Ultra Oscillation Wave!” Sunset cried.

Gomora roared before impaling King Pandon with his nasal horn, before sending power shockwaves through King Pandon’s body. King Pandon roared out in pain as his back exploded from Gomora’s attack, before its body went limp and Gomora threw his head back, sending the fallen Kaiju back, King Pandon landed on the ground and exploded.

Rarity screamed in pain feeling her bond with King Pandon broken, she dropped her Dark Cyber Nizer as it landed on the ground, Rarity fell to her knees to reach for it, but Phantasia appeared and crushed it under her foot. Rarity then fainted as her Dark Cyber Gear disappeared. Sunset then looked up to Phantasia who just smiled and nodded, as Sunset turned to glare at Applejack. Gomora turned to stare at Black King who roared back at him.

“Applejack, stand down or else!” Sunset cried.

“I will not until see it dead!” Applejack shouted.

“Yep, that’s the Plasma Empowered Crystals talking,” Phantasia remarked.

“Black King! Destroy her!” Applejack ordered, Black King roared in response.

“Gomora! Bond with me and help me stop my friend!” Sunset cried.

Gomora roared as his body started to glow blue and in an explosion, replaced with Cyber Gomora. Black King roared again as the two kaiju clash with each other. Black King managed to knee Cyber Gomora to get him back. Black King went it to slam its head into Cyber Gomora’s chest, but the Cybernetic monster stop the attack then kneed Black King in the face. Cyber Gomora ran forward, Black King held out its claws and grabbed Cyber Gomora’s horns to stop him from moving more, then threw him to the ground.

“You have no change of beating me, Anon-A-Miss!” Applejack shouted in fiery before chuckling evilly.

Sunset groaned in anger, as Cyber Gomora was getting his head pounded by Black King, before getting an uppercut to the jaw, causing Cyber Gomora to fall backward.

“HAHAHAHA!” Laughed Applejack, “I’ve never felt so much power before. This is AMAZING!”

Sunset then noticed that crystals started to painlessly grow out Applejack’s body, she started to get worried. Would she lose her friend to the Plasma Empowered Crystals. She didn’t have much time to think about that it though as Applejack came in and attacked her. Sunset quickly blocked the attack with her Cyber Gomora Claws, Cyber Gomora doing the same when Black King attacked. The two monsters tussled with each other, which involved a few missed attacks from Cyber Gomora and Black King throwing the former to the ground. Cyber Gomora rolled on the floor and looked up at Black King who roared out loud, seemingly pleased with itself.

Sunset grunted as Applejack laughed, suddenly, two electrical blasts struck Black King in the face, causing the monster to cry in pain. Applejack felt that and she too cried out, she and Sunset turned to see Phantasia in her Cyber Eleking gear with her Blaster Cannons pointing to Black King.

“Now’s your chance!” she cried.

Sunset nodded, who took her chance to attack. Cyber Gomora roared as he stood up and ran forward, with Black King still getting its bearings it didn’t see Cyber Gomora as his clotheslined the Bodyguard Monster. With Black King still on the ground, Cyber Gomora gave it the elbow drop. To finish it off, Cyber Gomora grabbed Black King by the legs and threw it over himself. Applejack cried in pain, as Sunset prepared for finishing blow.

“Gomora! Cyber Oscillatory Wave!” She cried as she and Cyber Gomora charged up their energy and glided towards Applejack and Black King.

They impaled them with their horns and sent shockwaves throughout their bodies, as the Oscillatory Waves surged throughout Applejack’s body, the growing Plasma Empowered Crystals were shattered leaving open holes in her body. Cyber Gomora ceased his attack, as he threw Black King over his head, and the monster exploded upon impact on the ground and sending a cybernetic shockwave across the city, fixing any destroyed buildings.

Applejack cried in pain as her bond with Black King was severed, she ran towards Sunset, but she suddenly collapsed to the ground, as Phantasia has smashed the Dark Cyber Nizer with her boot. Sunset panted in relief as she called back Gomora, and her Cyber gear digitized away.

“Don’t relax yet,” Phantasia said, “we need to get Rarity and Applejack to a hospital now!” She was right, Rarity and Applejack were very weak and were also bleeding from the wounds Sunset had left on them.

“Come on then, quick!” Sunset called as she grabbed about and Phantasia grabbed Rarity. Then the two of them headed to the hospital as quickly as they could.

Meanwhile on top of a building, Zettra had watched the whole fight and wasn’t happy. She gritted her teeth and shot a fireball of rage at a chimney completely destroying it.

“Both Kings were vanquished by a mere pawn,” she grumbled, “Though the next one should be strong enough, as it’s not just a normal kaiju.” She then opened a portal behind her, “and that pink girl will be the best to handle this creature. She’ll be so wild she wouldn’t be able to control the missiles.” She then turned chuckled and walked through it, as it closed behind her, with her evil chuckling echoing around.

Author's Note:

Greetings all

at last, I got this chapter of Cyber Agents out. My god these aren't easy to right, but then again, none of my stories are easy to write.

anyway I hope you guys like it and I'll see you in the next one. which might be a Ultraman Scorn episode, until I can figure out what to do for the next chapter of SHB