• Published 24th Aug 2020
  • 5,359 Views, 577 Comments

Death of a Queen - Arkane12

Chrysalis had welcomed the end, but one final visitor forces her to reconsider.

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8: Spreading Sickness

“It seems you slept well. I was a little worried. I know when I first get here, the new room can take some getting used to,” Twilight said as she led Fluttershy through the high archway into the mess hall. Guards lazed around the room, joking and enjoying their morning free time. A few noticed the princess among them, standing at attention. Twilight waved them off with a laugh.

“I had a really busy day yesterday,” Fluttershy explained. “Applejack and I were dealing with her pigs. We figured something they’d eaten made them sick. We were trying to track down the source. That’s when your message arrived.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were busy.” Toward the back of the mess hall, another short hallway led to the royal dining room. Though they would’ve been there faster if they’d taken the sister’s secret passage, Twilight enjoyed allowing her friend to tour the castle.

“There’s no need to apologize, Twilight. You needed my help too. You still haven’t really told me what about, though.”

“We can deal with that after breakfast.”

Noting the princess’ arrival, a trio of well-dressed servants disappeared into the kitchen. The obnoxious clanging of pots and pans soon gave way to a sweet scent in the air. Twilight and Fluttershy took their seats at the table beside one another.

“I hope I’ll be able to help,” Fluttershy worried.

The two of them settled into conversation. As she spoke, laughed, and discussed current events in Ponyville, Twilight hadn’t even noticed the burden of stress slip from her shoulders. Twilight asked how the situation with Applejack’s pigs had ended up. Fluttershy brought up Pinkie’s new cupcake recipe and subsequent selling of the treat. Apparently, it had been a hot item, both literally, and commercially. Just the thought of a hot sauce-flavored cupcake made Twilight nauseous. The two of them only stopped long enough to acknowledge Luna as she arrived. Given the slight mess of her mane and sour demeanor, it seemed her double shifts were finally wearing on her. Still, she handled herself with a confidence and pride expected of a princess.

“Good morning, Princess Luna,” Fluttershy waved. If she noticed the princess’ condition, she hid her surprise well.

Luna’s expression brightened at the sight of her guests. “Fluttershy. Twilight. I wasn’t sure you two would be up early enough to join me. Seems I was the late one, though.” She claimed her usual spot near the head of the table. Though the table could fit nearly two dozen diners, the three of them were gathered at one end in an intimate huddle.

“So, Fluttershy, how are you finding the castle?” Luna asked, tilting her head.

“It’s so big. I mean, I’ve been here before, but there were rooms I didn’t even know were here. I don’t know how you don’t get lost.”

“My sister and I have lived in this castle since it’s construction. We’ve had time to learn.”

“I get lost,” Twilight admitted, raising a hoof. They laughed together. Whether she intended it or not, there was a definite change in Fluttershy when Luna arrived. She kept her posture rigid and restrained herself. For all the progress she’d made with her nervousness and friendships she had built with the princesses, she couldn’t kick habits ingrained over her life. She didn’t act this way with Twilight, to the newest alicorn’s delight. She couldn’t blame the pegasus, though. Most ponies would probably find themselves wracked with nerves in the same situation.

“So, Fluttershy, what have you been doing in Ponyville?” Luna inquired.

“Not much. I mostly just take care of my animals. I don’t actually go into town that often, unless I’m with one of the girls.”

Luna seemed to notice the shift as well. “Twilight told me you’d built an animal sanctuary.”

“Oh yeah. I guess that counts. It just kind of became a part of my daily routine.” Fluttershy shrugged.

“Impressive” Luna took a deep breath. “How’s Discord been doing? Is he misbehaving?”

“Oh no. He’s doing very well. We have tea every week. I’ve been teaching him to make sandwiches. He’s had some trouble understanding the concept.”

“The concept of a sandwich?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“He still thinks there’s actual sand in it. I’m trying to convince him there isn’t. I don’t know if he doesn’t believe me or is just messing with me. Aside from that, he’s been nice. He considers us friends at this point.”

“That’s good to hear. I was a little troubled by leaving him so far from me and my sister. You seem to have been perfect for the job, though.”

Luna’s praise made the pegasus blush.

“Breakfast is ready whenever you are,” A stallion dressed in a chef’s apron announced from the kitchen.

“Bring it now. We’re ready,” Luna commanded. He disappeared into the kitchen, but before the door could close, a small group of servants arrived, carrying silver domed trays. They weaved through one another with the graceful ease of a trained server. Their actions synced flawlessly. One by one, they set their trays before the guests before removing the lid with a dramatic flourish. Luna, Twilight, and Fluttershy found themselves staring down a pile of pancakes, topped with butter, syrup, whipped cream, and a host of various berries.

“This looks amazing,” Fluttershy gasped, clapping her hooves eagerly. The waitress smiled and bowed. Her compatriots did likewise, and then they too were gone. “Do you eat like this every day?”

“It’s not always pancakes, if that’s what you mean,” Luna said, taking a knife to the fluffy cake.

“I mean, a good meal in a room like this, waited on by a team of servants.” Fluttershy shook her head.

“Then yes.” Luna took a bite.

As Twilight put a considerable dent in her plate, she remembered having a similar reaction her first time here. Since her coronation, the Canterlot Castle had started to feel familiar again. Not quite as comfortable as her real home back with her friends, but still pretty good. Truthfully, if not for her closeness with the other princesses, she doubted she’d spend much time here at all. The food certainly helped too.

“Is something wrong, Fluttershy?” Luna’s cool voice drew Twilight from her food. Fluttershy hadn’t moved, her breakfast completely untouched.

“No, it’s just . . . “ She turned to the empty seat at the head of the table. “Shouldn’t we wait for Princess Celestia? I don’t want to be rude.”

The other two shifted uncomfortably. Fluttershy shrunk in her chair, not quite understanding what just happened. She didn’t notice Luna’s concerned glance in Twilight’s direction. For her part, Twilight had lowered her knife, using her magic to poke the fork into a strawberry.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“No. It’s not that,” Luna tried to reassure her. “I’m afraid my sister won’t be joining us today.”


“I was hoping to wait until we’d enjoyed our breakfast, but I guess we can tell her.” Twilight stabbed the piece of fruit.

“Tell me what?” Fluttershy asked, leaning farther back in her chair, not sure she wanted an answer.

“I told you that I asked you here to help an injured pony.” Twilight speared a blueberry next.

The air turned cold in the room. Fluttershy’s face turned a sickly shade of pale as she connected the dots in her head. “Celestia?” Twilight didn’t need to respond. “I’m sorry, Twilight.”

“What are you apologizing for?” Twilight felt a pang of guilt in her ribs. This time, Fluttershy stayed quiet. “I had planned to break the news to you after breakfast, when we could go down to the hospital to see her.”

“The hospital? How serious is it?” A note of alarm raised in her voice.

“Her vitals are weak, and fading every day,” Luna interjected, watching Twilight skewer one berry after the next. “It’s slow, but consistent. She’s been unconscious since we found her. Doctor Heart’s best guess is that she has until the end of the month.”

“What happens at the end of the month?” Fluttershy felt all too happy that Luna didn’t feel the need to explain further.

“You said something attacked her?” Fluttershy turned toward Twilight, shaking. Twilight hadn’t expected any pony in Equestria to handle such news with unbroken poise, much less Fluttershy. And while the look plastered on her innocent visage certainly contained a trace of horror and sadness, Twilight could see determination burning behind her sky-blue eyes. She’d certainly handled it better than Twilight.

“Some thing indeed,” Luna grumbled, plunging the knife into the stack with a vigor.

“A manticore? A scorpion?” Fluttershy mentally built a list in her head of every dangerous animal she could think of. Still, none of them should’ve been able to best the princess.

“A Changeling,” Twilight sputtered.

“A Changeling? One of Thorax’s changelings? I thought they were our friends.” Betrayal bled into her cry.

“No. Chrysalis.” Twilight plucked a berry from the prongs of her fork with her teeth.

“Queen Chrysalis?” Her eyes widened.

Twilight nodded. “I should have told you earlier.”

“I know you didn’t want to worry me, Twilight. I’m your friend. Here, I was so happy to see you and hang out with you. The whole time you were probably worried sick about Celestia. I should’ve noticed.”

“Truthfully . . .” Twilight smiled at her friend. “I enjoyed spending time with you. It felt nice to focus on something else for a while.”

“Twilight . . .” Luna sighed.

“But you’re right. I’ve been terrified. For the last few nights, I’ve been researching whatever magic I could find in the castle library. Every book opens a whole new world, but none of them say anything about magic like this.”

“What about Thorax?”

“He didn’t know anything about it. He’s been taking care of Chrysalis.” Twilight realized what she’d said too late.

“Chrysalis is here?” Fluttershy asked, searching the room as if the changeling queen would swoop down at any moment.

“She’s upstairs in her room, under heavy guard,” Luna tried to set her at ease. It didn’t work too well. “You’re safe here.”

“Twilight.” Fluttershy scooted her uneaten breakfast away, her appetite thoroughly extinguished. “I want you to take me to Celestia.”

“Okay.” Twilight pulled herself together and rose from her chair.

“You won’t have to go far. We moved Celestia here last night,” Luna piped in.

“What? When?” Twilight turned quickly enough to make her head spin.

“Last night, while you were sleeping.”

Twilight and Fluttershy shared a look, as if to ask the other if they knew. “Without waking us? How?” Fluttershy asked.

“My elite soldiers are quite skilled at their work.” Luna smiled mischievously. “I’ll be sure to let them know what you think of them. They’ll be thrilled they can sneak around an alicorn.”

“Why did you move her?” Twilight didn’t know why this upset her.

“Doctor Heart’s recommendation. Apparently, there’s been a rumor swirling around about Celestia’s state. If that info makes it to the press, we would have chaos.” Luna shook her head. She loved her subjects about as much as they loved to panic. The news of a dying monarch and arrival of Chrysalis would be disastrous to Equestria

“Take me to her.” While it wasn’t the first time Twilight had heard Fluttershy take charge, it always sounded strange to hear her gentle voice giving orders. Under the present circumstances, she found her friend’s confidence infectious.

Without further distraction, Twilight did as she was commanded. Fluttershy followed, on guard. She scanned each room they walked in to, likely trying to find the changeling queen waiting in ambush. When they’d arrived at Chrysalis’ green crystal crest, the two guards stepped aside, allowing Twilight to enter. “Wait here with the guards.”

“Be careful, Twilight,” Fluttershy hissed, her quaking form hiding behind a taller, armored stallion.

Puffing out her chest, Twilight pressed forward into the darkness of the guest room. Her hoof flipped the switch, but the lights didn’t turn on. A second attempt. Nothing. The light from the hall would suffice. She called out for the changeling. From outside, Fluttershy watched between the feathers of her wing. Movement in the dark caught her eye. On the ceiling. She panicked. Nearly knocking the guard onto his flank, she zipped past him, galloping with the added speed of flight.

The sound of hooves stole Twilight’s attention from the figure in the bed. Before she could turn to comment on the commotion, Fluttershy tackled her. The little mare could hit hard. The two of them tumbled over to the windows. The guards outside drew their weapons, reading the situation as best they could.

“Ow.” Twilight was splayed out on the floor, rubbing her horn. “What was that for?”

The pegasus had landed behind her. Currently, the terrified figure gripped tight to a purple wing, curling up behind it to hide. Twilight caught her line of sight, following it to the ceiling where a large black stone seemed to be attached. If not for a let sticking out of the formation, she might have mistaken it for a boulder.

“Chrysalis?” Twilight climbed to her hooves. Fluttershy repositioned herself behind Twilight, still cowering from the dark figure. The darkness writhed for a moment as Chrysalis craned her neck in a wide arc, until she found herself staring straight down at the two frightened ponies. The annoyance in her gaze, clear as day.

“C- C- Chrysalis?” Fluttershy wrapped her wings over her head.

The changeling rolled her eyes. She released her grip, twisting through the air to reorient herself to gravity. Before she hit the ground, her wings caught her, whining maddeningly. Now on the floor, she eyed the two of them. A wicked smile crept across her features. “Ahh, Twilight. I didn’t know you’d deliver breakfast to me.” She licked her fangs in a manner obvious to the traumatized pegasus.

“Stop that.” Twilight turned to block her friend from sight.

“Twilight. I’ve changed my mind. I’m ready to leave,” Fluttershy stuttered.

“Sorry, Fluttershy. She’s just messing with you. She wouldn’t dare try to hurt you.” Twilight stared down the changeling. The threat didn’t go unnoticed.

“Quit your sniveling.” Chrysalis sighed. “Look. I couldn’t even drain you if I tried.” She tapped a hoof to her horn.

“Oh. Okay.” Fluttershy sounded far from okay.

“I’m sorry. There, does that make it better?” Chrysalis whined.

“It’s a start,” Twilight growled. “You try to scare Fluttershy again, you’ll be a statue in the garden by nightfall.”

“That’s cute, Twilight. We both know you’re smarter than that.” She chuckled quietly.

“When did her wings heal? Why didn’t we know about this?” Twilight directed the question toward the two guards just inside the mouth of the room.

“Oh, they don’t notice most of the things I do.” Another dirty look from Twilight started to test her patience. “Walking hurts and my wings needed less energy to heal. Thorax’s last feeding barely had enough to cover it. Speaking of which, when’s breakfast? I’m famished.”

“We’ll get to that,” Twilight assured her. Fluttershy slowly crept out of the alicorn’s shadow. “What was all of that about?” She raised a hoof upward.

“I had trouble sleeping last night. I decided to make myself more comfortable.”

“And the bed?”

Chrysalis spared a glance in that direction. Spare pillows had been rearranged beneath the covers to resemble a body huddled beneath the sheets. “For assassins,” she said plainly.

“Assassins? Here in Canterlot?” Twilight sounded amazed.

“A pony town where everyone hates me or thinks of me as a monstrous villain. Remember how you felt waking up in a changeling hive?”

“Extremely well, thanks.” Twilight’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “Are you ready to help us?”

“I was promised breakfast.”

“No, you weren’t.”

“I demand breakfast.”

“Fine.” Twilight called one of the guards over. “Go downstairs and retrieve Thorax. Have him brought to my study.”

The stallion Fluttershy had been using as a shield saluted and hurried off. “Happy now?”


“Come on.” Twilight led Fluttershy out of the room. Chrysalis hopped off the ground, gliding after them with a buzz.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy clung tightly to Twilight.

“I never wanted to see her again,” the pegasus whispered, driven by shame and fear of the creature trailing them. “I still have nightmares of the last time.”

With a regretful smile, Twilight draped her wing over Fluttershy. She should never have gotten her friend involved. No matter how many times she ran the scenario through her head, there were almost no outcomes from this whole situation that would end well.

Chrysalis hummed a forgotten tune as she hovered down the hallway. She’d never intended to hurt the poor mare. She wasn’t even sure she had hurt her. Still, she’d upset Twilight.

Suddenly, she found herself drawn to their conversation the previous night. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn’t dislodge this particular splinter from her mind. Had she really fallen so far as to start feeling guilty for a simple joke? Worse still, she didn’t care about the pegasus. Had Twilight not been there, she doubted she’d feel like this.

“Fluttershy?” Chrysalis sped forward beside the pegasus. The sound of her name spoken in Chrysalis’ alien voice sent a shudder down her spine.

A flash of light put Twilight squarely between them. “Don’t,” she warned.

Chrysalis slowed her wings, rooting herself to the ground where she landed. Fluttershy watched from several feet away, psyching herself up to jump in if Twilight needed backup. The unicorn taking up the rear of the group floated a spear to his side.

“What?” Fluttershy squeaked.

Chrysalis drew a deep breath, shaking her mane into its normal shape. “I’m sorry. Genuinely. It was a joke; I had no intention of offending you.” Chrysalis turned away. “Of course, I intended to scare you, but it was wrong.” She gagged. She hated herself. Twilight donned a weary stance.

“It wasn’t a joke to me.” Fluttershy backed away slowly.

She and Twilight turned and continued. They might as well have slapped her across the muzzle. Chrysalis wanted nothing more than to return to her room and curl herself into a corner. A shame to changeling queens everywhere. A sharp poke with the blunt end of a spear spurred Chrysalis back into the air and onward toward Celestia’s room. The sentry posted there slotted the key into the lock and ushered the group inside.

The lights had been dimmed, allowing the sun outside to bathe the room in natural light. A color fitting for the solar princess. Lines of knick-knacks and priceless treasures lined the outer rim of the room, broken only by a fireplace. A small fire had been started by the two armored ponies sitting nearby. They jumped to attention at Twilight’s entrance.

“How is she?”

“Doctor Heart left a short while ago. Said there’s no change, Princess.”

“Had he uncovered anything about this sickness?”

“Not that we were told about, Princess,” The second guard said.

“Thank you. Leave us for now. You can return when we leave.” Twilight took her place at her mentor’s side. The two stallions took their leave. Fluttershy stood opposite Twilight, while Chrysalis made herself comfortable by the fire. The wild flames licked at her chitin.

“She looks peaceful,” Fluttershy observed. Her breathing grew heavier.

“She does.” Twilight’s eyes started to water. She wiped the tears away. “Brace yourself.”

Fluttershy watched Twilight draw back the covers, careful not to disturb the various electronic devices tracking the princess’ life signs. Her yellow wings locked at her sides, her lip trembling as the reveal continued. A blackened scar traveled the length of Celestia’s flank, reminiscent of mold that grew on dead animals. Dark veins stretched out from the point of impact. A few days ago, they’d only reached to the belly and back. Now, they were starting down her legs and up her neck.

“This is horrible.” Fluttershy turned her head. “Chrysalis did this?”

“Yes. Hey, what are you doing?”

Chrysalis opened her eyes to see two yellow hooves, inches from her face. Her eyes traveled up them to the tail of a pink mane, then to Fluttershy’s eyes. The pegasus had her eyes narrowed, her lips pursed. “Tell me what happened.”

Chrysalis squirmed. “I don’t remember.”

“I don’t believe you.” Fluttershy leaned in closer. “Tell me what happened.” Her soft tone did little to lessen the growing fear in Chrysalis.

“It’s the truth. I was half dead when she found me. We talked for a moment. I lunged at her. She avoided it as best she could, but I caught her in the side. I was told my horn broke in the attack and then I woke up in the hospital.” She couldn’t stop her tongue.

“Is this your magic?”

“I . . . I don’t know.” Chrysalis watched the shapes of herself and Celestia in the flickering flames.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I don’t know what I did to her. I can’t remember.” The burning image of Chrysalis maneuvered the same as the real one had. She struck the little Celestia. “I’ve never used my magic like that before. I doubt I’d be able to recreate it even if I had my horn.” Chrysalis’ throat felt dry as the little figures vanished into the embers.

Fluttershy released the changeling from her stare, shaking her head as she hurried to Twilight’s aid. “Let me take a closer look.” Twilight scooted to the side, allowing her friend closer.

“Is it a toxin?” Twilight asked.

“It kind of looks like one. You said Chrysalis made this with her horn?”

“We’re pretty sure. A few shards of it were caught in her fur.”

“Have you tested it for poison?”

“I did. Nothing showed up.”

“Is it infectious?”

“Not that we’ve seen.”

The fire glowed in Chrysalis’ eyes. She could hear a pony approaching outside the door. Sure enough, a knock followed soon after.

“Princess Twilight? Thorax is here.”

“Send him in,” Twilight yelled absentmindedly.

The brightly colored changeling took note of the room’s occupants. “Hey Twilight, Fluttershy. Queen Chrysalis.”

“Hello, Thorax.” Fluttershy waved.

“Chrysalis was asking for you,” Twilight explained. Off to the side, Chrysalis didn’t bother to react to his presence, even when he set himself next to her beside the fire.

“Queen Chrysalis?” Thorax leaned forward, trying to see her face.

“What?” She groaned, finally glancing upward.

“You okay?”

“No.” Chrysalis didn’t intend on elaborating further and Thorax had no wish to pry. Instead, he remained as a silent companion. She could feel him rest his head across her back. The electric charge of love in the air caused Chrysalis to tense. Thorax jumped back, putting enough distance with his wings to avoid another bruise. She made no such attempt. Feeling slightly more at ease, he returned to his perch.

“When was the last time we were like this?” Thorax asked. He sounded tired.

“A couple years, at least.” Chrysalis flicked him with the edge of one of her wings.

Unknown to both them and Fluttershy, Twilight had noticed their interaction. She didn’t like one of her friends being so close to the beast, but she had no authority over the king. Fluttershy examined the wound, searching for any marks that could bear a similarity to an animal wound she’d ever seen. She’d seen a few gruesome sights working with animals, but few of them ever reached the level of damage on the princess.

“Any discoveries?” Thorax asked, rolling until he could face the two ponies without lifting his head.

“Nothing concrete yet. I’ve got some theories to try later, though.” Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof. “What about you, Fluttershy?”

“It looks kind of like a manticore sting. Still, a manticore sting wouldn’t be spreading like this. That, and it wouldn’t have taken this long.”

“A manticore sting,” Twilight repeated to herself. “I’ll look into that. Regardless if it is venom or not, it still does have a mystical quality for it. Do changelings have venom?”

“Not that I’m aware of.” He scratched a shoulder with his antler. “Do we?” He twisted his head back, coming face-to-face with the queen.

“No. We have magic and wings.”

“Alright, I think I’ve seen enough, Twilight. I’m ready to leave.” Fluttershy pulled the sheets back up over Celestia, granting her the visage of sleep, rather than impending death.

“We can head up to my study. That means you two as well.” Twilight motioned toward the two changelings.

“Do you have a fireplace up there?” Thorax asked, sounding a little too excited.

“No. I have burners to heat my experiments. Take it or leave it.” Twilight frowned.

“Alright.” Thorax forced himself back onto his feet. He offered a hoof to Chrysalis. Her senses were lost in the fire. Sitting too close to the flames had scorched the edge of her carapace. “Chrysalis?”

She turned her head slightly toward him, not pulling her gaze from the bright burning agony. Images swam through the blaze. Celestia. Luna. Twilight. Thorax. Fluttershy. She didn’t see herself. Perhaps that's the way things ought to be. Ponies hated her. Her changelings hated her, except for Thorax. Her trance drew her closer to the fireplace, the heat stinging her eyes. Thorax grabbed her mane in his teeth and pulled, shocking her back into reality.

“Don’t touch me.” She shook herself free.

“What was that?” Thorax reached a hoof toward her muzzle. She could feel the chip in her shell, the soft pink underneath burned red. Her hoof reached up instinctively, wiping the water from her eyes.

“Let’s go. They’ll sic the guards on me if I’m too slow.” She struggled to her hooves. Twilight and Fluttershy were waiting outside, discussing their findings. Thorax sighed. He’d seen her move like this before, after the disastrous wedding in Canterlot. She moved slowly, painfully, as if crushed by some unforeseen weight. In their old lives, the two of them never needed to speak. With the hivemind, they understood everything the other did. They shared happiness, sorrow, fear, anxiety. Now, though, he could neither read her mind nor her face.

“Thorax, will you be joining us?” Twilight tapped her hoof impatiently.

“Yeah,” Thorax muttered. Chrysalis refused to look him in the eye as they traveled upward toward Twilight’s study.

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