• Published 24th Aug 2020
  • 5,360 Views, 577 Comments

Death of a Queen - Arkane12

Chrysalis had welcomed the end, but one final visitor forces her to reconsider.

  • ...

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27: Nightmare

“Get off me, you wretched thing.”

Chrysalis kicked at Thorax, beating at his chest plate.

Thorax snarled. Even with her immense strength, her strikes couldn’t punch through his magic defense. Still, he could feel his reserves running low.

“You have a lot of nerve to call me a thing. You’re the poorest excuse for a changeling I’ve ever seen.”

While he couldn’t shake the awkwardness of threatening his mother, Thorax thought the real Chrysalis would be proud of him for it. He reared back, renewing his strength as he pinned her to the earth.

“That’s enough, you two.”

Twilight’s voice echoed in the night. She and Starlight appeared at the edge of the clearing, both nursing slight burns. Spike clung silently to Twilight’s back.

“Is that really you, Twilight?”

“She’s back to normal. Well, Twilight normal, anyways,” Starlight explained.

Convinced, Thorax released the fake Chrysalis, hopping back to join his friends.

Chrysalis’ fake stumbled to her feet; her crown hung askew.

“Twilight, what are you doing? Don’t tell me you believe them?”

“I do.”

The false Chrysalis cowered before the trio.

“Twilight, you trust them over me?”

Twilight could hear legitimate pain in her voice. She turned her head.

“I thought you loved me, Twilight?” Chrysalis said, recoiling.

“I love Chrysalis. You’re not the real Chrysalis, though, are you?”

“What are you talking about, Twilight? Of course I’m the real Chrysalis,” the fake Chrysalis pleaded.

“Let me try,” Thorax said, stepping forward. “What did you call me when we were part of the same hive?”

“Thorax,” the imposter scoffed, as if it were the simplest question in the world.

“My name is Thorax. My designation is ‘I – six – two – nine – five’.”

“Is that supposed to prove anything?” Chrysalis spat.

“The real Chrysalis would’ve known that. She gave it to me. And, it’s how she referred to me when I was part of her hive,” Thorax explained. The terror on her face made his chitin itch.

“And you wouldn’t have a clue,” Starlight interrupted. “Because Twilight doesn’t know that, either.”

Chrysalis collapsed. She hung her head, letting her mane fall flat against her neck.

“Maybe I’m not the real Chrysalis, but I love you, Twilight.”

“I know you do. I never doubted that. But I have to save Chrysalis.”

“You could stay here with me,” the imposter pleaded. “We could be happy together, living a fairy-tale life here. A perfect life.”

“A perfect lie,” Twilight corrected.

“Please don’t do this to me, Twilight. I don’t want to be alone here.”

“Don’t worry.” Twilight frowned. “You won’t be.”

The princess turned, heading for the blackened portal that had brought her salvation. None of her companions spoke as they followed her through. None of them turned to see the world wither behind them. The fake Chrysalis closed her eyes, wiping away a tear as she faded into dust.

“Are you okay?” Starlight raised a comforting hoof to Twilight’s shoulder.

“Probably not,” Thorax interjected. “Even knowing she wasn’t real didn’t make that any easier to watch.”

“Drop it,” Twilight commanded, stepping out of the dark tunnel and onto paved stone.

“Sorry,” The others chimed in unison.

The portal spat them out into a dark hallway. Twilight noted the similarities to Canterlot Castle, though shrouded in shadow. The only light poured in from the full moon outside.

“I take it Luna had something to do with this?” Starlight motioned to the white orb. “I mean, moonlight. Dreams. Seems like her kind of place.”

“Yeah,” Twilight muttered. “We tried to heal Celestia. It didn’t work. Luna panicked. She unleashed something.”

“Nightmare Moon?” Starlight shuddered at the thought of facing down the villain.

“I don’t think so. She doesn’t look like Nightmare Moon. If I had to guess, I’d say it was more like the Tantabus.”

“The what?” Thorax tilted his head.

“The Tantabus,” Starlight started. “It’s kind of like a dream monster. Luna created one to punish herself for the whole Nightmare Moon debacle. But Twilight defeated it. At least, I thought she did.”

“I don’t think it’s the Tantabus either, but it’s similar.”

“Oh. Dream monsters. You know, ever since I met you guys, my life has gotten a lot more interesting.”

“Really? Must have been pretty boring.” Starlight shrugged.

“I guess. Why? What did you do before meeting Twilight?” Thorax tilted his head in amusement.

“I ruled over a town, using my magic to make every pony equal.”

“She started a cult,” Twilight barked.

“I guess you could call it cult if you really wanted to. That doesn’t matter anymore, though. I’m past that.”

Twilight glanced back at the way they arrived from. The portal vanished, leaving behind a gate marked with Twilight’s six-point star. An evil version of her bedroom.

“If that’s where you found me, then Chrysalis should be up here.” Twilight pointed to a door down farther down the hall.

“I’d imagine so,” Thorax added.

“Wait. Hold on a second. She got one of the royal guest rooms? Why do I have to stay in on the lower levels when I visit the castle, then?” Starlight pouted.

“We’ll add that to the list of discussions we desperately need to have.” Twilight led the group to Chrysalis’ door. She stopped just far enough to reach the handle. Instead of opening, the door vanished, replaced with the same swirling vortex from before.

“Thorax, any clue what we’re going to see on the other side?” Starlight questioned.

“I can only imagine.” Thorax shook his head.

“If we’re lucky,” Starlight began, “we might just have to fight off a fake Twilight. Heck, that’s assuming Chrysalis hasn’t figured it out on her own, yet. She’s not so easy to fool.”

“Thanks,” Twilight said flatly.


“Let’s just get going.”

With a deep breath, Twilight stepped inside. The castle faded away, leaving them in a swirling black tunnel. Briefly, Twilight thought of those spinning funhouse tunnels she saw at the fairgrounds. The memory made her dizzy.

The other end of the tunnel deposited the group in a cave. A few feet away, a grand oak gate blocked their path.

“A changeling hive?” Thorax’s wings buzzed.

“Twilight’s dream took her home. Shouldn’t Chrysalis’?” Starlight’s horn flickered with blue energy, pushing back the sickly green of the wall crystals.

“Except this isn’t Chrysalis’ hive.”

“How can you tell?” Twilight inquired.

“The air’s too humid for the dry season of the wasteland. If it were the rainy season, you’d hear the thunder from here.”

“Do you know of any other hives?”

“Just mine, and it's not this dreary.”

“Then be prepared for anything. We’re in unexplored territory now.”

Twilight pressed a hoof to the oak wood. Thorax pressed against the second door. With their combined might, the gate cracked open. Starlight lagged behind, readying a shield.

The filthy cave opened into an embellished great hall.

The trio stepped forward hesitantly, waiting for the sudden spring of the trap.

“More guests for my halls?”

The newcomers formed up, covering the flanks and allowing Twilight to take point against the shadowy figure unraveling from its throne. Twilight kept her head held high against the encroaching darkness.

“Had I known you would be visiting, I would have prepared a warmer welcome.”

Her dulcet tones radiated through the stone hall, causing Twilight’s heart to flutter. The lulling cadence made her eyelids heavy, sapping the strength from her body.

“Please step forward, Twilight. I have been anxious to meet you.”


Thorax swept past Twilight, blocking her path with his foreleg. The swift movement snapped Twilight from her trance. Without noticing, she took several steps forward.

“And you must be Thorax.”

“Where’s Chrysalis?” Thorax shot back.

“Such impatience. Should we not delight in greetings before we are bogged down in business? You are being quite rude.”

“Where is she?” His tone grew dark, his voice sounded nothing like Thorax.

“Very well. I see you are eager to begin. Then we shall.”

The figure rose from her throne, sauntering down the steps. As she stepped into the light, she stopped, allowing her guests to gawk at her slender form. She shared many traits with Chrysalis, but with enough obvious changes to separate the two. A long sea-blue mane cascaded down her shoulders. Her glassy-black horn split at the end, resulting in two sharp hooks that crackled with potential. She stalked forward with an arrogant stride, swinging back and forth in a hypnotizing pattern.

Most of all, she radiated horror. Though she stood only a head taller than Chrysalis, her imposing aura made her titanic. A goddess draped in mortal flesh, incomprehensible to the pathetic creatures’ blank awe.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked, her words caught somewhere between anger and adoration.

“I see at least the Princess has a bit more tact. I am Queen Iris.”

“Iris?” Thorax mewled.

Queen Iris,” she amended.

“You know her, Thorax?” Starlight inquired.

“Only the name.”

“Such a shame. It would seem my dear Chrysalis has neglected her duties far beyond what I originally believed. Fret not, I will ensure she is punished for such transgressions.”

“I won’t let you lay a hoof on her,” Thorax roared, his earlier passion returned.

“You are far too late for such idle threats, Child. I have already seen to her discipline.”

Thorax snarled.

Starlight and Twilight watched their companion cautiously, unsure of his newfound aggression.

“We’re here to take her back,” Twilight explained. “We won’t let you stop us.”

“I have no intention of interfering, Princess. She is yours for the taking. Chrysalis, your friends have arrived. They wish to take you from this place.”

Behind her, atop the stone altar, a new figure emerged beside the throne. This one moved methodically, focusing on each step. When she reached the bottom, the green light revealed the visage of Chrysalis. This version appeared softer, complete with the filed stump on her forehead.

“Chrysalis?” Thorax approached slowly.

“As you can see, she is none the worse for wear. Go on. Step forward and take her.”

“Chrysalis, we’re here to rescue you,” Twilight exclaimed, sprinting past Iris to her friend’s side.

“I do not need rescuing, Twilight,” Chrysalis’ declaration sounded stilted and flat. The vibrant emerald flair in her eyes had faded to a listless jade.

“I know this world might seem real, but it isn’t. We’re trapped in Luna’s dreamscape,” Twilight explained.

“I do not care. I have no intention of leaving my Queen.”

“Such a shame.” Queen Iris’ stoic mask twisted into a malicious smile. “It would seem the young Royal has no intention of joining you.”

“What did you do to her?” Twilight demanded, summoning her magic.

“I simply reminded her of her place. A disobedient changeling has no place in my hive. Chrysalis, would you mind escorting them out? We have quite the long day ahead of us.”

“Let her go,” Twilight commanded.

“As I said, Princess Twilight, she is free to go. If she does not wish to accompany you, I cannot force her.”

“She’s not free to do anything. You’re controlling her.”

“I will not have my methods questioned by a lowly pony. Neither will I suffer such insults lightly. However, I am merciful. From one Royal to another, I will allow you this slight. But I will not tell you again: Leave my home, or I shall be forced to remove you.”

“We’re not leaving without Chrysalis.”

“I see you have made your choice. Very well.”

Queen Iris motioned to some unseen force. Half a dozen globs of dark mist poured from the shadows, taking the rough shape of a changeling drone. Their bodies were mangled; twisted by the nightmare of their creation. The queen herself turned her back to the impending melee, absently fluffing her mane.

“I want them alive,” she ordered.

Hissing, the drones lunged forward.

Starlight erected a barrier, forming a wall between the approaching threats and her friends. “I can handle these. You go get Chrysalis.”

With her plan revealed, Starlight returned her attention to the drones. With a wave of her head, she sent her shield crashing to the ground, smashing her opponents. Their forms dissolved momentarily, slipping free in a plume of smoke.

“You sure you can handle it, Starlight?” Twilight asked. More of the creatures spawned from the darkness.

“I’ve got her back. You guys do what you need to. We’ll buy you time.” Spike leapt from Twilight’s back. Though his movements were sluggish, he refused to falter.

One of the drones vanished into mist, slipping past Starlight’s magic. It lashed forward with its wicked horn. Starlight tried to pull back her shield, but it moved too quickly. She braced for the pain, only for the beast to vanish in a blast of dragon fire.

“Spike?” Starlight twirled around to face him.

“Us heroes have to stick together, don’t we?” Spike positioned himself at Starlight’s flank, incinerating anything that managed to break through her onslaught.

“Come on, Twilight.” Thorax grabbed her leg, pulling her away from the fray.

“Will they be able to win that?” Twilight cast a worried glance over her shoulder.

“They just need to hold them off while we deal with Iris. We bring her down, we free Chrysalis from her control. I need you to focus, Twilight.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve handled my fair share of battles.”

“I’m counting on you, then.”

The two challengers started their ascent up the throne steps. Iris waited in her seat, tracing bored circles in the air.

“Face us, Iris,” Thorax demanded.

The changeling queen cackled. “Why would I do that when I have my changelings to do it for me?”

“Your drones won’t be coming to help you,” Twilight clarified.

“I was not referring to them. Chrysalis? Your queen has need of you. Deal with these two, would you kindly?”

“Yes, my queen.”

Chrysalis’ body unpetrified. Thorax halted his assault.

“What are you doing?” Twilight called back.

“We can’t take them both. We’ll have to split them up. You take Iris, I’ll take Chrysalis,” Thorax insisted.

“Try not to hurt her,” Twilight muttered as she pushed forward toward Iris.

“Believe me, it’s not her that I’m worried about.”

Despite her size, Chrysalis moved quicker than her counterpart from Twilight’s dream. She rushed Thorax, tackling him over the edge of the stairs before he could think to dodge.

The two changelings crashed to the floor, locked in an antagonistic embrace.

Chrysalis’ fangs dug into Thorax’s shoulder, drawing a stream of blue blood, even through his armor. He responded with a headbutt, sending her sprawling with his reinforced antlers.

She dropped low, snaking forward for another attack. This time, Thorax met her charge head-on. The moment before they clashed, Thorax erupted with green flame, his equine body morphing into a two-legged beast.

With a cry of defiance, Thorax swung a meaty fist through the air.

The sudden appearance of a minotaur took Chrysalis by surprise, leaving her exposed for a jarring punch. She skittered across the stone floor, shaking her senses back into place as she wiped the warmth from her busted lip.

“I’m really sorry about this, Mom,”

Thorax scraped his hoof against the floor, lining his new set of horns directly toward his mother. With an earthshaking howl, he clomped forward, bearing down on the changeling with all the rage he could muster.

Twilight didn’t dare to look back. She could feel Thorax’s cries reverberating through the stone. As she neared the top of the staircase, the changeling queen finally noticed her.

“I must admit. That little changeling surprises me. I did not think him capable of such feats.” Iris unraveled from her throne, ready to meet the princess’ magic.

“We’re full of surprises,” Twilight promised.

The queen’s eyes glowed with mystic energy. She led her shot, firing a bolt directly in Twilight’s path. The alicorn grinned, blinking out of existence with a quiet pop. The queen had only a moment to comprehend her surprise before a burning beam of magic struck her back, sending her careening down the stairs.

Twilight’s wings flapped forcefully, ignoring the pain spearing through her spine. A wisp of smoke emanated from her horn.

“You will regret that.”

Emerald lightning flashed across her body, gathering at her crown.

Twilight’s body moved instinctively, rocketing high into the air.

A droning whine rang through the room as Iris unleashed her magic in the form of a beam. Twilight twirled through the air, the heat of the blast scorching her tail. Iris laughed as her power tore a hole clean through the stone, breaking through the mountain to unveil the cool night air.

As quickly as Twilight moved, the magic moved faster. Before it could catch her, she blinked away.

Iris reacted instantly, ceasing her spell and firing a lash of magic behind her, scoring a direct hit against Twilight’s chest. The alicorn flailed wildly as the force knocked her wings out of rhythm, sending her crashing to the floor.

Twilight brushed the debris from her fur as she regained her footing. The queen moved in close, slamming her hooves in the ground, cracking the earth where her opponent had been only a moment prior.

Magic flashed as Twilight blinked around the room, the heat building in her head as her magic started to take its toll. No matter how many times she tried, the changeling followed her perfectly, clipping her with blast after blast.

“You’re predictable.”

Before Twilight could fully appear, she cast the spell again, taking her even farther. The changeling had already accounted for the next move, catching Twilight off guard with a hoof. She slammed her into a nearby column, keeping the princess pinned with a sharpened horn through her arm.

Twilight screamed through her teeth; her leg numbed. The changeling’s grin widened. Smoke billowed from Twilight’s wound as Iris’ magic seeped in.

The changeling queen pulled free, letting Twilight slide down the pillar. She hit the ground, the force knocking her over onto her side. A burning sensation wormed through her body in the form of blackening veins. Twilight struggled to stand, but her damaged body wouldn’t allow it.

“Chrysalis, are you still playing with that toy?” Iris mused, kicking dust into the Princess’ face.

Thorax had driven Chrysalis into the floor, keeping her pinned with his immense strength. She thrashed beneath him, driving a hoof into his stomach. The blow knocked him off balance, but he refused to relinquish his prey.

“Chrysalis, you have to fight this. We need your help,” Thorax begged, watching the wounded Twilight crawl back toward the fight.

“I have to fight you,” Chrysalis spat. “My queen demands it.”

She lunged upward, driving the nub of her horn through his chin.

Thorax grit his teeth, fighting to ignore the taste of blood on his tongue.

“Such a disgusting form.”

The minotaur turned to the new voice, only for a leg to catch him in the throat, knocking him away from Chrysalis.

“Thank you for saving me, my queen.” Chrysalis coughed, desperate for air.

“You are a pathetic excuse for a changeling, Chrysalis.”

“Shut up,” Thorax growled.

Iris turned lazily toward him, firing a jade beam through his leg, toppling him. He endeavored to regain his footing, but the changeling queen pressed him back down with the full weight of her stature.

Thorax gasped for air, clawing at the chitinous leg on his throat. His consciousness wavered, forcing him back into his colorful changeling form. The change didn’t fix the bleeding hole in his leg.

“And this . . . thing?” Iris swung her head. “This is the most promising of your spawn? I hesitate to even call him a changeling.”

“Apologies, my queen,” Chrysalis bowed.

“We shall simply teach you to do better.” Iris summoned her strength, cracking the stone beneath Thorax. The edges of his vision started to blur.

“Of course, my queen.” Though Chrysalis spoke to her queen, she had her lifeless eyes locked on Thorax. For a moment, the dying changeling thought he saw a spark in her face. Although that may have been a last fanciful dream of his desperate mind.

“At least he will make a decent meal. Sit there and watch how a true queen punishes the unworthy.”

Iris lowered her head toward Thorax. A faint aura of magic gathered around the spire protruding from her forehead. The same mist radiated from Thorax’s skin. His senses numbed as the changeling queen tore the energy from his body.

“Thorax?” Twilight whispered. The room spun around her.

Thorax glanced toward the princess. Her eyes had blackened, her form limp as the changeling’s poison burned in her veins. On his other side, Starlight and Spike were battling desperately, the horde of corrupted beasts washing over them like a flood. Chrysalis stood behind her queen, unmoving and unmoved.

“Chrysalis . . .” Thorax croaked.

She didn’t turn away. Neither would she meet his gaze.

“No matter what happens to me . . .”

“Are you going to beg, Creature? It will not save you,” Iris blared.

“I love you, Mom . . .”

As his life drained away, Thorax’s body numbed. The color faded from his chitin, falling away like dust as he withered. Even when Iris released her hold, he continued to rasp, his lungs failing.

Chrysalis shuddered. Memories flickered through her mind of her changelings.

Little Thorax. Always so desperate for love and attention. The nursery attendants had told her over and over again that he would never be a true changeling. Something in his mind had warped before birth. As she cradled the small creature in her arms, she never heard their pleas.

Now, that same little changeling wasted away before her eyes.

She screamed, trapped in the dark void of her own mind. She roared for her body to move, but it refused to heed her. She cried out for Twilight. For Starlight. For Spike, even. For someone to save her son. They didn’t hear her.

Thorax’s mouth twisted into a smile as his eyes closed.

Chrysalis shook. A tear streaked down her cheek. The spark of life in her eye flickered.


She glanced down at Twilight, laid out on the floor, damaged. She trailed a streak of blackening blood across the hall. She collapsed, her hoof outstretched for the one she loved.

Something snapped in Chrysalis’ mind.

Her changeling instincts shattered. Her will to live broke. Her mind reeled.

“You may finish him if you like.” Iris stepped away, drinking in the last drops of life she took from Thorax.

“I’ll . . . kill . . . you.”

Iris turned to Chrysalis. Tears streamed down her face, her fangs grinding to a blunt edge as she gritted her teeth.

“Now, now, Chrysalis. We have been through this before. You know what happens if you struggle.” With her new strength, Iris grasped Chrysalis in her magic. Black lightning arced through her body, searing her flesh with white-hot pain.

Chrysalis’ knees buckled, but she willed herself to stay standing.

“Wipe those tears away, girl. A princess doesn’t cry.”

Chrysalis' body burned. Her chitin itched as the energy tore bits of it away.

“I’m through . . . listening to you,” Chrysalis growled.

“Still struggling? Perhaps you are simply a lost cause after all.”

“You’re not my mother. You’re sure as hell not my queen,” Chrysalis’ eyes burned with zealous fury.

“I am everything you failed to be. I am what haunts you. That will never change. No matter where you go. No matter what you do. You are a failure, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis forced her legs to hold her weight. She raised her head with a cry of defiance.

“Maybe I am.”

She turned to Thorax. “I failed my changelings.”

She turned to Starlight and Spike. “I failed my friends.”

She glanced down at Twilight. “I failed the ones I love.”

“But I’m tired of it. I’m tired of this failure. I won’t live in your shadow any longer.”

“You cannot escape me, Chrysalis.”

“I don’t need to escape you. I will destroy you.”

“I am a part of you. Try as you might, you will never be free of me.”

“A part of me? Don’t make me laugh. You’re just a bad dream.”

The ground beneath Chrysalis shattered. Green energy sifted up through the fissure.

“I am-“

“You’re nothing but a bad dream, trapped in my head.”

“I will-“

The ground erupted in a column of emerald fire, consuming Chrysalis.

Twilight’s eyes flew open. Her wound sealed; the poison faded.

The changelings that held Spike and Starlight melted away.

Thorax gasped for air as his color returned.

“What is this?” Iris demanded, glancing desperately back and forth as her victory crumbled.

“I’m through being what others tell me to be.”

Chrysalis’ lips curled into a sadistic smile.

“You are nothing but a bad dream.”

I’ll show you a nightmare.

The emerald inferno creeped outward. Twilight retreated from the encroaching flame, though it did not burn her.

A shape writhed in the fire.

Chrysalis howled, her insane laughter growing deeper until it resembled the cry of a behemoth.

Iris cowered as the flames extinguished.

An ear-splitting roar shook the mountain, raining stone from cracks in the ceiling.

Twilight watched in awe as the creature unfurled in front of her.

A black dragon rose to its full height, its serpent-like head swaying curiously as it inched forward toward Queen Iris. Chrysalis opened her mouth, revealing a set of razor-sharp white teeth. Drawing a deep breath, she unleashed her breath, obliterating the throne room in a cataclysmic storm of dragon fire.

Author's Note:


So, I've got some news to share this week.
Apparently, Death of a Queen made it into the featured box. That's a thing that happened. I didn't witness it first hand, but I have an account from a reliable source. I most certainty didn't expect that.

In a similar vein, the first chapter has finally passed over 1k views. Wow. Like, honestly, I only ever expected this story to hit 100, if I was lucky, so this is just crazy to me.

With that said, I have some questions I'd like to pose to my readers:
A little while ago, I started doing updates weekly, releasing whatever chapters were ready and edited by Friday night. I just wanted some feedback on what you all thought about that. Do you like the weekly releases, or would you prefer that chapters be released as soon as they're finished? Let me know in the comments below, or in a PM if you don't feel like showing up in the comments. (Or PM me anyway, because I'm lonely). Even if you just think that another day would be better than Friday, let me know.

Second Question: What do you think of the action presented in the story? I was a little worried at first, because it feels like it could cause a shift in the story. With that said, I do think the story managed to remain true to its emotional roots, despite that. Either way, let me know what you think. As it stands now, the story will probably incorporate some more action every once in a while.

And finally, I wanted to say that I'm having a blast with this. Although this new story arc will probably only last another chapter or two, I've enjoyed being able to slip into a new style. I hope you've enjoyed it.

As always, feel free to contact me through comments or PMs. I'm always down to answer questions about the story or discuss plot points with readers.

Take it easy, everyone, and sorry for the wall of text,

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