• Published 24th Aug 2020
  • 5,358 Views, 577 Comments

Death of a Queen - Arkane12

Chrysalis had welcomed the end, but one final visitor forces her to reconsider.

  • ...

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31: Tea Party

“You two.” Shining Armor pointed to the two guards standing nearby. They snapped to attention. “Retrieve Doctor Heart’s team from the throne room. Tell them that I want a report on Luna and Celestia’s conditions before sunset.”

“Yes, Sir.” The two guards sprinted off down the hall.

“The rest of you, report to your squad leaders. I want a thorough sweep of the castle. If even a single shred of that magic remains, I want to know.”

The rest of the armored ponies scattered.

As the clanking of armor ceased, the remainder of the gathering turned toward Chrysalis and Twilight, still tangled on the floor.

“Hi,” Twilight squeaked.

Still trapped beneath the weight of the changeling, she squirmed to free herself. With what little room she had, she fidgeted until she rolled onto her stomach. She could feel the temperature of her cheeks climb beneath the heated stares of their audience.

“Chrysalis?” Shining Armor stepped forward over the threshold, positioning himself at the perfect angle to block Twilight’s view of the crowd.

“Hmm?” Chrysalis whined.

“Would you mind . . . getting off my sister?”

Coughing nervously, Chrysalis released Twilight. The alicorn scrambled to rise.

“Welcome back.” Cadence appeared at Shining’s side, hiding an embarrassed smile behind her wing. Her mane appeared noticeably un-perfect.

“It’s . . . great to be back?” Twilight’s wings clung to her sides, trembling slightly.

“So, even with Fluttershy’s story and Cadence’s letter, I can’t help but feel like we’re missing some information here,” Applejack worried.

“In due time, Applejack. I’m sure our two new arrivals could use a moment to catch their breath. We can talk later. Over tea.”

In the hallway, a new group of ponies arrived, dressed in scrubs and lab coats. Doctor Heart led the party. Without a word, the doctor and one of his nurses took up positions at Celestia’s bedside, reconnecting various machines to read her vitals. The rest of the medical team gathered around Luna, checking to decide whether they would be able to move her.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Reverting from a Captain back to a brother, Shining pulled his sister in close.

“I’m fine. I think.”

“And you, Chrysalis?”

“Shining Armor, do you care for my well-being? Perhaps I am still dreaming,” Chrysalis teased.

Shining frowned over Twilight’s shoulder.

“I’ll survive,” she commented flatly.

“Glad to hear it.” Cadence breathed a sigh of relief.

“I hate to say it, but I probably need to get back to work. If something is still in the castle, me and my men will have to find it.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about that,” Starlight mused.

“Maybe not. Still, better to be safe than sorry. If you need anything, Twilight, let one of the guards know. I’ll be there as quickly as I can.”

“I know you will, Shining.”

With a steadfast nod, Shining donned his helmet. “Oh, and I’ll tell the servants to send up some refreshments.” He marched after his soldiers.

“Tell them to bring snacks, too! Hopefully something sweet!” Pinkie yelled.

“So, what’s the story behind this?” Rainbow Dash asked, tilting her head toward Chrysalis.

“I’ll tell you what,” Cadence began. “Why don’t we head somewhere more private where we can talk while we wait for our tea?”

“That would be lovely,” Twilight agreed.

“It’s not the worst idea,” Chrysalis noted.

Nodding in agreement, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack retreated out into the hallway.

“We’ll escort Thorax back to his room,” Starlight lifted Spike onto her back.

“I’m fine. I don’t need an escort,” Thorax defended. His colors had yet to return completely, and his knees were shaking. Starlight tapped him on the shoulder, nearly sending him crashing over.

“Solid as a rock, Thorax,” Spike chuckled.

“Fine. I could use some help, I guess.”

Waving their goodbyes, Thorax, Starlight, and Spike headed off toward the lower levels.

The remainder of the group shuffled toward Cadence’s room. Inside, they settled around a small private dining table. The four chairs, all pushed to one side, were offered to Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. Rainbow disappeared momentarily through the balcony door. She returned carting a cloud that she used to float lazily over the meeting.

Twilight and Cadence sat on the floor opposite the rest of the ponies. Chrysalis kept her distance, sprawling out on the cold stone on the far end of the room.

“Start at the beginning. I want to hear everything,” Rarity begged.

“So, Fluttershy has already told you what happened to Celestia?” Cadence asked, nodding toward the shy pony.

The rest of the girls nodded solemnly.

“Me and Chrysalis were working on a cure for it,” Twilight explained. “I was hoping to find some way to counter changeling magic. And, for a while, it seemed to work. There was this whole test with a teacup and a crystal. I really thought we had the problem solved.”

“So did we. What happened in Celestia’s room the night you delivered the cure?” Cadence asked.

“It didn’t work.”

“And Luna didn’t take kindly to that news,” Chrysalis muttered.

“Luna? I didn’t want to believe it, but I had considered it,” Cadence lamented.

“Luna was upset. She thought Chrysalis had sabotaged the cure somehow,” Twilight continued.

“Did she?” Rainbow asked, peeking over the edge of her cloud.

“Rainbow,” Rarity scolded.

“I did not,” Chrysalis spat.

Rainbow Dash shrugged and rolled onto her back, resting her head on her hooves.

“Luna . . . lost herself . . .” Twilight mourned.

“She turned back into Nightmare Moon?” Fluttershy asked, eyes going wide.

“Not quite. Whatever she did, it almost seemed to be separate from her. A different creature. A Nightmare,” Twilight tapped at her chin. “Closer to the Tantabus, if you remember that.”

“That weird dream goo thing?” Rainbow’s cloud tilted slightly as the mare shifted her weight.

“Yes. Me, Chrysalis, Celestia, and Luna were captured. It dragged us off into this weird dream dimension.”

“Is Luna still a threat?” Cadence inquired.

“I don’t think so. Chrysalis and I freed Luna from its control to escape.”

“That sounds dreadful,” Rarity groaned.

“I wouldn’t recommend trying it.”

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Cadence answered, allowing a small group of servants into the chamber.

“Captain Shining Armor told us to send up tea and snacks?” The servant explained, her words laced with a thin accent.

“Go ahead and set them on the table.” Cadence stepped aside and pointed to the table where the rest of the ponies were gathered.

The first servant carried a tray of tea. Three pots of the brew were left on the table, along with a cup and saucer for each pony present. Another servant, this one a taller stallion, carried a platter piled with biscuits. Several dishes of varying jams and jellies lined the center of the plate. The last servant carried two chairs in his magic, which were left at the empty edge of the table for the two princesses.

With a synchronized bow, the trio left.

“Where were we?” Cadence continued once drinks had been poured.

Chrysalis’ teacup sat beside Twilight’s, empty and unwanted.

“You were telling us about your dreams.” Pinkie split her focus evenly between their conversation and piling a rainbow of different jellies onto one of the biscuits.

Twilight studied her tea. “In my dream, I was trapped in Ponyville. All of my closest friends were there. Celestia was healed. We were preparing for the Gala.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” Fluttershy admitted.

“It wasn’t. That was the problem. I doubt I would have been able to leave if Starlight, Thorax, and Spike hadn’t shown up. Everything was . . . perfect.”

“But it wasn’t real. Was it?” Applejack retrieved a flask of cider from her hat. Unscrewing the cap, she took a long sip.

A small speck floating in Twilight’s tea drew her attention from Applejack’s question.

“What about Chrysalis?” Pinkie inquired, spraying crumbs and drops of fruit preserve across the table. “What do changelings dream of?”

“Mine was more of a nightmare. Let’s leave it at that,” Chrysalis demanded.

“Once my friends rescued me from my dream, we saved Chrysalis from her nightmare. Then we confronted the Nightmare. I held off the monster long enough for Chrysalis to free Luna.”

“You had an awesome climactic battle without us?” Rainbow called from above, disappointed.

“Be glad you missed it. We barely made it out. If not for Chrysalis, neither me nor Luna would be alive right now.”

“Chrysalis saved you?” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “And the show back in Celestia’s room was her reward for saving the princess?”

“Kind of. Not really. I don’t know,” Twilight stammered.

“It sounds like you’ve had a long few days, Twilight.” Applejack sighed.

“What? Few days?” Twilight choked on her tea.

“Yeah. You were gone over a day.”

“Thirty-seven hours, to be exact,” Pinkie stated.

Twilight glanced out the window at the morning sunrise.

“If me and Luna were gone that long, then who raised the sun?”

“I took the liberty of gathering Celestia’s most trusted court magicians. It wasn’t easy, but we’ve kept things under control while you were gone.” Cadence sipped her tea humbly.

“That’s dangerous,” Twilight warned.

Cadence snickered. “I may not be the Element of Magic, but that doesn’t mean I’m a pushover.”

“So, can we circle back to you kissing Chrysalis? I feel like that kind of got glossed over,” Rainbow Dash requested.

Twilight cleared her throat. Cadence glanced nervously in her direction.

“Twilight? Is everything alright?” Applejack leaned forward.

“Yeah. Everything’s fine. It’s just . . .” she scratched at her mane. “You weren’t all supposed to see that. It’s a little embarrassing.”

“Maybe. That doesn’t explain why you kissed her though.” Rainbow rolled back onto her stomach, propping her head up with her hooves. She watched Twilight eagerly.

“I kissed her because . . . well, you know, I . . .”

Twilight turned desperately toward Chrysalis. The changeling was shrinking in the corner.

“Should I tell them?” Cadence offered.

Twilight nodded meekly.

“Princess Twilight and Chrysalis have become . . . closer . . . during their time working together.”

The four surprised ponies shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Rainbow nearly toppled from her cloud, her mouth agape. Twilight dodged their gazes by losing herself in the floral design of her teacup.

“Chrysalis?” Rainbow finally blurted out.

An angry growl drew the party’s attention as Chrysalis rose. She stomped past the table and out the door. Instinctively, Twilight hurried after her.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity huffed. She summoned her magic, dispersing the blue pegasus’ cloud and sending her crashing back to the stone floor.

“Hey, what was that for?” Rainbow demanded.

“Have you no sense of tact? Don’t you see you upset them?”

“It’s Queen Chrysalis? I can’t be the only one that finds that weird, right?”

All around the table, the ponies pondered the question.

“Regardless of that, you don’t just blurt out like that.”

“Would you want your partner called out like that?” Applejack locked eyes with Rainbow as she took a long drink from her flask.

“It’s alright,” Cadence interjected.

“It really isn’t, Princess.” Rarity crossed her arms.

“I mean that it is strange to think of Chrysalis and Twilight together. No pony knows that more than I do. Luna brought Me and Shining here to try and talk her out of it.”

“I don’t think you succeeded.” Pinkie reached for another biscuit.

“We didn’t. But Twilight did. Regardless of what you think personally, this is no changeling trick. And honestly, I’ve gotten . . . well, I won’t exactly use the phrase ‘used to it’ but I know this makes Twilight happy.”

“Then we should try our best to have her back,” Rarity commanded.

“Rarity’s right. Isn’t she, Rainbow?” Applejack glared at the rainbow-maned pegasus, who blushed a deep shade of red.

“I should probably apologize. I didn’t mean to sound like that . . .”

Fluttershy groaned, annoyed.

“I knew I shouldn’t have left Twilight at the station that day.”

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