• Published 15th Aug 2020
  • 5,242 Views, 329 Comments

It Takes a Village to Reform a Changeling - MattTOB

Mandy Carapace crashes into Ponyville, and has no intention of returning to the Hive.

  • ...

Chapter 16: Return to Ponyville

It Takes a Village to Reform a Changeling

Chapter 16: Return to Ponyville

"Ooh! Ooh! Do me, do me!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

Mandy smiled to himself, feeling a rush of adrenaline as he focused his magic. A whirlwind of harmless burgundy fire — he was still getting used to all the changes the last few weeks had brought about — engulfed him, and when it dissipated, there stood an exact copy of Pinkie Pie.

The gathered group of ponies oogled him with amusement – except for Pinkie Pie herself, who looked over his form with the utmost scrutiny. Finally, she spoke her mind:

"Eh, I've seen better."

Mandy blinked, then burst out laughing, the others joining him shortly afterward. That party mare really was something special, wasn't she?

Finally, they got up, Mandy allowing the form to dissipate. "Alright, I think that's enough; wouldn't wanna overwork myself..."

Everypony voiced their disappointment with the idea, but they relented.

Mandy turned towards the newly crowned Princess Twilight. "Again, congrats on the ascension, Princess," he congratulated.

The purple unicorn-turned-alicorn blushed, involuntarily fluttering her wings. "I told you, you don't have to call me that," she chided.

"I know," he reassured, "I just want to."

She blushed even deeper.

AJ then sidled up to him, playfully bumping him with her flank. "Alright, simmer down there, Sally," she teased, "or else ya might make me jealous."

Mandy responded with fake shock, "I'd never do that to you!"

"Ah know," AJ nuzzled his cheek, and he nuzzled back. Some of the ponies watching inwardly gagged at the overt display of affection (partially because he was a Changeling, but mostly because it was so shmultzy), but others found warmth in the genuineness.

It was at that moment that Princess Cadance stepped in, saw the pony and the Changeling nuzzling, and commented absently, "Well... even I didn't see this coming..."

Mandy was in for a big surprise when he finally returned to his room that night. He entered the room, expecting to find everything how he'd left it.

Instead, the ring was gone, and a familiar plushie sat on the bed.

Confused beyond belief, he picked up the doll with his magic. This was the exact same plush he'd seen just yesterday, in the arm of that little filly on the street. Yet here it was, now sporting a tag that read, "Don't ever be afraid of who you are".

He turned the doll over, noting the craftsmanship. It seemed familiar, as if he'd seen the handiwork used on different materials.

Finally, his gaze drifted to the bottom of one of the hooves, and what he saw nearly made him faint.

A cursive "M" was monogrammed onto the doll with silver silk.

He blinked disbelievingly, but it didn't change. Could it be...?

No, he thought, that would be ridiculous! Why would he disappear for nineteen years, then reappear now and do this? There had to be some other explanation that he just couldn't see.

But, although the logical part of his brain dismissed this notion outright, the emotional part held onto the hope.

Maybe – just maybe – Dad had finally returned...

Mandy stared out the window of the train. The group was now returning from their post-coronation vacation, and Mandy was looking forward to getting back home.

Home... in Ponyville...

For the first time, Mandy realized that he truly felt at home in Ponyville. He was no longer just some Changeling, separated from the Hive and serving out a punishment.

He was now an Equestrian citizen through and through.

He smiled at the thought, looking down at the plushie that he cradled in his reformed hooves, and the sleeping Applejack leaning up against his back.

Life had never felt better.

But, as we all know, good things can't last forever.

For elsewhere on that very train, a Changeling was at hard at work, secretly spying on Mandy.

And the sight of that doll infuriated her.

Author's Note:

And with that, Arc 1 is complete! Stay tuned for Arc 2, consisting of Chapters 17-26, coming soon!