• Published 15th Aug 2020
  • 5,227 Views, 329 Comments

It Takes a Village to Reform a Changeling - MattTOB

Mandy Carapace crashes into Ponyville, and has no intention of returning to the Hive.

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Chapter 1: Crash Landing

It Takes a Village to Reform a Changeling

Chapter 1: Crash Landing


For one single, visceral moment, all that Mandibles "Mandy" Carapace could see was pink.

And then, he was flung.

For the past week, he'd begrudgingly laid in wait for his Queen's instructions. Once she'd replaced the Princess of Love, it was only a matter of time before Chrysalis drained Shining Armor of his power. After the barrier spell failed, it was just a matter of swooping in, neutralizing the Elements, and beginning to round up the citizens.

For a moment, the plan seemed like it would actually work against all odds.

However, when Chrysalis let her arrogance consume her, she turned her back for one critical moment, and years of planning crumbled around them.

That egotistical bitch.

Now, Mandy had been flung out of Canterlot by the barrier spell, and he was careening through the sky faster than he could normally fly, half-conscious and unable to control his trajectory. He squinted against the wind that whipped at his face, snapping awake when he realized that he was headed straight for a large gazebo-like building in the middle of a small, yet busy, town.

"Oh, no-no-NO!" He managed to scream as he tried to right himself and slow down, but it was all for naught. He only barely managed to brace himself with his holed forelegs as he crashed straight into the structure, blacking out instantly.

The citizens of Ponyville were going about their ordinary lives. Some browsed the town marketplace, others relaxed at the park, and one pony even sat in a large jar of jelly.

Yep, just an ordinary day in Ponyville.

That is, until a dark figure crashed straight into Town Hall.

Mayor Scroll Mare, who had been filing some paperwork when it happened, coughed as the dust settled, wiping her glasses. "What in the name of Celestia was that!?"

When the dust finally cleared, she gasped at what she saw. A strange, equine-bug hybrid was now laying on the floor, having crashed straight through a wall. Its dark body was battered and bruised, splinters of wood lodged into the softer parts; a sickly green fluid (blood, presumably?) oozed from several large gashes on its head; one of its hole-filled hooves was bent at an unnatural angle; both of its translucent, hole-riddled wings were crumpled and torn; its right eye had swollen shut; and one of its fangs was broken in half.

Mayor Mare, never having seen anything like it (because the Canterlot Invasion literally just happened, news hadn't yet spread) stared at it apprehensively. Having lived near the Everfree Forest for most of her life, she was no stranger to odd and dangerous creatures.

But this...?

It looked like it was gravely injured.

After a moment of regaining composure, Mayor Mare found her voice and called out, "S-somepony! I need help in here!"

The creature stirred slightly at her voice, but didn't wake.

The Mayor's secretary, Raven Inkwell, rushed in, gawking at the sight. "What is that!?"

"I don't know, but it's injured, and badly! Help me get it to the Ponyville General, then send a letter to Twilight!"

With just a moment of hesitation, Raven complied, taking one end of the bug while Mayor Mare took the other, and they carefully yet quickly carried him out.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot...

The reception had gone great, and the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony were now having fun just talking to each other.

That is, until a certain purple dragon received an urgent letter from the Mayor of Ponyville...