• Published 15th Aug 2020
  • 5,244 Views, 329 Comments

It Takes a Village to Reform a Changeling - MattTOB

Mandy Carapace crashes into Ponyville, and has no intention of returning to the Hive.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Discord

It Takes a Village to Reform a Changeling

Chapter 13: Discord

Sweet Apple Acres was both flooded and frozen over.

Suffice it to say, this wasn't normal.

Mandy stood on the crest of a nearby hill, soaking in the scene that lay before him. He'd been planning a picnic with Applejack today, but now, those plans were the least of his concerns.

First concern: why was Sweet Apple Acres flooded? Second concern: how had it subsequently frozen over in the middle of spring?

Third, even more important concern: Why were the Elements of Harmony and Spike standing near the frozen lake, talking to some creature that looked like a mishmash of several different animals?

....Wait a second.

Mandy's eyes widened as he recalled stories and tall tales from his nymph-hood. He remembered tales of a mischievous Spirit who brought forth a state of unrest and unhappiness. He recalled horror stories of the Changeling famine that had stemmed from that unhappiness, which had killed more than half of the entire species, all brought on by one being.

And here that being was...

...ice skating?

Mandy stopped that train of thought. No! He was probably trying to lure him in with curiosity! He needed to get away, before the Spirit could trap him!

But unfortunately, before he could even turn around, he was caught.

An orange sapling sprouted out of the ground in front of him. It quickly grew into a claw-shape, grabbing Mandy and pulling him underground before he even had time to scream. The ground closed up around him, and he could hardly breathe.

This was it. This was the end of Mandy, the Changeling who'd faced the hardships of life in Equestria, but ultimately succumbed to one unlucky day. His tale would be... Largely forgotten, if he were to be perfectly honest. He hadn't even gotten to –

Suddenly, light. The plant was pulling him back out? Could it be true?! Was his luck finally changing?

Mandy was now restrained on the ground, panting and gasping for breath. Several voices around him gasped out, but he didn't care at the moment. He was just thankful to be alive.

"So, I couldn't help but notice this fellow eavesdropping over on that hill. Would you like me to dispose of him for you?"

Mandy froze at the new voice. He slowly opened his eyes, surprised to find himself at the hooves of the Elements of Harmony. He looked up, and gasped.

There, floating in front of him, was Discord.

Mandy quickly tried to get to his hooves, but the orange plant was still gripping him tightly.

"Leave 'im alone, Discord!" A familiarly accented voice demanded. Mandy turned his head and was graced with the visage of Applejack, who was glaring at the draconequus. The Changeling silently thanked his lucky stars that she was here to defend him.

Discord blinked. "But he's a Changeling! Aren't they evil, or something?"

Then his eyes widened, and he started howling with laughter. "Oh no, don't tell me; you actually think you've reformed him?!"

The group glared at Discord. Pinkie Pie jumped forward to defend, "Of course we have! Mandy's a good guy!"

"An' there ain't nothin' you can do to convince us otherwise!" Applejack affirmed, standing next to the party planner.

Fluttershy joined in, as did Twilight and Rarity. Rainbow Dash hesitantly looked at Mandy, but ultimately joined the rest of them.

Seeing this display of faith awoke something in Mandy. They really thought he was good? After all the things he'd done? It... It felt indescribable.

Discord scoffed. "We'll see about that," he muttered as he disappeared.

Then a white-hot pain erupted in Mandy's head. He screamed as Discord tore into the deepest recesses of his mind, scouring every last nook and cranny for whatever it was he was looking for. Mandy was vaguely aware of bits and pieces being tossed away as though Discord were rummaging through a box of old junk, and the horrified looks on his friends' faces only heightened Mandy's fears.

Then the pain subsided, the orange plant let him go, his mind reassembled, and Discord reappeared.

Only he wasn't looking smug or scheming, or anything like that.

He looked genuinely shocked.

"What the...?" He muttered as he stared disbelievingly at the bug, who was still reeling from the head-splitting pain. "I don't believe it... You really did reform him...!"

Through the tears in his eyes, Mandy could barely see Rainbow Dash gape as she regarded the Changeling under a new light.

"Well, o' course we did!" Applejack shot back. "Mandy is our friend, an' he–"

Discord held up his talon, which stretched out to shush AJ. "No, I mean that you literally reformed him. As in, your friendship has physically transformed him!"

The group blinked. "What?"

Discord pointed to Mandy's wings and mane. "His fundamental being has been altered by exposure to your friendship! Why, I daresay that your friendship is stopping his need to feed at all! I had no idea friendship could even BE this powerful!"

Now was his chance. With what little strength he had, he shakily got up to his hooves. "You're damn right," he croaked out, drawing everyone's attention.

Discord regarded him with horror. "What the– but how?! And – and why!? How have you overcome your biology like this?!"

Mandy snarled at the draconequus, unaware that his entire body was starting to glow pink. "Because they're my friends, Discord," he spat, "and they're more important to me."

Suddenly, a surge of magical energy shot out of Mandy's body, hitting Discord squarely in the chest and sending him sprawling.

But the magic didn't stop; it kept coming out, spreading out into a cloud of pink light around him. Magical entrails sprouted and began to wrap themselves around him until his body was encased by a glowing chrysalis of pure magic.

The six Elements, Spike, and Discord all gawked at the sight before them.

AJ was the first to move. "M-Mandy?" She asked as she cautiously approached the cocoon, foreleg outstretched.

As soon as her hoof touched the magic, it flashed before winking out of existence. When their eyesight had recovered, everyone gasped.

There, lying on the ground, was Mandy.

Only he looked almost completely different.

He was now about as tall as Big MacIntosh, and the holes in his legs were gone. His chitin was now black with red gradients on his neck, legs, and horn (which still sported the inhibitor ring). Two small red antlers poked out from his head, next to fully whole ears with burgundy interiors. His wings were no longer tattered, but were now more akin to magenta dragonfly wings, with crimson elytra to cover them when not in use. His mane and tail were now made of the same membrane as his wings, and his fangs were duller than they used to be.

In fact, the only things that hadn't changed were his eyes, – which remained the cloudy blue pearls they'd always been – his forked tongue, and his dual-tone voice.

"What... What happened?" He wearily asked, struggling and failing to get up.

AJ gasped, then rushed forward and grabbed Mandy in a tight hug. He cringed slightly, still sore from Discord's earlier intrusion and his subsequent transformation, but he returned the hug gratefully.

Quickly, the rest of the Elements (Spike included) rushed forward to join in the hug, leaving a bewildered Discord behind them.

Eventually, though, they broke off the hug and gave Mandy some breathing room. He looked over his new body with shock and confusion. "What the hell just happened to me?" he asked.

Discord got up, still somewhat dazed. "Isn't it obvious? You just fully embraced your friendships, sharing the feelings of camaraderie and acquaintanceship they'd given you, and now, you've gone through a metamorphosis."

Mandy blinked, not understanding.

Discord deadpanned, "You shared love, and your body changed to reflect that."

The transformed bug's eyes widened. "I shared love? B-but Changelings can't–"

Discord stopped him. "Well, obviously you can, since it just happened in front of all of us."

Mandy thought over this. "So, this all happened because...?"

Twilight smiled. "Because you love your friends."

Discord watched them as they talked excitedly about this development.

Perhaps friendship wouldn't be so bad, he thought.

Perhaps he should give it a shot...

Author's Note:

And Mandy has officially reformed! Thanks, Discord!

Sorry if this chapter is too dark compared to the others; I wanted to try my hand at a different style for a chapter.