• Published 12th Aug 2020
  • 3,820 Views, 12 Comments

The Glow at The Beginning of the Tunnel - LunaEclipsed15

Cozy Glow is released from her stone prison. Now she has to start down the long road of reformation, even if in a way she’s already begun that process while in exile. But at least she has a companion that understands what she’s been through.

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A Helping Hoof and a Lot of Apologies

Author's Note:

My entry for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest!!!

I worked really, really, really hard on this story, and I hope at least somebody likes it. It's my longest one-short to date, and I spent over a week on it. Enjoy the story and leave lots of comments, it helps boost the story!!

The Glow at the Beginning of the Tunnel

“If you hadn’t thought it would be a good idea to enlist a psychotic filly, maybe it would have worked!”

Day two hundred and seventy six inside her stone prison, and Cozy Glow felt the urge to cry from the third time that day. Well, mentally cry. She actually couldn’t do anything. She was simply a soul trapped inside her own mind, her only company being the voices of her once allies.

They had fallen out on day fifty nine. Cozy had been keeping track. It was all she could do to keep from going crazy. From her prison, she could still see. She could look out and see the days changing, watching as Celestia raised and lowered the sun and Luna raised and lowered the moon. She had memorized every inch of the garden that sat in front of them.

Cozy couldn’t even find it in herself to be mad at the princesses. They had done what they had always done. What had worked a million times before and would keep working until the end of the world.

“That’s rude,” Tirek told Chrysalis.

“We’re super villains, not perfect ponies singing songs about their friends in a field of flowers.”

Cozy said nothing, staring out at the garden below their statue. It was pretty. It reminded her of the little garden that used to be outside her and her mother’s cottage. The flowers were in bloom and clouds rolled by overhead. She had to admit the garden pony did a lovely job.


Cozy missed clouds. She missed flying through the sky with the weather ponies when she lived in Cloudsdale. Before Daddy kicked them out and they had to relocate to Ponyville. Before Mommy was killed and she was thrown into an orphanage. She missed soaring through the open skies without a care in the world.

Cozy internally sighed. Not that she could have externally sighed, but she sighed all the same. She received no response from her cell mates.

Her ears picked up on a sound coming from outside the statue. Her eyes darted around, searching for it. It sounded like hoofsteps. Cozy focused on it for a few seconds more. It sounded like two sets of hoofsteps. Cozy tried to crane her neck to see where they were coming from, but from her stone encapsulation there was nothing she could do but listen and stare straight ahead.

So she did just that.

The voices started faint, but grew as they got closer.

“Are you sure this is a good idea.” Cozy thought she recognized that voice.

“The best I’ve ever had.” The second voice was a mare for sure, but not one she knew, at least not well enough to remember her voice.

“I don’t know about that.” Cozy scanned her brain, trying to figure out what pony she had known with that voice before.

It hit her like a dump truck when the two mares walked in front of the statue and stopped.

“What is THAT pony doing here?” Chrysalis snarled.

“She’ll regret the day she was born if she doesn’t keep walking,” Tirek growled. Cozy said nothing, as she found herself doing most days.

In front of their statue stood two mares. One was a pony the trio of villains knew well. Princess Twilight Sparkle was levitating a book in her magic, holding it in front of her face. The other was a mare none of them had ever seen before. She was a little bit shorter, an orangish golden colored mare with beautiful turquoise eyes and a velvet red mane streaked with yellow. She was levitating another book out of her saddle bag. She flipped through it before she looked up directly at Cozy Glow and sighed.

“I don’t know if you three can hear me, but we come in peace!” she shouted a little too loud for comfort. Next to her, Twilight hissed at her tone.

“Are you trying to imitate the Royal Canterlot Voice or something?” she asked, landing on a page in her book. It was leather bound but had no defining markings to tell it apart from any other book Cozy had seen in her short lifetime.

“I was just trying to make sure they heard me, that statue is really tall and she’s really high up.” The mare had to crane her neck to see Cozy in full.

Cozy Glow had never felt smaller.

“Okay, are we ready to do this?” Twilight asked. The other mare nodded.

“What do we have to lose?” she smirked.

“Well, we could accidentally release all three of them and cause all of Equestria to go into tyranny, or we could-” Twilight was cut off by the other mare lifting a hoof to her lips.

“You’re such a worry-wuss. None of that’s gonna happen. We’re well trained.” The mare lowered her leg back to the ground and looked back to the statue.

“We should have brought Starlight,” Twilight said.

“She said I was crazy when I told her about this idea. You’ve made her too good, Twilight.” The mare rolled her eyes.

“Okay, we’re doing this on three.” Twilight nodded her head as if trying to confirm what she had just said to herself.

“One,” the other mare said.

“Two,” Twilight continued.

“Three!” they said in unison. Their horns glowed, Twilight’s magenta and the mare’s red, and then Cozy’s vision turned white.

Everything hurt for a few seconds, and then she felt the feeling returning to her body. The stone seemed to melt away and was replaced with a buzzing numb. Cozy felt her wings flap involuntarily. Her field of view was white for a few more seconds before it turned a fuzzy gray, followed by shadows appearing in a darker color.

Cozy fell to the ground with a scream.

She felt her small body hit the ground. She landed on her hooves but tumbled to the ground in a split-second collapsing under her own weight. She heard hoofsteps running towards her as she groaned, reaching up to try and stabilize her spinning head. As the hoofsteps got closer she curled in on herself, trying to shield away whatever was coming towards her.

She was surprised when the creature didn’t begin to jump on her and try to smash her and instead gently lowered itself to the ground beside her, laying on it’s stomach and reaching a hoof out for her.

“Don’t hurt me!” she wailed. For the first time in two-hundred and seventy six days she was finally able to vocalize her thoughts. Her voice was shaky and cracked, but it felt good to speak again.

There was a laugh, then a gentle hoof rested on her side right between her legs.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Cozy. I’m going to help you.”

The mare sounded much more approachable than she had before the spell was cast. It wasn’t Princess Twilight’s voice like she had expected, instead it was the flame-haired mare. She peaked out through her hooves, looking up to the mare.

“Who-who are you?” Cozy asked. The mare gave her a warm smile.

“I’m Sunset Shimmer. I’m here to help you, I promise.” Her face was so relaxed and her touch was so gentle that Cozy scooted closer to her. She was startled as a shadow appeared over her and Sunset. She looked up, finding the angry face of Princess Twilight Sparkle standing over her. She began to tremble, quickly burying her face into her savior's soft coat.

“Cozy Glow, what you did was terrible, and the harm you inflicted upon the ponies of Equestria was even worse, but Sunset believes that everypony should be at least given a second chance. We’ve released you from stone early in the hopes that with Sunset Shimmer’s help, you can be redeemed.” Twilight leaned down even farther to hover just above the shaking filly. “I will not hesitate to send you straight back to the statue should you show even the slightest hint of manipulative or evil qualities. Do I make myself clear?”

Cozy tried to respond. She tried to push the words from between her lips and tell Twilight of her agreement, but couldn’t find it in herself to speak. The words were stuck on the tip of her tongue.

“Twilight, you’re scaring her,” Sunset said, bringing a protective hoof up around the filly in her hold. She rested it on the back of Cozy’s head, flattening her still pristine curls.

Twilight took a deep breath, then leaned back.

“Do I make myself clear?” She asked, this time in a much less threatening tone. Cozy tried to speak once again, but found it easier and less exhausting to simply nod.

“Good.” Twilight nodded once, then took a few steps back.

Sunset took her hoof off Cozy’s head, gesturing towards Twilight. Cozy was sure something was being communicated without words, but she wasn’t sure what. At least not until Princess Twilight walked away, leaving Cozy and Sunset alone in the garden.

Cozy slowly lifted her head, looking up towards the statue. Chrysalis and Tirek still stood, completely stone without a crack to be seen anywhere.

“Why did you only free me?” she asked, finding her voice again. She looked to Sunset, who was staring at the statue too.

“They had their second chance. They weren’t willing to change. Instead, they took advantage of a filly.” Sunset looked down at her with sadness pooling in her eyes.

“I’m not as innocent as you think.” Cozy Glow rolled away from Sunset, facing the statue and laying on her stomach. Sunset did the same, laying next to her.

“I know you aren’t. You’ve done bad things, and you can’t just pretend that they didn’t happen. You have to remember them, learn why they were wrong, make up for them, and grow as a pers-er pony. Grow as a pony.” Cozy wasn’t sure what Sunset had been trying to say, but she thought about the rest of her little speech. It made sense, but she didn’t know the first thing about learning from her past transgressions. She knew they were wrong, and why they were wrong, but she had no idea how to apologize for them, or how to begin to grow because of them.

“But I don’t know anything about any of that.” Cozy looked at the ground sadly.

“I know you don’t. That’s why I’m here to teach you.” Sunset raised a hoof and rested it on Cozy’s back, right between her folded wings.

Cozy looked Sunset up and down.

“You don’t know the first thing about making a villain good.” Sunset was clearly the goody-four shoes type. The kind of pony who had never done anything wrong in her life. At least not on the scale Cozy had.

Sunset looked at her, bewildered.

“Really?” She raised an eyebrow. “Do you think I would have spent all night begging Twilight to help me free you if I had never messed up? No Cozy. When I heard your story, I started crying because you reminded me so much of well, me. I’ve done terrible things too, Cozy. That’s why I want to help you. I know how bad you’re hurting. I’ve been through that pain. The Rainbow Wave takes all of your biggest insecurities and shoves them right back into your face, then shows you every terrible thing you’ve ever done to another creature and makes you relive it all from their perspective. I get it, Cozy. I really do. The only way I made it through was because of the immediate support I had from my friends, and even though I was terrible to them they still had my back and helped me. Believe me Cozy, this won’t be easy. I know you know that, you already feel remorseful for your actions, don’t you?”

Cozy’s jaw dropped. Sunset was starting to tear up as she recalled her own experiences. Cozy looked between the statue and Sunset.

“That’s… Wow. That’s a lot… And it’s right on the muzzle. You really have been through it…” Cozy looked down at her hooves, tears blurring her vision. Sunset leaned down and nuzzled her ear.

“It gets better, Cozy. I promise you that. Despite what you may think, having allies and friendships really helps you for the better in this world, especially when you're hurt. And if you’d like me too, I’d love to be your first friend.” Sunset held out her hoof in a high-hoof manner. Cozy sniffled, eyes flickering between Sunset’s kind face, her hoof, and the statue in front of them.

Slowly, she raised her hoof. The pristine shoe on Sunset’s hoof wrapped around Cozy’s small, unpedicuried hoof. It felt nice to touch another pony for one. To have an ally. To feel affection. Cozy looked up at Sunset, letting a small smile grace her face.

Sunset unfolded her legs, standing up and stretching her joints. She held out a hoof to Cozy.

“Come on Cozy, I’ll take you back to your parents,” Sunset was smiling, obviously proud of the progress she had made with Cozy. She was unsuspecting when the tears began to flow and Cozy Glow threw her head down into her hooves as she cried.

“Cozy?! What’s wrong?” Sunset dropped back down to the ground, trying to figure out what had made the filly start to bawl.

Sunset rested a hoof on top of Cozy’s head, rubbing gently in an attempt to calm her down.

“My-my daddy kicked us out…” Cozy cried. Her breathing was labored as she tried to gasp in air through her sobs.

“Come on Cozy, breathe for me, it’s okay.”

“Mommy- my mommy… she d-died!” Cozy screamed through her cries.

Sunset’s eyes widened as she scooted closer to the filly, wrapping her hooves around her. Cozy Glow continued to cry, the soft fur of Sunset’s coat helping to muffle her wails.

“It’s okay Cozy. I know, I know. Just take deep breaths, okay? Come on, breathe with me.” Sunset breathed in deeply and Cozy tried to copy her but struggled to get enough air in. Sunset gently rubbed her back and they tried again.

“Breathe in, hold it, breathe out. Good girl.” Sunset walked her through each step, calming her down and praising her along the way.

Soon Cozy’s cries were reduced to small hiccups and trembles and Sunset picked Cozy up in her magic. She set her down on her back, carefully standing up and adjusting her saddle bags.

“Where- where are we going?” Cozy asked as Sunset started off down the path to exit the gardens.

“I’m sure Pinkie Pie would love to have a sleepover with us, wouldn’t she?” Sunset hummed as she continued trotting down the path. If Cozy had been walking beside her she would have stopped and run the other way. If her legs didn’t feel like gelatin she might have jumped off and ran anyway.

“B-but-but.” Cozy’s lower lip began to quiver.

“Cozy, one of the steps in making up for what you did is remembering those mistakes. So we’re going to work our way through everypony until you’ve made amends and I promise you after it all you’ll feel so much better about yourself.”

Cozy Glow decided it was best to trust Sunset. She hadn’t been wrong about anything so far, so if she said that it would help, it probably would. And she would have a place to sleep for the night.

Sunset and Cozy arrived at Sugarcube Corner just as Twilight, now the Princess of Equestria lowered the sun. Sunset carried her inside and up to the counter. She lifted the bell in her magic, ringing it. Out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie appeared.

“Hey Sunset! Can I getcha anything? I was just about to close up shop,” the earth pony asked. Sunset shook her head and turned slightly so Pinkie could see Cozy Glow.

Pinkie’s face fell.

“You actually did it?” she asked in a hushed tone, as if by lowering her voice Cozy wouldn’t be able to hear her despite only being inches away.

“Listen, Pinkie. She’s very sorry, and part of the healing process is to make amends with those you have wronged. Believe me, I’ve been through it. Besides, she needs a place to stay for the night and I don’t think going back to the castle with Twilight would be a very good idea at the moment. She needs time to acclimate to daily life again.” Sunset gave Pinkie a pleading look, and Pinkie gave an understanding nod.

“There’s nothing like a good slumber party to make new friends and cheer a sad little filly!” Pinkie’s usual smile returned and Sunset let out a sigh of relief. Cozy perked up at that, looking towards her former professor.

“You’ll really let me spend the night with you?” she asked, ears turning and wings rustling against her sides.

Pinkie giggled.

“Of course! Come on upstairs!” The pink pony motioned with her hoof before bouncing up the stairs behind the counter. Sunset followed, looking back at Cozy Glow and giving her a reassuring look.

After Pinkie had closed up shop, the three ponies sat up in her bedroom. Pinkie had brought up a variety of sweets and baked goods, but Cozy didn’t feel very hungry. Sunset looked up from the candy cane she was gnawing on.

Pinkie pushed a cupcake towards Cozy.

“Peace offering?” Cozy guessed. The pink pony shook her head.

“You looked sad, and I hate seeing ponies sad.” Pinkie shook her head before giving Cozy a wide smile. Cozy returned it, using her wing to pull the cupcake closer. She leaned down and bit into it. The frosting spread across her tongue and she chewed on a piece of the fluffy vanilla cake. It tasted really, really good.

Cozy’s eyes lit up as she took another bite.

Sunset giggled and lifted a hoof towards Pinkie. She did the same, the two mares high-hoofing each other over the small victory.

As Cozy liked her lips clean of frosting once she had finished her cupcake, Sunset shot her a look. Cozy looked down at the wooden floor.

“Pinkie Pie, what I did to you and your friends is inexcusable.” Cozy scooted closer to Pinkie. Pinkie looked at her, a sad look in her eyes.

“Spending over two-hundred days trapped in stone has really made me reflect on what I did, and I’ve realized that it was awful. The Rainbow Wave showed me that, I know how you felt when I did all those terrible things to you. I was mean and cruel and manipulated ponies for nothing other than personal gain, and I understand that there’s no way you could ever forgive me, but I need to say this.” Cozy was tearing up again, and Sunset felt the urge to climb across the blanket they were laying on and comfort her, but knew that Cozy needed to apologize now or she might never get it out.

“Pinkie Pie, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for tricking you, I’m sorry for lying to you, I’m sorry for manipulating you, and I’m sorry for trying to control you. I really, truly am.” Cozy hung her head and tried to suppress her tears. After a minute of silence she felt a hoof wrap around her. She thought it might be Sunset, but when she looked up she found Pinkie holding her.

“It’s okay, Cozy, let it out, let it all out,” she said softly. Cozy had never heard Pinkie talking in a tone like that before. It was comforting, and Cozy just cried. Sunset looked on at the scene, a soft smile on her face. She silently licked her candy cane, resting her head in her hooves as she watched Cozy work through her issues. She was proud, to say the least.

Cozy felt another hoof wrap around her and looked over to find Sunset sitting next to her, squishing Cozy between the two older mares.

“It’s a Cozy-sandwich!” Pinkie exclaimed, trying to brighten the mood.

Cozy let out a watery laugh as Sunset giggled. Cozy raised a hoof to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.

Sunset levitated a game of chess out of a stack of board games on a nearby table.

“I’ve always wanted to play a pony who’s got their mark in chess. Wanna go?” she set the game down in front of Cozy. The filly nodded.

“You’re on.”

Turns out, Sunset was really good, but Cozy was better.

“Woah, you’re awesome for a ten-year-old,” Sunset said as she rolled onto her back after being beat for the second time.

“Oh it was nothing special,” Cozy giggled.

“You just destroyed her! Don’t be so modest!” Pinkie laughed from where she had been eagerly watching their games. Cozy blushed.

“Oh golly, it’s really nothing. Just a keen eye,” Cozy looked down at the floor, bringing a hoof up to play with her curls.

The three were quiet for a few minutes more before Pinkie cut the silence.

“Pillow fight anypony?” Pinkie grabbed two pillows that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Cozy’s face lit up. “A pillow fight! I’ve never had a pillow fight!”

Sunset grabbed a pillow off Pinkie’s bed with her magic. She chucked it at the back of Cozy’s head, dissolving into giggles as Cozy jumped into the air, flying above her.

“Oh it is on!” Cozy narrowed her eyes at Sunset, dashing down to grab the fallen pillow. She held it in her hooves, chasing Sunset around the bedroom as Sunset cast a protection spell around herself.

Neither of them saw it coming when they were pelted by three pillows each. They turned to find Pinkie Pie standing on top of her desk.

“Glow, Shim Shim,” she addressed the other two ponies in the room with a nod. “You’re going down.”

Sunset, Cozy Glow, and Pinkie collapsed to the ground on top of a mound of pillows, panting and giggling. As it turns out, Pinkie wasn’t kidding when she said they were going down. She was really good. While Cozy had the advantage of flight, Pinkie could jump just as high. Sunset’s magic was tricky to dodge too, which only added to the fun of the game.

“That was fun,” Sunset lamented.

“Super fun! Best first sleepover ever!” Cozy tossed up a pillow into the air, laughing as it came down and hit her in the face. She giggled more as Sunset lifted it off of her.

“This was your first sleepover ever?” Pinkie marveled. Cozy nodded.

“I never had any friends to have sleepovers with. I was kinda bent on world domination.” Cozy looked at the pile of pillows they sat on bashfully.

“Well now you have us, and for the record, I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun at a sleepover before.” Sunset placed a hoof on Cozy’s wing. Cozy looked up and smiled at her.

“Thanks Sunny.” Before she could even finish saying it a deep blush appeared on her face. Her eyes widened and she jumped back. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to call you that, I’m sorry!”

Sunset just laughed, and Pinkie did too. Cozy looked between them, confused.

“It’s okay, Cozy. All my friends call me Sunny, why would you be any different?” The sparkle in Sunset’s eyes relaxed Cozy and she slid back over to her. She pressed up against the unicorn’s side, snuggling into her. Cozy let out a yawn.

“As fun as this was, I’m getting tired.” Pinkie mirrored Cozy’s yawn as she spoke. Sunset nodded.

“We should get some rest,” she agreed.

Soon all three ponies had bedded down, Pinkie in her bed, Sunset on the slightly shorter pile of pillows and Cozy right next to her. The little filly was asleep before Sunset could even put a blanket over her. Sunset smiled, taking the yellow bows out of Cozy’s mane and tail and setting them aside before laying down next to her and falling asleep.

As they slept, Cozy was plagued by nightmares. She was in the dark and cold hideout where she had resided with Chrysalis and Tirek. She was all alone though, and in front of her laid Discord after she had drained all his magic away. He looked lifeless, and as she walked closer, she realized that he was. Cozy screamed, trying to run the other way, but her hooves were stuck to the floor with green goop. She tried to fly to get away, but couldn’t. She screamed and screamed and screamed. It was all she could do as she felt the walls closing in on her as she was hopelessly stuck in place.

Suddenly, she was yanked from her dream. She floated through an icy blue dreamscape. She looked around, confused as to where she was. Magic sparkled in front of her and a figure materialized in front of her, floating.

“Cozy Glow, we meet again.”

Cozy looked up, watching as the mostly retired princess of the night took a step towards her. Cozy backed up slightly, shaking as she tried not to show it. She hadn’t even thought she might come face to face with the retired royal, but supposed it made sense. Princess Twilight didn’t have the power to dreamwalk, and she had to sleep sometime.

“Why-why did y-you save me?” she asked, voice cracking.

The princess shook her head.

“It is simply my duty.”

Cozy looked down, finding herself floating in a seemingly endless void.

“Although, I have heard of Sunset Shimmer’s goal to reform you from Twilight Sparkle. I do have faith in her, and have seen how she managed to change herself. If she can change you, well, I believe we may have a future ruler on our hooves...” Luna trailed off, as if realizing what she had said.

“You don’t think I can change?” Cozy asked, looking up at the younger royal sister.

“I do believe you could, Cozy Glow, but you will not do it alone. Sunset Shimmer is your guardian angel in a way, and I have faith that she can get through to you. She already has, has she not?” Cozy shook her head.

“No, she really showed me the error of my ways this afternoon. I don’t know what she did, but I know that she did something she regrets, and that’s why she wants to help me so badly.” Cozy told Princess Luna.

“Yes. It is not my place to speak of what she did, but she is quite similar to you in many ways.”

Cozy flapped her wings, finding that they worked. She lifted herself into the air, raising herself so she was at Princess Luna’s level.

“I need to say something, Princess. If you have a moment…” Cozy’s eyes darted around, trying to look anywhere but Luna’s face.

“I suppose I do.” Luna gave her a stern look, and Cozy flew backwards a few inches.

“The Rainbow Wave showed me what I was doing was terrible. I understand how I hurt you and everypony else. I’ve felt your pain. I’ve learned that the best way to try and relieve the guilt I feel for these actions is to apologize. Princess Luna, I am so, so sorry. I’m sorry for draining your magic and for hurting you and the ponies you care about all because I was a rude and manipulative pony. My time spent in stone had shown me that.” Cozy fluttered back down, allowing Luna time to process what she had said.

Luna was silent for some time before she spoke again.

“Cozy Glow, it takes a truly changed pony to be able to humbly admit their mistakes and apologize. I admire that, as once I was said pony. Your words mean more than you may know. While I do accept your apology, forgiveness may not be so easily earned.”

Cozy nodded.

“Thank you, Princess Luna. Thank you.”

“I must go now, Cozy Glow, but you can rest assured that your nightmares will not return, at least not for this night.” Before Cozy could respond, Luna was gone and so was the dreamscape. Cozy found herself in a black void, soon falling back into a dreamless slumber.

When Cozy woke up, she found Sunset and Pinkie missing from the bedroom. Slowly, she climbed off the pile of pillows and walked downstairs in search of the older mares.

She came out into the main room of Sugarcube Corner. It was empty as they had yet to open. She headed towards the kitchen, hearing what sounded like voices coming from it. She pushed the swing door open, revealing Sunset and Pinkie cooking. More accurately, Pinkie was baking and Sunset was watching, seemingly having been shunned from the stove as she licked a mixing bowl of what looked like waffle batter clean.

Cozy slowly flapped her wings, making her way over to Sunset. She slunk up behind her, the unicorn not noticing her until she was seated on the counter beside her.

Sunset jumped and after a second realized it was just Cozy. Cozy giggled, using her wing to pick up a spoon covered in batter off a rag on the counter. She lifted it to her lips, licking off the mess.

“Mmmm… You’re a great cook Pinkie!” she called over to the pink party pony who was spraying whipped cream onto three plates of waffles and assorted berries.

“Thanks Glowworm,” Pinkie giggled. Cozy froze at the nickname.

“We came up with it this morning while you were asleep,” Sunset explained. Cozy pondered this.

“I like it,” she said after a few moments. Sunset and Pinkie smiled.

“Breakfast is served!” Pinkie sang as she set the plates down in front of Cozy and Sunset.

“This looks great Pinkie!” Sunset complimented. Cozy nodded as she dug into her plate, covering her lips with whipped cream.

Pinkie and Sunset giggled with Cozy as they began to eat as well.

After a tasty breakfast, Sunset and Cozy gathered their things from Pinkie’s bedroom, Sunset helping her fix her curls and tie her bows. They waved goodbye to Pinkie and the Cakes as Cozy flew beside Sunset while they walked down the street.

“Where are we going now?” Cozy asked. Sunset seemed to have somewhat of a plan as she led her through Ponyville.

“You’ll see,” Sunset replied ominously. Cozy and Sunset fell into a comfortable silence as they walked, soon finding themselves turning down country roads.

“Oh no,” Cozy whispered, realizing where they were.

“It takes more than just some words to show that you’re sorry, Cozy. You have to work for forgiveness too, but luckily that’s not what we’re doing today.” Sunset allowed Cozy to ride on her back as they turned down the long country roads that led them through Sweet Apple Acres.

Cozy watched as they passed by familiar trees, walking towards an even more familiar clubhouse. She felt like just yesterday she was fake crying on it’s steps. Sitting on a checkered blanket on the ground in front of it was the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Cozy cringed as their eyes fell on her collectively, shooting her less than nice looks.

“Go on, Cozy. They’ve been waiting for you.” Sunset gently urged Cozy. The pegasus struggled to find the confidence to climb off her savior’s back. Slowly, she rose into the air and fluttered over to the blanket. She set herself down on the edge, tucking her legs under her body. She looked at the blanket where a picnic was set up. She looked upwards, seeing the sun high in the sky. She hadn’t even realized that it was almost noon. Sunset must have taken the scenic route across town.

She heard Sunset trotting away behind her and looked back to see her settling down underneath a shady tree, pulling a book from her saddle bag and starting to read.

“Uh, hi,” she started. The three other fillies just glared at her.

“When AJ said somepony was coming over and we should set up a picnic, ya were not who ah had in mind,” Apple Bloom said bitterly.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo nodded in agreement as Sweetie Belle verbally agreed.

“This wasn’t my idea you know,” Cozy grumbled. These were the last ponies she wanted to face.

“Then I guess we don’t have to talk about it,” Scootaloo said before biting into a daffodil and daisy sandwich. Cozy nodded, running her hoof along the squares of the blanket. She heard Sunset making a tsk sound behind her, as she had clearly been eavesdropping. Cozy cleared her throat lightly.

“Uh, I actually am supposed to be here to apologize. Sunset says that it’ll help me get over the guilt and start healing.” Cozy couldn’t bring herself to look up at the crusaders as they glared at her.

“You? Apologize?” Sweetie Belle asked as Apple Bloom snorted.

“The day ya apologize will come after the day pigs fly,” Apple Bloom said.

“How did you get out of the stone anyway?” Scootaloo asked, suspicious.

“Sunset and Twilight freed me. They said I should be given a second chance. Sunset’s helping me figure out just what that means.” Cozy had a feeling she’d be reciting that line a lot in the next few days.

“Well, if you’re here to apologize to us, go ahead. We’ll listen I guess,” Sweetie Belle picked an apple up in her magic and took a small bite.

Cozy Glow took a deep breath.

“Okay, so when I was defeated, the Rainbow Wave showed me every terrible thing I had ever done to another creature. And then it made me feel all the pain they felt because of what I did to them. I now understand why what I did to you was so bad, why manipulating you and stringing you all along only hurt you in the end, and golly, if I could go back and change it I would, I promise you I would. So, I’m sorry, and I don’t expect your forgiveness, or even your friendship anytime soon, but I just want to give you the justice you deserve.” Cozy was trying to be as sincere as she could, but judging by the looks on the crusaders faces, they weren’t buying it.

After a few seconds of shock, they huddled up together. Cozy used her wing to grab a single grape off the plate in the middle of the blanket while they were turned away, scared they wouldn’t want to share their food with her otherwise. She popped it in her mouth, the sweet taste filling her tongue while she waited for the trio to come to a conclusion. She tried to not listen in, but caught a few words. Needs a friend and can we trust her were phrases that came up more than once.

Soon enough they broke away and all looked directly at Cozy.

“Cozy Glow, we accept your apology, and have decided to offer you our guidance and friendship. You did in fact take advantage of us once, but we do believe there is a chance you could be real. If Princess Twilight can trust you enough to free you from stone, we can trust you enough to try and be your friend,” Sweetie Belle said, looking sternly at Cozy Glow. Cozy’s eyes lit up and a smile spread across her face.

“You’d really give me a chance?!” she asked, hopeful.

“Yes, Cozy. Don’t let us down,” Scootaloo said. Cozy nodded enthusiastically.

“I may not know much about friendship, but I’ll try my best.” Cozy held out her hoof, sort of like a peace offering. The trio exchanged a look between each other before they all reached out to meet her hoof.

Sunset came trotting over as they broke away. Cozy smiled up at her.

She knew she had a long way to go, that had been made obvious, but after the small amount of friendship she had been shown from Sunset Shimmer and the Crusaders, as well as Princess Luna’s faith in Sunset and her comment about Sunset becoming royalty, Cozy Glow really didn’t want to let her new friends down. It would be a long, bumpy road to redemption, but she was willing to walk it if it meant she could come out a happier pony on the other side.

Comments ( 12 )

Simple but cute story. Interesting idea on what the rainbow did.

That's what most people believe the Rainbow Wave did to Sunset, so I don't think it would be any different for Luna, Discord, or the Legion of Doom.

It was a cute and nice story, I really liked it.

This was very cute and I do like the idea of touching on a forgiveness story especially considering how young Cozy is. Plus I'll read just about anything with Sunset Shimmer in it. Much like Sunset, Cozy's road to redemption will be long and riddled with doubt. Thanks for writing this.

definitely not. this was written for a contest I didn't win, and also I don't write for MLP anymore.

Day two hundred and seventy six inside her stone prison, and Cozy Glow felt the urge to cry from the third time that day. Well, mentally cry. She actually couldn’t do anything. She was simply a soul trapped inside her own mind, her only company being the voices of her once allies.

Dang almost a full year trapped in that prision, time sure flew by after they were defeated.

Cozy missed clouds. She missed flying through the sky with the weather ponies when she lived in Cloudsdale. Before Daddy kicked them out and they had to relocate to Ponyville. Before Mommy was killed and she was thrown into an orphanage. She missed soaring through the open skies without a care in the world.

How sad :fluttershysad:

“Well, we could accidentally release all three of them and cause all of Equestria to go into tyranny, or we could-” Twilight was cut off by the other mare lifting a hoof to her lips.

And they'd be blamed entirely for what they've caused.

Slowly, she raised her hoof. The pristine shoe on Sunset’s hoof wrapped around Cozy’s small, unpedicuried hoof. It felt nice to touch another pony for one. To have an ally. To feel affection. Cozy looked up at Sunset, letting a small smile grace her face.

Wait sunsets still a princess in this story???

“It’s a Cozy-sandwich!” Pinkie exclaimed, trying to brighten the mood.


Cozy looked up, watching as the mostly retired princess of the night took a step towards her. Cozy backed up slightly, shaking as she tried not to show it. She hadn’t even thought she might come face to face with the retired royal, but supposed it made sense. Princess Twilight didn’t have the power to dreamwalk, and she had to sleep sometime.

Makes perfect sense when you think about it.

This story sure was better than i thought it would be.

hate it, not enough suffering and depression.

I can't tell if this is /gen or /lh

I kind of feel bad for Cozy Glow, though she was a villain at the time

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