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Clinically diagnosed with SciSet Brainworms


This story is a sequel to Late-Night Conversations

Cover art by SwordTune! Re-edited 17 April 2022. Now featured on Equestria Daily!

A spinoff short story, featuring Wallflower, Roseluck and Derpy, is now published! Click here to read.

It's been a year since Wallflower Blush tried to purge the memory of Sunset's reformation from the entire student body of Canterlot High. But despite Sunset's initial effort to steer the lonely, embittered girl onto a new path—and, indeed, Wallflower has developed a reasonable social life with several new close friends—the two of them remain haunted by the events of those three days, each embodying some of the darkest moments of the others' lives, and spend their school days at a stark distance from each other.

But as graduation looms, threatening the possibility that they might never get over their anxieties, the two decide it's time for a real, genuine conversation about what happened, why things still hurt and how they can move on—if it's even possible.

Timeline Notes: Forgotten Friendship takes place at the end of junior year, with Rollercoaster of Friendship the following summer. Senior year includes Sunset's Backstage Pass early in the year (along with some of the Starswirled Music Festival episodes of the digital series), followed by Holidays Unwrapped and the rest of the digital series' second season. I'm not sure exactly where Spring Breakdown happens, but it's not especially relevant here. The events of the novels and comics are not canon to my stories.

Takes place two days after "Late-Night Conversations", which is strongly recommended reading for this story.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 35 )

Ok, this is... Interesting? I don't really know. I guess reading the other story is more required than I thought.

There's a lot of preamble and kind of irrelevant world-building around what seems to be the main plot of the story, so even if it's just 2k per chapter, it seems like very little is progressing in what the description hints.

Speaking of, unless, as I said, the prequel hints to something more, it seems to be a rather simple plot, so I don't know why the story is taking so long to start it. Or at least hint to what each of them want out of the talk the story build up so much about.

Maybe saying the prequel isn't required is not the case in this one, but I'll at least see where the next chapter is trying to go for.

I’ve updated the description to indicate reading the first story beforehand is “strongly recommended”. I’ve also slightly advanced the publishing schedule so we get to the meat of the story quicker.

Ok, reading the prequel helped a lot, specially that Epilogue that I don't think should've just been skipped here. It makes more sense of the build up since we now know why it's the last day they can have the conversation, that changes the dynamic a lot.

However, if you allow me a critique. The story doesn't seem to really acknowledge Wallflower's side of the story. Yes, I get that the story is about how much the event traumatized Sunset, but the narration keeps depicting her as a monster too much, which is kind of hypocritical considering Sunset wanted to conquer two entire dimensions and Twilight almost destroyed the universe as we knew it. That's a fault I see a lot of stories make when it comes to these kind of things. In here, it creates a sort of strawman situation, the whole confrontation with Wallflower seems to be mostly just so Sunset can get some sort of comeuppance rather than what it seems the first story suggested. Sunset is angry at her, very understandable, Wallflower doesn't feel like she deserves forgiveness, also very in character with her, but if the characters and the narration themselves favor Sunset as being the one that has the high ground, the story is just about how horrible Wallflower is and nothing more, which is, I hope, not the intention of the whole story.

I'll add, I'm saying this because I've seen it in other stories, and it's not pretty when the comment section starts taking out pitchforks if that wasn't your original intention.

Without getting into spoilers, you’re listing off a lot of the reasons I wanted to write this sequel story. The first story is naturally lopsided toward Sunset's perspective, given Wallflower doesn’t appear in that one. (Though FWIW, it does acknowledge that Sunset was once very much in the position of needing forgiveness herself.) It’s partially because that story (the original three chapters, anyway) was originally written as a sample of a larger story that would have involved Wallflower, but I ended up scrapping the idea and retooled it into a standalone. But anyway, I hope you keep reading.

Yeah, I could see that you wanted the world to feel like there's stuff happening outside of the current drama, which is very important for a wider story and I have to give you props for it. And that little bit in the prequel was what convinced me you didn't want to go that route with Wallflower.

I'll definitely keep reading to the end, I'm very invested.

Great way to start this much needed conversation between the two. As it's put here, evading things like this due to them being difficult to confront leaves oneself open to a lot of ifs, maybes, and distortions of events, which end up creating something much worse that just grows in you the more time passes. Because ignoring a problem is not the same as getting closure from it, which is what Sunset and Wallflower need to truly move past those three days.

You're handling it very well, and I'm really excited to see how things go from here.

Ok, I'm really liking this. Not only addressing the mind control Sunset did to the students, but also the disconnection of Sunset and the students, which is something I feel not many stories really address. There's a big difference between the two worlds despite the inhabitants being mirrors of each other, and Sunset thinking she was in hell is also a very reasonable conclusion to make.

I'll need to check your other and future works because you seem to have a good grasp on these things and it isn't very common.

Also very curious to see what Sunset saw in Wally. Definitely reading ti tomorrow!

You respond to these so quickly! Really glad to hear you’re enjoying this. Of my other stories, “Sunset & Twilight’s Winter Holidate” (which is in the same continuity) is the closest in spirit to this series; the other two are moreso me goofing off. (If you’ve noticed the half-dozen+ Simpsons references sprinkled in this story, it probably won’t surprise you to learn I made a story that’s an EqG riff on “Steamed Hams”.)

I’ve read a few of yours (“Balloon to the Moon” is adorable) and I’ll have to check out more; the problem is I tend to write more than I read here.


I’ve read a few of yours (“Balloon to the Moon” is adorable) and I’ll have to check out more; the problem is I tend to write more than I read here.

No worries, I'm in a similar situation myself (mostly because I pre-read for a lot of people) unless a story really interests me. And I'm glad you liked it, I would suggest The Cutest Deliverer since it's in a similar style to that one.

And I respond quickly because I'm waiting for them to be published. It's been a while since I've read something like this.

I generally post right about 4pm PT, so you know when to look. Also, idk how much people respond to endorsements on this website, but if you want to promote this at all please do. I’m relatively new to the MLP fandom (I got sucked into EqG - and eventually binged FiM - after watching A New Generation on a lark) and I’m not sure how to get readership to take off.

Sadly it's a matter of content and time, but I'll share it around once it's completed.

Best of luck!

*slow claps*

Nothing like I expected and much better for it. This was a beautiful conclusion, and a true example of how to do forgiveness and redemption. Definitely glad I kept reading and I'll be sure to share it around once the Epilogue goes out.

Great work!

An in-universe PSA comic may be the most brilliant way I’ve seen to simultaneously acknowledge and dismiss Anon-A-Miss. Nice one.

A lovely follow-up to the prequel. The parallels between Sunset and Wallflower work to a painful degree, and their reconciliation feels wonderfully earned. You excel at beautiful, genuine emotional moments. Thank you for another excellent example of that.

Also, high-quality Best Human, which I always appreciate. :derpytongue2:

Thanks for the compliments! I'm outlining some stories that are definitely on the emotional side so it's always good to have the encouragement :twilightsmile:

"Wallflower, the bell hasn't rung yet…" Roseluck trailed off as Wallflower tore away from them toward class. She sighed, dissatisfied, as she, Raspberry and Muffins dispersed to head for their own first-period rooms.

Just leave her be. :ajbemused:

She hates me, she would think. She despises me, she can't stand the sight of me. And why shouldn't she?

I feel the same about you as well. :duck:

Muffins mimed playing a guitar. "Great point," Roseluck added, "she literally made a whole song about exactly that !"

That's a damn good one! :yay:

"Yeah," Wallflower replied. "I... wanted the whole place to look different. I loved the old garden, I really did, but I guess... when I saw I had the opportunity, I just wanted to let the past die. Build something truly new."

Good, those rock formations don't deserve to be there. :duck:

"I'd spent nearly a year with that stone," Wallflower continued, lifting her feet onto the chair and shifting herself into a fetal pose, her forehead resting on her knees. "And I just used it so casually... for so many pointless, stupid things. On so many people. And not even just for recent stuff... remember how Trixie said she didn't remember me from third grade? She really should, because I went to her birthday party that year. And I ruined it. Right in the middle of little Trixie's magic act, I got sick from the food at the crappy roller skating rink we were at and puked on the floor. And one day, 8 years later, I pointed a stone at her and removed all memories of me in elementary school from her mind, just because I happened to recall that moment."


"So I would just hide away, at that cabin," Wallflower went on. "Anytime I had the chance, I just went to my room, shut the door and cried. I couldn't stop myself, and if my parents tried to ask what was wrong I would make them leave, because I wasn't able to face them. I couldn't tell them what I'd done. What I'd become . And when we were supposed to go back, I begged them not to; I convinced them to stay there for weeks longer because I was too scared to go back to Canterlot. They both had to take sick leave from work because their daughter was having a nervous breakdown. And they never understood why."

Damn. :pinkiegasp:

"N-n-no, Sunset," Wallflower choked out, "it would've been pointless... I wouldn't have said anything back..." She stood up and ran to grab a tissue, blowing her nose. "I... didn't deserve your help last year. Even after the stone was gone, I still tried to blame you, like you should have somehow noticed me even when I was erasing myself from everyone around me... I couldn't see myself for what I was and I took it out on you. And everything I've done since—the life I built—was only possible because of what I put you through. You shouldn't have to deal with me in your life."

I mean, I'd not to have her in mine, I have enough shit to deal with. :ajbemused:

"After their memories returned," she continued, looking blankly off to the side, "my friends were desperate to make amends with me. Pinkie Pie kept throwing me surprise apology parties, Applejack got me a season pass for her favorite cider mill, Twilight started programming her Selfie-Bots with special cues to recognize me. Some of it was nice, at first, but in truth it was just scary and horrible. Like seeing Rarity just refuse to forgive herself, saying she was a monster. I didn’t want them to keep blaming themselves for what they said when it wasn’t really them. So I pushed my own feelings away, so I could be strong in front of them. But all that did was make the pain and bad feelings fester and grow."

I don't blame the girls for doing that stuff for Sunset. No, and I mean no one, deserves to be forgotten! :fluttershysad:

"You... really do hate me?" Wallflower asked.

I'll always hate you Wallflower. Your my least fav eqg character. :twilightangry2:

Now it was Wallflower's turn to reach out. "Well... the thing is, I'm not a therapist. And I don't know much about therapy; my parents tried to get me some after the summer, but money got a bit too tight for that and, honestly, I have no idea how I would explain the Memory Stone to a therapist without sounding crazy." She smiled as Sunset giggled a bit at the thought. "But you said earlier that you really started to change when you stopped seeing other people as weird hell beasts and started to feel what they really are. So maybe, if it's a monster you've been seeing when you look at me..."

She'd probably think she's a lunatic. :duck:

"I wanted to show you all something, if you have a moment," she asked. The three approached. Wallflower unzipped her case and pulled out the top two items, a new red top and a floral-patterned skirt.

They were shorts, not a skirt. :duck:

"Knowing we left you out here would be worse. Besides, this dance never seems to go well. Remember last year when there was that gas leak and they cleared us all out? Or when someone pumped grease into the vents freshman year? There must be a curse on that stupid crown."

Huh. :rainbowhuh:

" Wallflower ," Sunset said sharply. "Do you think I don't know how it is to feel that way? Whether I like it or not, my life would not be what it is now if I hadn't ended up in that crater. I put myself there. Other people helped me up, even though I'd wronged them. That's how you rebuild. I know it can be rough to remember our darkest moments, but we can't change what happened. That part's over. But this weekend, Rarity reminded me of something I should have kept in mind all along. Sometimes we let our mistakes and our guilt get the better of us. But if we let them control us, they'll destroy us."

Mhm. :fluttershysad:

Could they really be friends one day?

Maybe... :applejackunsure:

I read the first and this one back to back, and I say, "well done you!"

The vignette style, showing small moments strung together over time, fits the 'slice of life' feel and the redemption story you're telling. I love these both!!!

Thank you for sharing!!!

As they reached the door, Muffins patted her on the head. "You'll do great," she whispered.

Muffins, the patter of sad souls.

Now I'm kind of interested how these three girls came to be friends, but there won't be probably an extra fic for this. Nice start of the sequel :twilightsmile:

"I still don't get why Mistress Mare-velous's evil sister thought tricking the Power Ponies into thinking Hum-Drum was leaking all their secrets on the internet was such a brilliant plan," Apple Bloom mused.

Time to put this story into an Anon-a-Miss group folder and see the chaos evolve :pinkiecrazy:

"And furthermore, I did not appreciate having my superlative change from 'Most Likely to Invent Cold Fusion' to 'Most Likely to Instigate a Cybernetic Apocalypse'…"

Five years later, as robots were taking over the world, Scootaloo leaned over Micro Chips' ear and whispered: Told you so.

Sunset finally forced herself past the dark cloud and reached out, but the second her fingers made contact with the other girl, Wallflower drew back, curling tighter into fetal position. "No! P-please don't! I don't want you to see my thoughts right now! They're... they're too..." And tears flooded her face as she broke down.

Honestly, if there was a person who would be able to read my past and current thoughts at will, I would make sure to keep distance. It's a creepy power if you think about it :twilightoops:

But oof, you pointed out well the heaviness of the usage of the memory stone. It has so much implications…

And the emotional talk was… emotional. Yep, I'm so creative in words :twilightsheepish:

Me and You, You and Me

Why don't we see who is better?
We don't have to be one and the same thing…
Wait, wrong characters.

"Even you mostly left me alone those first years at school.

"For a little while," she went on, "…"

I know the fic has been edited and there probably weren't these open quotations previously, but seeing the "missing end quotation" to signal that the speech is still going on, but later on an insert being used to remind who is speaking, threw me of the reading flow several times. I guess it still works when action tags are being used, but in cases like these where the sentence is being interrupted, it's kind of a hinderance :twilightsheepish:

Wallflower was trying to process this huge volume of information.

Mainly how Princi… Princess Celestia was supposed to move the sun. How was that supposed to work? Oh, right, the emotional talk… :pinkiecrazy:

She grasped Sunset's hand and placed it on her own forehead. "Maybe you should feel me , instead. Feel who I am."

That's somehow beautiful. Still creepy, but beautiful nonetheless

"So..." Wallflower asked. "What did you see, exactly?"

Sunset: So, about that fetish you have… Sorry, had to make the joke :twilightsheepish:

And that concludes the opening up and clearing themselves of Sunset and Wallflower. I like how it was both similar yet different from each other, and how much thought was put into this. Definitely a thought through fic about something the special treated kind of too lightly. :twilightsmile:

"I try not to think about the physics of that stuff. Or about physics."

"Is that what you wrote on your final?"

She wrote "Considering how much has happened over the last years, considering how I can run at the speed of sound, science should stop torturing me with their equations, as the question of what the equation of speed is can be easily answered with: Magic."

Sunset nodded, smiling. "And I'll text back. I promise."

And now it became a more believable forgiveness and Sunset becoming friends with Wallflower. Power of fanfictions :ajsmug:

Wallflower's tree of friendship.

And Sunset found a thread extending from the tree, and when she followed it, she realized it was taking her all the way to the center, to the memory at the very heart of it. A part of her already knew what would be inside, but she opened it anyway.

"Everyone matters, Wallflower. No matter how insignificant or invisible they feel."

This imagery makes me wonder what Sunset's mindscape would look like. Maybe something like flickering flame and the image of Twilight's outstretched hand being the center.

'Let it ra-a-a-ain' and now I've got it stuck in my head again.:derpytongue2:

Awesome work on both of these!

Something I adore about this chapter is Sunset acknowledging how her own feelings took a backseat in favor of forgiving her friends. They all 180'd on her, only for all of them to 180 once again 3 days later and anyone in that position would be terrified of losing everything again, and would feel (unintentionally) pressured to accept any amount of apologizing, even at the expense of ignoring the gaping emotional wound that'd leave.

Excellent work on that bit! :heart:

(More somberly, she'd noted her mother had no recollection of such an incident ever occurring.)

oof! but yeah, i’d’ve been tempted to do the same at her age lol

Rarity was the only one she felt treated her like a functioning human being; they'd developed a more organic acquaintanceship, though discomfort could quickly ensue if the topic of discussion led Rarity to an anecdote involving her core friends.

oof that is quite some discomfort!

Muffins mimed playing a guitar. "Great point," Roseluck added, "she literally made a whole song about exactly that!"

hehe, very useful that the characters express their character developments in song form

Sunset's phone buzzed as she fumbled with the keys to the yearbook room, the door in even more desperate need of repair a year later. It was Rarity.

dang just where is this school’s door repair budget?

"First off," Scootaloo replied, "that's not an actual rule; second off, that's not an officially recognized school club; third, it's the Rainbooms Fan Club."

it would be a bit strange for the school to officially recognize a fan club for some of its students

Sunset swallowed. Her hands tensed. She knew now was when she had to do it, as the last of the worker bees filed out of the room with the boxes. She'd asked for this. It was time to follow through. To reconcile. To end the nightmares. To build a happier future, possibly for both of them.

dang both of them are dreading this convo!

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you," Sunset responded. "I figured you could hear me climbing over the seats—I didn't realize you hadn't noticed me."
"Huh," Wallflower said, the ghost of a smirk on her face. "Isn't that a change of pace."


Sunset finally forced herself past the dark cloud and reached out, but the second her fingers made contact with the other girl, Wallflower drew back, curling tighter into fetal position. "No! P-please don't! I don't want you to see my thoughts right now! They're... they're too..." And tears flooded her face as she broke down.

oh yeah, definitely an understandable reaction to a mind-reader. honestly, Sunset has some interrogation to do herself about the ethics of using her stone-enabled magic powers!

"I fell into that crater, once," Wallflower replied, without turning her head. "It was dumb. Like that one doofy guy on the park services show. I didn't get hurt or anything, it was just embarrassing. Well, it would've been embarrassing if anyone had cared."

very Wallflower event and thoughts

"There's nothing wrong with graphic design, or anything," Wallflower said. "It's just odd to me, knowing, like, who you are and where you're from and stuff. To think of you in a regular old job like that."

so true actually, that is how i feel as well

"When I first came from... the other world," Sunset continued, "there was a moment where I genuinely thought I had died. That I was in some kind of personal, ironic purgatory. I think it's mostly because I started seeing all these counterparts of people I knew from my homeworld, but in these strange bodies I didn't recognize. Especially Principal Celestia. That was what really made me think this was some kind of punishment; even in this other realm, I couldn't escape the image of the mentor I'd deserted."

very reasonable conclusion actually. that must have really been a trip for a literal child to go through!

"I've been trying to get your attention for, like, half the song."

one of the best lines from the show or whatever

And as she left, Wallflower started to beam, her lips reshaping into a genuine smile.

aww, friendship!

"Wallflower," Raspberry replied, "it looks fantastic!" Muffins nodded firmly in agreement. The grey girl pulled out a sunflower hairclip, similar in style to those on Wallflower's skirt, and handed it to her.

aww, so that’s where she got that!

"Wallflower," Sunset said sharply. "Do you think I don't know how it is to feel that way? Whether I like it or not, my life would not be what it is now if I hadn't ended up in that crater.

aww, they do have that in common!

"Still, though," Sunset mused. "At that speed, shouldn't that have disintegrated all your bones or something?"

"I try not to think about the physics of that stuff. Or about physics."

so true. why is Sunset going on about that egghead stuff, Rainbow is clearly fine!

Rarity opened her mouth to respond, but all that came out was a series of scoffing noises and indecipherable gibberish.

aww why is she making Rarity noises?

"Us?" Sunset replied. "We, well... the Rainbooms actually got an offer to perform this year, which was awesome, but we had to turn it down. Some of us are just gonna be too far away for it to work out," she said, motioning to Rarity.

oof, a lot of changes coming!

"Zephyr Heights is a bit much of a distance for me to travel for just a weekend, I'm afraid," Rarity noted. "But..."

oh this was written after G5 came out? where is my sense of time

And she strode off to find Rarity and Rainbow Dash, feeling as assured in herself as she'd ever been.

aww, glad she is in a better place now! there's definitely a lot of guilt to get over based on the implied sheer amount of memories Wallflower destroyed in all those around her, and it takes a lot more to do that than a clasped hand and an uplifting montage.

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