• Member Since 15th May, 2019
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago




It's been 10 long years since Cozy Glow was turned to stone and now, Princess Twilight Sparkle has decided to turn her back to flesh and keep her well contained to see if she can see the error of her ways. In order to reform her, Twilight Sparkle employs Trixie, the guidance counselor at the School of Friendship in order to interview her and convert her to the correct line of thinking. What follows is the meetings between the two ponies.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 19 )

Very interesting idea to have Trixie be the one to reform Cozy although I did find it a bit silly that it took only five days to make so much progress. I did like to way Cozy's backstory and the way she and Trixie dealt with it happened throughout the days.

There’s a knock on Trixie’s office door. “Come in!” she says sitting at her desk and then the door opens revealing two unicorn soldiers escorting an off white Pegasus filly.

Shouldn't she be pink?

And Trixie smiles and says, “Of course Cozy Glow! You’re my friend and I love you!” Trixie then looks at her papers and says, “5 days! I even amaze myself sometimes!” And Cozy Glow then says, “Huh?” And Trixie says, “Oh nothing!”

I like how Trixie still has her ego intact.

Overall, I enjoyed this story quite a bit. Its always nice to have more Cozy Glow fanfics like this.

This is really nice. It actually touched on a lot of the points I plan to make if I write a fanfiction about Cozy Glow. The writing seemed a little bit awkward in places, but that's probably just because you're relatively new. Keep it up and you'll be great soon enough.

Well truth be told, this is a catharsis exercise and is all part of my "homemade therapy routine." Cozy Glow is a metaphor for me and what she experienced, I experienced a very long time ago... I'll probably drop chapter 2 tomorrow so just wait! There's more!

Very cute chapter. Nice to see Cozy starting to make friends.

Before I read this, I must know: Why just Cozy Glow, and not Tirek and Chrysalis?

Well truth be told, this project is actually a therapy exercise for me and the story is filled with metaphors. Cozy Glow is probably the best metaphor for me all things considered. Trixie on the other hand, is a metaphor for ponies, Starshine is a metaphor for other bronies, and taking over Equestria is actually my metaphor for suicide... She wanted power over Equestria and I wanted power over life and death...

Heartwarming and wholesome!

Trixy as Cozy's mother is certainly unique. Cute chapter!

Trixie adopting Cozy Glow was surprising, but in a good way! I definitely can't wait to see how things turn out in the next chapter.

And I totally don't ship Cozy Glow and Starshine. No way. Their just two best friends, that's all right? hehe :)
There so adorable together though!

Um... How does killing yourself give you "power over life and death?"

Well I wanted one power specifically in that regard. That is the power to end my own life. We each wanted a specific power that we shouldn't have... And we both wanted it for the same reason as well. So we wouldn't have to worry about anymore problems.

This whole season was messed up. It has to be revised by good writers like McCarthy and Rogers.

Trixie and Cozy fit oddly well together.

She responds, “Well I colored for awhile before a nap. Then I had dinner. They brought me hay burgers. They just slide it under the door and don’t really enter? I guess that’s because I’m bad huh?”

That's one big hole in the door I guess

Well in retrospect, I maybe should've been more specific? I could've used a "doggy door" of sorts for that or maybe there happened to be a big gap there? Still, it's an extraneous detail at best and I'd say it's good as is!

To be fair I would have thought about the prison door that opens and closes shut on the demand. But since she is under the house arrest the doggy door is not that secure as she is 10 years old and a pony. Whether or not they want it the other ponies would be forced to interact with her.

What about Tirek and Chrysalis? Do they get reformed too?

(As it just so happens, I'm working on my stories right now and noticed your comment!)

Truth be told, this was a therapy exercise for me. I could hypothetically use Tirek and Chrysalis to tackle other issues in my life, but there's currently no plan to do that...

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