• Published 1st Oct 2020
  • 490 Views, 19 Comments

Election in Ponyville 3: Destiny at Stake - StormLuna

Amethyst Star is readying herself for a third term and is hoping to push Ponyville in a way that the old traditions would never return. After Amethyst's historic win in the primary, is it too late for the traditionalists?

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Interview Scheduling

It was early August and in Manehattan, Sunny Flames was in her office making appointments with mayoral candidates across the country to interview them. Even though a lot of the candidates seemed lackluster to her and she wasn't thrilled to have to go and interview them, it was something ENC had been doing since its founding in 1996.

Finally when Sunny got to getting ready to call Amethyst Star, she became a bit more enthusiastic. While Amethyst was not very friendly when she scheduled her appointment four years ago, she hoped that she would be friendlier. She picked up the phone and said, "Well, let's hope she is friendlier this time."

Scheduling Amethyst's Interview

It was early in the afternoon in Ponyville. That afternoon Amethyst had received an application for a permit for a night club to go into Ponyville. As she was looking over the application, she noticed that it was UniClub that was applying for it. She knew that it was a sister company to UniSleep Inns and Suites and was owned by unicorns. Without paying much more attention to it, she automatically approved it. She said to herself, "Sweet, another business owned by unicorns wants to come in!"

Less than a minute after approving it, she got a phone call,

"Mayor's office, this is Amethyst Star speaking."

"Hi Amethyst, this is Sunny Flames and I'm wondering when you'd want to do your interview?"

*chuckles* "I was wondering when you were going to call to do this!"

"Well I was thinking maybe we could do it not this Saturday but the following Saturday. Given that the mayoral ticket there wasn't complete until the very end of July, I wanted to give you and your opponent more time to get ready."

"Yeah, next Saturday sounds good. Sea Swirl and I have plans for this weekend but next weekend is good."

"Alright, so what time would be good?"

"How about three? That way my wife and I can get lunch ate and I will have time to get everything set up."

*chuckles* "Always the one to be prepared I see."

*chuckles back* "You know it! Now I probably better get going. I have to get a letter sent off to UniClub letting them know I'm approving their application for a permit here."

"Another unicorn owned business coming in?"

"Yep, I'll tell you more when you come to visit."

"Alright, talk to you then Amethyst."

"See you then Sunny, bye."


After hanging up, Amethyst was more than ready to do her interview. One thing she couldn't wait to tell Sunny was that she had approved several more business permits, permits for businesses owned by unicorns. She snickered, "She is going to be thrilled, as will all the other unicorns! Give it time and we'll have a 70% unicorn population here!"

Scheduling Twilight's Interview

After scheduling Amethyst's interview, Sunny readied herself to call Twilight. She had a sense of nervousness as she prepared to call her. Given that Twilight was royalty, she wondered if she was going to have to be transferred multiple times just to be able to talk to her. As she dialed the number she sighed, "Well here we go."

It was in the afternoon when the phone rang in Twilight's castle. The phone rang several times before it was finally picked up,

"Hello, who is this?"

"Is this Princess Twilight?"

"Yes, but who are you?"

"I'm Sunny Flames from ENC and I'm calling to schedule an interview with you. I have already scheduled an interview with your opponent for next Saturday afternoon and I'm wondering if that day would be good for you?"

*sighs* "Not really but I guess it is going to have to be, isn't it? So what time is Amethyst's appointment?"

"It is at three in the afternoon. I am wondering if it would be ok if I came over right after I'm done with her."

*sighs in frustration* "Yes, I'll have to clear out my schedule because I did have plans with my friends."

"Alright, that sounds like a plan. I'll come over to do your interview after I'm done with Amethyst."



Twilight sighed in frustration after she hung up the phone. She was not thrilled that Sunny didn't even seem to care that she had plans with her friends. She couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't just do it on the Sunday after but then it crossed her mind, "She is letting Amethyst dictate all of this! It is all about Amethyst all the time with just about everypony, especially that Sunny Flames!" She then let out a yell, "Ugh, why can't they just do a phone interview with me or something? Why can't they realize I'm not available all the time!"