• Published 1st Oct 2020
  • 490 Views, 19 Comments

Election in Ponyville 3: Destiny at Stake - StormLuna

Amethyst Star is readying herself for a third term and is hoping to push Ponyville in a way that the old traditions would never return. After Amethyst's historic win in the primary, is it too late for the traditionalists?

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Royal Endorsements

Princess Celestia had been keeping track of the elections across the country more than normal that year. Throughout numerous communities, candidates with views similar to Amethyst seemed to be much more popular, particularly in the cities back east where the debt was affecting them adversely, even with aid from the government.

This was something that had attracted attention across the country as it was unprecedented that Princess Celestia would come out and pay that much attention to it. When word reached the news networks across the country, they wanted to do interviews with her. Out of all of them though, Equestria News Channel was by far the most interested and even went as far as to schedule a televised interview with her, one that the princess gladly accepted.

When it was two weeks prior to election day, ENC had set things up for Princess Celestia's interview on their evening newscast. When the time finally came, Hard News began, "Good evening Equestria and welcome to a special edition of Politics Equestria. Tonight we will be interviewing Princess Celestia as for the first time in Equestrian history, she will be endorsing candidates."

The screen then split as the cameras began to roll in Canterlot. On one side was Hard News and on the other side was the princess.

"Princess Celestia, it is good to have you with us this evening."


"As we have notified everycreature, this will be the first time you have ever endorsed a candidate, much less multiple candidates. Why are you endorsing candidates this time anyway?"

"I am endorsing candidates because across the country, there are multiple candidates running that have views similar to those of Amethyst Star of Ponyville. I believe that if I endorse these candidates, we will have fewer communities running deficits and thus, less reliant on federal funding."

"I am not sure exactly but do you think that these other candidates across the country have a chance of winning because of what Amethyst Star has done in Ponyville? Do you think that perhaps these other cities are ready to throw outdated and costly traditions in the trash in favor of things such as weather mages and privately funded festivals?"

"I do and I couldn't be more thrilled. I believe that if these reformist candidates get elected, the quality of life in these other communities where they are running will improve dramatically. The lives of those in Ponyville are far better than they were eight years ago and I think these other communities want the same."

"Alright, so what candidates are you endorsing and why?"

"Well in Manehattan I am endorsing Smart Money because he discovered that there is a lot of corruption in the current city government and wants to fix things. He exposed the fraud to the citizens there and I am endorsing him so that those problems can be fixed and the city won't continue to run the biggest deficit in the country."

"Who else?"

"I am also endorsing Cloudbuster in Fillydelphia. Out of the major cities back east, they are the city that has been stuck in the past the most and it is just now that the ponies there are seeing their current situation for what it is. While other cities back east have hired mages, Fillydelphia has not and I know that if elected, Cloudbuster will move the city forward and improve the quality of life for everypony there."

"Who else?"

"I am also endorsing Blazing Glory in Baltimare. Baltimare, much like Manehattan, has a lot of corruption in their current situation and he too has exposed it. The citizens there deserve better and they certainly don't deserve to have their tax money being stolen by their current mayor for his own personal expenses. Blazing Glory is promising reform and I for one believe he will follow through on those promises."

"Anypony else?"

"I am also endorsing Swift Vision up in Vanhoover because their current mayor is doing absolutely nothing to help the city. He is basically taking all the tax money up there and funneling it into a 'rainy day fund.' Right now, the streets are in terrible shape, the schools are run down and their teachers are paid less than those in the small earth pony communities further south. If you ask me that is inexcusable. Swift Vision is promising to fix that and I am taking him at his word."

"Anypony else?"

*gives a huge smile* "Yes. I am also endorsing Amethyst Star in Ponyville. Before she took over eight years ago, they were drowning in debt. I'm sure your head political reporter could tell you this but things have improved dramatically down there. Amethyst Star got rid of municipal property taxes, she lowered the business taxes and while she did institute a sales tax, it was met well and has aided the community so much they now have actual streets.

She also got a casino referendum passed and that helped Ponyville further. The taxes collected off of casino winnings is aiding their schools significantly and what is very important to me is that as of right now, Ponyville is the only community in all of Equestria running surpluses. They have not had to ask me for funding for anything since Amethyst's first year in office when she inherited her predecessor's mountain of debt. I know that if she is re-elected, things in Ponyville will continue to get even better."

"You seem to really like Amethyst and what she has done in Ponyville."

"I do. She took what many called a backwater town that most ponies couldn't find on a map and transformed it into an economic powerhouse. It won't be long until they even have a factory there and thanks to her, it is close to topping Las Pegasus as the number one tourist destination in Equestria! How could anypony not want her to win a third term?"

"Princess Celestia, as everycreature knows, Princess Twilight Sparkle, who was once your protege, is running against Amethyst Star. Some may wonder why you would formally endorse your former protege's opponent."

"I am not endorsing Twilight because it has been discovered that the only reason she even ran for mayor was to make a traditionalist friend of hers happy. If you ask me, that is not the kind of pony that I would vote for. Twilight may be the Princess of Friendship and think she is doing the friendly thing but judging by her answers during her summer interview and her answers at the fall debate, it is clear that she really doesn't understand everything that goes into governing a city."

"Alright Princess, we would like to thank you for your time this evening."

"The pleasure is all mine."

The cameras went black in Canterlot and Hard News continued, "Well Equestria, there you have it. Princess Celestia has made her endorsements and it appears as though she wants to see reformist policies sweep across Equestria." He paused for a moment before continuing, "After the commercial break, we will be interviewing Fast Money, the chief financial analyst of the Manehattan Times over what would happen if reformist policies spread beyond Ponyville."

Amethyst's Reaction

In Ponyville, the two candidates watched the special interview with vastly different opinions. Amethyst and Sea Swirl watched the interview with huge smiles on their faces. Surprisingly it was not Amethyst who was the most enthused, it was Sea Swirl. She hugged Amethyst and exclaimed, "Did you see that sweetie? Princess Celestia showered you with so much praise. I know come election day, you're going to absolutely crush Twilight!"

Amethyst gave her a chuckle, "Now now Sea Swirl. What did you tell me during the last two election cycles? You told me to never act like I already have it in the bag!"

"Oh I know" laughed Sea Swirl, "but this time you do! If she could, I could see Celestia ascending you and making you Ponyville's mayor forever!"

Amethyst returned the laugh, "Unless she ascended you too, no way would I agree to that!"

The two shared another laugh before Sea Swirl replied, "Oh I can only imagine how Twilight must be reacting to this if she watched it, I bet she is livid right now!"

"Or hurt." Amethyst suggested. "Celestia was like a second mother to her for so long and I could see this really hurting her feelings." Amethyst became more upbeat and continued, "But what matters though is whether or not creatures will take her advice."

Sea Swirl exclaimed, "And if they do, you could get all but one vote." Her laughing became hysterical as she added, "And what if Twilight forgot to vote or she was so distraught over anything that she accidentally voted for you? Just think, you could become the first candidate to win 100% of the vote!"

Amethyst broke down laughing, "Only in my dreams sweetie but I will admit, I think that would be sweet!"

The two again broke down laughing over the very thoughts of that. While Amethyst would never come out and say it, not even to Sea Swirl, she knew that she was going to humiliate Twilight with the whole nation watching. She then began to wonder if perhaps Princess Celestia herself would show up to her watch party.

Twilight's Reaction

Twilight too was watching in her castle and was feeling two emotions after seeing how Celestia not only said that she didn't understand what it took to run a city but also how she praised Amethyst and was endorsing reformist candidates across the country.

She first went on a rant to Spike, "Spike, I can't believe it. Princess Celestia is basically advocating discarding tradition everywhere! Why in Equestria would she want to change the country so much? Why is it that fiscal responsibility is all she cares about? Does she really think of tradition as that unimportant now?"

Spike replied, "Twilight, maybe she is just sick and tired of having communities drowning in debt and owing the bank so much money?"

Twilight let out a scream, "No! I know what it is! It is all because of Amethyst and her fiscal reform and what makes me madder is that Princess Celestia seems to love Amethyst like she is her own daughter! 'Oh Amethyst has done so much for Ponyville, oh everypony is doing so much better with her, oh Ponyville will have a factory, oh Ponyville will be the number one tourist destination in Equestria."


Twilight then broke down into tears, "I don't get it Spike. I was her protege, she practically raised me, she was like a second mother to me but she goes and endorses my opponent." Her cries became louder, "I feel betrayed Spike. I thought she would always be there for me and always support me...." she then became angry again, "but she supports Amethyst Star, Amethyst Star! She supports the pony who destroyed tradition and wants to ultimately make Ponyville unicorn only....UNICORN ONLY!"

Spike said, "Twilight, Amethyst never said anything about only wanting unicorns here."

"It is her business policies Spike! Don't you see how it is unicorn owned businesses that are coming in all the time! It is her goal, make it to where only unicorns can turn profits here. A day will come when all the farms sell out, every home will be made of brick, UniBiz will own everything and I wouldn't be surprised if Celestia ascends her, kicks me out of my castle and makes Amethyst the Princess of Ponyville!"

Spike became very concerned over Twilight's sudden conspiracies, "Twilight, I don't think that will come to pass. Yes Celestia likes Amethyst for what she has done regarding Ponyville but she's not going to do all that. You have nothing to worry about."

This caused Twilight to calm down a bit, "Oh you're right. I just hope that ponies will think about tradition and put that ahead of keeping Amethyst's plan of making sure tradition never returns."