• Published 1st Oct 2020
  • 491 Views, 19 Comments

Election in Ponyville 3: Destiny at Stake - StormLuna

Amethyst Star is readying herself for a third term and is hoping to push Ponyville in a way that the old traditions would never return. After Amethyst's historic win in the primary, is it too late for the traditionalists?

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General Election Day

Election day had arrived in Equestria and for the third consecutive election cycle, Sunny Flames, the most popular and well known news personality in all of Equestria was in Ponyville again. Ponyville had become a regular destination for her when it came to politics thanks to Amethyst Star and her reformist beliefs.

When Sunny and her crew arrived that morning, she noticed that the crowd around the polling station nearest to the train station was not as large as normal. "Huh?" she thought, "Are creatures not that excited anymore?"

She began to walk around the city and noticed why. She saw that Ponyville had three separate polling stations instead of one. This made her happy as it was yet another sign that it was growing in the way that Amethyst had been hoping for. Soon she would get a notification that they would be going live very shortly so she and her crew set up shop outside of the primary polling place.

Once they got set up and went live Sunny began, "Hello Equestria. I'm Sunny Flames and I'm bringing you live election coverage from Ponyville. While elections in Ponyville have become interesting, this time it is especially so because not only is Princess Twilight running but Princess Celestia has also endorsed the incumbent, Amethyst Star."

In Manehattan Hard News asked, "So have the creatures there been talking about that? Does it look like Princess Celestia's endorsement will guarantee Amethyst a victory?"

Sunny replied, "Many creatures have been talking about it and the big thing they are discussing is why Princess Celestia would go against who was once her protege in favor of Amethyst." She then saw one of the candidates exiting the polling station and led her crew over to her. She approached her and asked, "Amethyst, I know what you'll likely say but who do you think will win today?"

Amethyst gave her a smile and replied, "I know I'm deviating from the norm but I think I'm going to win and I'm going to win big."

Sea Swirl was with her and added, "It is about time you come out and admit you're going to win!"

Sunny asked, "Amethyst, I am not sure if you will make a call on this but I have heard some ponies predicting that not only will you win, but that this will be the biggest rout in Equestrian election history."

Amethyst replied, "I'm sorry Sunny but I'm not going to go that far. I already admitted that I think I'll win but margin of victory is something I won't make a call on."

Sea Swirl said, "Come on Amethyst, who is going to vote for Twilight? Her, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Breaking News? You know that even some of her friends are on your side!"

Amethyst would be quick to stop her from continuing, "Sea Swirl, you know how I feel about some things! The margin of victory isn't as important as saving the city from a traditionalist is." She then turned to Sea Swirl and added, "Well we better get to work, we can't be late getting city hall opened."

As they headed off, Hard News commented, "Well it looks like Amethyst finally decided to make a call on the election."

Sunny replied, "I wondered if she ever would." Sunny then began to look around in the crowd to find someone to interview. She finally found a minotaur, one that ran last time. She approached him and asked, "Iron Will, I know you were defeated by Amethyst four years ago when you ran on a mix of a traditionalist and reformist platform. Who did you vote for and who do you think will win?"

Iron Will replied, "Iron Will voted for Amethyst Star because Iron Will knows that Twilight Sparkle is only running as a favor for a friend and Iron Will is certain that Amethyst Star will win and win big."

"Alright, thank you for your time."

In Manehattan Hard News commented, "It appears as though Iron Will is very confident that his opponent from four years ago will get a third term."

"He does and I can see why. He knows that Amethyst is extremely popular and that Twilight's admission she is doing this for a friend pretty much buried her."

"I do think that is the case." Sunny then went through the crowd and saw a brown earth pony that she had dealt with plenty in the past, Breaking News. While it would likely go against what most reporters would do, she couldn't help but go and talk to him. She approached him and asked, "Sir, may I have a moment of your time."

Breaking News yelled, "No you can not! I already know you're going to go asking who I voted for and who I think will win. I know you're going to rub it in my face how everypony just adores Amethyst Star and bring up how she will kill Twilight tonight."

Sunny said, "Well that happened."

Hard News chuckled, "You couldn't help but go and antagonize him could you?"

Sunny had a smile on her face, "Well I wouldn't call it antagonizing, just information seeking." She then saw Twilight leaving the polling station and continued, "Twilight Sparkle has now left the polling station."

She approached her and asked, "Princess Twilight, I'm sure you voted for yourself but who do you think won the election today?"

Twilight was less than thrilled to have to talk to Sunny. She sighed, "Look Sunny Flames, I'm pretty sure you and your reformist buddies back at ENC are gloating over who will likely win so I'm not even going to bother answering your question."

Sunny replied, "Very well, you have a good day."

Sunny got a notification that it was time to move on to coverage elsewhere. "Well Equestria, that is all the time that we have for now in Ponyville. I will be reporting here tonight when the results are available."

When the cameras went black, Sunny and her crew headed towards the Sky Needle to grab a bite to eat before preparing for the results to be announced that night. As she was headed to get something to eat, she bumped into somepony she certainly did not expect to run into, Princess Celestia.

When she saw her she bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I certainly didn't expect to see you here!"

Celestia replied, "Well I did endorse Amethyst and I figured that I'd come to her watch party. After all, I do want to be here for the third straight victory of the best mayor in Equestria's history."

Sunny gave her a smile and asked, "So are you going to be introducing her as the winner tonight when she wins?"

Celestia replied, "You know, that is a good idea! For now though, I really want to go up and get a bite to eat."

Sunny said, "Well that is where my crew and I are headed so we can go up together."

As she and her crew accompanied Celestia up to the restaurant, Sunny was thrilled. She knew that Amethyst was likely going to win by a huge margin but given the fact that not only did Celestia endorse her but even came down to Ponyville, that Amethyst's rout was going to be one of epic proportions.

The Results

That night it took much longer than it used to for all the ballots to be counted in Ponyville. It was not until after nine that the cameras would start rolling. When they finally did Sunny began, "Good evening Equestria! I'm Sunny Flames and I'm here in Ponyville at Amethyst Star's watch party."

The cameras then came on outside of Twilight's castle and Written Script said, "And I'm Written Script here at Princess Twilight's watch party."

Hard News first decided to address Written Script, "So how would you say things are at Twilight's watch party."

The cameras showed the gathering and then panned back to Written Script, "Well Twilight is out mingling with the ponies here but there might only be twenty to thirty ponies here at most. Things are not looking good for the princess at all."

The focus then shifted to Amethyst's watch party where Sunny was reporting. Hard News said, "And now we go to Sunny Flames at Amethyst's watch party." He paused for a moment before continuing, "It looks like quite the different scene outside of the Sky Needle."

At the Sky Needle, music was blaring, food and cider was being served and the crowd was huge. Sunny replied, "It is. Four years ago the crowd was good sized but I'm guessing that there are well in excess of one thousand attendees here. The crowd seems confident and like it was four years ago, the crowd is singing over the lyrics, changing them to ones that glorify Amethyst."

Hard News commented, "While in other communities, both watch parties look fairly similar but judging by the two parties there, it is apparent that....." Hard News got the signal that the results were in. He continued, "And now for the results of the Ponyville election. To give those results, we go to Princess Celestia in Ponyville."

Princess Celestia was up on the stage that had been set up for Amethyst to go out onto. She announced, "This has been a rather interesting election given everything that has happened but here we go." She also decided to do things a bit differently given the situation, "In the Ponyville general election, Princess Twilight received 26 vote and Amethyst Star received 1,130 votes! The winner of the Ponyville election is Amethyst Star!"

The crowd roared loudly and fireworks began to be shot off from the top of the Sky Needle and from the ground. When she saw this, Amethyst came out onto the stage and yelled, "Give me a HEY YEAH Ponyville!"

The crowd yelled, "Hey yeah!"

Amethyst stood side by side by Celestia and when the crowd quieted down she began, "I remember eight years ago when I filed with Princess Celestia, nocreature thought that this could ever happen! Nocreature thought I could win, much less modernize Ponyville but together we did it!" She pumped her hoof skywards and yelled, "Give me another HEY YEAH!"

The crowd roared, "Hey yeah!"

Princess Celestia then spoke up, "I too remember when Amethyst filed I had a feeling that she couldn't defeat who was then a popular incumbent but just look at things now, Ponyville is a powerhouse and Amethyst is by far the best mayor in Equestrian history!"

Amethyst added, "And there is no way I could have done it without all of you!" She paused for a moment before continuing, "And I have even greater news! Just today I approved a permit application from Equestria News Channel to come to Ponyville so once they get their headquarters built, we'll be a news powerhouse too!"

The crowd again began to cheer and then the focus went back to Sunny who was beyond happy, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh Hard News! We're moving to Ponyville! Oh I'm so happy!"

Hard News broke down laughing on the air, "Now Sunny, I know you're happy but you have to remain professional here AND you can't just go fan filly over Amethyst Star."

Sunny calmed down before continuing, "I know Hard News but I'm just so happy I'll get to live here."

Hard News realized that Sunny's sudden lack of professionalism could harm the network so the coverage switched over to Twilight's watch party. Hard News asked, "Written Script, so how would you say the ponies there have handled the news?"

Written Script replied, "I would say that they took the news fairly well because I think they knew how things would turn out, I am thinking though that they never expected the defeat to be this bad."

Twilight then began her speech, "Well everypony, I guess this is it. I guess this is proof that nopony who advocates tradition will ever stand a chance." She became more emotional, "And it is all because of Amethyst! She is making sure unicorns are the majority, unicorns from large cities who care nothing about traditions. I'm certain that" Twilight began to cry "that even Princess Celestia is happy. She was supposed to support me no matter what but not only does she endorse Amethyst but she showed up for her watch party!" She finally broke down, "I can't do this anymore, I just can't."

Twilight then rushed back into her castle and the focus returned to Written Script, "Hard News, I do think Twilight is right about one thing. I do think that traditionalists will no longer stand a chance in Ponyville."

Hard News then got a notification that the results were in down in Las Pegasus. He said, "More results are in and now we shift our attention to Las Pegasus where the results are in on a much closer election."

The cameras went black in Ponyville and while Written Script knew that he had to get post-results interviews done with both candidates. He figured that he would attempt to speak to Princess Twilight first because Amethyst's party would likely go on well into the night. As he approached her castle he sighed, "Well here goes nothing."