• Published 1st Jul 2020
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Beyond Me - Boopy Doopy

This isn't me. I am not this pony.

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Money Making

It was a couple of days later when I went over to Silver Spoon’s house to talk to her father, Golden Crest, about helping him out with whatever he did. From the way she explained it, he worked with precious metals, mining them and selling the materials to other ponies to turn into things like jewelry or to hold as a safekeeping measure for investments and currency. She knew a surprising amount about what went on with his business, and said that her father was expecting her to work in the field when she was older. She apparently wanted to be a jewelry maker and own a shop in Canterlot when she grew up.

I didn’t know if I was doing the right thing talking to her dad about this and trying to help him, especially given my motivations. I knew I was doing this out of spite, both for Filthy Rich and for Celestia, even though the latter told me I could talk to Golden Crest. She’d be nothing but upset if she learned about that. More than that though, it was definitely not Christ-like. I was letting how I felt fester, and I knew that wasn’t how I should have been living. At that point though, I couldn’t say I cared less that I was going out of my way to try and intentionally screw up whatever Filthy had going on. He had it coming.

“And besides,” I thought to myself as Silver and I walked to her home, “it’s not like I wouldn’t be doing this either way. It’s to help ponies, even if that help might hurt other ponies who were treating me with disrespect. It would be the same whether or not I met that stallion.”

Yeah, right. I knew I was making up excuses, but I wasn’t going to dwell on that fact. Instead, I pushed those thoughts aside and headed into her home.

Her house was, in a word, beautiful. It looked fancy, but not in a snobbish, pretentious sort of way. The living room was large and spacious with a few simple paintings on the wall and comfortable looking furniture. There was a stairwell leading upstairs, and a nice looking kitchen to the right of it, one that looked like it could be straight out of something on Earth. The ceilings were high and the whole place looked spotless, not a thing out of place. It was definitely well taken care of, and was probably the first example of a large, modern, suburbia looking home I’d seen in Equestria. I was impressed.

“Daddy!” Silver Spoon called as she and I stood in the doorway. “My friend Asher’s here! He’s the one who wants to help you with work!”

“Bring him on up here then!” the stallion called back from up the stairs. “What are you both standing down there for? I want to meet him!”

I followed behind Silver as we both started on up, and in a moment, we were standing in a simple looking office in front of a golden coated, black maned stallion in glasses. He had a little tie around his neck and papers in front of him in his hooves as he appeared to be reading over some report. He also had a smile on his face, a genuine one that made it seem like he was happy to see me. It made me smile in return.

“Ah, you’re the little foal that Filthy Rich has gotten his panties in a twist over,” he said as he stood up to shake my hoof. “I already know your name, but why don’t we introduce ourselves formally, young colt? Err, filly? You look like a filly to me.”

“I’m a colt,” I said quickly. “It’s a long story.”

“Alrighty then, young man,” he said without a moment’s hesitation, making me smile even wider. “My name is Golden Crest, although Silver Spoon probably told you all about that already. I specialize in precious metals as you know, although I have a side venture in investments into other companies. My wife, Platinum Plate, is in the jewelry business, and owns shops all over Equestria.”

He didn’t have an accent, but the way he talked reminded me of a southern business owner. He’d already proven himself to be kind and polite in two minutes, and sounded like he was genuinely happy to see me. It was an amazing change of pace from the way I’d been treated by these ponies for the last few months.

“And what about you, sugar? Or, I’m sorry, young man? What do you do?”

“My name is Asher, and I’m a business major,” I said with a smile, happy with his use of the correct pronouns on me. “I’m working on my Master’s degree in Business Administration– err, I was– and… I got my cutie mark helping out Applejack with her finances, I guess? They were all out of order when I took a look at them, and I helped her straighten them out.” I paused for a second before adding, “And then madness ensued, apparently.”

“So I heard. With how upset Filthy Rich was, you’d have thought the world ended and he had to file for bankruptcy. But just between you and me, he can be a pain in my flank to deal with, you know what I mean? But that’s a side point. It sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders there, and some experience already. What do you say about helping me take a look at what I could be doing better?”

“Sure, where should I start? Are you having any issues with anything? I’m not an expert in precious metals or investment strategies, but I can try and lend out what knowledge I might have.”

He had me sit down next to him at his desk as he explained what was going on and what exactly he was looking for, Silver Spoon smiling and standing next to us as he did. She seemed happy that things were going well, and apparently knew what her father did well enough to chip in some information about the way things were run.

Golden Crest was great to talk to, if only because he treated me like an adult. He didn’t have the patronizing tone everyone else did, and spoke to me like I was a peer rather than just a little girl. I appreciated it, and returned the favor with the advice that I gave him on what he could be doing better as he talked about what he was looking to do to increase profits.

Apparently, he wanted to congratulate the ponies he employed for the hard work they put in to mine for him with raises across the board, but didn’t know where the money would come from to do so without eating into his own profits. I couldn’t say I knew very much about how to maneuver the specific field of mining or forging metals, but I did offer that he could create profit by just simply increasing the price of goods rather than putting out sales events like he wanted to do. I told him that while it might work for most businesses, since luxury items like jewelry are normally bought by rich people who want to spend money, just putting out price increases shouldn’t hurt business since they’re in it for the expenses anyway. Either that, or he could invest into Sweet Apple Acres, since I knew Applejack would be making money if she kept doing what I told her.

“Mhm, I see,” he said thoughtfully, nodding his head as I explained it to him. “You’re quite the smart filly… I mean, colt. How did you learn about how to navigate consumer goods like this?”

“I went to college and worked in a restaurant,” I told him. “I’m not necessarily smart. It’s just what you learn when you’re going through school and on the job. I was on track to be the general manager of the place I worked at, and wanted to open my own store or restaurant if I could.”

“Well I certainly think you can with how you think on your hooves like this… do you really think ponies are gonna buy more if things are more expensive?”

“Not usually, but the point of getting jewelry and wedding gifts and such is to show how rich you are basically. If you’re buying somepony a ten thousand bit ring instead of a five thousand bit ring, then that means you love them more. Well, from an artificial, consumer standpoint anyway. It’s how human brains think… err, pony brains.”

“I see. Well, I certainly never would have thought of that, I’ll say. I’m definitely going to take your advice. I don’t see any flaws with it.”

“I think it should work, but if it doesn’t, then we’ll take a look and try to find out why and regroup from there.”

“I do think that would be a good strategy in this case,” he agreed. “Although why should we regroup when I could just hire you on now as my assistant?”

That got my attention. I certainly wasn’t expecting this after just my first meeting with the pony.

“You really want me to work with you?” I asked. “I mean, I will, but, like, really?”

“Absolutely, positively,” he assured me with a kind smile. “Like I said, you have a good head on your shoulders, and from the way Filthy is talking about you, you’ve certainly got the knowledge to take things by storm and change the way business is done, especially with your funny way of thinking about things. Not to mention, Silver here has been talking you up every night she’s been here. She just goes on and on about you at dinner, right sweetie?”

That made me blush, although not as deeply as Silver Spoon was. She nodded and looked away shyly, and the stallion continued, “I can’t think of one reason why I shouldn’t have you here and be getting your input. Better you’re here than in somepony else's hooves helping them out instead.”

“Well, I’m definitely not gonna say no,” I replied happily. “But just so you know, I’ve been helping Applejack out with her farm, and already told her I would be for a while. I’m not gonna be able to be here every day if that’s what you’re expecting.”

“Oh, no, of course not. I know you have things you want to do and a whole world of ponies out there to talk to, but I’d like to keep you on retainer if I can. You know, having you come in if I have an issue or just looking things over if need be. How does ten bits a week sound?”

“Uh, sure, that sounds great, but… really? You really want me to work for you?” I was still shocked by the offer.

He laughed at that and told me, “One hundred percent I’d like you to work for me. Maybe I could show you the ropes and teach you how to get a business up and running, or you could open up a jewelry shop someday and run that for me. I’m certain you’d make a lot of money.”

“Well, that sounds great! Although if I could, I’d like to be a politician.”

“Ah, big aspirations then!” he said heartily. “I’ve certainly got some connections in Canterlot I could talk to for you. Everypony out there is always looking for the next bright young mind to come running in and seize Equestria by the horns. I’m sure they’d love to have you on as an intern or understudy or something.”

“That sounds great!” I said excitedly. “I would definitely appreciate it if you talked me up! That would be amazing!”

He laughed again, saying, “I’ll be in ponies’ ears the next time I go out there, I assure you. For now though, I’ll let you run along and get back to your day. Thanks for stopping by, Asher.”

“Thank you for having me!”

With that, he shook my hoof and escorted me out, Silver Spoon next to me as I left. I was smiling ear to ear after that whole interaction, and she was, too.

“That was so good, Asher!” she said happily. “You did amazing! I told you he’d like it if you helped him.”

“That you did,” I replied as we walked. “Thank you. I really didn’t expect that to go so well, especially not after everything that’s happened so far. Things are actually looking up for me!”

“Mhm, I’m glad, too,” she said. “You’re always so smart. I had no doubt that he’d like you.”

“Well I absolutely thank you for introducing me to him,” I said, turning her way and smiling happily. She smiled back too, a wide, kind one that seemed sincere and I assumed was a sign of friendship. I could say I definitely appreciated having her as a friend.

“This is going great!” I thought as I closed my eyes to let out a breath. “Thank you, Lord. Thank you for finally giving me a piece of hope. I don’t know what–”

And then my prayer was interrupted when the filly was suddenly kissing me.

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