• Published 1st Jul 2020
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Beyond Me - Boopy Doopy

This isn't me. I am not this pony.

  • ...

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Past The Moon

We talked for a while about the holiday and what happened the day before, Rainbow and company laughing about yesterday's events before we finally got around to talking about the alcohol the four fillies had.

“You should’ve seen them, Asher,” Rainbow told me. “Sweet Celestia, they were causing so much trouble! Just ask Mrs. Cheerilee. I honestly can’t believe you guys were trying to hit on adults. It was hilarious!” I cringed a little bit to myself at that comment as she continued, “Not that you were any better, Asher. Don’t think I forgot about you saying that you were a colt. Or was it them? I can’t remember, but I still remember that it was said. That was the highlight of my day.”

“Well, it was me who said it, and I did because I am one, even if I don’t look like it…”

“Haha, there you go again! I think that’s funny, honestly! You really are a weird one, Asher.”

“No, he really is!” Sweetie Belle told her. “He’s from another world, and Princess Celestia is gonna come here to see him!”

“Oh I’m sure, and the head of the Wonderbolts is coming to visit me, too! I might have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night guys. It is a good try at a prank though, I’ll admit that much.”

I wondered if I should try to rephrase what I was saying to get the point across better, but all of a sudden I was feeling depressed by that idea. I realized I was going to have to do this for each and every person I came across, and that thought made me sad. It made me just want to lay down and give up on everything.

“Wait, don’t give me that face, it’s just a joke Asher. I’m sorry. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it’s not your fault,” I told her. “I just dislike the fact that I’m gonna have to explain to every single person… err, pony, I meet that I’m not a girl. I mean, I’ll do it, but it’s kind of depressing honestly.”

“Wait, you actually want to be called a boy? Why? That’s just gonna confuse ponies. Why would you want to do that?”

“Because I’m a boy… or, well, I’m not, but I actually am, and want to be called one. It’s complicated, but I don’t want to be called a girl. It would make me feel better if you at least humored me and said I was a boy.”

“And I know what the lesson is and want this to just end. I know where I was wrong at and will be better. Just please, God, please let this end. I just want to go home.”

"I don't see how you could possibly want to deal with that, honestly Asher. It just seems like a waste of time to me."

I honestly had to agree with Rainbow Dash on that. While I could see how bad it made me feel and probably how it made other people feel, I couldn’t see how anyone would ever want to deal with this. It seemed, or rather, it felt from my experience, like something that I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to deal with, and couldn’t really understand why anyone would go through the trouble if they could help it. I made a mental note to ask Caramel about it when I got the chance.

"Yeah, I don't see how anyone would want to deal with it either, but I do anyway," I said. "It's just so depressing to have to think about."

“I mean, I’ll call you whatever you want, dude,” Rainbow said. “I don't see why you would do that, but I'll call you a boy if you want. It doesn’t make any difference to me. If you- whoa! What are you-”

“Where is that filly?” a familiar voice echoed loudly behind me, one that made the hair on my neck stand up as I flinched reflexively. I turned around slowly and came face to face with the pony from last night, and although not nearly as scary looking tonight, lacking regalia and things, I couldn’t help but yelp and fall on my butt because of her.

“Don’t pick me up again!” I yelled as I backed away while she stood over me. “I don’t want to be dropped from the ceiling again! Don’t come near me!”

“I- we are quite sorry, little filly,” the mare started before I interrupted them. “We did not mean-”

“I’m not a filly! I’m a colt! I don’t want to be called that!” I told her as I realized I was on my back and quickly crossed my legs. I had to admit, I was more than a bit on edge right then, but this pony, Nightmare Moon, was the last person I’d expected to see right then. I could tell the sun was still raised from looking out the window, so I didn’t know what she was still doing here. As far as I knew and what she said, she wanted to make the night last forever. I thought Celestia said she was dealing with this, and I felt absolutely terrified about the idea that she was here again now.

And heights. I absolutely did not want to be picked up again. I couldn’t stand heights and these ponies were way too touchy and close and far to quick to just pick me up out of the blue. I hated it, especially the last time when she was screaming at me and dropped me on purpose. I didn’t want to cry, but I knew if she picked me up again, I was going to.

“Please just go away! I don’t want you to try and hurt me!”

“I’m so sorry,” she apologized as she took a step back, keeping her space, the four girls with me moving away from her as Lofty and Rainbow Dash looked ready to jump on top of her. “I- if it’s acceptable, I’d like to extend my formal apology to you all, especially you,” she said, looking directly at me. “My actions the previous night were not reflective of the pony I am, and- and… and I’m sorry for them.” She hung her head low in shame, and seemed genuinely apologetic, which surprised me. It was a stark contrast to what I saw last night, even her physical appearance looking different, but I decided that I would take it if it meant that she was done attacking and wouldn't pick me up again. Rainbow Dash and Lofty, however, seemed much more angry and reluctant.

“You know you could’ve hurt her- him, right?” Lofty reprimanded her angrily. “You cut these fillies all up, too. And look at Rainbow Dash! It’s lucky she caught Asher. You could’ve killed somepony!”

“That’s right!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “I can’t see how you can apologize to us after that! You belong in Tartarus after what you did! It’s not right!”

“I am so sorry for my behavior,” she apologized, her face almost to the floor. “You are absolutely right. I deserve to be locked in Tartarus, without your forgiveness. However, as undeserving as I am, I ask, if only for my sister’s sake, that you have forgiveness upon me.”

I had to admit, I was angry about what happened just as much as those two, but she did seem apologetic, and looked and sounded and acted differently now than she did back then. Not to mention, her bringing up Celestia reminded me again that this was her fault. She said she expected this to happen, so I knew she had a hand, er, hoof, in what happened last night and it wasn’t entirely this pony’s fault. Still, she should’ve known better than to act like that, but I decided to forgive her. I knew it was always better to forgive someone, especially if they asked for it.

“I- I forgive you,” I said, more quietly than I wanted to, “but please don’t do that again. I am glad though that you came to us. It means that you actually are sorry, which I appreciate. Thank you. But- but don't do that again, please.” I looked up in her eyes to assure her that I forgave her, but I could tell she could see that I was still uncomfortable.

“Never shall I ever,” she assured me. “I shall not allow what came over me yesterday to come over me again from this day forth. You’ve my word on that.”

“Yeah, well… I guess if Asher forgives you, I’ll forgive you, too,” Rainbow decided reluctantly. “But I’m watching you. If you take one step out of line, you’ll get my hoof in your face.”

“And it would be deservedly so if I should do so,” she told her. “As well, I will make sure the Crown supplies you, both of you, with bits for what I put you through. It was completely inappropriate on my part, and once again, I can’t express my apologies enough.”

“You don’t need to do that,” I said. “You don’t need to give us money. We’re okay.”

“But if you want to, we’ll take it,” Rainbow added quickly. I gave her a look and she shrugged, saying, “What? We deserve it after what she did last night, and she’s offering, so…”

“I assure you, it’s no trouble at all. And after seeing the state you are in and knowing how I could have… well, suffice it to say, it’s the very least I can do to repay you.”

“Well, we appreciate the gesture, but we don’t need it. Um, but thank you anyway.”

"But if you want to give us money, we won't say no," Rainbow Dash finished.

It was silent for a few moments after that, uncomfortably so. I felt like Nightmare Moon was looking right through me with big, sad eyes, and didn’t like the fact that she felt bad about me because of something Celestia did, or rather, didn’t do. I wanted to tell her that part of it wasn’t her fault, but as much as I was disliking the princess right then, I decided I was going to stay silent on the issue for now. I still planned on telling her off, but I didn’t want her to scream at me during it and do something rash, which I was honestly thinking might still happen anyway.

“I- if it’s acceptable to you, you’re under no obligation to say yes- would like to get to know you, both of you, better. May we sit down for tea sometime soon?”

I looked to Rainbow to see what she’d say, and watched her look up thoughtfully before she told her, “Sure, but it’ll have to be next week or later. I’m gonna be in this bed all day today, and maybe tomorrow, so I have a lot of training to make up for.”

“I understand, and once again, I extend my sincerest apology to you both. I will mark on my calendar when our visit should be, but for now, I will have to be going so I can make a formal apology to the citizens of this town for my behavior last night.”

“Um, okay. Thank you for the apology,” I told her. “That made me feel better.”

“Thank you for your forgiveness,” she told me kindly, bowing again. “Thank you for having grace for my sister’s sake. I shall be off now. Farewell, until we meet again.” With that, she teleported away, off to… somewhere.

“Well that was something,” Lofty commented after a moment. “I wasn’t expecting that, but… good, I guess? Anyway, have you kiddos had breakfast yet?”

“Yup! We’re here now visiting Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo answered. “Plus, Princess Celestia is gonna visit Asher, too!”

Lofty had a look on her face like she didn’t exactly like that idea, and said, “Well, when she comes around, I’d like to try to talk to her myself for a minute. I think-”

I cleared my throat and she looked at me. When she did, I gave her a look that told her she shouldn’t talk about what I was starting to tell her last night in front of them.

“Well… anyway, let’s leave those two alone for now. We can greet the princess in the lobby, kiddos. What do you say about that?”

The four girls agreed and quickly left the two of us alone, Rainbow asking, “What was that about? I could tell you wanted them to leave. What’s going on?”

I sighed and answered, “You’ll see in a few minutes when Celestia comes by.”

Author's Note:

Hey! The next chapter is already finished and on my Patreon (unedited). You can read ahead for 5 dollars. If you don't want to, that's fine, too! It should be uploaded here October 11th.

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