• Published 1st Jul 2020
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Beyond Me - Boopy Doopy

This isn't me. I am not this pony.

  • ...

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All Apologies

Sometime while we were in the middle of eating, the sun shot up high in the sky, quicker than what was normal even for this world. I was startled by it, it happened so quick, but then smiled a second later, realizing that it meant whoever that black pony was was defeated. I was glad that she wouldn’t be someone I had to deal with anymore and that my prayers were answered, not that I had any doubt that they would be. I frowned again a second later though when I thought about the fact that all of this would probably inflate Celestia’s ego. If I told her off for putting us in danger, she would probably argue that everything worked out, so there wasn’t anything to complain about.

“Asher?” Scootaloo asked. “Why do you look so angry?”

“Huh? Oh, it’s nothing,” I told her. “I’m just… thinking about last night.”

“I can’t believe she actually picked you up like that!” Silver Spoon got out. “I’m glad she didn’t do that to me. That must have been scary.”

“She’s lucky she didn’t pick me up!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “If she did, I would’ve bit her and then punched her in the face! I would’ve knocked her off her hooves like Rainbow Dash did!”

“I’m sure you would have,” I responded sarcastically. “Speaking of Rainbow Dash though, is it okay if we go to visit her, Miss Holiday?” I asked. “I want to tell her thank you for saving me… and sorry for probably hurting her worse than she was already.” My ears flattened in embarrassment as I thought about that fact.

“I’d say yes, but the princess is coming to see you today, remember?” she answered. “I don’t want you to run off when she gets here and then have her race around Ponyville trying to find you.”

“Yeah, well…” I resisted the urge to tell her that I didn’t want her playing games with my life, but kept that thought in my head, instead saying, “I’ll just be going to the hospital to see her. I can stay there if you want me to and you can have her come to me.”

“Wait, you weren’t lying when you said Princess Celestia came to your house, Scootaloo?” Diamond Tiara asked in shock. “You mean Princess Celestia, like, the princess of Equestria, came here? To your house?”

“Yup!” the pegasus told her proudly. “She came to see Asher actually!”

“Wait, you really are from another world then?” Diamond asked. “They were telling the truth?”

“Yes they were,” I told her simply. “I’m also a boy, so it’d be nice if I were called that. Anyway, I want to go see Rainbow Dash and thank her in the hospital.”

It was true that I wanted to see the pony and give her a quick apology, but part of it was also that, even as much as I wanted to tell Celestia off, I really didn’t want to deal with her or her student right then. I knew that she was going to try and force me on her, and it wasn’t something I was looking forward to. Not to mention, hearing what would likely be excuses from Celestia. It would just be delaying the inevitable, but still, delay I would.

“Is it okay if I went?” I asked. I know I didn't really need to, considering I was an adult, even if I hadn't felt like I'd been acting like one that well of late. However, it was still the polite thing to do to ask.

“Well, as long as you stay at the hospital with Rainbow, I don’t see why not, but-”

“I wanna go, too!” Scootaloo automatically announced, jumping out of her chair. She was followed quickly by three other girls saying they wanted to go with us, too.

“You can all go, that’s fine, as long as you all stay at the hospital until the princess comes. Okay? Also, let Miss Lofty know there’s breakfast waiting for her here if she wants it.”

“Okay, we can do that, we promise,” the four girls assured her before we headed out.

“Sister, I have to confess, I must know how it was you were able to wield the Elements of Harmony. I would have expected that they would have bound to somepony else by this time, like those six mares who were following me through the Everfree Forest.”

“Haha, well, I can only say that it was through the power of friendship, my dear Luna,” Celestia answered, avoiding the question. “I can say that without the help of my student, Twilight Sparkle, and her five friends, this night might have ended quite differently. We are very lucky to have her.”

“I see,” she said thoughtfully before turning around to face the six who had headed into the Everfree after her. “Well then, on behalf of the crown of Equestria, we would like to express our deep and overflowing well of thanks, as well as an unrelenting apology for our actions against you. We don’t expect forgiveness, but nonetheless, we hope you can find the ability to do so for our sister’s sake.”

“Oh, well, we forgive you,” Twilight said quickly as Lightning Dust gave her a skeptical look. “It must have been tough being on the moon for so long.”

“Yes, it was quite lonely, but it was what I deserved. It’s what I still deserve…”

“Nonsense, Lulu,” Celestia told the alicorn sympathetically, taking her face in her hooves. “You deserve to be here with me, ruling beside me in Equestria. In fact, I’ve long awaited the day when you could return to take your place at the throne again.”

“That’s certainly not true at all, Celly,” Luna responded, looking away from her. “I’ve hurt the ponies of this town during my return. I scared a little filly nearly half to death. What kind of ruler would ever do such terrible things to their subjects?”

Celestia’s ears flicked at the comment about scaring a little filly, knowing it almost certainly it was Asher she had scared. Even if it wasn’t, it was only more trouble for her, but it was to be expected with her sister’s return.

“Well then, we shall take you to apologize, and all will be right again. My little ponies are kind and gentle, and I’m sure they will accept you wholeheartedly as their ruler and forgive you without question if you ask for it.”

“Well… if you are certain they will… it was a bright blue pegasus mare with a rainbow colored mane and a silver coated filly with bright gold locks. As well, I’ll need to make an apology to this whole town for my rudeness and carelessness.”

“It’s no trouble at all, dear sister,” the white alicorn told her as she resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the fact that it was indeed Asher she got involved with. “We will take care of this matter before we head back to Canterlot, that I assure you.”

“So you really are from another world?” Diamond Tiara asked. “What’s it like there? Wait, how old are you if you’re from another world?”

“The simple answer to your first question is that it’s a lot like Equestria, except without ponies and there’s no... well, there’s a lot more technology. And the second answer is that I’m basically twenty-five, but twenty-five on earth is nine years old here. Which is why I look like... this. Except as a girl for some reason.”

“Huh. Well… I don’t know. It seems pretty unbelievable, even though Miss Holiday said she would be coming…”

“I’m a pretty unbelievable guy,” I said casually as we walked. “And honestly, from my perspective, this is all unbelievable. I’m a pony who’s talking to other ponies in a land where a princess raises the sun with magic. That’s pretty unbelievable honestly.”

“Not really. That’s what she always does,” Silver Spoon said.

“Well… anyway, it’s all true like I said, so…”

“Huh. Well then I do want to be your friend, even though you made us miss school cause you were sick. And I guess we’ll be friends with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, too.”

“Yeah, you’re not as bad as I thought, Diamond,” Scootaloo told her. “I mean, you’re still kind of annoying, but I’ll be friends with you, as long as you aren’t mean to us.”

“And you’re not that bad I guess,” she responded, “even though you are kind of lame. But you’re okay, I guess.”

With that comment, we headed inside the hospital that I’d been to a couple of times before and were greeted by the receptionist.

“Oh, Asher!” she greeted, a pony with dark green hair and light green fur as well as a lab coat. “Back again it seems, huh? I hope it’s to visit somepony this time and not to check in like before. Do you remember me?”

“Umm, not really?” I admitted, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry."

“Oh, well that’s understandable. You looked pretty out of it both times you came in, remember? You fainted the first time and then came back in a few days later because you had diphtheria. I don’t blame you for not remembering. Now let’s see…”

“We’re here to see Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo proclaimed, giving a little hop as her wings buzzed in the air.

“Rainbow Dash- looks like she’s in room four. You can head right on over if you’d like, unless you need me to show you the way?”

“We’re fine,” I told her. “We can find it. Thank you.”

We headed on back to the room she told us, and sure enough, Rainbow Dash was in there. Scootaloo instantly ran up to her while the other three girls followed more casually. However, I stayed in the back of the room, feeling extremely guilty about the way she looked. She had her wings and ribs and one leg bandaged up as she lay in bed, and I knew without a doubt that some of those injuries came from me landing on top of her. I knew it wasn’t my fault really, it was just what happened given the situation. But still, I couldn’t help but feel at least partially responsible for her being here.

“Now where in Equestria…” she started as she looked around before laying her eyes on me. “Asher! What are you doing all the way back there? I can’t ruffle your mane and tell you how it’s all your fault unless you come up here!” She was smiling as she said it, so I knew she was joking, but still, it made me feel worse.

“I’m sorry for getting you all hurt like that…” I said, just loud enough for her to hear as my ears unconsciously pressed against my skull.

“What are you sorry for?” she asked. “I was just kidding. I know falling from the ceiling wasn’t your fault. You don’t have to be sorry. And honestly, it’s not as bad as it looks. I mean, I’m not covered in cuts like you guys are, so that’s something. Plus, the doc says I’ll be back to the skies in a week, tops.”

“That’s right,” someone, somepony, Lofty, agreed as she entered the room carrying a tray of food. “Although with how Scootaloo talks about her, I bet she’s gonna be back to soaring through the skies in half the time.”

“Heck yeah, she will!” the orange pegasus agreed. “She’s Rainbow Dash! Nopony can stop her, not even Nightmare Moon! Did you see how she fought her? She was amazing!”

“Her wings looked absolutely awful when I saw them though…” I trailed off, although Rainbow Dash gave me a reassuring smile in response.

“Dude. It’s okay. The doctor said I’ll be fine. You don’t need to be sorry at all. You didn’t hurt me any more than I already was, and if you did, it wasn’t even your fault. It’s okay.”

“Yeah, well… I’m still sorry, so-”

“Fine, I forgive you, okay? Even though you didn’t do anything though. But I forgive you, okay? Now get over here and tell me what an awesome pony I am for fighting that monster. It’ll make me feel better if you do.”

“Oh! Miss- I mean, Princess Celestia!” Holiday got out, quickly bowing before the alicorn that showed up at her front door once again. “It’s so nice- I mean, it’s an honor to have you in my home again!” She looked at all who were there, and took a step back when she saw the dark coated alicorn, asking, “Um, is that, uh…?”

“No need to bow to me, my little pony, although you’re very kind to. And yes, this is my sister, Princess Luna. You may have seen her last night as the pony formerly known as Nightmare Moon, but that she is no more. In fact, she came here to give you a formal apology.”

“That is correct. We have acted foolish and unbecoming over the previous hours and are embarrassed by our actions. We would like to humbly request your forgiveness, if you would be so kind. We would understand though if you declined because of the way we acted.” As she said it, she was kneeling on the floor in front of Holiday, her head hung low in shame.

“Oh, well, uh, of course,” the mare answered, a bit surprised by the apology. “I mean, it seems like you’re sorry, so of course. And how could I not forgive a princess? Of course I accept your apology.”

“You are too kind to us,” the alicorn said gratefully, standing back up. “Although we must ask where that little grey filly is so we may apologize to them as well. The way we acted towards them was quite terrible.”

“Asher? He’s at the hospital with Rainbow Dash, but should be-”

“I’ve put the filly in the hospital?” Luna asked, a mix of shock and worry on her face as her eyes went wide. She blinked a few times, seemingly unable to process what she was told.

“Wait, no, I misspoke. Asher’s not-” was all Holiday could get out Luna stretched her wings and flew off towards Ponyville General.

Author's Note:

I am listening to All Apologies as I edit this.

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