• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,082 Views, 25 Comments

Resistance is Magic - ColtKit Productions

The Borg realize they can't assimilate anything with "magic". So they decide to destroy those races instead. The Voyager finds various Refugee races & tries to bring them back with them to the Alpha Quadrant. But is that really what the magicals want

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Chapter 8: Discussing Change

Orochimaru sat in his cell. Not particularly caring he had been caught. For he had done it. He had found the secrets of eternal life. He didn't even need Kabuto anymore.

He sat, here in his cell, in a body that could never die. It didn't matter if he had to sit here for a hundred years, a thousand. The "Magicals" would have use of him, eventually. And what was a million years to an immortal?

He could wait. What were they going to do? Kill him?

The god of serpents cracked a smile, and gave a dangerous chuckle. Disturbing the guard on the other side of the force field.

### •

Janeway walked through the hospital, Twilight beside her. Her crew gathered together, dressed in hospital gowns. They were in some kind of lecture hall, though still in sickbay. As this really was the Ship's sickbay, but expanded with "Extension Charms". Using ancient architecture, the magicals felt more comfortable with.

"From Orochimaru's notes," Twilight began. "It appears, he added a third chromosome chain into your DNA. Much as Magicals have. This contains a number of abilities, you'll need to learn how to control, before you can return to your dimension."

Neelix suddenly spoke up, "You're just going to lock us up again!?"

Twilight looked horrified at the thought, "NO!!! We'll take every precaution to insure your dimension is never used as a prison again. There are wards and seals, all over the ship, to insure just that. The only reason we couldn't get you out, sooner, was because your own seals were already set. But we took steps to insure that would never happen again, and those will protect you.

"You're home is a home again," Twilight assured. "However, if you want, we can give you a shuttle to start your journey back to Earth.

"Our shuttles have a good deal of enchantments and extension charms. They are far faster, more durable, with greater fire power, then any Federation Starship."

Looking at the hesitant faces, Janeway assured, "We'll be speaking about potentially leaving, in great detail, later. However, for now, we have other concerns." Then looked back at Twilight.

"Voyager has taken up many more refugees, and even dedicated itself to the protection of current magical worlds," The Alicorn explained. "One of the races we saved had perfected Extension Charms. Which allowed us to make each crew quarters the size of 10 Star Systems, of solid land. Along with 'floo' networks to instantly travel across them. We will be teaching you how to use everything, as well as your own abilities."

### •

16 year old Naruto, by the magical calendar at least, threw a fist at the defiant Pegasus. Which the girl easily blocked, then countered. Catching the orange leg, Naruto pulled her in. He rotated his body, and attempted to slam her into the ground. Only for her to buzz her, far too small, wings.

She might not be able to fly, but she caused enough resistance to jerk out of his grip, before kicking his back.

"Don't you two do anything but spar!" Sakura yelled, as she entered the grove.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, his head in the lap of his own girlfriend. Allowing her to pet his raven locks. "Not like the dope would even know what a girlfriend is for."

Applebloom suddenly pinched the boy's ear, "And what ARE we for, exactly?"

"Ow Ow Ow!!!" Sasuke whined, but allowed her to discipline him.

They might not be married yet. But the Marriage contract, their families negotiated, clearly said Applebloom would be the head of his family.

Mother frequently reminded the boy, that he needed to get used to the idea of her being in charge. Ponies did have a matriarchal society, after all. And it had been hard enough to get Granny Smith to sign off on Applebloom joining the Uchiha Clan, instead of Sasuke having to quit the guard and live on her Apple Farm.

By Tartarus, it been hard enough to convince the Apple Matriarch, to allow the betrothal to a non Earth Pony. But with the potions the wizards had, in order to let males get pregnant... Well Granny was allowing it, given Big Mac had already had a foal with the Earth Pony, Caramel.

Not what the old mare wanted for her family line, but she was willing to compromise. As what she wanted most of all, was for her grandchildren to be happy.

Scootaloo walked back over to their little picnic blanket. She was breathing hard, and dripping with sweat. Grabbing a water bottle, she smiled at her friends.

Winking at Sakura, Scootaloo explained, "It's our foreplay."

Naruto instantly blushed, as he trailed behind her. Sitting down, his muscles were all sore. Thudding and burning all over. He couldn't imagine what Scootaloo thought he could do, after such a thorough work out.

### •

"GUYS!!!" Spike screamed, clearly panicked. Out of all of them, he had grown up the least. Freaking dragon genes made him mature at a much slower rate. "HELP!!!"

The teenagers sat up straight.

"Thorax is pregnant!!!" Spike wailed.

The teenagers just stared at the older boy, that still hadn't entered puberty.

Naruto groaned, "For the last time, pumpkin seeds don't impregnate people!"

Spike blushed, "No, Pharynx told me. Changeling Queens are... asexual, I think he called it. It means they can lay lots of eggs, without need of a dad." Though what the dad was for, every creature refused to tell him. It was a big conspiracy, to keep him "innocent".

His friends all looked at each other. It kinda made sense. Changelings didn't technically have a gender, from what Thorax told them... still...

"Thorax is a Queen?" all the teenagers asked, as one.

Spike just screamed, "Apparently!!!! And Pharynx says Chrysalis is trying to regain control of him!!! She wants him to go back into hiding, and live as one of the Princesses of the Hive!!!"

Sasuke sat up, "She can't honestly expect them to go for that."

Thorax had revealed himself, years ago, and had been accepted by basically every creature. And Chrysalis was just going to force him back into hiding?

Creatures knew about Chrysalis, now, but they didn't know where she was, and weren't looking for her. As far as they were concerned, if the tree of Harmony saved the Changelings, they were worth saving. But she didn't have to join the rest of magical society, if she didn't want to.

"Pharynx says, if they don't go back, Chrysalis will kill Thorax, to prevent a rival hive from developing."

The teens stiffened.

"The Council wouldn't allow that," Scoot glared.

Spike gulped. "They aren't... they're trying to convince Pharynx to tell them where Chrysalis is. So they can negotiate with her, but..."

Sasuke realized, "They are preparing for war..."

"You're quitting the Guard!!!" Applebloom demanded.

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Like Tartarus I am. They'll need me more then ever!" He glared at her.

Naruto suddenly stood, the ache in his muscles forgotten. "I can do it," the blonde spoke with conviction.

"DO WHAT!?" Spike was too panicked to think.

"I can talk to Chrysalis," Naruto insisted. "It wouldn't be the first time I prevented a war between the Kingdoms."

Sakura snorted, "You're just an apprentice Ambassador, what the hell do you think you can do."

Naruto looked determined, "Chrysalis is only considering war, because she is scared. How many changelings have abandoned her hive to live in the open? A dozen? That might not seem like many, but they're her family. She feels abandoned. And let's face it, Thorax, out of every ling, ascending into a queen... it must make her nervous more of her children will abandon her. She needs to realize..."

Sakura looked at the blonde, a look of uncomprehending desperation. "Realize what?" she near begged for an answer.

Naruto got a sneaky suspicion, as he subtly studied the woman... and realized, her eyes were a shade too dark. "That her children haven't abandoned her. They don't want to leave her. They want her to lead them into a new age. They want to believe they can be apart of the peace we have formed. And Thorax definitely doesn't want to be the one to lead them to it. He just wants his mom to admit he was right... am I right, Chrysalis?"

Scootaloo's eyes widened, as Sakura burst into green flames, revealing the love bug Queen, herself.

His other friends gaped at her, before the Queen gave a significant look at Spike. Who, moments later, also burst into flames... revealing Pharynx... strange how he was better at disguising himself, then their queen.

"Hello Chrysalis," Naruto smiled, standing just a little taller.

Where Pharynx was about as tall as himself, Chrysalis towered over the blonde, by nearly 3 feet.

Chrysalis, formerly disguised as Sakura, stepped over to him. "So you're as good as my grub believes." implying her flaw had actually been a test. Which Naruto had passed.

"Where is Spike!!!" Scootaloo demanded, her wings buzzing.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "He is currently playing 'Dungeons and Dragons' with my wayward Grub. Who doesn't yet know he is pregnant. Some of my other grubs are currently watching Thorax. Ready to drag him back to the hive at my command. There is no threat of war, the Voyagers will never have a chance to act, if I choose to take Thorax."

The teenagers didn't know if they should sigh with relief, or pale in fear for their friend.

The queen spoke with a regal demeanor. "I will not dare approach the pony nation. But my children speak highly of you, hatchling." She looked at Naruto. "So... Convince me. Convince me, Why I shouldn't just drag my wayward spawn back to the hive."

"... No," Naruto smiled.

Chrysalis growled, "No?"

Naruto stated the obvious, "You want me to tell you the ponies have changed. That it's okay to rejoin them. But your scared history will repeat itself... and I can't tell you it won't. Change is a terrifying thing, and it's never easy to accept.

"But, you're still connected to Pharynx. You have seen how every creature treats him. How we accept him... and you know we love him. He wouldn't have survived this long, if we didn't.

"You're looking for someone to confirm everything you already know," Naruto looked confidently at her.

Chrysalis glared for a moment, before sighing.

"Arrange a meeting with your Ambassadors."