• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,082 Views, 25 Comments

Resistance is Magic - ColtKit Productions

The Borg realize they can't assimilate anything with "magic". So they decide to destroy those races instead. The Voyager finds various Refugee races & tries to bring them back with them to the Alpha Quadrant. But is that really what the magicals want

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Chapter 7: Living Experiments

Janeway groaned, rubbing her head. Looking around, her barely conscious mind registered she was in some kind of hospital room. She recognized the Sick bay equipment. However, she appeared to have her own private room.

This place looked more like a proper hospital... from the 1700s, but with more advanced equipment scattered about.

"You're awake!" a familiar voice eagerly declared.

That's when Janeway remembered the explosion.

Sitting up, Janeway quickly found the face of Twilight Sparkle.

"What happened?" Janeway demanded. Speaking with the authority of a former Captain, and current Lord Mayor.

Twilight blushed, "Well..." the girl clearly didn't know how to answer that.

Janeway looked down at her own hand, trying to shake the tingling sensation out of her fingers. Then realized that it was all over her body. "I take it there were complications." She acknowledged, when the tingling refused to leave.

"Orochimaru sorta... experimented on you and your crew..." Twilight gulped.

Janeway took a deep breath. Forcing herself to remain calm. "To what end?" She asked.

Twilight took another gulp. "You see, Orochimaru apparently created a 'backdoor' in his spell, to allow him to break the seals, himself. Which he never told anyone about... and somehow resisted using for 4 years."

"4? it's been 13." Janeway glared.

Twilight scratched her cheek, "According to your computers. Ponies measure years differently then you. Since our sun used to orbit our planet, we measure years based on how often the star cluster orbited the center of the galaxy... Our astronomy data was fairly advanced, from early in our civilization. Which was probably Luna's influence."

"I don't need a lecture," Janeway glared. "You've had us imprisoned for over a decades worth of our lifespans." the former captain didn't raise her voice, just glared at the young Alicorn.

Twilight hung her head, "I hadn't realized how quickly humans age. It seems one of our years, equals 3.25 of yours... at minimum. While most magicals age at this rate, there are a few exceptions. Dragons age a single year for every 20 of your own. Although Wizards mature at a human rate, and THEN their aging slows.

"You're still rambling," Janeway glared. "I realize it may be difficult to discuss what Orochimaru did, but I need to know."

Twilight sighed, then stood straighter. Resolving herself to say it.

"He's been experimenting on you all. From what we can tell. He found a way to graph magic into you... as well as other related bloodline traits. He subjected your crew to these experiments for a year and a half. That is, one of your year's and a half. We just now discovered it, and removed the memories of your crew's torture. We can return them, if you want... but you weren't exactly sane when we found you."

Janeway took in another calming breath, trying to hold herself with dignity....and not panic. "How many of my crew survived?"

"That's the tricky thing. Your entire crew survived, despite 42% having died. They were resurrected as somekind of Sapient undead. Necromancy on this level has never been achieved, and thought impossible. They are completely independent entities. With all their faculties intact."

### •

"I'm going to eat your Brains!!!" Tom Paris did his best Zombie shuffle, over to his best friend.

"That's not funny, Tom," Harry Kim sneered. "YOU'RE DEAD!!!"

"I know right!!!" Tom grinned. "How cool is that!" He didn't ask. "Feel my wrist," he held out his hand, "I don't even have a pulse. I'm like some sexy vampire. Without the need to drink blood."

It was true. The magical doctors said his body wouldn't even decay.

He didn't even have to worry about getting fat!!! Or ever going to the bathroom again!!! As his body atomized all food, and used it to fuel the magic that sustained him. His body was basically nuclear powered!!! With his gut constantly splitting atoms.

He could eat literally anything, and still be able to survive, as it was the energy of the atoms he needed, not the nutrition. Unfortunately, he did need to eat a lot more, especially after using his new found "Magic Powers".

He really did look like a sexy vampire... save for a few cracks in his skin. Which just added to his coolness factor, in his opinion.

Sure he couldn't have kids, but he could still have sex no problem. And he already had children with his wife, Torres. So it's not like he was missing out there.

"Can't you take ANYTHING seriously!!!" Harry glared.

"This is too awesome to take seriously!!!" Tom insisted.

Suddenly the door wooshed open... and Tom's eldest daughter ran in... her face scarred with similar cracks... suddenly this wasn't so awesome.

"Isn't this great Dad!!!" The little girl cheered, "I'm a zombie!!!" She raised her hands and started doing her best Zombie shuffle.

Harry smiled, but Tom could tell it was forced, "Definitely your daughter."

Torres stepped into the room, a baby on her hip... thankfully neither of them had the scars... although their new born now looked a year older... they hadn't gotten to celebrate his first birthday, nor his first Christmas... not even his first Halloween... no adorable baby costumes... and not nearly enough pictures of the child's first year of life.

"Just finished talking with the Doctors." Spoke Paris' half Klingon wife. "Apparently, Everyone who wasn't turned into some kind of Lich, got our genes scrambled. We're all technically the same species now." Then leaned into his ear, "With some bizarre kind of longevity. So you don't have to worry about out living us."

Tom released the breath he was holding. Harry might not realize it, but just because Tom joked around, didn't mean he didn't feel. He more used humor as a coping mechanism.

"But our daughter is like you," Torres sighed, still whispering, as Harry played "Zombie" with the little girl. Distracting her from her parents conversation... he really was a great godfather.

Tom, for the sake of his daughter, kept up his smile. As best he could.

Torres sighed, "She's never going to grow up. Never going to get married or have children... it will only take a few years before she begins to realize that."

"There are a few other 'immortal children'," Tom assured. "Her friend Tuvix was one of them... She won't suffer alone... however horrible it is part of me is relieved for that."

Tom pulled his wife in, and gently kissed her... and tried his best to not show how much he wanted to cry at her flinch.

"Your cold," Torres whispered, pulling slightly away on reflex, "And your lips feel like you don't even know what water is." She leaned back in, and forced herself to kiss him. "I just need to get used to it."

With her free hand, she gently ran down her husband's bare arm... only to realize it was hard, and his joints were stiff... and even felt like his whole body was made of chapped lips. She'd have to make an effort to get used to his half dead body.