• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,082 Views, 25 Comments

Resistance is Magic - ColtKit Productions

The Borg realize they can't assimilate anything with "magic". So they decide to destroy those races instead. The Voyager finds various Refugee races & tries to bring them back with them to the Alpha Quadrant. But is that really what the magicals want

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Chapter 0: Captain's Log

Author's Note:

I have seen other Star Trek stories open up with a series of Logs. Just wanted to try my hand at the style for the Prologue. Don't worry. Most of the story won't be written like this. It will have a more traditional, 3rd person, format.

● Captain's Log:

We have encountered a starship, housing a collection of nomadic races that lost their world to the Borg. It is strange to hear so many intelligent races could have evolved on one planet... but their DNA confirms they all originated on the same world. It's even more bizarre that they seem to be anthropomorphic versions of creatures from Earth's mythology. I realize many planets follow down a similar evolutionary chain... but Unicorns? Pegasi? Griffins? DRAGONS? and DOZENS of others. I suppose it is true. Anything that can happen in the universe, is bound to happen somewhere.

They seem a peaceful race, unprepared for warfare much less dealings with the Borg... When asked why they didn't have any weapons on their ship, they seemed genuinely shocked they would need them. All they have is a primitive kind of deflector shield and an artificial environment bubble. They are using a sail to catch solar winds and have no warp capability... or even Awareness of the theory...

I feel... uneasy by that, but I'm sure the Prime Directive never meant to include lifeforms lost in space without warp.

We are helping them repair their deflector shield. As apparently they are having trouble maintaining it.

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

Their deflector shield, as it turns out, is a form of 'runes' powered by a Dilithium crystal... I have no idea how it is actually working. The grooves seem to direct the energy in complex patterns which generates the desired effect... and one of the grooves was accidentally scratched. Which is causing their "Enchantment" to fall apart... These aliens are so primitive in their philosophies and terminology... yet they can hand carve such complex and exact patterns they can simulate the effects of a deflector dish...

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

I can't repair their 'runes'. I just don't have enough understanding of their technology... if it can even be called that... We have been able to pick up signs that their environmental bubble is also failing... so many people walking down the halls... many of them children... The 'runes' just weren't meant for such strain.

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

A Castle... a bloody CASTLE. An entire Castle made of Dilithium Crystals. Apparently, whatever threaten their planet, caused their matriarch to funnel the residents she could into the local castle. Then, in an act of sheer desperation, she carved several runes into it which miraculously survived the planet being Atomized!!! A bloody castle!!!

These lifeforms didn't even have basic light speed until they developed it after a month of drifting in space.

I need to process this.

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

I can't leave them out here...

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:
No planet is willing to take the Refugees we are currently fairing. Apparently, they all fear the Borg will hunt them down. Naturally I tried to explain that isn't typical Borg behavior. They go after civilizations, not random Refugees that got away... but each time we are sent away. Some planets even accuse us of hoarding demons.

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

We discovered the reason Equus was destroyed instead of assimilated. The Borg genuinely do fear these lifeforms.

The Various Equusians came from planets with such a high percentage of Dilithium, they evolved with an organ of Organic Dilithium connected to a secondary circulatory system which pumps massive amount of concentrated energy through their bodies.

This gives them a number of abilities, some reality shattering in the case of the unicorns... but the biggest benefit in my eyes?... I can hardly believe it but... they are immune to Borg Nanobots... they cannot be assimilated... so the Borg chose to destroy them instead...

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

I found out what happened to the Castle the Equusians had... apparently they moved it into an empty cargo bay... by "altering the bay's spacial parameters to make the inside bigger then the outside"... Apparently, these "enchanters" can create pocket dimensions and anchor them to a physical point in our universe... so long as the dimension does not exceed a ratio of every square foot containing 10 square feet of space... apparently, most of my crew has asked the enchanters to link such a pocket dimension to their quarters... I have asked them to utilize this technique to various other areas, such as labs and other cargo bays....

Apparently, they have a small farm in their castle and have given many of the seeds to Kes, as well as extended the botanist lab into a proper farm... which the 'Earth Ponies' are tending... as Earth pony "magic" gives them the ability to accelerate the growth of plants and stimulate soil, to make it more nourishing...

The ponies even set up an area to grow Dilithium crystals... Bringing these creatures onboard may very well be the best decision I made since we became lost in the Delta Quadrant.

End Log

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

The "Dragons" have found a way to establish contact with the Alpha Quadrant... by sending the Federation President hand written letters...

Apparently, I know I am saying that word a lot but I am just so mystified by all the things these lifeforms can do... Regardless, Dragons are capable of converting matter to energy (within their "inner flame") and can extend this ability to send this energy through subspace... where it snaps back into matter once it gets to the person it was intended for... The Dragons just needed a picture of the Federation President, and then they could visualize the letter going to them...

They have never tried it at such a distance, and for a few days we thought it failed... but that seems to be because Starfleet was analyzing the letter and running various test on it before opening it... apparently a burst of flames in the Federation President's office was originally thought to be an assassination attempt...

Since then The Federation president and I have been exchanging letters.

The dragons sent them a larger on the inside box, filled with a special kind of parchment. APPARENTLY!!! When linked with a specific dragon, this parchment can be sent back to them when burned. I have some of the parchment being studied at the moment. It is made from a type of magical spider silk... coated in the Dragon's Venom from their fangs...

Apart from how unhygienic that is, the letters are proving invaluable. The Crystal Castle is filled with these spiders (and other animals). Who, despite not being able to speak in the traditional sense, are Sapient... bloody brilliant actually. And they have agreed to make as much silk as they can for the letters. The intelligent animals in the castle have developed a symbiotic relationship with the creatures of their world... it helps that most of the Sapient lifeforms are herbivores, and those that aren't survive on a diet of large insects and fish (which show no signs of heightened awareness on their planet, nor in the tanks they are bred in within the castle).

Regardless of how fascinating even the base animals of their world are, this means the dragons can create a steady supply of the letters and send them over to The Alpha Quadrant, with virtually no delay. Anything wrapped in the parchment will be safely sent through the fire, to the dragon in question.

So letters from the crews family have been sent in mass, without overwhelming the dragons.

.... I am actually starting to worry that given all these lifeforms specific powers... I may not be placing them purely into areas FOR the use of their powers, while neglecting their desires. The various leaders, of the races, have assured me their very culture had similar issues.

It is hard to justify allowing the races to express themselves, through their profession, when they have abilities tuned to very specific roles in society... the ponies are more flexible, as their magic adapts to their 'special talent' and makes them Masters of their crafts...

... still I don't want to just assign all of a specific race to a specific role, just because their "magic" makes them better at it... but this is an issue their society has been trying to balance for thousands of years.

End Log

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

The "Cutie Mark Crusaders" are a menace... they almost make it not worth bringing the aliens onboard.

End Log.

● Captain's Log, Supplementary:

We stumbled on another race with a Dilithium organ. Those, unlike the Equusians, these lifeforms' abilities have evolved purely for combat.

These ones call themselves "Shinobi"... apparently managed to board the Borg Cube and kill every last borg... but not in time to save their planet from orbital bombardment.

These Shinobi remind me a lot of Klingon culture. Though they are humanoid, they have an aggressive nature and revel in fighting...

They even go so far as to indoctrinate willing children into their army... though I don't agree, it seems to be more of an apprenticeship. With only the more qualified and well trained children even being allowed in combat situation outside sparring. With safe guards taken to ensure the kids' safety.

Thanks to the Unicorns "Expansion Charms"... the surviving Shinobi where given quarters and added to our crew...

This isn't just a matter of getting home in a timely fashion anymore. Getting these lifeforms back to the Federation may very well turn the tides of our war with the Borg.

The Borg feared these creatures for their potential... and now... they have a reason to want to see the genocide of every last Borg... Heaven forgive me... I will see they get the opportunity.