• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume III - Chapter 5: Revelations

Sunset’s mind had officially stopped functioning. She, as well as her friends, stared at Tempest in disbelief after the G.U.N agent dropped a major bombshell about their high school Principal. Not only Celestia was a former G.U.N. agent along with Luna and Cadance, but she was also a former G.U.N. commander to boot. Sunset doesn’t know what to think; she felt shocked, confused, upset, and even angry at Principal Celestia. She was reminded of her “formal teacher” who also kept secrets from her about the mirror before fleeing to this world. She wondered what other secrets Principal Celestia was hiding.

Sunset has so many questions she wanted to ask Tempest but was unable to pick just one. In the end, she shook her head and stated what everyone else was thinking.

"This… this is too much to take in!"

Cadence frowned worriedly at a distressed teenager. “Sunset–”

"It's crazy enough that you and Vice Principal Luna used to be G.U.N. soldiers, but Principal Celestia is the commander of G.U.N.!?" Sunset exclaimed.

"Former commander," Tempest corrected.

"Whatever!" Sunset snapped. "I just… why!? Why didn't she tell us any of this!? What else is she hiding!?"

Before she could berate further, Cadence intervened. "Please don't be mad at her," Cadence pleaded. "She… didn't want you girls to get involved and dragged into this mess. She only wanted you girls to stay safe and away from G.U.N's attention while she and Tempest took care of it. And she thought the best course of action for your girls' safety is to not know about her background at all."

"Too bad that Robotnik derailed that plan the moment he arrived at the brainy one's house," Tempest remarked, crossing her arms.

"That still doesn't explain how Principal Celestia, as well as you and Luna how all of you became G.U.N. agents before being Principals!" Sunset stated but sounded more like a demand.

"Allow me to explain," Tempest began, uncrossing her arms. "Long before you knew them as your principals, the three of them were top agents of G.U.N… and Celestia was our leader. And long before even they were around, strange… occurrences happened in Canterlot. Random creatures roaming around, people losing memories, giant plants attacking, people and items randomly levitating… just to name a few. I’m sure you know what the causes are Sunset Shimmer.”

Equestrian Magic?” Sunset’s eyes widened. “You mean… they’ve been around even before I arrived?”

Tempest nodded. “Yes. Although, they were minor annoyances then compare to the events that were happening now after you arrived. But at the time… the government didn’t have a clue as to what caused those strange events. But many witnesses claimed that the origin of these occurrences happened after they spotted this strange man in a wizard robe and a long white beard at random occasions.”

“Hang on!” Twilight interrupted. “Sunset didn’t you once mention that you have the greatest wizard living in your world?”

“You mean Star Swirl the Bearded?” Sunset asked, furrowing her brows. “Now that you’ve mentioned it, that does match the descriptions of him. He was also known as the Pillars of Old Equestria, but that was a long time ago!”

“So a long-time mystery has been solved, yet a few more in its place,” Tempest sighed.

“Life is just full of mysteries,” Cadence mused. “Not everything can be easily solved.”

Tempest rolled her eyes before continuing. “Anyway, the government eventually founded a classified small team to investigate these strange occurrences in Canterlot, learn from them… and protect ourselves and our people in case of a threat.”

Sunset frowned, knowing where this is leading. “G.U.N.?”

“G.U.N.” Tempest confirmed. “This small organization has been around for several decades. Many members have come and gone over the years, and eventually… Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were assigned to that team.”

“I was assigned to the team because I wanted to help make a difference in the world before deciding that I can do just that through education,” Cadence added.

“And why were Celestia and Luna joined?” Rarity inquired.

“Family tradition,” Tempest answered bluntly. “Both Celestia and Luna come from a family of the military who served for our country. Of course, they never really wanted to be a part of it, to begin with.”

"And… where did you fit in?" Applejack asked.

Tempest was silent for a moment, hesitant to answer at first. She then signed heavily before facing the window with her back towards them.

"I… used to be a soldier… for an ex tyrant named Storm King," Tempest confessed.

Sunset blinked with a surprised expression. “Storm King?

Tempest glanced back at Sunset. “You heard of him? The information about that… man was classified to this day.”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, Princess Twilight and her friends faced a monster who was also named Storm King who attempted to take over Equestria.”

“...I see,” Tempest responded. “I can't say that I'm surprised. There's always a counterpart of ours in your pony world.”

“Not always,” Sunset pointed out. “I’ve known some people in this world who don’t have a counterpart in my world. Heck, I never saw my own counterpart in this world. So I suppose I'm one of the few exceptions.”

“...perhaps,” Tempest hummed before facing the window again. “Anyway, about ten years ago, the formal Tyrant attempted to overthrow our country and to rule with his iron hand. Because his threat was so serious, all hands were on deck, including your principals. But it wasn’t enough to take down an army from a small country, so we even requested some elite Wonderbolts to assist us in taking that tyrant down.”

It was at that moment that Rainbow Dash let out an audible gasp, which all her friends took notice of.

“What’s the matter Dashie?” Fluttershy asked in concern.

Rainbow Dash immediately caught herself and tried to wave off their concerns. “N-nothing! It was nothing!” she said quickly before turning to Tempest. “C-continue with the story!”

While most of the people present in the room were confused by Dash’s behavior, Sunset and Sonic stared at Rainbow Dash worriedly, knowing exactly why she had a brief moment of emotion.

Tempest, not paying Dash’s blunder any mind, continued. "Anyway, their mission was to invade the enemy base, take out the invasion army and their leader. They've lost a few fighters, but they managed to defeat them and put a stop to Storm King."

"And… why did you work for that tyrant?" Sunset pressed.

Tempest frowned. "I… lost my parents when I was very young. I was forced to live as a street rat and only steal to survive. I was eventually caught by one of Storm King's soldiers and was about to be executed, but Storm King saw my 'potential' and thought he would make use of me. So he had me trained under harsh conditions until I became second-in-command. …I was thirteen then.

"I was cold, emotionless, and cared nothing but to serve the man who spared my life and nothing else matters to my life. That is… until I met Celestia."

Tempest sighed through her nose. “At first, we were enemies from different nations and we fight whenever we clashed. But the more I meet her and her group, the more I questioned myself if what I’m doing was right. Things went downhill when Storm King released a weapon that could potentially destroy everything within the area, including his own soldiers and civilians. I tried to stop him, but he attacked me and threw me into his pet grizzly bear’s den to die. It’s how I got this scar.” Tempest glanced at her robotic arm longingly. “...and lost my arm.”

Tempest sighed, lowering her arm. “I would have become that bear’s next meal… if Celestia hadn’t saved me. Even after Storm King’s defeat, I thought I will be locked up and punished for my crimes… but Celestia convinced them to give me a chance and mercy since I was a ‘kid’ at the time. Walter, the commander from back then and now, eventually adopted me as his ‘daughter’ while Celestia gets promoted as the new commander. They even gave me this highly advanced robotic arm as soon as I became a member of G.U.N.

For a moment, even from the window’s reflection, Sunset could’ve sworn that she saw Tempest had a brief grateful smile on her face. “It took a while, but I became a better person than when I was a troubled teen. And I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her. And even after she retires, I will always be loyal to her and consider her my commander.”

Sunset stared at Tempest in awe. Even when they were sworn enemies, Principal Celestia was still willing to help a person out and finds the good in people… just like what she did with her when she arrived in this world and even after the Fall Formal. Despite Celestia’s kind actions towards the agent, it doesn’t change the fact that Celestia hid her past from them during their meeting two days ago. There were still some things about Celestia that are still a mystery to her, but Sunset decided to put that all aside in favor of the one thing that Sunset was curious about the most.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why did Principal Celestia retire as commander of G.U.N. and the military?”

“Well, after two years of being the commander, something… happened to her which caused her to throw away that position and pursue as a teacher instead,” said Cadance.

The girls looked at each other in curiosity and concern before Sunset pressed on.

“And… what happened to her exactly?”

Cadence had an uncomfortable expression on her features. “...I’m afraid that is not my place to say,” Cadence responded eventually. “You'll probably have to go ask her yourself. But what I can say is that in response to what happened, Celestia withheld information that could've led to a breakthrough on G.U.N.'s lifelong investigation about these strange occurrences."

"And what's that?" Pinkie asked.

"The location leading to the source of the occurrences," Cadance answered.

Sunset’s eyes widened. "The portal to Equestria!"

Cadance nodded. "Yes. It was during the last month of her role as commander that she discovered it along with a few others… which was near your school. After the incident, she had those portals destroyed except for the one near the school entrance. No one else knew its location except for Celestia, Luna, me, and Tempest."

Sunset frowned. "If what you say about Celestia destroying the other portals is true… then why did she only keep that one open?"

Cadance looked away from Sunset. "Again… not my place to say."

Sunset growled in frustration at dealing with yet another Celestia’s secrets added to the pile.

Cadance turned her head back at the group. "After Celestia stepped down from G.U.N. and her military career, Luna and I left with Celestia for the same reason, as well as to support her.”

Rainbow frowned as she turned to Tempest. “So why are you still with G.U.N? Were you not supporting her despite her saving your life?”

“On the contrary, I supported Celestia and wanted to leave as well,” Tempest answered, as she turned away from the window and faced the girls again. “But I knew that once we leave, G.U.N. and the government will keep tabs on us and watch our every move even after quitting, especially after he became the new G.U.N. leader. So I stayed behind so that I can help and do everything that I can from the inside. Plus… military combat is what I do best.”

Twilight furrowed her brows. “So I assume the one who replaced Celestia after that was…”

“Robotnik,” Tempest sighed with irritation. “I knew he was eyeing Celestia’s position ever since she was promoted. Heck, he wanted that spot after the mission against the Storm King. He practically jump at the chance as soon as she stepped down.”

“He was involved in that mission too!?” Rainbow exclaimed with a surprised expression.

“Yes,” Tempest confirmed, much to the girl’s shock. “Admittedly, he played the biggest part in Storm King’s downfall. His cunning plans and machines made Storm King look like he was mistakenly playing checkers during a chess game. And even before I switched sides, I never liked that man for being egomaniac, smug, arrogant, and just plain crazy!

Tempest frowned deeply, growling in aggravation. “I've always known that he is up to no good, but not a lot of people would believe a former villain from another region. And even so, my father believes that Robotnik is too beneficial to throw him out and that he can be controlled." She shook her head. "That old fool!"

"Um… aren't you being a little too harsh on him?" Fluttershy asked meekly. "He is your father."

"Step-father," Tempest corrected, shooting Fluttershy an annoyed look. "While I'm grateful that he adopted me, he and I… don't always see eye to eye."

Cadence frowned. "Our squad don't always agree with anything with Walters either, especially Celestia and Luna."

"Yes… he was part of the reason why Celestia quit in the first place," Tempest remarked bitterly.

Everyone looked at the two adults with a frown, especially Sunset. While she was concerned about her Principal, she felt that they still didn't tell her the full story about her. The more she learns about this world's Celestia, the more mysterious she is. She is arguably more mysterious than her world's Celestia.

Before Sunset could wonder about Celestia further, Cadence spoke up. "By the way, I meant to ask, what made you girls decide to come here in the first place, aside from the obvious."

Sunset blinked. "Well… we all decided to come here after Twilight suggested–" Sunset suddenly stopped talking and her eyes widened in realization. "Wait a minute…"

Sunset immediately turned towards her friend, shock written on her features. "Twilight… you knew Cadance used to work for G.U.N. this whole time?"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Twilight, whose expression froze like a deer in headlights. She didn't say anything for a moment before looking away with a mixture of shame and nervousness.

"Y-yeah… it's true."

The entire room, except for Cadance and Tempest, gasped in shock.

"Say, what?" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Whoa… the plot thickens!" said Sweetie Belle.

"This is even more shocking than the latest Daring Do movie!" Scootaloo added.

Diamond Tiara simply stared in shock, despite not understanding what was going on in front of her.

Sensing her friend's distress, Spike ran up to Twilight and jumped onto her legs to get her attention. Feeling better and grateful for his support, Twilight scooped Spike up and cradled him in her arms. She sighed heavily before facing Sunset with an apologetic look.

"When you came to my house and told me that G.U.N. took over the school… I immediately thought of Cadance. I figured that her connections to her former workplace will help get the bottom of things and help protect us from Robotnik."

"So how long have you known about Cadance being a former G.U.N. agent," Sunset inquired.

"Since I was six," Twilight answered. "I found that out by accident when I walked in on her while she was still on her armor."

"I forgot to lock the door as I was changing that day," Cadance added. "After I explained to her in a minor detail about my "job", I made Twilight swear not to tell anybody."

"Which I haven't," Twilight assured before she smiled fondly. "And even after I grew older and learned more about G.U.N. in my own time, I always thought that you are a hero."

"Oh, I don't know about that!" Cadance said modesty but was touched by Twilight’s words.

"Do you also know about Vice-Principal Luna, and… Principal Celestia?" Sunset questioned.

Twilight shook her head with a pleading expression. "No… while I knew that Cadance used to work for her squad, I had no idea that her partners were Luna and Celestia, let alone working for G.U.N., I swear!"

Twilight turned away, too scared to face her best friend while trying to hold back her tears. She suddenly felt Sunset’s hands gently grasping hers, causing Twilight to look back at Sunset.

"I believe you," Sunset said assuredly with a gentle smile. "I've always known you have a plan for everything. Your brain is what saved us many times throughout our adventure."

The Equestria Girls nodded, agreeing with Sunset’s words with smiles of their own.

Relieved that her friends didn't hate her, Twilight sniffed. "You gave me too much credit, Sunset," she said modestly, wiping her unshed tears with a smile. "You girls helped too!"

Sunset frowned out of confusion and concern. "But why didn't you tell us?"

Twilight craned her neck downwards. "With everything going on and how everyone became super paranoid, especially after meeting Sonic… I was too scared to say anything."

"Twilight…" Sunset spoke softly, firmly grasping Twilight’s hands. "We would never think of you that way. But we're very sorry for causing you so much anxiety."

"Yeah Twi," Applejack added. "We were overly stressed while on the run for a couple of days. But we understand why you kept this from us!" She then cast a side glare at a certain rainbow-haired tomboy. "Especially after someone freaked out during our campfire!"

Rainbow Dash drooped with a heavy sigh, tired of being called out many times. "I'll never live that down, will I?"

Rainbow Dash then felt someone gently grasp her shoulder. She turned to the side to see Fluttershy with a kind smile.

"While you're a bit much from the way you suspected Sonic, we understand that you were trying to look out for us," said Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "I was, but I learned my lesson not to go overboard when meeting others." Rainbow Dash then smiled sheepishly. "Aaaaaaand also not jumping the gun on using our magic unless for emergencies."

"You better!" Applejack remarked, but with a smile of her own.

Tempest loudly cleared her throat, getting everyone’s attention again. "In any case, Celestia should be at the capitol talking to Commander Walters. With any luck, she should be able to clear your names and mine within a few hours.”

Everyone’s eyes widened, surprised by Tempest's revelation about Celestia’s agenda.

"R-really? Principal Celestia will make us not criminals anymore?" Rarity asked with a hopeful expression.

"It may take some time, but I have faith that she will," Tempest replied, assuring the young fashionista. "In the meantime, I'll serve as your bodyguard to keep you all safe from that crazy Doctor in case he showed up."

The Equestria Girls and the CMCs were ecstatic by the news. With Principal Celestia meeting the current G.U.N. commander and backing them up, their nightmares of being chased down from G.U.N. and Robotnik will finally be over. Their celebration was short-lived when Sunset suddenly brought up the most crucial question.

"What about Sonic?"

Everyone paused and look at Tempest expectedly. Sonic, who was silent this whole time, was surprised that Sunset mentioned him.

Tempest cocked an eyebrow. "What about him?"

"What's going to happen to Sonic after we're off the hook?” Sunset pressed, narrowing her eyes. “And don't lie!"

Tempest stared at Sunset silently for a moment before sighing. "Sonic… is a different case. He's a strange being from another world and he single-handedly took down half of this country's power."

"But he didn't mean any of this!" Sunset argued before pointing at herself. "Heck, I'm from a different world too! Why can't you do the same to him?"

"You are an exception," Tempest stated. "Yes, you're from a different world, but we can easily make an excuse that you're just a girl who's involved in magic. Not to mention, you technically look like a human too, which makes our story easier." She then gestured towards Sonic. "Him? Not so much. He's a talking, breathing animal with a mysterious power. It'll be impossible to sweep him under the rug. And even so, my father was interested in the power from within that creature. Hence why he sent Robotnik to try to study him in the first place."

Sunset tightened her fists. "Would that mean that he'll be taken to be… experimented?

“…most likely,” Tempest answered bluntly.

Everyone frowned, both worried and upset that the government is still after Sonic even after they were given the way out. With a determined frown, Sunset turned to Cadance.

“Cadance, how far is Crystaller Building in this town?” she asked.

Cadence blinked. “Um… just about fifteen minutes away from here by car. Why?”

Sunset nodded. “Good! We should head out to that building as soon as possible!”

Everyone was surprised by Sunset’s statement while Tempest was ready to protest.

“Hold on young lady, you can't just–”

“I'm sorry, agent Tempest!” Sunset cuts her off. “But I still don't trust you or G.U.N. And I'm not taking any chances on letting them get ahold of Sonic. We're still going to help him get his rings as promised so that he can find a new home.” She then glared intensely right into the older woman’s eyes. “And I'm not going to let you or anyone else get in my way!

Tempest glared back. She opened her mouth, ready to tell Sunset off.

“I agree!”

The two turned to see Twilight, who also had a serious, determined expression on her face. “We promised him, so now we’re going to finish that promise!”

Sunset nodded at Twilight in appreciation for backing her up.

Annoyed, Tempest opened her mouth to speak.

“That goes double for me!”

They all turned towards the source. To everyone’s surprise, it was Rainbow Dash who spoke up.

“We were helping the dude out, so that’s what we’re going to do!” she said with a determined grin.

Before Tempest could argue, one by one, the rest of the Equestria Girls speak out as well.

“And me too!”

“And me!”

“And for me as well!”

“Don't forget about me!”

Tempest was flabbergasted that these girls are willing to protect this creature despite the situation they were in. “N-now wait just a second!”

"No offense lady,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “But after what we went through and hearing stories on how G.U.N treated everyone at our school, I don't think I could even trust them to look after my pet tortoise!" Her eyes narrowed. "So if you're going to get to him, you're going to have to go through us first!"

Everyone but Cadance glared intensely at Tempest as if they were challenging her to make a move. Sonic meanwhile felt extremely touched that everyone is defending him, especially the Equestrian Girl despite their argument on the highway.

"Whoa now, hang on!" Tempest exclaimed, raising her palms in defense. "I never said that I'll hand him over! If he's as harmless as you said, then I won't cage him like some wild animal." With a sigh, Tempest gave them her serious look. "I'll help you girls help him. However, there's no way that I'll allow you all to go to that Crystaller Building! Manehattan is crawling with law forces right now! You will all get caught for sure!"

Before Sunset could argue, Twilight spoke up. "Sunset… there's something else I should tell you."

After getting Sunset and the others' attention, Twilight looked down both dejectedly and in shame.

"Robotnik… now knows where we're going… all because of me!" She confessed while on the verge of tears. "He… forced me to tell him everything! He even stole my geode!"

As everyone gasped, Twilight slightly pulled down the top part of her shirt. Sure enough, her neck where her geode necklace is supposed to be is now bare. Twilight felt herself trembling.

"He… he threatened that he'll hurt Shining Armor in a much worse condition than he was already if I don't comply!" Her eyes then began spilling tears down her face. "I'm… I’m so sorry!"

Twilight began to sob, which caused Sunset to bring her into a hug with her friends joining in.

Sonic who stood from the sidelines tightened his fist in anger. While he only met the Doctor briefly back at Brainiac's house, he already despise that man. It was bad enough that he's gunning for him, the Doctor is willing to hurt others, including one of these girls to reach his goal. He wished that he wasn't unconscious back at the house, otherwise, he'll give him something much worse than a punch in the face by Equestrian Girl.

Cadance, after hearing the threat Robotnik said to her kid about her husband, growled in rage. "That… that evil son-of-a–"

Her angry rant was interrupted when Tempest placed her hand on her shoulder, calming her down.

"Don't worry… we'll make him pay," Tempest promised. "And try not to control your temper for her sake."

Cadance stretched her arm outward, breathing softly while gently holding her stomach with her other hand. "...I know."

Tempest nodded before facing the girls again. "You all see what I mean! Robotnik isn't messing around. He'll do anything to get what he wants… all for the sake of power and his own sick curiosity!" Her eyes narrowed. "All the more reason why I think you girls shouldn't go anywhere."

The Equestria Girls all looked at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation. They then nodded, having the same mindset before turning back to Tempest.

“We'll still take that risk!” Sunset answered for the group. “We need to get his rings and then send him out of here before Robotnik finds him.” She then gave Tempest her pleading expression. “Please… let us save him!”

Tempest simply stared back at Sunset, feeling conflicted at that moment. After about a minute of silence, she let out a sigh of resignation.

“Very well… I'll allow you all to take him to that building,” Tempest allowed before her expression became stern. “But only if you allow me to go with you.”

Sunset frowned. "Seriously!? In case you forget, we managed just fine up to this point!"

"This is not up for negotiations!" Tempest exclaimed, leaving no room for argument. "Besides, your Principal requested me to watch you girls as a favor! So you need me for your own protection, whether you like it or not!"

Sunset simply glared, frustrated at the agent’s persistence. As much as she was still wary of her, Sunset knew that they were in a stalemate and won’t be able to get anywhere until she agree with Tempest’s terms. Thinking of Sonic’s safety, Sunset decided to give in.

"Fine,” she growled. “But you better keep your word or else we’ll be forced to take you down! Are we clear?"

Tempest nodded, not bothered by Sunset’s threat. “Crystal!”

“We’re coming too!” Apple Bloom announced, as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

“Absolutely not!” Applejack exclaimed. “You three are staying here!

The CMCs drooped, upset for being denied. “But Applejack–”

“No buts!” Rarity joined in. “It’s dangerous enough as it is and you weren’t supposed to be here in the first place! So you must–"

“But this'll be the last time we see Sonic!" Sweetie shouted.

Everyone became silent, surprised by Sweetie’s outburst. As she sniffed in sadness, Scootaloo spoke up for her.

"We just… want to spend the remaining time with him… before we have to say goodbye."

The girls felt saddened by the young tomboy’s words. It didn’t occur to them until now that once Sonic retrieved his rings, they will have to say goodbye to him for good. Even Sonic felt sad, knowing that he has no choice but to leave despite that he finally became closer to them. They all didn’t know what to say to the young girls to make them feel better, or themselves for that matter.

Fluttershy walked towards the CMCs and then knelt to their eye levels. "Well, we still have time to prepare ourselves, so how about you three use that time to show him what he means to you."

The young trio paused, considering Fluttershy’s suggestion.

"Ah… think Ad has an idea," said Apple Bloom before turning to Diamond. "Diamond, can we–"

Knowing what Apple Bloom was going to request, Diamond nodded with a kind smile. "It's still upstairs for you to use."

With somber nods, the four of them made their way up the stairs, preparing to make whatever it was they were planning. As soon as the kids disappeared up the stairs, Rainbow Dash turned Fluttershy.

"It was good thinking, Shy," said Rainbow Dash. "The girls need this."

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, and I don't blame those three." She subtly glanced at a certain blue hedgehog. "They're not the only ones who will miss him."

Tempest turned to her former partner. "Well, I hate to be so blunt, Cadance… will you look after them?"

Cadence nodded. "Don't you worry, I'll be sure to keep these kids safe!"

"It's not just them I'm referring to," said Tempest as she glanced at Cadance’s stomach.

"...I know," Cadence said softly as she gently rubbed her stomach with a tender smile. "I'll make sure to keep this little one safe too."

The Equestria Girls, who were watching Cadance’s display, had their eyes as wide as saucers when they realized what Cadance was referring to.

"I-is…” Sunset stammered. “Is she–"

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be an Aunt!" Twilight squealed, happy with this big news.

As the girls ran up and congratulated Cadance on the news, Sonic stood in the background and appeared to be in deep thought.

Author's Note:

Hoo boy! Another rollercoaster of a chapter! And despite the risk, the girls are determined to fulfill their promise to help Sonic. And Tempest is joining the party! :rainbowdetermined2:

There are hardly any references this time, but I can at least tell you a little behind the scenes of this chapter:

There are many theories going around if Sunset really was to blame for bringing magic into the human world or was it really Star Swirl the Bearded. My theory was that Star Swirl was the one who first opened the portal and he (as well as Clover the Clever) would often use the human world to hide dangerous magic artifacts or to banish creatures, like the Dazzlings (During the flashback in MLP:FiM Season 7, Episode 26 - Shadow Play - Part 2)... which doesn't really help solve anything. :facehoof: And later, when Sunset fled into the human world, she inadvertently brought more magic into the alternate world. There was even a scene at the end of Legend of Everfree where the magic was leaked from the top base of the statue due to the events of Friendship Games movie.

I wish the staff have more time to explore this mystery and the magic leak issue, but sadly, the Equestria Girls ended before it has a chance. :ajsleepy: I guess that's what Fanfictions are for. :eeyup:

Before I started writing this story, I came up with a backstory with the human Celestia (as well as Luna and Cadance) of their involvement with G.U.N., while leaving some parts of it a mystery. Tempest's backstory was a little difficult, but I eventually came up with how she was alone in a foreign country before ending up serving the Storm King and how she lost her arm before she switched sides and joined G.U.N.

I get a ton of PM messages asking me about this particular subject, so now I can come out and say this: Is Flurry Heart in this story? The answer is both yes... and no. She's technically in this story, but she isn't born yet. Therefore, Cadance is pregnant with her. :scootangel:

There was originally a different ending for this chapter, but due to the length of this chapter and that the scene in question doesn't match the seriousness throughout this chapter, I decided to move that scene to the beginning of the next chapter... which you will see next week! :raritywink:

Anyway, next time, our heroes will be heading over to Manehattan's Crystaller Building to retrieve Sonic's rings and their adventures will finally be over...

...or is it? :trixieshiftright:

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