• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume III - Chapter 2: Medical Attention and New Shoes

It’s been some time since Twilight got herself captured by one of Robotnik’s robots. Shortly after he took her necklace, she was tied up and then placed in the corner of his lab. She watched helplessly as Robotnik was at his desk, studying her geode thoroughly by using his fancy microscope.

She expected him to torture her for her friends' location or the secret of their powers, but he didn't. In fact, to her astonishment, he almost treated her more like a house guest than a prisoner. He even requested Agent Stone to fetch her a drink a moment ago. She had been racking her brain about Robotnik’s odd behavior; were all of his threats against her and her friends turned out to be empty threats? Or did he have some kind of secret agenda hidden behind his “kind gesture”?

Whatever the reason may be, Twilight had this uncomfortable feeling that she did not like.

“I must say, Miss Sparkle," Robotnik announced, breaking Twilight out of her thoughts. "That little necklace of yours is fascinating! Do your friends also have similar necklaces like this? Do they have their own powers?” Robotnik pulled away from his microscope and looked directly at her. “Who knew a small geode like this contained so much power and they each had different abilities? I can’t even begin to imagine so many different possibilities we can do for these gems.”

Twilight scowled, glaring daggers at the evil doctor. “Our geodes are not for you or anyone to use and abuse with, Robotnik! And besides, our geodes will only work for us while it remains useless for others. Believe me, I tested them myself with my friends!”

Robotnik clicked his tongue, making his way over to the young scientist. “So you’ve already experimented with them I see? As expected from a young super-genius. From one scientist to another, I can respect the amount of work you put into it." He then loomed over her coolly. "However, your scientific skills are only at a high school level compared to mine! I’ll crack your little geode mystery and then I'll use your geode powers before supper time!”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Y-you’re bluffing! You’ll never get them to work!”

“We shall see!” Robotnik smirked. “And what about Equestria? Will you tell me about that?”

Twilight immediately clammed up, refusing to answer despite the frightening eyes in front of her.

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Robotnik mocked with a chuckle. “That’s fine. I’ll look into that later, but for now…” He lifted the quill up to Twilight’s face for her to see. “I’m going to solve this little thing!”

Robotnik then walked right back over to his desk to retrieve his headphones. He was about to put them on, but then he paused and put his headphones back down.

"Hope you don't mind if I play a little music for you to listen to while I'm working," he stated.

Not waiting to hear Twilight’s response, Robotnik waved his hands in front of him, pulling up many blue holograms right in front of him. From what Twilight could make out, they appeared to be different sets of musical playlists for certain occasions; such as “Dinner For One”, “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”, “Crush 40”, and “Heavy Metal Bombing Over Babylon”. Robotnik eventually chose a playlist that said, “Tunes Of Anarchy” and music began to play. Satisfied with the selection, Robotnik waved his holograms away, and gleefully spun around in his chair before he went to work.

With his claw device from one side of his desk, Robotnik hovered the quill under his microscope and inspected the quill for a moment. With a few presses from his gloves, the quill pulled away from the microscope while Robotnik went to the other side of his desk to prepare another device, which is some kind of fancy cylinder glass tube. Even though she was kidnapped by an evil man, Twilight admitted that she was very impressed with his high-level technology.

Robotnik then picked up a quill and placed it on one of the power conductor cables. He then picked up another cable and then proceeded to measure the power by connecting the cable to the other end of the quill.

Realizing what Robotnik was about to do, Twilight spoke up.

"Um, I wouldn't do–"

As soon as Robotnik connected the cable on the quill, the power in his lab suddenly went out, leaving both Robotnik and Twilight in darkness.

"...that," Twilight finished meekly.

With an annoyed huff, Robotnik took out his lighter from his pocket and lit it. Using the flame from his lighter, he guided his way over to the lab's fuse box and opened it. From what Twilight could make out from the lighting of Robotnik’s lighter, there were some labels near some switches, such as “Badniks”, “Evil Lab”, and “Self Destruct”. Twilight rolled her eyes, particularly at the second label.

Real subtle! She deadpanned in thought.

Robotnik flicked a few switches on the fusebox, turning the power back on, and then shut it. He pressed a few buttons on his gloves and his music resumed, causing him to bobble his head again with the tune.

Twilight watched as Robotnik held the handle of the cabinet as he dived down to the floor a couple of times before he spun away from the fuse box and then stood at the center of the room with two monitors in between him. He still danced as he pushed a few buttons on one of the monitors, causing the metal arm to come to life, and placed the quill in the cylinder tube. As soon as the quill was placed in the device, the digital readings appeared hovering over the quill as it was scanning its energy level.

As the quill was analyzing, Robotnik pressed a few more buttons on his monitor, and a hologram image of a snowy mountain appeared behind him. He then started hopping around and swaying in place, as if he was skiing down the mountain. A moment later, Robotnik changed the image behind him into a night city area with a Tyrannosaurus rex and he ran in place with a mock terror expression as if he was being chased. Twilight watched for a moment as Robotnik was “running away” by a holographic T-Rex before he suddenly stopped and turned around, allowing the T-Rex to “bite his head off”. Despite knowing that Robotnik was only bowing his head as a dramatic effect, Twilight couldn’t help but grimace at the sight due to how real that digital dinosaur looked from where she sat.

Now “headless”, Robotnik danced away from Twilight, swaying his hands and body all the while. He danced further and further away from her until he turned around and showed off his head as if he just performed a magic trick. As the singers in the background finished the notes in the background, Robotnik slowly opened up his jacket and stood with a smirk before he started into breakdance as the music was playing into a breakdown.

Twilight stands corrected. Robotnik was planning to torture her… by dancing in front of her. Twilight cringed as she slightly turned away from the sight of Robotnik dancing.

Sweet mother of Faust! That’s the evilest thing I ever had the misfortune of witnessing! Even I can dance better than him!

Not paying Twilight’s discomfort in mind, Robtonik continued to dance without a care in the world. He slowly spun around in circles, swaying his body all a while. As soon as he fully spun around, he screamed in shock and the music immediately stopped playing as soon as he spotted Agent Stone, who was dancing in front of him with a tray holding three coffee cups. Even Twilight was taken aback by Agent Stone’s sudden appearance, wondering how he got into the lab unnoticed and for how long.

Unperturbed by his boss’ outburst, Agent Stone offered him one of the coffee cups. "I just thought you and the girl might like a latte with steamed Kirin’s goat milk."

Robotnik gave Agent Stone an annoyed look. "What do I look like, an imbecile?” In anger, he shoved the latte away and shoved his face into Stones. “Of course I want a latte... I LOVE THE WAY YOU MAKE THEM!"

Suddenly, they all heard a few beeps, coming from the tube where the quill was placed. Robotnik and Stone made their way over to the quill to check out the results. Twilight herself, barely read the results from where she was sitting and her heart sank when she read the power analysis of the quill marked as "Unlimited" in red text, which was the exact results she got from her lab.

Robotnik smirked. "Ready the prototype!"

As he announced those words, the back of his lab lit up, revealing more of his drones and a large egg-shaped hovercraft in the center.

"With this kind of power, my machines can finally reach their full potential!" Robotnik rubbed his hands in glee, as he made his way over to the room. "Don't wait for me, Stone. I got a hedgehog to hunt!"

"Um, what about the girl?" Stone asked as he glanced at the captured girl in question.

"Keep an eye on her so that she doesn't try to escape. But then again, I highly doubt that she's going anywhere!"

With that, Robotnik entered his machine room before a large door shut behind him.

With his boss gone, Stone turned to face Twilight. Neither one said a word as they stared at each other in awkward silence. Clearing his throat, Stone stretched one of the cups to her.


Shortly after the incident with Spoiled Rich, most of the Rainbooms, CMCs, Spike, and Diamond were standing in the kitchen, waiting for Cadance and Fluttershy to return with the medical supplies. As an added precaution, they've already tied up a passed-out Spoiled Rich on a chair in the living room so that she won't call the authorities or interfere with healing Sonic. Sonic himself was still unconscious, as he was lying in the center of a long Island counter.

The Rainbooms haven't said a word since Cadance and Fluttershy left the room. While they were still upset with Sunset and stressed about their missing friend, their worry for Sonic's wellbeing overridden them. And even when Sonic recovered, they still have yet to explain their situation with Cadance, as well as her sister-in-law being kidnapped by Robotnik.

None of these girls were looking forward to breaking that news.

As for the CMCs, the preteens quietly catch up to Diamond about their adventure, leading up to Diamond's summer home.

"So let me see if I got this straight," Diamond stated with a confused expression. "You three snuck in your sisters' tour bus, met this creature… and were on a run by this government group called 'G.U.N.' since?"

"Yep. Pretty much," Apple Bloom replied. "If you include bein' chased by some robotic tank and nearly attacked by dat Eggrobo."

"And don't forget the all-out brawl at Zapper's arcade!" Scootaloo grinned. "It was awesome!"

Sweetie Belle had a deadpanned look. "Yeah, except I'm pretty much sure that we're banned for life from that place after that."

"Totally worth it!"

Diamond shook her head at Scootaloo’s remark before her eyes set on Spike, who buried himself in Applejack’s arms with a sad expression.

"Is… he okay?" Diamond asked in concern.

"He's still upset after we lost Twilight to dat robot on Radical Highway," Apple Bloom answered with a sigh. "The poor guy really took her kidnapping the hardest."

He's not the only one. Sunset thought sadly, feeling sorry for the young pup as well as guilty for failing to save her best friend.

Scootaloo stared at Sonic's unconscious form before looking up at her idol with a worried expression. "Rainbow Dash… is Sonic going to be okay?"

"Don't worry squirt, Fluttershy and Cadance will heal him in no time," Rainbow Dash assured.

Scootaloo frowned. "Will they?"

Rainbow didn’t answer. While she was trying to convince her fan and sister figure about Sonic’s conduction, in actuality, she was trying to convince herself. While she kept denying herself almost throughout the “trip”, she admitted that she was starting to become more fond of the hedgehog. His actions and beliefs reminded her of herself, almost like meeting a long-lost sibling. She and Sonic had finally come to an understanding, only for Sonic to get badly hurt from that exploding robot. She wasn’t sure if even Fluttershy’s expertise in healing animals will be enough to save him. Nevertheless, Rainbow has hoped that Sonic will bounce back from his injuries.

After all, they still have a race to resume as promised.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Cadance and Fluttershy came into the kitchen with various medical supplies.

"We gathered as many first aid tools as we could find,” said Cadance as she and Fluttershy placed them on the counter near Sonic. “Though I'm not sure if any of these would help."

“Whatever you have will do Cadance,” Sunset replied with a grateful smile before facing Fluttershy. "So, can you help him, Shy?"

Fluttershy furrowed her brows with an unsure expression. "I… don’t know Sunset. While I’m still training to be a veterinarian, this is even beyond me. I don't even know where to look!"

“Just do the best you can, Darling,” said Rarity.

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah, Flutter Butter! If anyone can help him, it’s you!”

Feeling a little pressure, yet determined to help Sonic, Fluttershy sighed. “Okay… I’ll try.”

As Fluttershy began to work on her patient, Cadance starred at the blue hedgehog with a curious expression. "So… does this thing talk?"

Rainbow nodded. "Oh yeah, constantly! This guy talks so much, he almost made Pinkie Pie a run for her money.”

Pinkie nodded. “It’s true, though I doubt he’ll beat me as a recent champion for the annual Speak-Off competition!”

Applejack raised her brow. “Ah thought yer the champion of our annual Turkey Call?

“Same thing!”

Cadance stared at Pinkie with a confused expression. “O…kay?”

While that was going on, Fluttershy lifted Sonic’s arm with one hand while looking at a wristwatch that she borrowed from Cadance with the other. As soon as she pinched Sonic’s wrist, her eyes widened.

"Oh… my!"

"What? What is it, Fluttershy?" Sunset asked in a worried tone.

"It's his pulse,” Fluttershy answered. “It's super fast!"

"Maybe… that's normal for him?" Rarity offered.

Fluttershy frowned as she checked Sonic’s body. "I don’t know much about his physiology, but he doesn't appear to have any broken bones. He was only… banged up."

Fluttershy continued to look over Sonic for any signs of fatal injuries until he reached his feet. Everyone was taken aback at just how beat up his shoes are. It was bad enough that the shoes themselves looked worn out, the bottom on each shoe had holes in them, which were too big for lack of protection. Even both his socks had holes at the bottom of his feet due to wear and tear.

"Whoa… looks like his shoes have seen better days!" Rainbow remarked.

"Just look at his feet!” Fluttershy exclaimed sadly. “Oh, the poor dear!"

Rarity looked at the hedgehog in pity. “I can't even begin to imagine running around in those things all the time!”

"I'm surprised he can still run in those… let alone walk!" Applejack added in concern.

As the older girls talked among themselves, Sweetie Belle picked up one of Sonic’s shoes and examined it. She frowned sadly at her eyes set at the bottom of Sonic's shoes.

Poor Sonic, Sweetie thought. He saved us a few times and always put others before himself, despite not wearing good shoes. If only there's something we can do for him.

Sweetie then blinked. Or can we?

With a determined look, Sweetie walked up to her sister and tapped her on the shoulder. This caused Rarity to turn around and then noticed that it was her sister who was trying to get her attention.

"Yes, Sweetie Belle? What is it?" Rarity asked.

Sweetie Belle quietly gestured to her big sister to come closer to her. Confused, yet curious what it was about, Rarity did exactly as requested. Sweetie then leaned closer to Rarity’s ear and whispered something into her ear. When she was finished, Rarity looked back at her with a surprised expression.

"Sweetie… are you sure?" Rarity inquired.

Sweetie nodded. “I’m sure, Rarity. Besides… he needs it more than me.”

"That's so sweet of you, Sweetie Belle. I’m proud of you!” Rarity smiled in pride before frowning again. “But I don't have any sewing supplies on me."

"We have a sewing machine and supplies in one of our rooms upstairs if you want to borrow it," Diamond offered who was listening in on their conversation.

Rarity’s eyes lit up. "Oh, that's perfect! Then we have no time to waste!" She then turned to her friends. "We'll be back, Darlings, my sister and I have something to take care of!"

Before anyone asked, Rarity, the CMCs, and Diamond Tiara left the kitchen and into the living room. Just as they entered the living room, Spoiled Rich woke up from her "slumber" and spotted her daughter and the others walking across from her.

"Diamond? Diamond Tiara!? Untie me this instant!" Spoiled ordered.

Diamond Tiara ignored her mother as she led the CMCs and Rarity towards the stairs.

"Diamond Tiara, if you don’t untie me in the next five seconds, you won't be allowed to go to our annual garden party!" Spoiled threatened.

"Fine by me! Those parties are lame and boring anyway," Diamond remarked, not giving her mother a single glance.

"Lame and boring!?" Spoiled shouted with a scandalized expression. "How dare you say that, young lady!?"

Diamond didn't answer as she, the CMCs, and Rarity climbed up the stairs.

"Diamond! Diamond!"

When her daughter was not answering, Spoiled sighed with a miserable look.

"…I have to go to the bathroom."

Meanwhile, while still in the kitchen, Fluttershy continued to do the best she can to give Sonic medical treatment while her friends watched on with worry.

"Anything?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy sadly shook her head. "I did everything I could, but he's still out cold."

Rainbow let out a frustrated grunt. "Ugh! There must be something we can do to snap him out of it!"

"Yeah, but what?" Sunset pressed.

Rainbow didn’t answer as she and the others were trying to come up with how to revive Sonic.

"Wait a minute!" Applejack exclaimed. "What about smelling salt?"

Sunset blinked. "Smelling salt?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah! Remember when Rainbow Dash was knocked out badly during a soccer game, so they used one of them to revive her?"

Rainbow Dash cringed from the memory. "Ugh! Do you have to bring that up, AJ?"

"Point is," Applejack continued, ignoring Rainbow Dash. "If dat helps waking Rainbow up, maybe we can use 'em to wake Sonic up too!"

"That's a great idea, Jackie!" Pinkie praised before turning to Fluttershy. "Do you have any smelling salts for cats, Flutter Butter?"

Fluttershy furrowed her brows. "Um… no. There's never any smelling salts for cats, or for any creatures for that matter."

"Aw, candy corn!' Pinkie exclaimed with a frown. "They really should've made some for pets."

"I think I may have some smelling salts in my human first aid kit," Cadance offered. "Would that work?"

Sunset glanced at Sonic's unconscious body for a moment before sighing. "I don’t know… but we have to try."

With a nod, Cadance dug into her first aid kit, took out one of the salts, and handed it over to Fluttershy.

"Here goes nothing," Fluttershy whimpered as she hovered the salt under Sonic's nose.

Everyone watched in anticipation with worry.

"C'mon buddy…" Rainbow Dash said quietly.

"Please come back to us, Sonic!" Sunset whispered.

As soon as Fluttershy snapped the salt in half, Sonic's eyes suddenly flew open, and sat up straight.

"Gotta go fast!"

As soon as he shouted, Sonic ran around all over the kitchen at hyper speed, knocking down some plates, pans, and knickknacks in the process. Sonic eventually zoomed back on the counter in front of the gang with a frantic expression.

"Where am I? What year is it? Is Countess Coloratura the president?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's okay buddy!" Sunset soothed, raising both her palms up. "It's okay! Calm down."

Sonic calmed himself down and then immediately smiled when he spotted a new face next to Sunset.

"Oh hi, Crystal Lady!"

"…h-hi," Cadance uttered with a stunned expression. Despite that she was briefly informed that the blue hedgehog can talk and run super fast, it was still a shock for her to see in person.

"Wait!” Rainbow Dash spoke up with a confused expression. “You know her? And did you just call her Crystal Lady?"

"Yes and yes!” Sonic answered with a nod. “I saw her one time near Canterlot City’s mall with Brainiac and she wore a lot of crystal jewelry. She looked so pretty with all the crystals."

Cadence blushed from the hedgehog’s compliment. "O-oh! I see! I… I'm flattered!" She turned toward the girls while clearing her throat. "Uh, girls… may I speak to all of you in the other room for a moment?"

With collective nods, the girls followed Cadance out of the kitchen and into the dining room. Cadance turned towards Sonic, who was still standing on the counter, as she was shutting the double doors.

"Stay there, uh… little space hedgehog, and get some rest," Cadance requested.

"You got it!" Sonic responded eagerly. "I'm great at resting! I rest faster than anybody."

Cadance shut the door on Sonic, despite him still talking from the other side of the door.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, pointing at the door with her thumb. "See? Still talking, that guy!"

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's almost a rival to Pinkie when it comes to nonstop talking!"

Pinkie had an amused smirk. "Oh please, I'm a master of nonstop talker compared to him!"

Cadance cleared her throat again. "Alright, girls… just to let you all know that despite everything that happened in the past half hour, I've been under control this entire time."

Sunset nodded. "Oh yeah, you're definitely taking this well!"

"Yep, calm as a cucumber!" Applejack added.

"Thank you!" Cadance said a little too cheerfully. "Now, with that said… what the heck is going on!?" She screamed, startling the girls. "Is that thing an alien?!"

"Well… yes and no," Pinkie answered vaguely, causing Cadance to frown in impatience.

"Okay, look," Sunset spoke calmly, getting Cadance's attention. "You know how a student from our school goes around claiming about a blue devil in our town?"

"You mean Crazy Lyra?" Cadance asked before her eyes widened in realization. "Wait a minute… the Blue Devil!?"

She turned towards the kitchen door where Sonic was before facing the girls with a shocked expression.

"You mean that's him? I thought it was all made up as one huge prank from CHS due to a rivalry against Crystal Prep!"

"Nope, he's the real deal just as Lyra said," Rainbow Dash confirmed before rubbing her neck sheepishly. "And to tell you the truth… we didn't believe it ourselves until we met him a day and a half ago."

"So what is he doing here? What are you girls doing here?" Cadance frowned. "And where's Twilight?

The girls hesitated for a moment with nervous expressions. The majority of the group then turned towards Sunset, staring at her expectedly. Sunset glared at her friends for a brief moment before she began explaining to the former Dean.

"Okay, here's what happened..."

Sonic was all alone in the kitchen, sitting on the counter with his legs dangling over it. He stared at the closed door in front of him, trying to make out mumbling sounds from the other side. There was no doubt that they were talking about him, trying to explain his involvement to Crystal Lady.

He frowned when he heard Sunset’s voice through the door. He remembered their huge argument back on the bus before they were attacked by Robotnik’s machine. While he doesn't blame her for accidentally reading his mind, he was still very upset that not only she lied, she was questioning their friendship to begin with. He also couldn't believe that she was willing to leave her home and her friends behind.

Was he wrong about her? Did she even care about her friends? Did their time together mean anything to her?

Were they ever friends?


Sonic snapped out of his depressing thoughts as the CMCs, Diamond Tiara, and Rarity entered the kitchen with Sweetie Belle hiding something from behind her back.

"Oh, hey girls, what's up?" Sonic greeted.

"Well darling, we couldn't help but notice that your choice of… footwear looked old and full of holes. And not to mention, way out of fashion!" Rarity explained.

"So, with the help from my big sis, we all put together a special gift just for you!" Sweetie added.

Sonic blinked. "A gift… for me?"

The girls looked at each other and nodded with knowing and exciting grins before Sweetie Belle revealed the "gift" in front of Sonic.

"Ta da!" The girls chorused.

Sonic was taken aback in shock. The gift in question were these high quality, bright red and white shoes on Sweetie’s hands. It had a huge white stripe across the sole of the shoe, had a yellow tag, and it looked all brand new.

Overcome with emotion, Sonic pointed his trembling finger at the shoes. "A-are they…"

Apple Bloom nodded happily. "Yep! We got these brand new pairs of shoes especially for you!"

"And with these shoes, you won’t hurt your feet anymore," Scootaloo added.

"Only the best of the best for an alien superhero like you!" Diamond Tiara bragged.

Speechless, Sonic swallowed a non-existing lump down his throat. "You… actually bought me a new pair of shoes… for me?"

"Well… they're technically mine, and they were made by my sister," Sweetie replied but with a warm smile. "But I figured you need these shoes more than me."

"And I also did some slight modifications of these shoes so that they don't wear out quickly no matter how long or fast you run!" Rarity said in pride. "I figured my experiences of designing Rainbow Dash's shoes will come into play sooner or later!"

"...you really mean that?" Sonic asked softly. "You don't mind giving these to me to keep?"

Apple Bloom nodded. "Yep! Since yer so fun to hang out with and a cool guy, consider this a gift from us… and fer being our friend."

Rarity winked. “Told you I’ll be designing some sort of clothing for you!”

Sonic felt his heart swell in warmth. "Wow… thank you." Sonic smiled. "No one's ever given me a gift before. I gotta check that off my bucket list."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Try them on, Sonic!" Scootaloo cried eagerly.

With a big happy grin, Sonic eagerly put on his new shoes and then stood up on the counter. He then ran in place, did a little dance, and spun around to test the comfort and durability of his shoes. They are definitely more comfortable than his old ones and they don't break down as quickly as all of the other shoes. And best of all, they were a gift from his new friends.

"All right! Looking good!" He exclaimed excitedly.

The girls responded with happy grins.

Author's Note:

So Sonic has finally woken up and Dean Cadance has properly met Sonic. Good thing Fluttershy and the others are there to help heal him! :pinkiesmile:

Anyway, time for some notes/references:

There were some very cool Easter eggs within Robotnik's dance scene in the movie! :pinkiehappy:

As Robotnik was picking a song from his holographic playlist, you could see one of those playlists he had there was Crush 40. For those who don't know (which I doubt), Crush 40 is a Japanese-American hard rock band that produced music for the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series and still does today. Their best-known songs, and just to name a few, were Open Your Heart, Sonic Heroes, What I'm Made of..., I Am... All of Me, Knight of the Wind, Live Life, and of course, Live and Learn.

Another one from the list of his playlists was Heavy Metal Bombing Over Babylon. It's possible that this was a reference to the Babylon Rogues from Sonic Riders series.

As Robotnik was looking through the circuit breaker during a power outage, you could see one of the labels near a button that said "Badniks", which are a group of robotic enemies that Sonic has to fight in his games. I should also note that they were called "Badniks" in the American and European versions in the early 90s while in Japan they were simply called "Eggman's robots". Ever since the release of Sonic Adventure in 1999, they were now referred to as Eggman robots in most games today, except for Sonic Rivals 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 and Sonic Lost World when they were referred as Badniks.

The song Robotnik played in the background and danced to it was called Where Evil Grows by The Poppy Family.

Remember when I said back in the Baseball chapter that I have two favorite scenes (well, technically three since I forgot all about Sonic's Quicksilver moment at the bar)? This is another favorite scene of mine. Seeing Jim Carrey dancing around in his lab as Robotnik was just hilarious, especially when Agent Stone appeared out of nowhere and scared the crap out of him! :rainbowlaugh:

And if you think Robotnik/Eggman was being out of character for him to randomly dance like a goofball, trust me! This isn't the first time he did that! I'll let this video speak for itself:

What's really interesting was that not only Jim Carrey himself who picked that song for him to dance, his entire dance sequence was completely improvised! Gotta give this man credit! :eeyup:

Twilight inwardly remarking about how she can dance "better than him" was just a comedic irony since she is also a worse dancer (well, technically it was Princess Twilight, but since they're almost simular to each other, I wouldn't be surprised if Sci-Twi is also the worst dancer :rainbowlaugh:).

Applejack mentioned Pinkie as the current champion of an annual Turkey Call was a callback to when Pinkie's pony counterpart defeated Big Mac of that very same competition in MLP:FiM Season 4, Episode 14, Filli Vanilli.

Pinkie exclaimed "Aw, candy corn" was a callback to when she said it in EqG short, Pinkie Pie: Snack Psychic.

Sonic's sudden phrase, "Gotta go fast!" was an obvious callback to an English opening theme song, "Gotta Go Fast" for Sonic X.

Yes, in this adaptation, it was Rarity and the CMCs who gave those red shoes to Sonic. And it was Sweetie Belle who decided to give her shoes away to him. I have that planned from the start. Remember that "present" Rarity gave Sweetie way back in the Baseball chapter? She did say she gave Sweetie Belle a new pair of shoes which she made herself, but I never made her say that those shoes are red. I'm surprised (and glad) that no one picked up on that. :twilightsmile:

Interestingly enough, Shoe Surgeon and PUMA created these shoes as a promotional item for the movie. It's a shame that those are never released in retail stores, but you got to admit, they're pretty cool! :pinkiehappy:

What will happen from there? How are they going to tell Cadance about Twilight? What about Sunset's issues with her friends and Sonic? And what will happen to Twilight? :fluttershysad:

Find out... next week! :raritywink:

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