• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume II - Chapter 7: A Chilling Phone Call

Some time has passed since another run-in from Tempest and the gang was still traveling on the road in the middle of the night. Most of them fell asleep in their seats while Applejack and Sunset were still awake, driving the bus and staying watch. While Sunset was still tense from their encounter with the G.U.N. agent, she couldn’t get much sleep anyway due to the guilt for invading Sonic's memories, even though it was unintentional. She knew that she had to come clean to him soon, but her main priority is to be alert and get her friends to Manehattan safely.

Or at least, force herself on that priority.

They eventually reached a lone gas station with a mini-mart just as they were running out of gas. As soon as Applejack parked the bus near one of the gas meters, the girls immediately walked out of the bus, glad that they could finally take a break from the ride and stretch their legs.

Finally! Thank goodness we found a gas station!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Welp, best we fuel ourselves up and pay it in cash at the convenience store,” said Applejack as she was starting to use the fuel service.

“And maybe we can grab some food while we’re at it,” Rainbow Dash added.

Pinkie’s eyes lit up with a smile. “Ooh! I wonder if there is a Grape Garden around here?”

Rainbow Dash let out a loud annoyed groan. “Pinkie, we don't have time for Grape Garden! And even if we did, I doubt that place is open at this time of night!"

"You never knoooooowwww," Pinkie said in her sing-song voice, causing Rainbow Dash to roll her eyes as a result.

Sonic stepped out of the bus to follow the girls. As soon as he was outside, he spotted something from the side of the mart which looked like it came out of some sci-fi show.

“Hey, what’s that thing?” Sonic inquired as he pointed at the thing in question. “Some sort of a teleportation box?”

The girls turned to where he was pointing at, which turned out to be an old gray and blue booth with glass windows and a door.

“It’s a payphone!" said Twilight with a grin. "Great find, Sonic! I can use that thing to talk to my big brother!”

Sonic tilted his head in confusion. “You’re seeing your brother in that thing?

“Technically, I can only talk to him via voice," Twilight explained. "People used to use that as a means to communicate with someone before cell phones were made."

"I’m surprised there is even one still around this day in age,” Fluttershy stated in wonder.

Twilight sighed with an uneasy look. “Yeah, from what I heard, they are now mostly used by shady dealers and fugitives from the law… which is us.

"How fitting," Rainbow remarked sarcastically, but Twilight ignored her.

“In any case, I’m going to use it to call Shiny.”

“Why?” Sunset asked.

“Since my brother is a cop and we’re going to see Cadance, I figured he can call her ahead of time and assist us. We need all the help we can get.” She then rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “That… and I'm sure that Shining Armor is worried sick by now with our house overrun by the government.”

"Makes sense," Sunset nodded. "Alright, we’ll call him, but I’m coming with you! Maybe we'll give Principal Celestia a call too.”

“Well we’re coming too!” Rainbow spoke up for the group, which they all nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, let’s go!” Sonic whooped. He was about to rush over to the phone booth, only to be stopped by Applejack.

“Now hold on there partner! Yer stayin’ here!

Sonic frowned. “Huh? Why can't I come?”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Um, hello? You’re a hedgehog! You stuck out like a sore thumb!”

“Your hair stuck out like a sore thumb!” Sonic remarked.

Rainbow growled. “Why you–”

Rarity gently grasped Rainbow's shoulder to calm her friend. “Rainbow Dash is right… for once.”

Rainbow had a cocky smile. “Heh, of course, I’m–” Rainbow immediately frowned and glared at her friend. “Hey! Whataya mean, “for once”?”

Rarity paid her friend no mind as she continued to explain to the blue hedgehog. “While we’re still on the run, we can at least blend in easily. But with you darling… not so much, no offense.”

“If anyone sees you with us, then the government will come chasing after us again," Twilight added. "It’s probably for the best that you wait on the bus.”

Sonic crossed his arms with a pout expression, not happy with the idea of staying put. "Fine."

“And that goes for you three as well!” Rarity said sternly to her sister and her friends, who were just standing near the bus.

The CMCs were taken aback by Rarity’s statement.

“What! Why?” Sweetie Belle cried.

“Yer in danger enough as it is!" said Applejack. "And yer technically still in trouble, so yer stayin' with Sonic as well!”

“Ugh! This is so unfair!” Sweetie complained. “We always have to sit out on everything!”

Rarity rested her fists on her hips with narrowed eyes. “This isn't a family vacation Sweetie Belle! And our decision is final!

Seeing an argument was about to break out, Twilight calmly interjected. “Look, we won’t be long. Just stay in the car, and don’t let anyone see any of you, especially Sonic!”

...fine!” The three young girls chorused with looks of disappointment.

Twilight then turned her attention to her dog, who was poking out of one of the bus windows. "Spike, stay here and watch these four. And make sure they don't get into any trouble."

"Roger that!" Spike saluted with his doggy paw.

"We're being babysitted by a dog… how embarrassing," Scootaloo muttered as she and her friends entered the bus.

Sonic shrugged as he followed them. "Eh, I've been in a much more embarrassing situation."

As Sonic and the three pre-teens entered the bus, the older teens went over to the payphone to make a few calls.

"Um, is it possible that G.U.N. would try to trace a call from a phone booth too?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

"Yeah, I thought we were trying not to get traced," Rainbow added, annoyed Twilight was breaking her own rules.

"It is possible since it's physically connected to the phone network," Twilight replied as she opened the booth. "But that doesn't matter, because we'll be long gone by the time they get here."

Twilight lifted the phone from the hook and placed it over her ear. She was relieved that the phone is still in service when she heard the dial tone. Her eyes furrowed when she noticed the price tag before facing her friends.

"Any of you girls have fifty cents?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow frowned. "You mean we have to pay to make a call?"

"It's called a payphone fer a reason Dash," Applejack deadpanned.

"Yeah, but this thing is obsolete!"

"Not in some countries!" Twilight pointed out, much to Rainbow’s annoyance.

"Um, I have fifty cents," Fluttershy spoke up quietly, as she took some coins out of her skirt pocket.

Twilight took the coins from Fluttershy. "Do you have any more?"

"That’s all I have,” said Fluttershy with an apologetic look. “I'm sorry."

"That's okay Fluttershy, every little thing helps," Sunset assured before frowning. "But that means we can only have one phone call."

“I think we should still call my brother for help," said Twilight. "That way he can help us by letting Cadance know we’re coming and he can get Principal Celestia to help us too."

"Ah guess that could work, but why can't ya simply call Cadance directly?" asked Applejack.

"She recently changed her number and I… couldn't remember it," Twilight answered sheepishly.

"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash moaned. "Why now of all times she changed her number?"

"Probably plot convenience," Pinkie guessed, much to Rainbow’s confusion.

Paying Pinkie’s randomness no mind, Twilight placed the coins into the payphone for her to call her brother at the station.

Meanwhile, back on the bus, the CMCs were sitting on their seats with bored expressions. While they understood their sisters' reasoning, it was still frustrating to them that they couldn't do anything while still treated like little kids. On top of that, they have Spike to watch them while they're gone, which was pretty humiliating.

Speaking of the dog, Spike, who wasn't bothered to be put on charge, was currently on the front of the seat resting his eyes. While his jaw felt better a while ago, he was concerned about Twilight and the others' safety, as well as that strange scar-faced girl who was currently chasing them. And while he still wasn't sure about the blue hedgehog, Spike was grateful to him for saving Twilight, which earned his respect and some of his trust. Even so, Spike was still keeping an eye on that creature.

As for Sonic himself, he was on the driver's seat, pretending that he was driving as he was turning the wheel and making motor noises. Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched him with mild amusement while Scootaloo just stared at him while furrowing her brow.

“Isn’t it weird to see him act like a little kid, even after he fought that scary scar lady over an hour ago?” Scootaloo whispered.

"Ah don’t see anything wrong with dat," Apple Bloom whispered back. “After all, we’re kids too and we have seen far weirder than dat.”

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. “Yeah, and I think he's cute acting that way." She paused for a moment, furring her brow. "Do you think he has a family?"

Apple Bloom frowned. “Well now dat ya mentioned it, Ah’m not sure. He never mentioned anything about his family once.”

Before the two could think further, they heard Scootaloo let out a loud gasp.

"Oh my gosh! Zappers!" Scootaloo cried excitedly, pointing at her window.

The girls turned to where Scootaloo was pointing and they gasped at the sight. Right across from where they were was a big flashy building with a flashy neon sign which said ‘Zappers’ with an 8-bit alien and some lightning bolts over the entrance. There was also an open outdoor restaurant next to the entrance, which was filled with adults and teenagers alike, hanging out to eat, chat, or just to have fun. There was even some funky rock music, booming from the speakers that were outside the buildings. The girls' eyes sparkled in delight and excitement at the sight of their favorite arcade place out there several feet in front of them.

"Oh my gosh, I love that place!" Sweetie Belle squealed.

"Me too!" said Apple Bloom. "Ah can't believe there's one all da way out here!"

"Yeah, we should check it out!" Scootaloo whooped with a big smile just as she was about to stand up.

"We can't girls," Spike spoke up, stopping Scootaloo in her tracks. "We were told to stay on the bus, remember?"

The three young girls drooped in disappointment.

"Oh yeah… I forgot," Scootaloo muttered.

Apple Bloom patted her friend’s back. “Hey, cheer up Scoots!”

"Yeah, there's always next time," Sweetie Belle added. "We can always go to the one in Canterlot City when this is… Sonic?"

The girls and Spike turned towards the blue hedgehog in question, who was busy looking at the window with an awe expression. For Sonic, he never saw anything that looks so exciting and lively in all his life. There were so many people out there, having fun and doing all kinds of crazy things in the middle of the night without a care in the world.

And Sonic wanted to be a part of it.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Sonic exclaimed. "That is the coolest place I have ever seen! I must check this out!"

As Sonic stood up from his seat Spike immediately sat up from his seat.

"No Sonic,” Spike barked with a stern expression. “We're supposed to stay on the bus!"

Sonic was staring at Spike’s hard expression for a moment before he slowly sat back down to his seat.

"Y-you're right," Sonic stammered, trying to keep himself in check. "I'll just have to stay strong and ignore it… even if it’s the coolest place on earth."

Despite vowing to himself, Sonic ended up watching out the window again and slowly starting to lose control of his self-restraint. He watched as the two teens pressed their forearms together in greeting. He then turned towards the restaurant area where a teenage female, who managed to defeat a muscled guy in a round of arm wrestling at their table.

Everyone watched in concern as Sonic breathed frantically against the window, which caused a fog to appear which he wiped away soon after.

“Sonic… calm down,” Apple Bloom said gently.

But Sonic ignored her as he saw one group of teens balancing and passing the beanbag around with their feet. He then glanced at another group who were playing some kind of monster card game on another table. This caused Sonic to go back and forth with his car seat, making the group around him even more concerned for him.

"Stay strong Sonic! Stay strong!" Sweetie Belle urged.

The final straw for him was when a random guy wearing a leather jacket and shades, drove by in his red and black motocross bike at the front of the building. If that wasn’t impressive enough, he quickly jumped and tilted the bike on its side before landing on it and making the bike spin around in its place. The guy shows off while riding on a spinning bike while everyone around him is cheering him on. That act of display caused Sonic to stand up with a loud shout.

"Augh! I can't take it anymore!" Sonic shouted as he rushed towards one of the windows.

He would have jumped out already if he wasn't held back by three girls and a dog.

"No Sonic, don't!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"People will see you!" Scootaloo grunted.

"But I really want to go there!" Sonic cried desperately.

"You can't! You're gonna jeopardize our mission!" Spike growled while holding one of Sonic’s shoes with his teeth.

“There’s always next time Sonic!” Sweetie Belle insisted.

There won’t be a next time!” Sonic screamed.

Everyone immediately stopped struggling as soon as Sonic screamed. There was tense silence from within the bus. The girls and Spike stared at him in shock while Sonic, no longer putting up a fight, just stood silently with his back turned. They heard him sigh heavily before he turned towards them with a defeated expression.

“I… I have never been to places like this before,” Sonic said quietly, ashamed to look at anyone in the eye. “I always want to join in on the fun, but I can’t. And when I leave… I’ll never have a chance again.”

Despite only knowing the hedgehog for barely a whole day, they have never seen Sonic look so upset before. Neither didn't know what to do or say next until Sweetie Belle spoke for the group.

“So you… never have any fun at all?” Sweetie Belle asked in her quiet tone.

“No… I didn’t,” Sonic shook his head with a sigh. He then slowly sat back down and leaned towards the window. “I’m sorry for being so childish. It’s hard to always watch other people having a good time, while I had to keep myself hidden… and left out. It’s one of the joys of being me.

Everyone, including Spike, felt so sorry for the blue hedgehog. While they never knew what his life was like, they do know what it was like to be lonely. It was rough enough that he was forced to flee all in his life, but to never have any fun with someone, let alone for himself, is really sad.

Apple Bloom stared at the blue hedgehog in pity. She shifted her eyes towards the window where Zapper’s are and then back to Sonic. Apple Bloom knew that what she was about to purpose will get them in serious trouble. Despite that they’re currently on thin ice with her sister, she wanted to help out her new friend to feel normal and have fun, if only for a day.

“Girls… we’re takin’ Sonic to dat place!” Apple Bloom declared much to everyone, including the blue hedgehog’s shock.

“What!?” They all exclaimed.

Spike immediately stood on his paws. “Apple Bloom, Twilight said–”

“Ah know, Ah know! ‘Stay on da bus’! Ah get it!” said Apple Bloom with an exasperated look. “But Sonic spends his whole life on the run while livin’ on our planet and he never has time for fun! And now he’s forced to leave before he has a chance, and it ain’t fair!” She let out a sigh before giving Spike and her friends her pleading expression. “Ah know Ah’ll get in trouble fer doin’ this… but Ah say we shall let him have a good time fer once while we’re here. Dat way, when he does leave, he’ll have somethin’ to look back on with no regrets!”

Sweetie and Scootaloo shared a look before giving Apple Bloom their supportive expressions.

“You know what, you’re right Apple Bloom!” said Scootaloo. “I say we should do it as well. Maybe even join in on the fun!” She then smirked. “I’ve been itching to show him a few ropes on Tirek’s Revenge the arcade game!”

“Well, if you girls are up for it, then I’m all for it!” Sweetie Belle squeaked before turning to Sonic. “What do ya say Sonic?”

Sonic stared at the girls with an awed look. No one has ever gone out of their way for him before, let alone wanting to play with him. Seeing them wanting to include him in the fun made his chest feel so warm. Trying to keep his emotions at bay, he gave the three his most heartfelt smile.

“Girls…thank you,” he said quietly, making the CMCs smile back.

The moment was ruined however when they heard Spike clearing his throat.

“Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he still can’t leave the bus!” Before the girls could protest, Spike added, “At least… not while people are going to notice a talking blue hedgehog creature with us.”

They all frowned. As much as they hated to admit it, Spike made a very good point. They knew the moment when Sonic stepped out of the bus, people would be over him like moths to a flame, including the police and G.U.N. agents. The girls still won’t back down to give Sonic a good time, but they need to find a way to make people not notice him.

Suddenly, an idea struck Scootaloo’s mind. She quickly swung her backpack around from her back and dug into it, looking for something. When she finally found the thing she was looking for, Scootaloo had a huge grin on her face.

"Everyone… I have an idea!"

Back at the phone booth, Twilight waited as the phone rang near her ear while the others stood by in anticipation. They waited for what felt like an eternity before the phone finally stopped ringing and then they heard a tired male voice from the other end.

"Canterlot City's Police Department," the voice croaked.

Twilight’s eyes lit up, recognizing the voice from the other end. "Shining Armor, it's me!"

"Twilight!?" Shining exclaimed in relief before he began to frantically bombard her with questions. "Oh thank Faust! Are you alright? Where are you? Are you safe? And what the heck is going on!?"

The Equestria Girls, especially Twilight winced from his angered tone from his last question. Twilight went even as far as moving the phone away from her ear to avoid her eardrums getting damaged from her brother's voice. However, Shining continued to rant.

"These government agents are swarming all over the city looking for you, including our house! They keep asking questions about you and I tried calling you for hours!"

Once she was sure that her brother finished chewing her out, Twilight brought the phone back to her ear. “I’m fine Shining Armor, I’m with my friends,” she assured calmly. “And what kind of questions were they asking you?”

They’re questions about terrorism!Shining answered loudly. “I told these guys there’s no way you would do that! I mean, I know that you could build a power generator out of toothpicks and paper clips, but you wouldn’t know how to make a bomb! Just what did you do!? Did you hack into their classified files again?"

Twilight, as well as the others, knew how bad of a situation they're in after their confrontation with Dr. Robotnik, but they never thought it would be as bad enough for them to get framed for something they didn't do, especially terrorism. They did not just become wanted criminals in Canterlot City, but the whole country. Twilight puts her worries aside as she responds to her brother.

“Listen Shining, we didn’t do anything wrong! They made all that up just so they can come after us!”

“Then why are these agents after you?” Shining questioned.

Twilight glanced at her friends then at the bus where that certain blue hedgehog was before replying, “It’s… complicated.”

“Complicated?!" Shining shouted. "What the heck do you mean complicated!?”

Twilight rubbed her inner ear briefly after hearing her brother's shouting. “I don’t have much time to explain, we’re currently traveling halfway through the country–”

“Halfway through the country!?” Shining bellowed, which caused Twilight to bring the phone away from her this time. “Why the heck did you travel halfway through the country?”

“I told you, it’s complicated!” Twilight shouted in frustration after quickly placing the phone back to her ear. She then let out a sigh to calm herself. “Look, we’re going to see Cadance in Manehattan to help us get out of this mess. So I need you to call her and let her know we’re coming ahead of time since I don’t have my phone! And also try to reach out to Principal Celestia as well!”

Principal Celestia? Why her?” Shining asked in confusion.

“She’s the one who gave us the heads up about G.U.N. in the first place,” Twilight explained. “And most importantly, don’t tell anyone that we talked, alright?”


While still on the phone, Shining Armor nervously glanced around his office of the police department. His office was filled with many G.U.N. agents in every corner around the room, including Dr. Robotnik and Agent Stone, who was looming over him.

“I… think that may be a bit too late for that,” Shining responded meekly.

Before Shining could say more, Dr. Robotnik yanked the phone away from him and then placed the phone over his ear.

“Hello Miss Sparkle,” he greeted coolly.

Twilight eyes widened with an alarmed expression. “It’s Robotnik!” Twilight gasped quietly as she placed her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone, causing the others to panic.

“Oh, crud!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Why is he there with your brother?”

“Most likely because they knew we would be calling him,” Sunset theorized. “Especially after what happened at Twilight’s house.”

“W-what are we gonna do?” Fluttershy asked in a worried tone.

Twilight frowned. She was wondering the same thing. Part of her mind was telling her to hang up that phone immediately. However, this could also be the opportunity to find out what was going on in Robotnik’s mind while his guard was down and maybe they can better prepare themselves before they have the chance to catch them. This could also be risky because he could potentially also learn something from her if she is not careful.

With her decision made, Twilight steel herself before speaking into the phone again.

“W-what do you want Robotnik?” Twilight asked timidly.

“Now, now. There’s no need to be on edge with me.” Dr. Robotnik soothed in a sweet, but cold voice. “I know that you’re the smart one of the group. And if you ask me, that great mind of yours should not be wasted on those insignificant low lives like that group you’re with now.”

The Equestria Girls scowled in offense and disgust from his words.

“The only insignificant low life we all know is you!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angrily.

“...I’m sorry. Was that the annoying rainbowed-haired girl again?” Dr. Robotnik asked in his annoyed tone.

Rainbow Dash frowned. “My name is–”

“Tell that child to stop talking… the adults are talking right now!” Dr. Robotnik said in his bored tone.

Rainbow Dash growled. “Child!? Why you–”

Before she could launch into a tirade, she felt Applejack gently gripped her right shoulder and shook her head, silently telling Rainbow Dash to be quiet.

“Anyway, from one genius to another, how about we struck a deal,” Dr. Robotnik offered. “Tell me where you, your friends, and that creature are right now and not only I’ll spare you from prison and wipe your record clean from your crimes, I will also get you the best connections to any universities or a scientific career choice as you wish!”

Twilight frowned deeply. She knew that Robotnik and his agents were attempting to track and locate her and her friends right now as they were talking regardless of her decision; she wasn't stupid. However, she was caught off guard with his offer to get her into the best universities or even a career of her choice. Twilight always dreamed of getting an Independent Study Program at another university and eventually advanced her career as far as she remembered. But after she transferred to Canterlot High and now has best friends that she considered her family, her plans... have changed. But even so, there was something about Robotnik’s “offer” that raised a few red flags to her.

“What about my friends?” Twilight pressed. “Are you going to erase their “crimes” off their records?”

She heard Dr. Robotnik scoffing over the phone.

“You must understand Miss Sparkle. It’s too complicated to simply overlook the deeds of a whole group of criminals, so it would simply be better to help out someone who is actually useful to our society with brilliant minds!”

“...so in other words, no, you’re not going to help my friends,” Twilight summarized, appalled from the way he treats her friends. “And even without them, I will never accept your offer! It wouldn’t hurt to get connections, but I think I’ll manage without your help!”

Dr. Robotnik let out a loud huff in disappointment. “Well that’s a shame... but I suppose that's what to be expected from a so-called ex-Crystal Prep student."

Twilight blinked. "Um, what?"

"I mean, it was not only a school for rich people but for prodigies like you… or at least, a prodigy that you're pretending to be!" Dr. Robotnik continued in his “sweet” tone. "It was most impressive that everyone in your family attended that school and graduated for decades. And yet… you're the first Sparkle who decided to drop out in the middle of your old school… only to attend a much inferior school."

Twilight was taken aback by his spiteful words. "I-I… I didn't drop–”

“But I supposed that this is for the best!” Robotnik sighed. “From my understanding, you were always the black sheep of the school… and to your family as well! I could imagine how disappointed they are for not fulfilling their expedition.”

“T-that’s not true…” Twilight stammered as her eyes were welling up with unshed tears and her hand that was holding the phone began to quiver.

The Equestria Girls, who were listening to this whole time, were shocked and furious at Robotnik. While they were also victims from his remarks from the moment they first met them, the cruel things he said to Twilight crossed the line. Despite their anger, their concern for their friend’s well-being outweighs their anger.

“Twilly, don't listen to him!" Shining Armor exclaimed from the phone before growling. “You’re going too far Robotnik! Leave my sister out of it!”

Dr. Robotnik, not heeding nor caring of Shining’s threat, continued his assault.

“And despite your high intellect, you fell short in comparison to the rest of your family, including your brother. Not to mention, you were also an embarrassment during the Friendship Games. It's a wonder why your brother hasn't disowned you yet… actually, it’s a wonder why they have you at all."

"Shut your mouth Robotnik!” Shining shouted angrily. “I’m warning you–"

“I guess you ending the family tradition of applying to that school was not in your parents' minds before they were run off the road by some drunk driver. Though I wonder what they would think of you now that you become a wanted criminal and a failure of a daughter… or should I say, step-daughter!

Suddenly, they heard a loud crash as if something was knocked over, followed by a roar from a furious cop and brother.

"You son of a–"

“Restrain him,” Dr. Robotnik stated calmly.

There were grunts and sounds of struggles from the other end, followed by shouting, curses, and threats towards Robotnik from Shining himself. However, Twilight doesn’t pay any attention to the background noise, and the world for that matter as she just stood there with a faraway look in widen eyes after that bombshell. Not noticing that the phone had slipped out of her hand, Twilight fell on her knees with tears pouring down her cheeks before she began to sob. Noticing her friend’s emotional distress, everyone, sans Sunset, ran over and pulled the poor girl into a group hug.

Sunset in particular was beyond furious with that man as she picked up the phone and brought it to her ear.

“Hey! You leave my friend alone, you dirtbag!” Sunset shouted in rage. “If I ever see your face again, I’ll give you something much worse than a punch to your face!”

“Ah, Miss Shimmer. I was hoping to speak to you again,” Dr. Robotnik said in his pleasant voice before it changed to more disdain. “I want you to know that the only other person who ever punched me in the face was the school bully. He hit me in the cafeteria, causing a blunt force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone. Humiliated me in front of the entire school, and you know what I did in response?”

Sunset, now lost some of her rage, thought nervously. “Uh... I assume you reported him to the principal's office. 'Cause, well… bullying someone at school is usually not tolerable, especially using violence.”

“No,” Dr. Robotnik said in his dark tone. “I examined the inefficiency of a world where brawn trumped brain, and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency. The boy ate his meals through a straw for a year, and I have never lost a fight again… until today.

"Oh, well, good for me then, huh!" Sunset responded in a mocking tone.

“No, because you're about to become the bully. With the straw! Dr. Robotnik retorted. “But then again, you’re already a bully at the school from the records I’ve read about you.”

Sunset frowned as she gripped the phone tightly. While her actions from the first years at CHS were on her and owed up to it, she hated how people kept bringing up her past just to bring her down. Government agent or not, she will not allow that jerk to bully her and her friends around and gets away with it.

“If you’re trying to get to me as you did to Twilight, it won’t work!” Sunset growled. “While I was a bully then, I’m not that person anymore. And even during that time, I would never stoop so low to hurt someone physically. However, I will use violence if anyone ever threatens and harms my friends! So go ahead, throw whatever insults and threats you have towards me, because at the end of the day… it’s you who is going down!”

Sunset breathed heavily after telling him off, pleased with herself for standing her ground against him. For a moment, there was only silence from the other end of the phone. Sunset wondered if she had just lost connection or if Robotnik hung up on her, that is until she heard Robotnik’s let out a dark chuckle which sends shivers down her spine.

“My, my,” said Robotnik in his sickenly sweet tone. “You talk big and tough for a teenage girl. Or should I say… unicorn!

Sunset suddenly lost all color from her face and her eyes were wide as dinner plates. She was too shocked to let out a sound, let alone to speak as if something died in her throat. Robotnik’s words have also caused her friends into a shocked silence. Even Twilight, who suddenly stopped crying in shock after hearing his words. The whole area was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

“...what are you talking about?” Sunset demanded in a calm tone while trying to keep her emotions in check.

She heard Dr. Robotnik click his tongue before speaking in his casual tone. “Oh you know, some poor little horse creature who was shunned by her former mentor, and then decided to come to our world just so she can prove herself useful? Of course, we all know what happened during the events of the Fall Formal, but I’m more interested in the world you're from! ...Equestria, was it?”

Sunset was now starting to panic. How could he possibly have known the true origin of her and her world? She and Principal Celestia have worked hard to keep her background and Equestrian Magic a secret from public knowledge. They even made sure to have the students, both from CHS and Crystal Prep, sworn into secrecy about magic and Equestria. Before she could think further, Robotnik continued.

“You know, I originally only have my sights on that creature that you’re trying so hard to protect for scientific interests, but now… I also have my sights on you and your world, Miss Shimmer! I don’t know how you come to this world in the first place, but when I’m finished with that creature, I’m going to find it and maybe use your world for my own purposes! I’ll even do some experiments on you just to see what makes you and your powers so tick! Maybe I’ll even experiment on your friends too! I'm coming for you, Miss Shimmer. And when I catch you, I'll–”

Sunset suddenly slammed the phone on its hook, ending the conversation with the mad doctor. She then began to breathe rapidly as she was on a brink of a nervous breakdown. Everyone stared at Sunset out of concern for their friend and also panicked from the doctor’s revelation, too scared to think of what to do next.

Dr. Robotnik blinked in confusion as he heard the line from the other end suddenly went dead.

“Hello? Hello? ...hello, hello, hello?”

“Um, I believe they just hung up on you Doctor,” said Agent Stone as he gestured to the phone base. “The light on that phone is off.”

“Yes, thank you Captain Obvious!” Robotnik remarked with a huff. “Did we get their location?"

Agent Stone shook his head. "No Doctor. We were shy by a few seconds."

Dr. Robotnik slammed his fist on Shining’s desk. "Blast! Looks like we’ll have to use other means to track them down!”

“Hey!" Shining shouted angrily, causing Robotnik and Stone to look down on him.


He was unfortunately pinned down on the floor by other agents after he almost decked Robotnik for emotionally hurting his sister. While belittling her sister’s faults and reminding the death of their parents to break her spirit was bad enough, Robotnik has the gall to reveal Shining’s guarded secret about Twilly was a step too far. He felt guilty for having her sister find out like that, and for keeping that secret from her in the first place. However, Shining put his worries for his sister aside as he focused all of his anger on that despicable man in front of him now, despite that he was trapped.

"You leave my sister and her friends alone!" Shining snarled. "You have no right to–”

Dr. Robotnik interrupted him by stepping on Shining’s hand, causing the officer to scream out in pain. "Officer Armor, right?” Robotnik asked with a look of disdain. “Since I’m a Government Official, you’re in no position to give me any orders! And since you’re Miss Sparkle’s brother– excuse me, step-brother… I’ll have you under arrest for assisting a potential terrorist!”

“You can't do that!" Shining protested as he was forced to stand up by other agents. He tried to wiggle out of their grasps despite being restrained. "You’re being ridiculous! My sister and her friends are high schoolers! There’s no way they’re capable of terrorism!”

Dr. Robotnik cocked an eyebrow. “Even with their magical powers from another world?”

Shining stopped struggling and frowned. "Powers?"

"Oh you know, those special powers that were brought over to this world by that horse girl I've talked to earlier?” Dr. Robotnik elaborated. “And your sister and her friends have been using those powers sometime since the Friendship Games?"

Dr. Robotnik snapped his fingers, which made Agent Stone take out his tablet and play the clip which was recorded off one of the drones from earlier. Shining watched as he saw his sister and her friends were hiding beneath their family dining table while being surrounded by other drones as they fired their weapons at them. He was about to retort to Robotnik again for trying to kill his sister until he noticed in confusion when everything in the video suddenly began to spin around in a blur. He heard more gunshots and shouts from the background until everything stopped spinning and his eyes widened at the sight of a strange blue creature lying down on the floor. Before he could process this, he watched as the screen suddenly flashed in lavender before it turned to the left. The last thing he saw before the screen went black was Sunset about to smash the screen with a bowl and Twilight stood in the background behind her… while her hands glowed in that same lavender color.

Dr. Robotnik cocked an eyebrow at the sight of Shining’s stunned expression. “Oh my... you really didn’t know?” When Shining didn’t respond, Robotnik shrugged. “Well, if there’s any consolation, you’re not the only one who has been keeping secrets. I guess that’s what happens when you think you know your sibling… only to find an ugly truth that was hidden right under your nose. Of course… I wouldn’t know what that was like. I am an only child.”

Dr. Robotnik gave Shining a smirk before turning his back on him. “Take him to our base… we’ll interrogate him in regards to where our fugitives are heading later!”

Two of the G.U.N. agents lead Shining out of his office, who was still shellshocked and didn’t even put up a fight. While that was happening, Agent Stone leaned over to Dr. Robotnik’s ear.

"Pardon the interruption Doctor, but I received word from one of our scouts you assigned,” he whispered. “Those girls are spotted at a gas station near some arcade and restaurant building several states away from here.”

Dr. Robotnik grinned evilly. “Excellent! Tell our scout to stay and keep watch and we’re on our way… and also to keep an eye out for Agent Shadow too... I would like to personally have a chat with her!” He then walked out of the office. “Let’s go Stone!”

“Yes Doctor,” said Agent Stone before he and the other agents followed after him.

Author's Note:

Well... that was a rollercoaster chapter! :twilightoops:

Now, a few notes and reference for this chapter:

Sonic thinking the phone booth is a "teleportation box" from the movie was an obvious reference to Doctor Who. I have never seen the show, but it was a pretty interesting reference.

While this has nothing to do with Sonic or MLP/EqG, but during my research, apparently despite that they're not as common these days, roughly 100,000 payphones still exist in the US alone today and they still charge $0.50! :rainbowderp:

Not only that, what Twilight said to Rainbow Dash is true. Some other countries around the world still used public payphones (at least as of writing). Not as much as back then, but still somewhat more common than the US. Does anyone still use a payphone? Please leave a comment if you do, because I'm very curious.

And yes, I'm changing the location where Sonic wanted to hang out from a bar to an arcade/restaurant. Since most of our characters are teenagers (pre-teens in CMCs case), having them go and hang out at the bar is definitely not a good idea for obvious reason. So I made the place more family-friendly instead.

And in case your wondering, the idea of Zappers is based on and EqG's equivalent to Dave & Buster's.

As for the 8-bit alien logo for Zappers', it was a reference to this iconic alien sprite from Space Invaders.

Despite the bar won't make an appearance in this fic, I will mention this small fun fact. At one point during the 16-bit ending credits sequence from the original movie with Sonic hanging out at the bar, it resembled Mirage Saloon Zone from Sonic Mania.

Also, according to some other sources, while there is no stage reference to any of the Sonic games for the Piston Pit bar from the movie, but it is a nod towards one of Dr. Robotnik's machines, the Egg Pistons. Specifically, the machine he used for the final boss battle in Final Zone from the first game when he tried to crush Sonic.

In Sonic Mania, Dr. Robotnik used it again, which is the Egg Pistons Mk. II. during the boss battle in Metallic Madness Zone.

One group of kids playing a "Monster Card game" was a reference to Yu-Gi-Oh! Training Card Game.

So what's going to happen next? Stick around for next week to find out! :trollestia:

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