• Published 14th Apr 2020
  • 11,077 Views, 305 Comments

Twilight sparkle lord of death - Dark1777

The story begins on the day of the wedding rehearsal between BBBFF of twilight captain shining amor and princess mi amore cadenza.

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Chap 6: new shape

At the wedding hall

The jaws of all the ponies in the room fell because of what Twilight said, she called an army of changeling weak and defeated them all on her own. But at the same time all the ponies in the room except Cadence bowed in shame as Twilight called them traitors. They recall how they didn't trust her when she said Cadence was evil and left her alone in the ballroom to comfort the fake Cadence who had treated them poorly.

“Why don't you join me, Twilight? Together we can rule over the entire Equestrian !!” Chrysalis seduced Twilight.

“And why must I help you? I have never been interested in ruling Equestrian” Twilight said.

“So you're not interested in taking revenge on Princess Celestia, your brother and your friends? Think about what they did to you at the wedding rehearsal, they betrayed and abandoned you! Don't you want to take revenge on them? ” Chrysalis reminded Twilight about how her friends, Princess Celestia, and brother treated her at the wedding rehearsal.

Cadence confused as she did not understand what Chrysalis had said, turned to ask her husband, “What happened while I was locked up in the cave?”

But there was no answer. She turned to Princess Celestia and Twilight's friend to find the answers. But once again all she received was silence.

“Hahaha! If you want to know what happened then I will tell you. At the wedding rehearsal, after Twilight ran in and accused me of being evil, I pretended to cry and ran outside, then Shining Armor said I behaved badly because of stress, and he fired his sister from the wedding. The people who are supposed to be friends and the princess Celestia also leave her to comfort me. Hahaha, with friends like that, who needs enemies? ” Chrysalis recounted.

Cadence gasped at what Chrysalis just said, she turned to look into her husband and asked “Is it true, Shiny? Did you really kick Twilight out of the wedding? Tell me Shiny! ” She seriously asked her husband to answer.

“yes” Shining Armor answered weakly.

“How could you !? How could you kick her out of your wedding !!! That is your sister !!! Is your flesh and blood !!! How could you do that !!! How could you all treat her like that!? Aunt! You are the pony that has taken care of her since childhood, as her mentor! Is there a mentor who is ignoring her students !? And you guys! You are her friends, how could you leave her face to comfort a pony who you only met one day !? ” Cadence shouted angrily at what Shining Armor, main five, and princess Celestia did to Twilight.

“We didn't know that Cadence was fake! We think you're just stressed out and Twilight is just overreacting, Rainbow Dash tried to explain.

“And you used that as a reason to abandon her !?” Cadence retorted. Silence Rainbow Dash because she knew Cadence was right. They shouldn't abandon Twilight even if she's overreacting. They are her friends, what kind of friends would you abandon your friends? She stamped her feet angry with herself for acting so stupid.

“Aunt! You know that even if I'm stressed, I'd rather lock myself in my room than hurt any pony! And you know Twilight won't act that way without a reason! ” Cadence continued speaking to Celestia.

Celestia didn't realize what to say, she knew that as Cadence's aunt she should know Cadence would never act like that even when stressed.

All of Twilight's friends, brothers and mentors bowed in shame and felt guilty after treating Twilight like that.

“Hahaha! You see!? Follow me, together we will occupy Equestrian and quote t- ... ” chrysalis could not finish the sentence before a blast of dark gray magic shot at her and knocked her into the wall behind.

All the ponies in the room were surprised when Twilight suddenly attacked Chrysalis.

“Let me make one thing clear, I never thought of revenge against them or rather I don't want to do anything with them anymore. Our relationship has ended since they abandoned me that night” Twilight said coldly.

Every word of Twilight was like knives stabbing into the heart of every pony in the room. They were furious with her when she accused Cadence of being evil, but they never wanted to end relationship with her.

"S ... so why did you save them?” Chrysalis had difficulty asking for the injury after the blow.

“I did not save them. I just came here to help Cadence” Twilight said coldly, slowly moving toward Chrysalis with dark gray glowing horns preparing to attack Chrysalis again.

Now all the ponies in the room pay attention to the magical colors and eyes of Twilight.

“When did Twilight's magic light turn into a dark gray?” Applejack asked.

“And her eyes too. They used to be purple in the past ... but now they're ice blue ... and it looks like they're glowing ... Those eyes make me feel cold” Rarity added. She shivered as she looked into Twilight's ice eyes.

“Her magic has changed since I met her in the cave .... As for her eyes ... I don't know ..., But I swear when i saw her in the cave,It's still gray, I don't know how it changed to ice blue now” Cadence said as she and Shining Armor headed towards Celestial's group and the main five.

“I don't remember that my faithful students had a good fighting skills as she could defeat an entire army of changeling alone. I guess maybe she found a new power when she was in the crystal cave” Celestial said.

“But what kind of power, is it dangerous?” Shining Armor asked. He dislikes the idea of Twilight finding a power in a dark cave.

“I'm afraid I don't know. I didn't even know there was a crystal cave below the Canterlot. We can only hope that the power Twilight has received is not dark magic” Celestia said in hope. She did not want the past to repeat.

Meanwhile, the queen of changeling stood up, said “If you don't follow me, you have to disappear!”

With that statement Chrysalis fired a green magic spell at Twilight, Twilight immediately dodged to the side and shot back, Chrysalis shot another spell, when the two spells touched each other, it exploded .. Smoke and dust flew through the room.

Chrysalis took advantage of the opportunity to fly above Twilight and fire off another magical spell. However, now with the eyes of death, Twilight could easily see every movement, she quickly dodged and fired another spell at Chrysalis, but the queen fly to the side.

“Hahaha !! You may have an advantage when I'm on the ground, but now I'm up here and you are not! You can't defeat me Twilight Sparkle” Chrysalis mocked.

“Think again dumping bugs” Twilight said.

Twilight said as he came out of the smoke ..... All the ponies were shocked at Twilight's new shape.

Twilight is now as tall as Cadence, she wears a black suit of armor, her mane and tail resembles Princess Luna but it is dark gray and it is shaped like a galaxy instead of night and stars like Princess Luna, Her eyes are still icy blue, her cutie mark also transforms into a black scythe, behind her is a pair of sharp black bone wings.