• Published 14th Apr 2020
  • 11,075 Views, 305 Comments

Twilight sparkle lord of death - Dark1777

The story begins on the day of the wedding rehearsal between BBBFF of twilight captain shining amor and princess mi amore cadenza.

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Chap 5: adapting to the new power

At the wedding hall

Cadence broke into the room and shouted "STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!".

All ponies stared in surprise at her. In front of them was a pink alicorn that looked like cadence, only this cadence was a complete mess, her mane was messy, under her eyes there were dark circles as if she hadn't slept for days.

"I don't get it, how come there are two princess cadence !?" Applejack is the first pony to escape surprise and ask.

“She is a changeling! She transforms into the person we love and attracts their love! She caught me and locked me in a crystal cave below the canterlot and turned into me to suck the love of shining amor and weaken his force field so that she could put her guitar in and take canterlot! ” cadence accused chrysalis.

Suddenly the fake cadence was covered by a blue flame and slowly turned her into a black creature with holes in her legs and wings turning into a blue film, she was as tall as the celestia princess. All the ponies in the room gasped and were shocked at the true form of the creature.

Chrysalis laughed “hahaha !! You were right princess cadence, I am the queen chrysalis, the queen of all changeling! I have a duty to find food for my people and because equeatria is the place that holds love more than ever, I will take it and consume all the pony's love !!! And there is nothing you can do! Is that right, darling? ” chrysalis lifted his shining shining amor and asked him.

"Um-hum" shining amor nodded, now he was completely beetle controlled by chrysalis.

“Hahaha !!!! Soon, my children will break that force field and I will have all the love in equestria! Hahaha !!! ” chrysalis laugh.

“I won't let you do that! I will protect my people! ” declared celestia princess.

Princess celestia stepped up to confront chrysalis. With that both firing magic at the opponent, when the two magic touched, celestia's magic initially repelled the magic of chrysalis, however the love power of shining amor for cadence gave chrysalis more power and eventually magic repelled princess celestia's magic and sent her flying to the side.

Twilight's freinds, cadence and spike scream and rush to the princess "princess celestia !!"

“Hahaha !!! The shining amor's love makes me stronger than celestia! Now no one can stop me anymore! Hahaha !!!! ” chrysalis laughs expensively.

The shining field magic of shining amor has disappeared and the changeling army has entered the canterlot.

"You have to look for the twilight and the elements, they are our only hope now!" Princess Celestia said in pain from the wound.

Main five nodded and ran away to find the twilight and the elements.

Meanwhile in the crystal cave

Twilight is surrounded by the bridesmaids of chrysalis. They slowly approached the twilight.

'Okay, now time to test my new power' she thought.

The bridesmaids began to attack her.

Twilight closed her eyes and focused on how to use the power that Death had shown her, when she opened her eyes is blue of icy

With eyes of the death god, she could now clearly see the opponent's movements as if everything around her was slowing down, she could easily dodge their entire attacks. She dodged while using her magic to make them sleep.

After finishing the chrysalis bridesmaids, she used magic to lift the sleeping bridesmaids and head for the exit.

‘I am very impressed, master. In just a few minutes you can grasp how to use the death eye, although it is a basic skill, my previous employers have at least 3 days to be able to use it 'death said in twilight's thinking.

"Thank you, actually maybe the real battle made me learn faster," twilight said.

Back to the wedding hall

The main five were defeated by the changeling and brought into the room, all of them exhausted from fighting hundreds of changeling.

"I'm sorry princess, we still haven't found the twilight and the elements," applejack said.

“Hahaha! Now there is nothing that can help you! ” chrysalos sing in triumph

While chrysalis was singing for his victory, cadence ran to shining amor's place to wake him up.

Shining amor shook his head after escaping chrysalis "hum? What happened? Is the wedding over? ” shining amor confused asked when he saw the cadence standing in front of him was a complete mess with a messed mane. He swore he only saw her grooming herself before the wedding.

“Hahaha !!!! Oh my prince, the wedding is over!!!! even if you calm down, there is nothing you can do, equestria will be mine !! Hahaha !!!! ” chrysalis laughed and mocked.

"N...no! I won't let that happen !! ” shining amor said, he tried to cast a shield, but all those little weak magic appeared on his horn. He was exhausted from being chrysalis suck all his love.

"I ... I can't do magic ...!" shining desperately said.

"Oh ... Shining" cadence comforted her husband.

“Hahaha !!! Now everything is perfect ”chrysalis laughed at the desperation of all the ponies in the room

BUM !!!!!!!!!!!!! An explosion sounded and the door exploded, one of the changeling guards outside the door was knocked into the room. All the ponies in the room were surprised to look at the direction the door had just been destroyed. A purple unicorn walks through the door with another changeling in her dark gray magic.

Twilight stood there, staring at chrysalis with icy eyes that made chryasalis shudder as he looked into the twilight eyes. Then the twilight glanced over at her friends, spike, mentor, shining amor and cadence before looking back at chrysalis and throwing the changeling she was holding in her magic to the floor and letting it slip to the bottom of the chrysalis.

"I can see that you take good care of them" twilight said

"H... How can you pass the changeling out the door? there are at least fifty changeling out there, without any possibility for you to overcome it alone, ”chrysalis said shakily.

"Fifty? You are underestimating me. Look out and you'll know how much I took. ” Twilight calmly said.

The confused Chrysalis looked out, and all she saw made her shiver. All the changeling army had been defeated and piled up in a pile right below the tower where she stood.

“i...i. .. It can't be !!!!! There is no way you alone defeated all of my changeling army !! Even I can't do it !! H ... How could a small unicorn like you do !? ” chrysalis screamed with twilight in fear.

“Those bugs are too weak, their movements are too slow and they only know how to transform themselves into these traitors and think that I will not dare to do anything to them, but in the end it seems like you and the gang had mistake? ” Twilight said coldly as she glanced at her friends.

'Unexpectedly, you can grasp how to use my power for fifteen minutes fighting these creatures. However, I still do not encourage you to use an army so you can practice with new strength.'Death said

“I am in a hurry because if I do not know how to use this lord of death power, I will not be able to defeat chrysalis. Besides, it's because those bugs stand in the my way so I can just get them to practice a bit, ”twilight said in thought with death.