• Published 14th Apr 2020
  • 11,074 Views, 305 Comments

Twilight sparkle lord of death - Dark1777

The story begins on the day of the wedding rehearsal between BBBFF of twilight captain shining amor and princess mi amore cadenza.

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Chap 13: It's too late to fix everything!

Inside the relic

Twilight went deeper and deeper into the building, everything here was dark. She didn't know how far she had gone nor where in the relic she was, since there were no points of orientation. Not even the light of the exit could reach her now.

“This place is weird, I don't know how long I've been inside, but there's nothing here, it's just a long dark hallway,” Twilight thought. “How long is this corridor? It feels like it will never end! I wonder where this will lead me?”

“I guess this might be a so-called space bridge, Master,” said Death.

“A space bridge? What is that?” Twilight asked.

“In the parallel worlds I've been to, I’ve come across ancient ruins with great mysteries inside them, like tombs of kings, ancient treasures, or simply a small space created by some creature…” Death paused for a second.

“All of these ruins, or to be exact: relics, were built by a rough and very old being, but inside them are completely separate dimensions of space, with no connection to space or time outside, created by magical entities. This means that no matter how fast time flies outside a relic, the dimension of the interior remains unchanged. Time is meaningless inside the monuments, the sun and the moon do not exist in them. The sky, the scenery, everything inside relics are created by their owner. They're like a pre-programmed machine, without any natural element that can change or even affect them.”

Death hesitated, thinking about how to put the next part of his explanation into words. Finally, he began speaking again:

“This separation of dimensions is the reason for the creation of something called the Dark Void, a place that exists between dimensions, without anything existing in it, including time, space, life, death, rebirth and destruction. In the Dark Void, there is only eternal darkness and emptiness. So in order to move from a relic to its belonging reality, the creator of that relic must build a passage connecting reality and the dimension inside the relic, called a space bridge. That's like building a bridge to go across a river. If anyone falls off the bridge and lands in the river, he will sink under the surface and drown. And if you leave a space bridge, you get lost in the Dark Void, forever unable to escape. Not only that, the soul and body of those lost in the Dark Void will be swallowed up by the darkness inside it, that soul will completely disappear from the universe, forever unable to reincarnate,” Death explained.

Twilight replied after a bit of thinking: “So, do space bridges between parallel worlds exist too?”

“Of course, master. But space bridges between parallel worlds are a little bit more complicated, the relic spaces are just disconnected or shielded from their realities, creating a bridge to an entire new reality requires much more power, power only the masters of the crystals of balance and other gods have. That’s because the barriers to other worlds are stronger, and every space bridge has to go through the gateway of space to be stable, however sometimes creatures tear down the walls between parallel worlds, opening time cracks and stepping into other dimensions. But time cracks can also open without external influence, due to the natural phenomena of the universe. In both cases the Lord Of Space-Time has to step in and repair these cracks, and afterwards he slays the responsible creatures.” Death revealed.

After listening to Death's explanation, Twilight went silent. She was thinking about Death’s words. When she had met death, so much changed. Her view of life, of friends. She couldn’t even have dreamed about knowing about the things she knew now: The existence of other parallel worlds in the universe, creatures called humans inhabiting those worlds, or the gods that protect the balance of the universe.

If a pony had told her that there were more powerful beings than Celestia, she would probably have laughed. But knew she could take on Celestia, Luna, Discord and Nightmare Moon combined, although she hadn’t even reached her full potential.

While she was deep in her thoughts, she reached the end of the space bridge. Twilight looked up, in front of her was a beautiful view, a sky that shone with sparkling stars and silver moonlight, a wide meadow and a gentle breeze making the grass sway. In the middle of the meadow was a calm lake, its surface so plain it had no ripples, reflecting the landscape and the night sky.

Twilight was surprised, even though she didn’t have emotions anymore, this peaceful place somehow made her feel safe. She forgot about the many things whirling around in her head, and calmed down.

“I don't know who created this place, but it certainly does look comfy…”

Suddenly Twilight realized how tired she was, she hadn’t slept since the incidents at the wedding, and these had happened who knows how long ago.

“Maybe I'll take a nap before I start training with my new power.” Twilight walked to the lake and lay down beside it. Her eyes gradually closed, and she finally fell into a deep sleep.

At Ponyville

The Main Five, Spike, Princess Celestia, Cadance and Shining Armor were in the Golden Oak Library, Twilight’s former place of residence. They were trying to find information about where Twilight might have gone, but while tireless searching for hours, the hope slowly left them.

Rainbow Dash was the first to shout in frustration: “Agh! We searched for hours without finding any clue about where Twilight has gone! This is taking forever, and I feel like it isn’t going to help anyways.”

“I searched in her closet, but she didn’t take any clothes with her, and normally she would have packed at least three times the necessary supplies.” Rarity said. Her eyes were still bloodshot from crying all day long.

Applejack picked up that thought: “This is not like her at all. She always leaves a piece of paper whenever she goes out.”

“Maybe she doesn't want us to find her, I mean maybe, after all we have done to her, it's obvious that she doesn't want to be friends or even see us, and the way she was at the wedding, that was so scary...” Fluttershy lost her words after remembering what had happened and how cold Twilight seemed to be. She sobbed, then began crying again. Her eyes were also bloodshot, just like Rarity’s. She could not escape the guilt of being responsible for Twilight’s current state. Just because of her, Twilight suffered under a curse that made her heart go blank.

Pinkie Pie approached Fluttershy and took her in her hooves. For Pinky, joy and laughter was a luxury she didn’t want to, just couldn’t afford. All emotions she wanted and that remained in her heart now were pure sadness, guilt and despair, emotions she had never felt so clearly.

Applejack just stood there, still had no way of accepting the bitter truth, that they had lost their friend, the pony who brought them all together, just because of her mistake.

Celestia stood alone in a corner, silently speaking to herself, full of regret: “Oh Twilight, how can I fix this mistake of mine? I thought that if you were controlled by Dark Magic, just like my sister, I’d still have a chance to make everything right again. But now, my mistake not only pushed you into the claws of darkness, it also made you suffer this cruel curse, Twilight, how could I have let this happen to you? I am such a fool! I am the one who should be cursed! I am not worthy of being a princess of Equestria!”

Princess Celestia continued cursing herself for pushing her faithful student into the darkness. Two rows of tears lingered on her cheeks, her mane and tail drooped, and beneath her feet was a small puddle of water, formed from her tears.

“AGH! You are so stupid Shining! How dare you let this happen to Twily! You are the captain of the royal guard! You promised her to always be there for her, no matter the cost. She trusted you! How could you betray her beliefs like that!? You don’t deserve to be a guard and certainly not to be an older brother! The only thing you deserve is Tartarus! Forever!”

Shining Armor was angry, not with his wife, but with himself. Losing his sister, and then his Cadance, was too much for him, and with no one to blame except himself, the emotions took control of his body. He collapsed on the floor and sobbed. He began to hate himself for what he had put his sister to go through. He was supposed to protect her, not endanger her!

Cadence walked up to him and wrapped a hoof around his shoulder, hoping to comfort him. But it was a futile effort, because she herself could not contain her tears. She could only stand there and cry with him, because she knew no matter how much she would use her love spells, she could never heal Twilight anymore. Because after all, no love or emotion was enough to fill an endless void.

In the end, they all of them thought the same thing: The Element Of Magic had disappeared, a younger sister, a friend, a student had been cursed by darkness and left them forever, and it was all their fault.