• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 1,997 Views, 987 Comments

Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Chapter Fifty: Last Light Organization- Epilogue

The green cloud engulfed the small town, the town deputy coughing as he stumbled through the mist. A small filly on his back gasped for air, her emergency mask nearly depleted.

Hang on!

While the air tasted foul, Hazard Shift found that he could actually breathe in the poisonous mist, at least partially. The rest of the town was quickly dying though, the emergency masks almost spent from when the chemical plant had exploded thirty minutes ago.

He continued to gallop towards the town outskirts, hoping that the power grid was still intact there so he could call for help. They weren’t prepared for this. He certainly wasn’t trained for a full-blown contamination event! He just handled the day-to-day ruffians trying to sneak sweets out of stores!

His lungs burned, the toxins still managing to seep into his bloodstream. The earth pony’s mask had been cracked as he had tripped over a rock, desperately trying to affix the mask to the filly on his back; a youngster who had gotten lost from their school group.

The world began to spin, the stallion wobbling on his feet. His vision blurred.

Suddenly, it was noon as powerful searchlights pierced the fog.
The mist was pushed back, massive airships hovering over the town’s outskirts. Dozens of figures jumped from the decks, each clad in matching biohazard suits.

The nearest unicorns levitated the youngster over, quickly teleporting away with her. A Thestral offered the Deputy a larger mask, the earth pony immediately breathing easier as the filters scrubbed the air.

He was led over to a massive staging area. Large, box-like containers unfolded like a foal’s toy, dozens of stretchers and golem-like creatures awaiting the victims. A powerful shield snapped into place, five other airships fanning the toxic chemicals out of the town as a dozen squads of creatures thundered into the streets.

“Who are you?” he managed to ask, the symbol of a lighthouse emblazoned on the airship and biohazard suits.

The Thestral grinned, gesturing towards the front of the ship where three Alicorns assessed the operation, a certain purple individual taking extensive notes. A crystal pony-like pony was speaking with them, even as more creatures fast-roped down and streamed into the town and towards the staging area.

“We’re the Last Light Organization,” the Thestral said proudly, dozens more creatures continuing to fly, run, and gallop into the stricken town. “It’s going to be ok.”

Author's Note:


Comments ( 55 )

Wow. I can’t believe it’s over! What a great sorry.

:pinkiehappy: It has been a crazy journey!

Wow. So it’s finally over? I.. I don’t know what to say except for that it’s been a wild wild ride.

So many emotions swirling around. Such a great story.

So I have a question? Is this finally it or do you have another sequel in mind?

Just so you know I think this is a good place to end this and I’m 100% happy and except this as the ending. But I’d just like to know if you have any current plans to continue following these ponies on their journey? Or counting with other stories from this universe?

Again I’m totally fine with you putting your pen down for good on this tale.

It's hard to believe; it has been a looooong journey!

I'm glad you enjoyed the ending! I wanted to wrap things up and leave on a positive note. In terms of sequels, this trilogy is 100% done for sure. The current ongoing story (We Don't Go to Sub-Level Five) will hint at this universe/let the user incorporate into the same 'Radverse' if they want, but it's set very far in the future. The journey of these specific characters though has come to a close.

Sooooo... What do you have in mind for the next amazing adventure? Heroic Pirates? Sci-fi Odyssey? Underground empire of wolf ponies? Human in (not)Equestria? 😃

Currently, it's a more futuristic tale with a Thestral stuck in a freaky, underground lab! It's still ongoing!

Damm this was good
I kinda just want more Last Light doing hero stuff and existing. The organization sounds so cool and has so much to offer but I feel as we only ever get to see blips of it. Just a episodic thing of them doing cool stuff. I know it probably wount happen but id be cool. it dosnt even need a upload schedule just whenever you feel like it.

The fluff trilogy is over. Sad to see it go really. So many unique characters that all could probably fill their own stories. I just have the feeling this kinda ended like "Of Stars and Sails" where like half the trauma was being alone and even in the end our MCs end up being together forever. It even had like super secret .org to exist, But I also really liked that story so I dont mind at all.

11/10 Fluff

Glad you enjoyed it!

And there were a few hiccups for the plot to be sure, but I'm happy it turned out in an enjoyable fashion! It's meant to be open-ended for sure, but tie things up in a 'everything will be ok' feeling.
If you still need some doses of fluff (along with horror,) there's still another story ongoing...

Not a bad story by any means, good work mate.

Glad you enjoyed it!

In RadBunny's stories, some are born immortal, some achieve immortality, and some have immortality thrust upon them.

That was quite the story. Now to read the newest chapter from level five :)

Makes me wonder, though... What happened with Some of the other relationships in this story? Will they be getting their own fluffy romance tales told?


Good epilogue

Glad you liked it!

Sub Level Five is still going strong for sure! That story is going to be continuing for a while.
And no sequels or spin-offs are planned, for the main characters or side ones at this time. Just wanted to give a hint of happy things to come for the character's futures.

This was one hell of a trilogy I still can't believe I read it all from day 1 its sad to see it go but "all good things must come to an end".
Thank you for this awesome adventure from Shifting and Lulu to Celly and Necros then lastly to Gells and Toxic it was an excellent read in my opinion I hope to see cameos of Toxic and Gells in the future.

It was quite a journey! To be honest, it developed on its own at many points, and it was a pleasure to write!
I can't say specific cameos will happen, but there's definite hints that the current, ongoing story is in the name universe.

This has been an awesome story. I really hope there's more to come

I'm glad you've enjoyed it! There aren't, however future/sequels planned for these specific characters; their stories have come to a close

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 50/5 Stars. I loved this trilogy. A tale where love conquers all, redemption is the norm, and a new nation rises. All culminating in Toxic and Gelliana going through an Ascension together, Pick becoming an immortal golem, Celestia giving in and doing something for herself, a certain unicorn moron getting what he deserves, the Shadow King getting what he deserves, Discord flexing his power, and fluffy ever after for our main characters.

This is been one heck of a ride and I'm glad I came back and read the whole thing in one go. I look forward to reading more from you and wish you well on your story writing.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I really appreciated your comments (yes, including the corrections!) I've got a few more stories on the way; hopefully see you there, if it's your cup of tea.

Clari and pinkie, the mares of infinite possibility...
The impossible, the incredible, chaos incarnates,
The howl of a secret bonus chapter i beseech thee,
Let ride unto eternity the echoes of their meeting,
So in passing, all answers are finally met.

I'm telling ya rad, if you got it in your heart, let these girls go wild and see where it goes.

While that is a beautiful bit of prose, some things are best left to the imagination:yay:.

Will the Last Light organization appear in Sub-Level Five?

:trollestia: No spoilers found here.

Well, that was quite a read, lol, more like a Harlequin Romance on steroids than anything else, to be honest. :rainbowlaugh:

Okay, I read this, and "Timeless" and "Sunspots", because of your warning that spoilers were meant to start showing up in "We don't go to Sub-Level Five" but I don't understand where the spoilers are, at least not yet. Oh well, that's on me...

As for feed back, well, it's not my story so as long as it went well for you that's really all that matters. The three stories were certainly enjoyable. I'd put in less fluff (not no fluff, just less) if I were to write the stories, maybe that would work better for Astral and Sassi? Anyway, on to your other stories!

:rainbowlaugh: Hey, as long as it was enjoyable, I figure I succeeded! I certainly do appreciate feedback though for future stories.

In SL-5 the spoilers don't appear for a good sixty or seventy chapters. But it'd be good to read the others first.

Well, mistakes being made. It really would be better if she treated him like adult from the start. And she would if she were all-knowing. She was wrong in her assumptions. Really, was there base for making any? Would it be right of her to be completely explicit if her assumptions were right and to unnecessarily traumatize one who for all apperancess were a child?
"literal goddess promised him protection" - sounds like invulnerability spell/god mod.
"She treated Toxic like he had no idea the stakes that were at play, when he had known from the start." - as was shown in this chapter, he didn't even now. Only some of immediate impact, not even a speck of lingering ones.
"And when the one time he really needed her, she wasn't there." - this really interesting, did she do all in her might at the time? Or in the spur of moment she panicked and forgot? Were erected all precautions known at the time? What about golems, remote shields/teleportation beacons? Some other back-up that wouldn't end in loss of lives and increased burden for Toxic?
"won't trust her with anything that could be expended. (His organization, for example.)" - question here, would he expend it better? Or he think that his organization isn't expendable? Better world burn and everycreature die than losing this facility? It was shown that he was/is reckless and would charge armed mercs instead of using other means, professionals like Celesta's secret agents, and risk to be ambushed and slain and therefore loss of hundreds and thousands of lives that he would save if he were alive. He doesn't value his life enough.
"understanding that everything you give to a certain person could be instantly sacrificed to preserve what they hold as the greater good, irrespective of promises or anything said. It's precisely because of that fact that Toxic does see the bigger picture; his goal is to have a separate entity help the world in a way that can't be destroyed by anyone else's priorities." - what he holds as the greater good? I had an impression that he values lives that he see right before him so much that he wouldn't sacriface them if it would mean that five times more would be saved. I doubt that he would have a will to make decision of erecting that shield around Oakbark and trapping all still alive inside. And because of that he would waste his organisation where Celestia would preserve it. So he entrust it to council. Council collectively have their own priorities. I have no doubt that they are extremely noble. But again, for better or for worse?
"because of that fact that Toxic does see the bigger picture" - well, slightly bigger. His judgement was revelation to him, did it not? Actual starting of understanding why. He still yet to understand what would have happened if he actually traded his life instead of just being willing to do so.
"it definitely was for the better in pretty much every way. Aside from his mental health that is" - I didn't read further yet. Hope they reconcile and find common enough ground to form a bond of actual trust.

It would have been far, far better received if she had said 'If you're in trouble, I promise to help you if I can.' With how powerful ponies view Celestia, that'd have been a perfectly acceptable answer than the black and white one she gave. The fact she treated him like a child only compounded her failure. Kids are smarter than adults give them credit, and speaking to them as such is a net positive.

She didn't do that, and promised both him and his parents her protection. It was ultimately, an ego-check for her at Toxic's expense. But then from a young age, he realized she wasn't perfect, and also wasn't being honest with him. Her mistake was being black and white with statements, but that's how lots of ponies see Celestia- and she fell fault to that.

There weren't any options for her. It was either:
a. Rescue Toxic from a situation he had a non-zero chance of surviving on his own (and he did, but with significant terror and pain.)
b. Teleport in there and get saturated with lethal doses of magical nastiness and die.

Toxic is acting only on the knowledge that;
a. everything is expendable to save Equestria from a ruler's perspective.
b. As a good ruler should keep (a) as a priority, and Celestia/Luna are, he doesn't want to place himself, or his life's work (organization) in the position of being expendable. I.e. the existence of such being formed outside Equestria and not underneath Celestia/Luna's rule.

If you've only read to chapter Seventeen or so, I can' t say TOO much.

It comes down to him not ever wanting to be in the position of being 'sacrificed' for the betterment of Equestria. Not if he can help it. While Celestia/Luna hold the 'needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,' Toxic, from his experiences, has a different view, because he was the 'few' in that statement.
He would say 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. But we'll still try to save the one.'

In the terms of Oakbark, he'd have sent specialty units in- but Celestia was forced to cordon off the town because, well, said help just wasn't there. He sees Equestria as not being prepared for...well, a lot of stuff. They're not willing to do what needs to be done to save creatures. Celestia placed politics over saving ponies- and the fact she has an emergency spell to keep Toxic alive in an emergency doesn't speak to her kindness, but to the necessity of his usefulness. That's something she's forced to do as a ruler.

But that politics/hesitation leads to the recklessness. It's a catch-22. Do nothing and help unknown future creatures, or risk harm to save those in front of him. He's not the kind of pony who can ignore both, not when he's had such a burden placed on him so young. He's always been needed. He sees a broken world where he can fix things here and there. So he tries to do both, and it's breaking him. It's not that he doesn't value his life, it's that the impact of not being able to save creatures that he knows HE could save is too much for him to bear at this point. I'll happily agree this is a negative flaw in his character.

He already suffers from not being able to save creatures- showing up to a scene where he's immune to the chemicals, but other creatures aren't. If he didn't act in other ways to save creatures, it'd just compound. Keep in mind as well that Toxic's work has taken a heavy tole on his mental health. A significant one. He can't ever stop, so I'd argue overcompensating in other areas is a natural reaction. (I.e, the Organization)

I really do appreciate these comments for future stories of highlighting areas I can flesh out more! I hadn't thought about his reckless actions impacting future creatures, should he die, so that's a fantastic addition to his character I could expound upon.

Yes, yes, it would be. That's the root of problem, one who assigned him saw no difference from hazmat team because that immunity is state secret.

Huh, all I have is logic. Should I put the comment in spoilers, so as to not spoil it for new readers?

I'm just saying I'm not spoiling anything. :trollestia:

Should I(ME) put spoilers on words of MY previous comment?!

Well, after finishing the stories I want some slice of life with the windigo and the first aid robot. Not together, mind you, just listing stuff. Maybe some other characters...

Life said "NOPE" when I said this originally but for real this time, lol

Randomly thought about this, but in hindsight, I'm a bit surprised that when Toxic teased/joked about Gelly being pregnant, her reaction was something like "huh, but we didn't/haven't" (paraphrasing since I don't recall exact line) rather than "huh? but I can't...", especially since later and separate from this moment, she revealed that she literally can't get pregnant. Was it that she forgot about that in the moment or was she -- even while flustered -- being mindful of the words she chose since she had yet to reveal this to Toxic?

It was more of an oversight but could be written off as just her as being flustered. That said, I should have written "we haven't/I can't."That's a very good catch.

In that brief thunderclap, Luna had watched as a solar flare had wrapped around Celestia, her regalia melting off as fangs jutted from her mouth. Red pupils locking onto Wire as a beam of raw plasma burned through the mountain above them as if it was wet paper.

Sounds like Daybreaker made a brief appearance.

The unicorn had been burned away atom by atom underneath shields that blocked Limbo and the mortal realm alike. He only had time for a horrible, agonizing scream as the Unicorn’s eyes finally shone with pure fear at his miscalculation.

All that was left now was a golden slag and a molten, bubbling circle of white-hot stone.


It appears an over-cocky pony has forgotten the adage about playing with fire.

Loved that double-proposal moment between Toxic and Gelly. Also great to see that the Organization really seems to be up and running. Looks like Toxic will be able to take that long-needed and much-deserved break after all, and accompanied by his gryphoness.

Enjoyed reading this final installment to the trilogy. :yay: Glad I was finally able to have time to do so.

Indeed :moustache:

And I'm glad to hear enjoyed it!

It's my opinion, but in the end, I think, it's Celestia who deserves more happiness than anyone, even than Toxic, fighting this unending fight for good life of others, especially her people, for too long, shouldering all those horrible decisions no one else willing to make. I wonder, did Toxic ever thank her for providing this option of ascension after getting past his fears of it with Gelliana being at his side on this journey? Did this spell cure his voice along with his whole body? That weren't mentioned.

He'll get over it, eventually. But Celestia has made some significant mistakes; she does deserve happiness, and certainly does have her happy ending.

That said, moving past things will take a while for Toxic. Remember, he didn't want to be saved at all costs to watch everyone else die. The only reason it's a positive is because of a spunky gryphoness. He'd eventually thank her, yes. But the fact remains they had a plan in place to keep him alive...and whether or not they'd use it (without Gelliana's interference) is still murky.) He appreciates their help, but certainly doesn't trust them.

And no, it didn't cure his voice; that's a permanent, magical issue.

Still hoping this one gets a sequel I need more Toxic in my life ;)

Specifically, Toxic and Gelliana's adventures have come to a close. But The SL-5 series may have a few nice surprises for you :yay:

I may be in the minority, but this story was a bit of a chore to get through. There were to many relationships that didn't need to exist, powerful characters who wouldn't help cuz..... reasons (Loved Gells callout, but that didn't fix the problem), and the villain had no reason to go after Toxic. Really, how would ONE pony immune to your plague have changed anything? All going after him did was tip his hand to the world without being ready to ENACT said plan.

I came here from SL-5, and i have to say, you improve GREATLY. The story is concise and engaging, perfectly balancing fluff and action. I look forward to your future stories, but this one was a miss for me.

I appreciate the comment! I can see how it can be a miss- there are definite issues that weren't really ever resolved. But my goal is to improve story to story- and it sounds like that was the case!

Allllllllll righty everypony! That's a wrap! Review inbound!

Spoilers ahead! Duh

So overall, I enjoyed the story! Still had a few issues that others have already touched on and definitely needed more proofreading.

I feel like this both benefited and suffered a bit from the longer word count compared to the previous two books in this series. On the one hand, pacing seems better overall but the relationships just kinda seemed to be popping up all over the place. Unfortunately they started to become an annoyance because of how numerous they became. Arguably a few served no story purpose or could have but didn't.

For example, why did Varti and Fide (cool name btw) have a relationship? It didn't really make sense to me. The development between them was okay but served no thematical purpose. You could have had it be the impotus for both clari and fide to see the error of their style of involvement or at least question it before Gells puts them through the wringer later.

Also totally agree with
About not how F & C didn't intervene directly but like also kinda were already? Fide did save Toxic's life and had been kinda stalking them. I feel that Gells should've just been able to save him on her own with a blast from her armor at the moment of realization. I think that would've been more powerful too.

Anyway, I still liked it and I look forward to starting SL-5 soon!


Where? Do you remember what chapter?

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