• Published 11th Apr 2020
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Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Chapter Twenty: Reckoning

Celestia’s throne drooped on the stone, half-melted from the alicorn’s outburst a few moments ago. Luna was safe in the Castle infirmary; the past few hours having been a flurry of activity.

The Last Light Organization had repelled the intruders but at great cost to their security systems. Luna and the others were safe; Icait, Onyx, Knife, and Barley. Varti too had escaped harm, the yak already beginning to reconstruct many of the shattered security systems.

Apparently, his efforts were being pushed along by Clari’s sister…somehow. It was a lot to take in, even for the Solar Empress.

Luna had immediately confided in Celestia after the attack; apparently one the Organization’s relays had picked up a command from Toxic just before they lost contact, transferring command of the Island’s systems to herself and Professor Varti. After they had ensured the Island was secure, Varti removed most of Luna’s access, but left in place some emergency measures in case he too was captured.

The fact such emergency commands had not included Celestia stung a bit; but the alicorn understood Toxic’s reasoning. That, however, was not what Celestia was currently furious about.

She had failed that stallion again, and possibly for the last time.

Word had reached her an hour ago of the details concerning the attack in Tall Tale; dozens of creatures trying to take down a certain armored stallion and gryphoness. They had then been teleported away to who-knows where, leaving behind the bodies of their dead and dozens of horrified onlookers, the creatures outside the shield unable to do anything but watch.

Toxic was gone, as was Gelliana.

The site of their fight was useless in terms of evidence; an alien, sinister magic masking any attempts at tracking the teleportation rune. But the bodies of the fallen attackers let Celestia know Toxic and Gelliana had not been taken quietly; two daggers from the latter still embedded in the chest of a very-dead reptile.

There was one aspect of their capture that gave the Alicorn hope, however. Confirmed by multiple witnesses as well.

I hope you know what you are doing, Toxic.

Word had spread fast, and a passing journalist had captured a few images that were already being spun up into new stories. That wasn’t Celestia’s concern; she’d be honest with her ponies, as much as she could.

There was one pony, however, that made the Alicorn genuinely dread the next hour. The meeting had been put off long enough, and Celestia knew that every bit of venom in the mare’s words would be well-deserved. The lies of decades would come crashing down, and the Alicorn knew this was one individual that would never be cowed by her title or power.

All she had to face the pony was to open those doors.

“Take a few breaths, Spectrum,” Manifold suggested to his literally-steaming wife, the unicorn mare shaking her head.

“Don’t, Manifold, not now,” Toxic’s mother growled. “I am so sick of being lied to! By our son out of security and necessity, and now by the Princess again? No, I will not breathe easy!”

“I didn’t mean it like that. Just, she’s the Princess.

“You always have seen her differently than I, Manifold,” Spectrum said softly. “And there’s a reason I haven’t pushed it or tried to explain it further to you. I love you too much for that.”

“E-excuse me?” An earth pony mare asked, her light purplish-grey hide adorned with a white marble block cutie mark. “Is this where we meet the Princess? We don’t have an appointment…”

Spectrum’s demeanor shifted immediately, the light teal mare now taking a deep breath and nodded.
“Yes, we don’t have an appointment either. This is where the guards told us to wait,” she explained.

The other mare nodded, sitting down and nervously fiddled with her hooves, her assumed husband, a stallion of a bit brighter blueish-purple coloring draping a forelimb over her shoulder.

“It’s just, I think our daughter was on the news, and nocreature knows where she is,” the mare whispered. “Tall Tale had that attack, and,” she sniffled at that, “our little Gelly.”

A that, Spectrum’s ears perked up; could they be…?

“Gelly? As in Gelliana?” she ventured to guess, the other pair immediately jerking up in attention.

“Yes! Do you know where she is?” the mare asked desperately, Spectrum shaking her head.

“No, but I know who she is. We haven’t met, but we’ve heard a lot about her.”

The dumbfounded look on the other parent’s face should have clued in Spectrum that something more was amiss, but she didn’t pick up on it in time.

“We’re Toxic Shield’s parents; our son is the one she’s dating.”

“She’s what? Who?! Dating?!”

There was a soft *clop* as Manifold smacked his face with a hoof, Spectrum wincing.


To any casual observer, Celestia appeared as she always did when the four ponies trotted in, the two mares apparently still engaging in some back and forth verbal…sparing?


“He’s a garbage collector?!” one mare said, Spectrum Shield letting out a groan.

“I can’t-”

Her voice then cut off, a new target drawing the mare’s attention.

Celestia sat at the bottom of the royal davit; knowing full well what was about to come.

You!” Spectrum hissed, her husband making a half-hearted attempt to hold her back but getting shrugged off as the furious mother trotted up to be nose-to-nose with Celestia, her horn aglow.

The Princess sensed it, of course. Celestia could have done a thousand different things; dodged, summoned a shield, moved the entire Castle ten paces to the right...

But she deserved this.


The entire throne room was silent, the royal guards staring dumbfounded at the mare who had just slapped the Princess with an arcane hoof.

“Guards. Leave us,” Celestia commanded, struggling to maintain her compose, but not to anger. The other couple, Gelliana’s parents, probably thought she was quaking with fury.

Nothing could have been further from the truth.

“You promised,” Spectrum hissed, her light blue eyes still locked on the Princess. “How many jobs did he do before this!? I know my son has been in danger all this time! Now tell me, how many times have you broken our promise!?

“One hundred and six,” Celestia said softly. Spectrum stared dumbfounded at the Princess as the alicorn took a shaky breath. “On average, five a year.”

The shock then passed, the mother’s face a mask of anger as she continued to stare at Celestia.
“And now he’s gone. Where is my son?!

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know, or you won’t tell me?” Spectrum demanded.

“I don’t know, Spectrum! What do you want of me?!” Celestia replied, the air increasing in temperature slightly and making the unicorn pause. “I have made egregious mistakes surrounding your son and I am still paying for them! Do not take these events as a lack of care on my part! I had a dozen spells around Toxic to warn me of something like this, and every single one failed!”

It was clear Spectrum was still unconvinced, the other two earth ponies present then raising a tentative hoof.

“H-highness?” the mare spoke up, Celestia’s warm smile immediately turning to them as her demeanor shifted.

“Ah, Obsidian and Marble Forge, I do apologize, this must seem quite confusing to you,” Celestia said, Spectrum clearly both infuriated yet impressed on the Princess’s ability to switch demeanors. “I assume you are here to ask of your daughter’s whereabouts? That is what my guards tell me at least.”

“Y-yes, Princess,” Marble said, her husband nodding as well.

Celestia took a deep breath, her heart relaxing as some familiar claw and hoof-falls signaled her love’s presence.

“Sunspots? You alright?” Nacreous asked softly, the four ponies staring in shock at the armored hippogriff.

“Yes, just…” Celestia began, then shaking her head.

“Ah, this is Toxic and Gelliana’s parents I presume?” Nacreous asked, the two latter earth ponies nodding as fast as a woodpecker with wide eyes. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“H-highness,” Obsidian managed to stammer out, the Shield’s simply bowing respectfully.

“Have you told them?” Nacreous asked softly, Celestia shaking her head.

“No. I’d appreciate your help though,” she admitted, the soft, more sincere voice making Spectrum Shield clearly pause.

“Well, here I’ll stay, as always,” Nacreous said, paying the ponies no mind as he gave his Fiancé’s hoof a squeeze, then moving over to sit next to her. It could have been seen as a political move; having an emperor present in negotiation talks, but such a simple gesture showed those present that it was something of a more supportive role.

“Spectrum Shield, your son is the unfortunate recipient of one of the greatest mistakes of my life,” Celestia said softly, not able to meet the shocked gaze of the mother who stared at her. “I do not know what you are aware of concerning myself and your son, but I imagine the relationship we hold in your mind is far more positive than reality.”

Spectrum continued to stare as Celestia turned to smile towards the Forge’s.
“The incident surrounding your daughter is a top-security matter and intertwined with Toxic Shield’s current whereabouts. What I can say is,” Celestia paused, her wings then slumping, “honestly, I do not know where she is,” the Princess said flatly. “However, what I do know is that she is with a highly trained pony that will defend her with his life, and is one of the most incredible stallions I have ever met.”

Spectrum’s eyes softened at that, the Forge’s raising a hoof respectfully

“P-princess, what you mean about this ‘Toxic’ fellow? A stallion who is apparently dating out daughter?” Marble asked with a slight snort. “That alone is news to us! I don’t mean to be rude, but I think we’ve been a bit left out of the loop here!”

Celestia winced at that.

Oh, Oh dear.

“Ah. You were not aware of this fact?” she asked kindly, easily reading that Gelliana’s adoptive mother seemed to have regained her voice.

“No! Only that there was somepony she was interested in and went on a few dates with. I know we can be overbearing! And nosy, and pushy, and just…over-the top at times! That’s why our Gelly doesn’t tell us as much as we’d like.” The mare’s ears flattened at that, letting out a soft sniffle. “But we are trying to be better, we really are. I just want to know w-what happened to my little girl.”

As one mother began to cry, and the other continued to regard Celestia with a steely gaze, the Princess let out a soft huff. As was becoming more often than not, her Love had a simple answer.

“Tell them, Sunspots,” Nacreous whispered. “This will get out, it already has gotten out. Better for it to spread by honest admittance to the parents of those affected. If this event is to threaten every province, this can be a good way to reveal it if by no other means.”

Celestia nodded; she had been thinking the same but in much less eloquent terms.

“Obsidian, Marble, Spectrum and Manifold?” Celestia asked, the four ponies giving her their full attention. “The event surrounding your children is one of great secrecy and importance. It involves a threat to both Equestria and our allies. If I am to tell you what I know of your children, it comes with a cost. You will not see Equestria the same, nor myself in the same light as you do now. This situation is a high security clearance matter, and as such you cannot tell anyone until I’ve made an address to the nation. You can withdraw now if you wish, and I will not hold it against you in the slightest.”

It only took a few looks between ponies for them to nod simply.

“P-princess,” Marble said simply, “If we get to know about what has happened to our daughter, and be informed of what is going on as it happens, that’s worth losing some comfort.”

“Likewise,” Spectrum stated with a firm nod from her husband.

Celestia took a deep breath at that, a reassuring glance from Nacreous pushing her onwards.

“Very well. Please accept the spell in front of you granting security clearance. It will alert me if you spread the specific knowledge of your children willingly to anyone other than amongst yourselves before this crisis is resolved, and I will be forced to either wipe memories if worst comes to worse. I have no other choice due to the secrecy of this matter.”

Tapping a simple blue circle that levitated in front of them, the ponies then trotted a bit closer as Celestia gestured to them,

The Princess summoned a simple map, gesturing to Tall Tale.

“Toxic Shield and Gelliana were seen in Tall Tale, an eatery to be exact,” she explained. “They were attacked by more than a dozen creatures who usually live in the badlands. His personal guards were completely incapacitated by an unknown spell. I do not know where the attackers came from precisely, but they targeted Toxic Shield due to his unique abilities. This we do know.”

A raised hoof by Marble drew Celestia’s attention.


“Who is Toxic Shield, in simple terms?” the concerned mother asked, wincing as she looked to Spectrum. “No offence, but he sounds rather important, and he’s dating our daughter. He’s some sort of garbage collector?”

Celestia managed a chuckle, Spectrum watching her curiously, no doubt very interested on how the Princess would portray her son.

Oh, Spectrum. Any words I can say will undersell your son’s importance.

“Toxic Shield is one of Equestria’s most important ponies. I would classify his importance near to that of the Elements of Harmony, but in a very different sense,” Celestia explained. “His cutie mark renders him invulnerable to chemical and biological threats. He has stopped no less than a hundred disasters that would have killed thousands, if not tens of thousands across Equestria and a dozen other nations. He can survive in environments that nocreature else can, not even me.”

That earned a stare from the Gelliana’s parents, Celestia mentally wincing.
This is always the hard part. Breaking from the perception I’ve upheld.

“Contrary to what many may think, I am not invincible,” the Princess admitted. “But that said, I am a great deal more powerful than you understand. And yet for all my power, I cannot do what Toxic Shield does. That is how important he is.”

The two ponies clearly were thinking it all over, finally nodding in at least somewhat-understanding.

“O-ok, so he’s important. But this isn’t a chemical threat. He sounds highly trained, but hardly in a way that can protect my little girl! Just in removing nasty spills and such.”

“I have to agree with Marble,” Spectrum muttered. “My son only has a few self-defense courses he took as a colt. This…you’re talking about war, aren’t you? We’ve heard rumors, whispers here and there. Something is out there, and it just captured my son and their daughter.”

Celestia nodded firmly, a slight smile now dawning on her lips.
“I am. And your son is prepared to deal with even that threat.”

Four very confused and rather cautious ponies looked at her, and Celestia let out a soft sigh.

“No matter what I say, I feel as though there will be some doubt my words concerning your children’s safety, is that correct? As much as you would like to trust me, especially due to how sensitive this matter is to the nation?”

Spectrum didn’t even bother nodding; Celestia knew her answer. Three other heads bobbed up and down however, as was natural for parents concerned for their children.

“I will say this only then, and let other speak as well. Toxic Shield has taken it upon himself to expand outside just chemical threats. He is trained to handle anything from hostile escape and evasion tactics to active combat scenarios. He will defend Gelliana with his life, I have no doubt. The bodies in the Eatery where they were kidnapped are testament to that.”

Those words made the pony’s eyes widen, all but one being unused to death and suffering, for the most part. Spectrum was the most involved in Toxic’s life, so that only made her eyes narrow.

“My son killed? What are you saying?” she asked, simply earning a nod.

“He did. And I am not surprised in the slightest.”

“Our D-daughter is with a killer?” Marble whimpered, Spectrum glaring at the mare before Celestia waved a hoof. Such reactions from her passive subjects were hardly uncommon- even if they were adoptive parents to, technically, a predator.

“The creatures who keep Equestria safe from certain threats are killers, which includes myself,” Celestia stated bluntly, earning a shocked stare from the parties. Ordinarily, the Princess would have taken great care to blunt the truth, keep the truth from her subjects…

But she was so tired of it all. Tired of playing a part in a play that had worn her down to the bone.

“The pony in question killed to save your daughter’s life, Miss Forge,” she continued, “From what I understand, there was an individual who grabbed Gelliana’s neck. He was the first to be killed and is what spurred Toxic to act.”

That made the sensitive ponies pause.

“This doesn’t sound like my son. Killing that quickly?” Spectrum muttered, Celestia’s wings drooping.

“No creature knows their limits until the ones they care about are threatened. That said, there is a lot you do not know about him, and I hope he will forgive me for telling you this,” Celestia said. “He certainly hasn’t forgotten my other mistakes, nor do I expect him to…”

A gentle nudge from Nacreous, almost forgotten, snapped Celestia out of her thoughts.

“Spectrum and Manifold, your son has more training than my royal guards in handling violence. He has been pursuing such knowledge for some time.”

Confusion was all that Celestia saw, Gelliana’s parents staying quiet, clearly wanting to know exactly what kind of pony their daughter was dating and stuck with.

“Professor Varti?” Celestia asked, a portal snapping into focus to their right. “Do you have a moment?”

“Huh? Princess? Of course.”

“Can you please tell these kind ponies the situation your daughter was in, more than a decade ago- plus five more years I think?”

The large Yak nodded at that.

“There was a chemical leak along the Badlands border. Toxic Shield saved the life of my daughter and her classmates. I can never repay that debt.”

“Thank you, Professor.”

“I heard about that,” Marble whispered, “a horrible affair, being trapped underground and waiting for rescue. And that stallion saved them? Toxic Shield”

“He did, but that entire situation is incorrect,” Celestia said, looking to a very-surprised Yak in the portal. “Tell them the truth, Varti. The entirety of it.”

The Professor, for one of the few moments in his life was at a loss for words.
“I…” he began, letting out a soft chuckle. “So, it has come to that? Very well. My daughter and her class were at the border of the badlands for but a few hours for a field trip. That chemical spill was a cover up to preserve the innocence of those within Equestria,” he paused, letting out an angry snort, the Yak not able to conceal his bitterness at the lies. “They were taken by slavers from outside Klugetown. They were to be sold within a week to the highest bidder. Toxic intervened when no other government would, saving my daughter and her classmates from such a fate.”

“Thank you, Varti,” Celestia whispered, the portal closing. Four pairs of accusing eyes turned to her, and the Alicorn raised a hoof. “Before you ask, now you can see the impossible choices I must make. Do I declare war on a nation over what may be the act of a rogue group? Invade with armies against those who have lived a life of war? Save the lives of a dozen over hundreds of soldiers? How do I place a value on life, how-” her words drifted off from a nudge from Nacreous, the rather guilty expressions in front of the Princess showing her point had been made.

“Thankfully, Toxic made that choice for me, and I couldn’t be happier,” Celestia said, Spectrum and Manifold staring at her.

“What?” the mare asked.

“My Legionnaires were watching the warehouse where the children were kept. I couldn’t give an order for them to engage, as the leading clan had promised they would handle it. Considering I was trying to avoid a war with them at the time I couldn’t risk a covert assault, not yet,” Celestia explained. “Yet from International lands, a unicorn teleported outside the warehouse, sliced off the limbs of every single reptile inside and then led the hostages to safety before vanishing. That was before he had any training.”

“Toxic did that on his own?” Spectrum asked, clearly suspicious.

“Miss Shield, you greatly overestimate how much influence I have over your son,” Celestia said simply. “He has actively worked against efforts to have any sort of relationship to the crown. Most dealings he has now are through Luna. That is not by accident.”

Those words seemed to further soften Spectrum’s view, but not completely.

“So, Mister and Miss Forge,” Celestia said kindly, “Back then, Toxic Shield on his own accord, risked his life to save fillies and youngsters he barely knew. He risked imprisonment, death, and being hunted for years by that act. And yet he succeeded and said he’d do it again in a heartbeat.” Her expression then warmed. “Now, how far would he go to protect one he is interested in, dating even? I’d say just as far if not more so, even though such a revelation is rather new to you.”

While it made sense, Marble and her husband were clearly struggling to process it all.
“But where did he learn to do that? Killing? That’s not natural,” the mare muttered.

“For ponies, no it is not,” Celestia said. “But we are all different, are we not? I granted him access to high level courses only my personal guard are usually instructed in. Miss Shield, what did Hammer say about Toxic? When he was training? Hammer was one of my Legionnaires before moving on to other ventures recently.”

“He said that Toxic helped him practice, getting ready for the tests,” Spectrum replied.

“And that is correct. What Hammer didn’t say, is that Toxic was teaching him,” Celestia said, making Spectrum’s eyes widen.

“Wait, so he’s a legionnaire!?” the mare asked in shock, Celestia shaking her head.

“Not officially. He is one of perhaps a dozen ponies who refused to take an oath to serve the crown during such varied classes however,” the Princess said. “I granted him access to a modified training regimen that my legionnaires use, because he would have sought out the training from other sources regardless. Toxic mentored Hammer through the courses that he excelled in; no less than the top five in more than one class I may add.”

“So, our daughter…” Marble asked, Celestia finishing her sentence.

“Is with a pony trained in handling these sorts of situations, and is with someone who cares about her very much, and, I imagine, would like to meet you when they get back,” the Princess said softly. “He is a good stallion, one who,” her voice wandered off, Celestia dropping her gaze. “One who I have underestimated greatly and who is better than me in more ways than one.”

A tender caress of talons against her cheek snapped Celestia out of her self-loathing, the Alicorn managing a smile to her Fiancé who then resumed his stoic place at her side.

“I am worried about your daughter, and Toxic,” Celestia admitted, not able to resist a grin. “But I would worry much more for those who would dare lay a hoof on her. Toxic will put his life above hers, above others, as he has always done,” the Princess swallowed the lump in her throat, a bit of pride welling up in her chest. “I trust him with my life, I always have.”

As the parents talked among themselves as they were led to their guest quarters for a complimentary stay in the castle, Nacreous slid over to give his Fiancé a nudge on the shoulder.

“You’re doing fine, Sunspots, just hang in there,” Nacreous whispered. “Probably was best to not tell them about the Guardian business. They would not understand.”

Celestia swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to enjoy the comfort Nacreous provided. Things were still too raw for her to process it all fully.

“I just hope they’re ok, Nacreous,” she whispered.

“I think you should believe your own words more, Celly,” Nacreous said, at least making sure no creature was staring before occupying Celestia’s lips with a long kiss. “I have to go now, but I’ll be back shortly.”

Celestia looked to him in surprise, the large hippogriff managing a soft smile.

“There’s a patient in a hospital that requested to speak to me, less than an hour after Toxic was abducted. I think he already knows. I’ve heard whisperings in my kingdom about this pony, and I think there’s quite a bit we need to discuss.”

The alicorn’s ears drooped at that, the Princess bracing herself mentally for the impending bad news.

“Oh no, Pick Shield? Is he…?”

“I don’t know, but Toxic is not the only one of his family I think we have underestimated.”

Author's Note:

We get to meet some parents! :yay: And a bit of background....
...oh no. Gelly, you didn't tell them?
Oh dear. :rainbowlaugh:

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