• Published 11th Apr 2020
  • 1,997 Views, 987 Comments

Cure For a Toxin - RadBunny

Toxic Shield goes by more than one name in rumor circles, none flattering. Now yanked into a conflict that threatens the lives of both himself and his new friends, Toxic must confront a poison that even he may not be immune to. Or worse, that he is.

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Chapter Nineteen: Cracked Skies.

Knife Twist shifted back and forth on her hooves nervously, her gaunt frame partially hidden by a simple backpack with her meager belongings. Barley Husk had made it clear he’d help transport the rest of her stuff, what little she wanted at least.

If it came down to it, just that stallion was enough. She could get by without anything else.
But you’ve been there for me through all of this, Barley.

Even the simple act of moving from the prison to the airship platform in Canterlot had been exhausting, even after the mare had started to eat and exercise more for the days prior. She’d need a lot of work to get back up to her regular stamina once again.

But I have a chance. A second chance to make it all right.

The airship was now over the ocean to the East, the Last Light’s island apparently located between Equestria and the Gryphon lands. They had been flying for hours, and Knife was getting anxious. The personal guards assigned to her were the quiet sort, apparently knowing the stallion who had led the introductions hours before.

Will everycreature know what I did? What I’m trying to fix?

Luna trusts me, and apparently the Director of this organization does enough to allow an interview. I understand the caution and can appreciate it.

She looked over to Barley, the other thestrel sporting some rather stylish bright red sunglasses.
And you came with me. Just up and left like that. You’re not even my husband, and you…

That thought made a lump rise in Knife’s throat, lip quivering slightly. Barley had always been there for her. Even though living apart, not being as intimate as they technically could

He was still here, fine with taking things slow, and still believing in her.
As soon as I get back to myself, prove that I’m not under those monster’s control any longer, I’ll ask you a question long overdue, Barley. If you’re willing to stick with me though all of this, there’s not much else that could shake you.

“Island in sight!” a stallion barked, the guard wearing an odd, silver metal breastplate with the same symbol that had been on the parchment Knife had received.

“As I told you at the start, I’m Sergeant Hammer, ex-legionnaire and Head of Security on the island until further notice,” the stallion bellowed to be heard over the rushing wind. The two dozen other creatures; mostly ponies and a few gryphons, moved a bit closer to listen.

“The Island has changed a lot since we were initially hired, but it’s still our new home. Remember, once you sign the contract, you are bound to it for the minimum time. If situations have changed, nocreature will hold it against you to back out. That will all be decided in the final interview.”

There were a few nods, Hammer then chuckling and waving towards the bow of the ship.

“To some, welcome again, and to others, welcome, to the Last Light Organization!”

Knife Twist scrambled to the side of the airship, a strange, desperate curiosity giving energy to her limbs. Craning her neck over the side, the Thestral’s eyes widened as the island came into view.

A beautiful green expanse surrounded by jagged mountains, the island was a literal star on the ocean, white energy pouring from various towers dotted around the perimeter. In the ocean itself, large, massive marble lookout towers rose from the waves, a few figures mechanically marching to and fro on the steps.

“We are now passing through the island’s perimeter shield,” Hammer stated, “If any of you are under a hostile influence, you’re going to be in for a nasty shock.”

There was a brief moment of terror for Knife as they passed through the shimmering barrier- but she felt nothing. Instead, one of the other ponies began to shriek, his body bursting into flame. It was for but a single moment and then only a pile of ash remained.

Hammer calmly trotted over and kicked the pile away and shook his head.
“You did not see a pony die,” he stated flatly, “that was an arcane golem, a projection. It’s a form of a clever spying spell. The user on the other end got a nasty shock, but that’s it. We expected something like that.”

That seemed to reassure a few ponies, the ex-legionnaire barely phased.

He’s right. I’ve seen it once before. Looks like there’s some scum trying to get a hoof into this place already.

“Now passing through a newly installed shield; a gift from Emperor Thunderwing!”

Knife’s thoughts were suddenly stopped. As the shimmering energy coursed over the ship, the Thestrel found an alien warmth spreading through her entire body, the ex-captain sitting down in shock.


Barley’s voice barely resisted, Knife Twist feeling tears start to course from her eyes. A weight on her mind and heart she had never known of was suddenly gone, torn screaming from her body.

The ever-present whispers, the inclinations, the unsettling sensation of being watched; it was as if it had never been there.

I’m free.

Lunging forwards, Knife wrapped up Barely in the tightest hug she could, burying her muzzle into her neck as she cried.

“They’re gone, Barley,” she whispered between sobs. “The voices. I can’t hear them anymore. They’re finally gone.”

Barley tightened his grip around her, and Knife felt a fire rekindling in her chest. Where before it had been slowly igniting, this was now a raging inferno.

I’m free.

Her eyes narrowed, flickering over to the landing platform the airship now angled towards.

I have a home, a job, a stallion who loves me.

I have a purpose.

Hammer explained the interview procedure as they were led off the airship, of how they’d mainly be spending time in the main building (the new hires at least,) they all then beginning to walk towards a primary screening area. Apparently there was some sort of in-depth interview first. As they walked, Knife Twist caught the Sergeant’s eye, the Thestrel raising a hoof.


“Are there any physical training facilities? Outside of the normal gym stuff?” she asked, not able to quell her hopes.

“I can’t reveal the details just yet, but there’s very little in terms of exercises you can’t do on this island,” Hammer replied with a grin. Knife could read the legionnaire well enough- he wasn’t trying to hide anything.

I can train.

I’m back!

Looking at her gaunt limbs and frame, the mare’s enthusiasm was dampened slightly.

Well. After I fill out again. I’ve got a long road ahead. But I’m not about to stop!

She walked a bit closer to Barley, letting a wing drift over to nudge his side.

I’ll make you proud, Barley. You, Luna; I’ll prove it to you both!

Another thought then made her jaw set in determination as she walked.

Maybe someday I’ll prove it to myself once again.

Toxic had never been much of a napper. Whenever he tried to do so, the stallion was cursed with not being able to get to sleep later that night. That was on top of always waking up feeling even more tired.

That was aside from the fact such naps gave nightmares another chance to disrupt his day.

He hadn’t meant to sleep, but after having a light lunch with Gelly and talking about a possible date where they’d fly down a canyon (using one of his suits of course,) it had sort of just crept up onto him. They had been relaxing underneath their usual tree in a Tall Tale park, and he must have dozed off leaning against her.

She was rather comfy. Really, really comfy, as a matter of fact. Perfect height to lean over and use her head as a pillow.

The past three days of training with Nacreous had been extra tiring, but certainly worth it. It had been a flood of new information, ways of using Leyline magic to augment spells he already knew, and quite a bit of mental exercises concerning the dark magic tendrils he occasionally accessed. They had not practiced much with the new stuff, mainly building a foundation as steadily as they could.

Now however, the stallion tried to keep his breathing steady as a feather drifted across his vision. He knew this was a dream.

With a mental command, the stallion reached out to the leylines, a light blue field of energy illuminating the area around his hooves as a familiar reassurance settled his nerves.

Even though I just am learning the basics, this helps. Being a Guardian, having that extra magical boost, it’s a noticeable aid against these nightmares.

No rotting faces assaulted Toxic’s consciousness, just a massive expanse of darkness. For a nightmare, this wasn’t half bad. In fact, ever since being taught how to access the leylines on a subconscious level, his nightmares had been noticeably softer, muted on awakening instead of-


From out of nowhere, a voice bellowed with a volume that was deafening, malicious, eager intent dripping from every word. Images flashed through Toxic’s mind as if he was seeing through another pair of eyes; his Organization’s island, Canterlot, Tall Tale.

And they were all in flames.

Shadowy claws began to scrape at the light around Toxic’s ‘body’, the stallion enacting one of his various waking spells.

Toxic woke with a gasp and sharp jerk, sides heaving as a gryphoness let out a surprised squawk next to him. His heartbeat thudding in his ears, the stallion took a few staggered steps forward, oblivious of the heavy armor that clamped down around his frame with bolts of blue lightning, summoned unconsciously.

It was only after a few moments that he caught his breath, Toxic aware of a few curious glances from the guards that were never more than a few seconds away at all times.

“Tox? Hey, talk to me…” Gelliana asked, walking up next to the armored pony. “I guess this answers my questions of what exactly you’ve been up to these past few days.”

The armor vanished in a subdued flash of flames leaving the stallion sitting on the grassy ground as a chime rang in his ear from Varti.

“Toxic? What’s going on? I was working on your armor and it just vanished! I- wait, no, now it’s back. Everything ok?” the concerned yak asked.

“I-yeah, Varti. I’m alright. Sorry about that. Please double check the defenses and any anti-scrying spells.”


Toxic waved off the legionnaires, returning to sit underneath the tree with a tired grunt, Gelliana following suit.

“Sorry, just…” his words trailed off, a slight shiver running down the pony’s spine. Making a rather sour face, he sent a simple spell running over his fur, getting rid of at least a portion of the cold sweat. A quick summoning of an enchanted parchment and a scribbled note was next; it was worth mentioning to Luna at least.

“Nightmare?” Gelliana asked softly.

“Yes, and no,” Toxic replied. “This was something else.”

“I figured. The armor and all that.”

The stallion’s ears flattened, an embarrassed flush coming over his cheeks.
“Sorry. I didn’t know it could do that. I’d tell you more, but-”

An affectionate nuzzle across his cheek cut off Toxic’s words, Gelliana let out a soft giggle.
“I’m not asking you to explain secret stuff. I’m just letting you know I’m still here,” a slight, pensive frown then slid onto her beak. “Um, if that helps?”

The fact Toxic’s shoulders immediately relaxed was an indication enough of that, the stallion enjoying her caring touch for a moment.

“It always does,” he admitted. “But now you get to see first-claw why I dislike naps, sleeping, y’know.”

An exaggerated, horrified gasp left Gelliana’s beak, the peppy gryphoness giving him a final nuzzle before they stood up to walk back to her shop.

“NOT like sleep!?” she asked in mock horror. “But the comfy bed! Warm blankets! Especially when it’s cold!”

She knew full well the sincere meaning behind his words, but such playfulness always brought a smile to Toxic’s face- especially when it wasn’t him who initiated it.

“Well, hopefully that will change in time,” he admitted. “But it’s a slow journey. Thank you for being here with me regardless.”

“Nowhere else I’d rather be!” was her happy reply, “Soooooo, food?”

“Definitely food.”

As they meandered back to Gelliana’s shop, Toxic couldn’t help but notice a bit of adorable feather-fluffing from his special somegriff, accompanied by a soft squeak.

“Uh, you ok there, Gells?”

She nodded, mumbling something under hear breath.

“Didn’t catch that…”

“You looked pretty good in that armor, even if it was just a glimpse,” she finally muttered, the blushing gryphoness not able to look the chuckling stallion in the eyes while speaking.

“Well, when things settle down, I’d be more than happy to give you a personal fashion show. A knight showing off to his princess?”

The adorable squeak confirmed to Toxic that it was definitely an approved idea.

“Until then, you’ll have to make do with just me,” he added with a laugh. A brief nudge to his neck made the stallion grin, the gryphoness letting out a soft giggle.

“‘Make do’ makes it sound like I’m not totally ok with ‘just you’,” she whispered, “And last I checked, that’s all I really wanted from the start.”

Toxic could feel his cheeks burning from that; but what could he say?
Nothing that an affectionate nuzzle to her cheek couldn’t convey, not yet.

“Maybe we can snag a snack at the shop, and then go out somewhere?” Toxic suggested, mentally crossing his hooves.

“Sounds good!” Gelliana chirped happily, Toxic forcing himself to not prance with joy.

I’m so glad I set up things beforehoof. Oh, Gells, I think you’re going to love this.

Knife Twist collapsed with a grunt of aggravation, flopping onto the exercise mat with a few fierce mutters. The introduction to her position on the island had been remarkably straightforward. She was to be a low-level security guard under constant supervision, at least for a time. It was a probationary period, another test. Even if it was watching a crop field for hours on end, the job was hers.

I’m free to choose again, free to choose my life!

The paperwork had been signed, her simple quarters assigned, and now the Thestrel had dedicated herself to starting up her usual training regimen.

I’m so sick of being weak, of not trusting myself.

Looking over to her side, Knife saw Luna enter the large gym with a smile; the pair having had their first friendly lunch in what felt like years. No ulterior motives, no dark whispers in Knife’s mind; just herself and Luna. The alicorn was quite pleased to know that Nacreous’s shield had aided her. Apparently, it had eradicated whatever had been avoiding detection in Knife’s mind, and the Thestrel wasn’t about to let that go to waste.

I’ll prove that I’m back, Luna. Just you wait!

The two ex-legionnaires assigned to her took their job seriously but seemed a tad more relaxed after being reassured by Luna. Apparently the Alicorn was going to be a steady visitor on the island.

While many security measures were classified to Knife, the general layout and set of procedures were not. The artificial golems that roamed to and fro she found rather fascinating; a logical and rather ingenious way to supplement security forces.

Her eyes widened in surprise as two new creatures poked their heads into the gym; and now Knife knew why Luna was visiting. The first was a shadow-like pony, grey eyes flickering across the room.

The second…

Adrenaline surged into the Thestral’s veins, an icy fear stabbing at her heart before a familiar hoof gently pressed against her shoulder. Luna had mentioned the two of them, but it hadn’t registered just yet.

“They’re friends, Knife,” Luna explained. “They’re on our side.”

Knife had to control a bit of rage rising up in her throat, the Thestrel letting out a soft growl.
“Smart. Having me see them in a public place. Less chance I’d lash out,” she muttered.

“I thought we should get things over with before more creatures arrive.”

“And you’re sure they’re…?”

“Yes. They are under constant guard. They have been rather helpful against the Windigos, as a matter of fact,” Luna mused, taking a deep breath. “I think you should say hello, it will help.”

A rather icy glare was Knife’s response, the mare knowing logically that Luna had her best interests in mind.

“Do you trust me, Knife? It may sound silly, but I think you and Icait may actually have something in common outside your negative initial impressions.”

Me and an ex-windigo? Right. The same creatures who took years of my life away.

But I trust Luna.

Swallowing her pride, Knife drew on every ounce of her willpower and nodded once, even though Luna looked rather surprised at the acceptance of her suggestion.

“I don’t like it, but fine,” Knife muttered, knowing that this may be the only interaction she may need to endure.

Just say hello, that’s it. Don’t need to trust her, not even a smidge. Maybe it’s hypocritical, but this is a lot to dump on me within the first few days, Luna.

Walking up to Icait, Knife Twist could feel her temple pulsing. The Windigo turned to look at her, eyes widening in surprise-

And promptly began to cry. The mare looked downright scared of the Thestrel as she flinched as if struck, not able to meet Knife’s gaze.

Absolute shock drained every ounce of malice from Knife Twist’s mind, staring in surprise as tears ran down the ethereal mare’s face, her head hanging in shame. The shadow pony, Onyx, took a few protective steps forward before Icait waved him off.

Sniffling and taking a few deep breaths, Icait lifted her head up slowly, as if it was made of lead, to look Knife Twist in the eyes for a brief moment.

“I’m s-sorry,” Icait whimpered, then dropping her head to cry quietly.

What do I do?

Knife could only stare, every preconceived reaction and response having been thrown aside. Luna was simply watching, Icait continuing to sniffle.

With an almost physical jolt of realization, Knife realized that this similar situation had occurred weeks prior in her cell. A bit of self-loathing entered Knife’s heart, the mare shaking her head as a slight smile twitched at her features.

How could I ever move on if I couldn’t at least hear an apology? Even if it takes time to accept. I just want to move on. I’m so sick of dwelling on what I did, on how these creatures hurt me.

On how I was controlled.

Taking a few steps forward, Knife reached over and gently rested a hoof on Icait’s shoulder, the gesture causing the Windigo mare to look up in surprise.

“Yeah, I’ve been there. Not fun, is it?” Knife asked, Icait shaking her head. “How much did you know about me?”

Icait sniffed, wiping her eyes as she struggled to regain her composure.

“J-just a bit. I didn’t l-like it, none of the o-other’s plans. I j-just wanted to learn, not h-hurt anyone!”

That cause a spike of pity to enter Knife’s heart. She didn’t know much about Icait; only that the Windigo was on the outskirts of the ‘others’ plans.

“Learn?” she asked.

“Uh huh. I d-didn’t have a l-life before. No t-thinking for myself,” Icait struggled to explain. “I didn’t understand why the o-others still wanted to focus on hate. There was so much to see! B-but I couldn’t go against them, not if I wanted to continue to live.” She then lowered her gaze again. “I didn’t like what they were doing to you, but I didn’t speak up. I’m s-sorry. I-”

Knife reached up and gently booped Icait’s nose with a hoof, shaking her head with a huff.
“I still don’t trust you, but it seems you were in a lose-lose situation,” Knife admitted with a sigh. “But I’m honestly just tired of it all.”

That drew a surprised gaze from the Windigo, Knife continuing.
“I had your kind in my head for over a decade, poisoning my thoughts with evil and hatred. I just want to move on. I’m sick of it all,” she then paused, pointing a hoof at the surprised Windigo. “And I would be a hypocrite in a way, if I didn’t at least accept an apology from somecreature who wanted to do the same.”

The Thestrel then let out a huff, shaking her head. “I need to go shower off. That’s all the deep-feelings-talk I can do for now.”

Icait let out a sniffle, nodding in response.
“T-thank you, Knife Twist.”

As Knife trotted down the halls towards the showers, she caught Luna nodding in approval, a grateful smile on her face.

How could I swear an oath to you, Luna, and not be willing to forgive a creature? You know more than anyone the burden that can carry.

She was surprised as another security guard trotted out of the doorway, a familiar Thestrel wrapping her up in a hug.


“GAH! I’m sweaty!” Knife gasped as her coltfriend chuckled.

“Don’t care!”

I can start again here, maybe even forgive the Windigo’s.
Thank you for the push, Luna.

Varti’s eyes flickered over a control panel, jaw clenching as a few lights flickered across a large, projected map of the island.

“What are you?” he muttered, sending a magical ping across the lookout towers.

“You asked for me, Professor Varti?” Luna butted in as she teleported into the control room, six golem Guards turning to ‘look’ at her with their blank faces.

“Yes,” Varti grunted, gesturing to the map. “Something is out there, watching us. I only see small blips of air displacement, but I do not like it.”

“Any idea what it is?” Luna asked, relaying the information to Celestia as they spoke.

“An airship. Maybe two or three,” Varti growled. “They’re just out of range of the more detailed sensors and heavily shielded. They’re circling us like sharks. Clearly they don’t realize they’re the smaller fish in this pond.”

“Keep me appraised, Varti. If our enemy is to make a move, this would be a logical time.”

Neither party in the room noticed the faint outlines of a mare standing against the back wall during the exchange. Her larger-than-average build was similar to that of a certain Ex-Storm king Commander, lithe and more suited for armor than anything else.

Her intelligent eyes narrowed at hearing the conversation before vanishing, Varti not noticing a slight spike in Leyline energy from the reactor.

“Toxic, you are up to something,” Gelliana stated as they walked to the main shop area, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. She could tell something was making him extra flighty.

“What possibly could you be talking about?” Toxic asked in an almost sing-song manner, at least as much as the amulet let him.

Ok, now he’s just milking it.

“What are you….?” Her words trailed off as they entered the front of the shop, or at least what used to be it. The gryphoness wasn’t sure what spell had been used to neatly push all of the items and storage shelves to the side, but nothing was even slightly moved on the organized shelving. The result was a rather large space in the center of the room, lit up by some soft but cheery blue crystal lights placed on the walls.

“What in the world?” she asked, then turning to Toxic in surprise. The stallion was all smiles, levitating a simple record player out from behind the cashier register to their left and setting it on the shelf.

What are you playing at, Toxic?

Toxic calmly set a record to begin spinning and then withdrew two more items out from behind the counter. They immediately clued Gelliana into what was going on, especially as the introduction to a classical music piece began to play.

Toxic, you didn’t.

Affixing the simple clip-on black bow-tie around his neck, Toxic levitated and gently placed a white flower behind Gelliana’s ear.

“May I have this dance?” he asked with an offered hoof.

His very-poofy special somegriff grasped the stallion’s hoof, Toxic forcing himself to remember the lessons he had ages ago as the stallion moved in some simple waltz steps.

“I don’t know many fancy moves, but I did take a few classes. Maybe we could take some together?” he suggested, a soft sniffle being Gelliana’s response as she leaned into his gesture, the stallion still expertly balancing on his hind hooves. “Oh, and the shop has a closed sign, and the windows are reflective. So, don’t worry about anyone seeing.”

An immediate and grateful nuzzling of the stallion’s neck was as good an answer as any.

No more talking; I have a feeling this means a lot more to her than I originally thought.
No, I think I do know how much this means. I’m just glad I remembered the window spell, last thing I’d want is for her to be self-conscious.

My lack of care about public perceptions doesn’t carry over to her.

Satisfied that all of his spells were in order, Toxic let himself enjoy the dance, sending the gryphoness into a giggling twirl before pulling her back in, placing his hoof correctly around her waist.

Not in between the wings, below, but not too low. Dancing with gryphons I recall is a tricky thing.

…at least from what I read. I only practiced with ponies.

To her credit, Gelliana definitely had a few more classes than Toxic, her moves being much more fluid as she let him lead regardless. He had only the experience from some upper-class etiquette classes in his youth; apparently Gelliana had quite a bit more.

And yet she clearly loved it regardless, her beak trembling slightly as her gorgeous violet gaze met his own, her eyes swimming with tears. As the song volume decreased, a natural interlude in the music, Toxic ventured a brief question, wanting nothing more than to gaze into the pair of eyes that met his, brimming with affection.

“Do you like it?” he asked softly, the pair swaying back and forth. Gelliana reached over with her closest set of claws, gently toying with the fur on Toxic’s chest in a rather intimate gesture. Her ears flickered as she pressed her claws against his chest, the gryphoness smiling as she always did whenever she did that ‘heartbeat focusing’ trick. Toxic had quickly become adept at spotting the expression, a slightly unfocused look in her eyes as a peaceful smile dawned on her face.

When she looked up, the gryphoness simply nodded, beak trembling as she struggled to put words to emotions.

“I love it,” she whispered, hesitating briefly before gently reaching up and giving the stallion a kiss on the cheek, her own face blushing brightly.

Toxic couldn’t get rid of the dopey grin on his face even if he wanted to, leaning forward to rest his forehead against hers.

“Thank you for taking things slow, Toxic,” Gelliana whispered, to his surprise. “But there’s only so much I can ignore of what I…” her feelings trailed off, and the stallion’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.

“I just never want you to think I’m here for anything else but you,” he said softly in response. “I still think we are going slow, and I will never do anything that you aren’t comfortable with first. Even something as simple as that,” Toxic promised.

A few tears trickled from Gelliana’s eyes, his words apparently having touched a hidden doubt, or perhaps an unspoken question. He knew what that felt like; Gelliana answering his own questions left unsaid.

“Thank you, Toxic,” she said as the pair began to dance again, a bit of familiar peppy energy returning to her frame. After a few moments, the gryphoness was giggling as she was spun in a twirl, the simple dance moves not being a barrier to her enjoyment in the slightest.

As the song wound down, Gelliana hugged her stallion close, pressing her cheek firmly against his. She pulled back, making sure to meet his gaze with her own as she spoke, the pair sitting down next to each other.

“Really,” she said softly, pausing for a moment which caught the stallion’s attention before the gryphoness continued in a quieter, more intimate tone. “Thank you.”

It was an odd warmth that spread immediately from Toxic’s chest, making his own eyes a bit damp. It was the way the gryphoness said that last phrase a bit quieter, her claws tightening around his hooves as she spoke it. It reminded the stallion of a similar phrase from her favorite movie, at least appropriate for this moment.

It was as though when she said ‘Thank you’ she was instead saying, ‘Love you.’

That gave the stallion an idea, but he didn’t say anything at first, simply enjoying the touch of Gelliana’s feathers against his cheek. The idea stemmed from the beginnings of the same film and book his special somegriff adored, and he was quickly appreciating more and more.

“So, we should definitely do this again sometime?” he asked, already knowing what his response would be; and perhaps it would give him a clue if Gelliana meant more than the previous gesture implied.

And yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a lot left unsaid…

“Definitely,” Gelliana replied immediately with a tender smile, pulling back briefly as Toxic couldn’t resist a cheeky grin which softened to a more affectionate one.

“As you wish.”

The immediate shift to her shyer demeanor was a big a clue as any, a few tears dampening Gelliana’s eyes at that; she could practically quote A Queen Betrothed line by line.

I look forward to when I can say those three words sincerely, not just hint at them. I certainly know I’m falling for you, more and more each day.

“Y-you…” Gelliana began, then just let out a sniffle and then a soft laugh, resting her head against Toxic’s with a grin. “You are amazing, Toxic.”

For reasons Toxic had only begun to come to grips with, the stallion felt a lump rise in his throat, voice lowering to a rough whisper.

I hope never to take you for granted. Thinking I’m amazing, the mess I am.

Gelliana had shifted to her favorite position, head leaning against his chest slightly. If she was listening, which she obviously was, she probably could hear Toxic’s heart nearly thudding out of his chest. They simply stayed like that for a time before a very obvious sound captured their attention.

“Someone’s stomach doesn’t agree with cuddles,” Toxic chuckled, Gelliana blushing with a grumble.

“Maybe resume after lunch?” Gelliana asked, the pair slowly standing up and moving towards the door as if already having decided.

“Sounds good, the usual place?” Toxic asked, Gelly nodding happily as they began to walk into the sun towards the eatery.

As the gryphoness brushed against his side, Toxic let himself relax even further. He almost felt normal. Walking to lunch with his special-somegriff…

“Y’know, I found a really interesting book the other day,” the stallion began, secretly laughing to himself.

Oh, she’s going to hate me.


“Uh huh. It prompted a question, as a matter of fact. Gryphons come from eggs, riiiight?”

Gelliana’s eyes narrowed, sensing something was up.

“Yeah? Hippogriffs are the ones who have live births.”


“How so?”

Wait for it.

Toxic let out a somewhat-convincing hum of thought.

“Well, that means hippogriffs would have belly-buttons, and gryphons would have something different?” he paused, leaning over to whisper in her ear. “a jelly-button perhaps?”

Gelliana’s left eye twitched, but the gryphoness couldn’t help but let out a soft *snrk* at the remark.

“Dangit, Toxic!” she groaned, the stallion letting himself cackle.

“It was a pun book, I admit,” his special somegriff letting out a groan.

“Oh no…”

With a rather rude jolt that interrupted Toxic’s levity as they continued to walk, something made his entire body shudder, the stallion stumbling slightly. His breathing increased, eyes darting across the street.

I know this feeling. Clari, what is going on!?


The stallion shook his head, resuming his gait a bit more cautiously. The feeling persisted, and Toxic sent a silent message to Clari, as if she could hear his desires.

Please, not now. Do not let whatever is happening affect Gelliana. Don’t let her get dragged into my troubles.

The replying feeling was almost a somber warning now, and that made a lump rise into Toxic’s throat.

“Gels?” he croaked out, “you have your daggers, right?”

The gryphoness nodded, sharp eyes now looking out into the various alleys they passed.
“Yeah. You get a feeling?”

The sensation faded to a warm reassurance, the stallion nodding as they entered the eatery.

“Yeah. Looks like more dancing will have to wait. Something is up. Talk about a mood killer.”

The fact Gelliana didn’t seem more put-off by his words and demeanor was still a surprise to Toxic, but a brief glance in her violet eyes made the stallion realize something that was, funny enough, a shock.

She trusts me that much. That everything will be ok.

The attack began without even so much as a flicker of fanfare.

Varti’s eyes widened in horror as red alarms abruptly flashed throughout the control room, the Yak immediately galloping over to a large crystal panel. Slamming his hoof onto a red button and shattering the protective plastic cover in the process, the Yak felt rising horror threaten to overwhelm his usually straightforward thoughts. He and Toxic had run dozens of scenarios, even more practice runs, but now…

“Intruders have breached the perimeter! Communications have been cut off,” The yak paused, the shock and fear being replaced by a very, very familiar emotion, one present in every yak to some extent.

And he embraced it.

They DARE attack us?!

“All security forces, prepare to repel intruders! Report to your muster stations!” Varti bellowed, now seeing the two large airships on his crystal monitor. Belching black smoke, the vehicles were easily thrice the size of the Storm King’s vessels, and likely constructed from a few decommissioned craft bolted together. Tapping a few controls, the yak sent simple commands to the hundreds of golems on the island with a grin.

“Oh, we’ve been waiting for you!” the yak chuckled, excitement starting to surge in his veins as he then activated his own personal security measures, a rune teleporting him into his lab adjacent to the lifeblood of the island’s defenses- the leyline reactor.

The two airships punched through the magical shields with a sickening blast of energy that matched the material they were constructed off; black and purple streaked with green, the primary protective barrier now breached. It tore pieces of the craft off; but not nearly enough to stop them.

The stone watchtowers instantly burst into action. Large ballistae were aimed and fired immediately, the bolts burying themselves into the ships strange-colored sides. There was probably a moment of satisfaction as nothing seemed to happen for a moment; then the bolts detonated.

The explosions tore holes in the airships and caused them to slow, but only barely. Nothing but splinters should have remained after that.

“What in the world?!” Varti hissed, watching the display from his lab. The Professor was now clad in thick armor more fit for a train than a Yak, a battle-axe leaning against the control panel at his right.

“These are not normal airships,” he muttered, continuing to modify the Golem’s commands, training them to aim at the ‘engines’ of the ship; odd, crystal spikes that burned with a sinister black energy that scrambled any attempts to analyze it. The magic was unlike anything the Yak had seen before.

“No, they are not.”

Varti immediately grabbed his axe and swung at the source of the voice, the ethereal mare at his side smoothly ducking the strike. Before he could do anything else, she held up her hooves disarmingly.

“I am a friend,” she stated flatly. “Release the security constraints on the nearest watchtower. I will help.”

Varti didn’t lower his axe, the mare growling in frustration as she stomped a hoof.

“Ugh. Mortals. Clari is my sister! I’m here to help!”

Simply blinking, the Yak only took a moment to decide before tapping out the commands, watching in amazement as the reactor began to surge, the mare vanishing. Toxic had only told him briefly of who Clari was; and that was enough for him.

“What in the world?”

On the security cameras, one of the ballistae was now crewed by the odd mare, the golems shoved to the side and immobile. Yanking one of the tree-sized bolts off of the device with an impossible heave, the mare sent the projectile rocketing towards the nearest airship with a blast of energy, hurling the massive item as if it were a javelin.

Burying itself completely into the airship, the tree trunk-sized projectile then exploded, a new, blue energy flashing amid the usual detonation of magical explosives. Before the smoke cleared, another three bolts slammed into the airship, nearly tearing it in half as it began to dissolve into a foul sludge and sink towards the rocky shoreline.

Before Varti could blink, the mare was gone, the final airship now shakily aiming towards the Organization’s main complex.

“Brace for impact!” he bellowed, tapping instructions to the golems. “Luna! If you can hear this, get to a safe room!”

Toxic, I hope you’re ok!

Gelliana could tell Toxic was on edge; and she certainly was too. Something was up; she could feel it.

Odd noises tickled at her awareness, ears flickering this way and that. They could barely eat their appetizers, Toxic finally shaking his head.

“We should go,” he whispered, Gelliana nodding. She had felt like this before.


As they stood up, the gryphoness caught a snipped of something Toxic was whispering into his earpiece;

‘…tor Toxic Shield. Code Black Skies, authorization seven two eight nine nine. Scramble all of my personal command codes and transfer primary control authorizations to Professor Varti and Princess Luna.’

As they made for the door in the sparsely-populate eatery, and odd thing for this time of day, Toxic abruptly stopped, glaring at the door, wincing as his earpiece erupted in static.

“Let us pass,” he stated, taking out the crystal communicator as the air seemed to shimmer.

“Oh, he’s good,” a voice chuckled, a large creature stepping out of what appeared to be thin air. Most of the other occupants of the eatery changed shape, large reptiles bursting out of the flimsy, paper-like pony forms with a few laughs. The few actual ponies in the room were frozen in terror at seeing the creatures wielding weapons ranging from swords to maces.

“Well, best not waste any time,” the reptile in front of Toxic stated, one of the taller and lither of the grey lizards. “You come with us peacefully, and we let the others go. One chance.”

Toxic didn’t even hesitate, nodding once.
“Let everyone else go, and I agree.”

“Tox!” Gelliana hissed, her coltfriend pushing her away.

“Gelly, don’t. I’ll be ok,” he whispered, green eyes widening in horror as the other ponies were allowed to scamper past the reptile, but the gryphoness was not.

“By ‘you’ I meant your gryphoness friend too. Boss’s orders.”

Gelliana could see something was changing within Toxic. His demeanor shifted, taking a few steps back and pulling Gelliana with him as the reptiles began to circle them.

“Don’t do this,” Toxic said softly, and Gelliana saw his hooves began to shake. “Let us go, let her go! What business you have is with me alone.”

“No can do. Now stay still and we’ll-”

Gelliana had backed up too far. A large reptile with matching scars around the base of three of his four limbs chuckled.

“That’s far enough.”

Toxic turned, and his eyes widened in shock, recognition

And then rage.

The pony Gelliana knew suddenly vanished. Toxic’s eyes became as hard as flint, something shining from their depths that actually frightened her, the stallion radiating a predatory demeanor that was more suited for a gryphon than a pony.

It was scary until he looked at her, a fierce, protective affection radiating from the green depths. There was still something else about Toxic that made Gelliana shiver, a previously hidden edge that she didn’t know existed.

“Ok, hard way it is,” the reptile sighed, and there was a soft ‘twang’ from one of his squad; two large syringes buried themselves into Toxic’s flank. The pony ripped them out immediately with a burst of magic, the vials already having dumped their contents however.


Toxic could feel the magic suppression field making his head ache. There was some sort of shield set up around the shop preventing everything from teleportation to long-range communications. They were very much on their own here; a coordinated attempt to capture himself and Gelliana.

What do I do what do I do what do? Think. Get the armor. Reason out of things. I…

The tranquilizers didn’t seem to be doing anything- not that they would have helped at this point. A mental line had been crossed when he saw that filth standing behind Gelliana.

He had spared that reptile’s life years ago, and this was Toxic’s reward, the penance for not killing. The stallion could see the scars around the limbs where he had hacked them off in that warehouse.

Clari, Luna, anyone. Give me the strength to see this through.

Give me…

In that moment, everything was connected. These creatures, the threat looming on the horizon, the very real and immediate danger they were in.

This is not new.

Toxic’s mind shifted into old but familiar gears, churning away as strength surged into his limbs. He knew exactly what was about to happen.

I know what to do here. Now let’s get-

Seeing a signal from his leader, the reptile behind Gelliana grabbed her by the back of the neck, making the gryphoness whimper in pain and terror.

“Ok, different tactic. You come peacefully or she-

The ‘leader’ of the group seemed to realize the error far too late as he gestured towards the other individual frantically, everycreature drawing their weapons and advancing.

Toxic was already airborne.

With a crack of thunder that shattered the windows, blue lightning licked across Toxic’s frame mid-flight. In a much more aggressive manner than before, chain mail and plates of armor slammed into Toxic’s body, locking together with thunderous impacts like a blacksmiths hammer on an anvil. Now clad in a suit that effectively quadrupled his body weight, Toxic slammed into the reptile and knocked him into the stone wall.

Dark magic danced and flared, radiating from the pony’s eyes like an ignited gas main, green sclera narrowing at the reptile in front of him.

“I G-GAVE YOU A C-CHANCE!” Toxic bellowed, teeth chattering with rage. His breastplate glowed with power, golden symbol of a wing-framed lighthouse shining brightly. A ring of crystals on Toxic’s armored gauntlet glowed and spat angry red sparks, the Guardian planting his hoof against the reptile’s chest as the creature fruitlessly tried to throw him off.

The ensuing blast from the gauntlet tore a cabinet-sized hole in the wall after passing through the reptile, the energy slamming into a powerful containment shield surrounding the structure.

Toxic was already launching himself towards the nearest attacker, horrified cries leaving the creature as it desperately slashed at the enraged stallion with a sword. The weapon didn’t so much as scratch Toxic’s armor, the pony knocking the reptile off balance and breaking its neck with a stomp of his hooves. Another blast from the gauntlet tore into a six-limbed creature loading a crossbow, the bottom half of the individual flopping to the floor in a puddle of its own gore.

It was only then that Toxic skidded to a stop in front of Gelliana, limbs spread protectively over her as the gryphoness grasped her daggers, fear having frozen her on the floor.

“I’ll kill you if you touch her!” Toxic roared at the now-hesitating reptiles, leyline energy coursing across his frame. His voice abruptly dropped, helmeted head glancing down at the gryphoness. “You ok, Gells?”

She nodded, managing to stand on quaking limbs. It was too much to take in, so she didn’t even try. Just breathing and staying alive.

I can do this.

“They’re going to come at us again. I’ll trying to keep them away from you,” Toxic stated as more reptiles and now some ponies began to teleport into the already-ruined eatery.

“W-well, I’m not harmless,” Gelliana managed to say, taking a deep breath and getting into a fighting stance with her two daggers. “I’ve got your back, as best as I can at least!”

The stallion froze, and somehow Gelliana sensed that her words had touched a deep something, a hidden doubt or fear.

And then it was gone, her special somepony meeting a reptile four times his size head on. It wasn’t even a contest, Toxic sweeping their legs- all four of them and crushing the creature’s skull with a hoof and sending gore splattering across the floor.

A gryphon scored a blow across Toxic’s back, but a levitated, previously-fallen sword buried itself into the creature’s chest with a flick of the pony’s horn.

I didn’t know you could do this, Toxic. You’re…killing them. No hesitation.
What in the world have no not told me!?
Who are you?

Her thoughts were cut off as a sneaky pony teleported behind her, a jagged sword angled at her throat in a magical grip.

“Now, if the little birdy would just-”

The large stallion didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence, Gelliana twirling her body away from the weapon and lashing out with her own out of reflex.

The attacking pony stared at the dagger buried in his chest and promptly collapsed, time freezing for Gelliana for a moment.

It wasn’t a reptile that now was charging towards her, but a Timberwolf amid the rain, three times her size.

She froze.

“GELS!” Toxic bellowed, “FIGHT!” The stallion bucked a reptile with his hind hooves, collapsing the creature’s ribcage as he was flattened by a blow from a sword, two reptiles piling onto him and tearing at the Guardian’s armor.


His words tore through Gelliana’s stupor, the gryphoness tightening her hold on the remaining dagger.

An old, rotting mental block finally shattered, energy surging through Gelly’s frame.
I am not some helpless chick anymore!

Her gaze turned towards her special somepony, who even now was struggling under the creatures that were desperately trying to restrain him, kill him.

Her stallion.




With a furious screech, Gelliana ripped the dagger from her deceased target, launching herself at the nearest reptile. Burying the weapons in the shocked creature’s throat, she ripped them free and tackled one of the larger creature pinning Toxic to the ground. Two daggers were stuck into its sides and then ten talons raked across the reptile’s face.

When two ponies yanked her off the reptile, Gelliana latched onto the nearest one, cutting a throat with a single swipe of her talons. There wasn’t any thought process; just a hunter finishing off her prey. Gryphons were predators at their core, and Gelliana realized in that instant that she had forgotten that.

And now she fought against a prey that was trying to kill her stallion.

The second pony met an end from a dagger she ripped free, then tackled another reptile as Toxic managed to break free.

“I told ya!” she crowed as Toxic stood back to back with her, the reptiles backing off briefly. “I’ve got your back!”

Gelliana’s world then spun, a sharp pain in her sides making the gryphoness aware of the large syringe that stuck out of her flank. The last thing she remembered was a furious roar from Toxic as a knife was held against her throat, the unicorn freezing in his movements as a loud voice barked orders; and then the world went black.

The island was under siege.

The intruders were creatures from the badlands; exiled ponies, gryphons, and largely reptiles. Luna didn’t know what they were after, but the large group that had targeted her was a decent clue. Apparently, the main force was trying to attack the leyline reactor but they hadn’t expected an enraged yak backed by two hundred security golems.

From what she understood from the horrified, retreating intruders, it had been like trying to stop a train armed with a battle-axe.

Her sword dancing across the throat of a pony that aimed a magical strike at Knife Twist, Luna pushed the thestrel back. It was just Luna, Knife, and six Legionnaires backed against this wall.

Thankfully, the numerous reptiles were many things, but extremely skilled fighters they were not. It was clear this was all a distraction, but for what, Luna didn’t know.

“S-sorry, Luna,” Knife panted, wielding a thin sword taken from one of the fallen attackers. “Out of shape…”

“You are forgiven, Knife. I would prefer our lunches as opposed to this form of bonding however,” Luna quipped, watching the reptiles lurk at the end of the hallway.

It was only a flicker of warning that she got. The air shimmered, and two things happened nearly simultaneously.

One of the legionnaire’s eyes flashed, a disguise dropping as a scarred pony angled his polearm at Luna’s neck. Even as the other five loyal guards attacked the traitorous individual, Luna’s attention was split. The polearm shone with a counter-spell, and even as Luna raised an armored hoof to block it, the reptile that had dropped the concealment spell in front of her had no such obstacle. Even with her speed, she was going to get hit, one way or another. The alicorn twisted her body, hoping the thin, likely-poisoned dagger in the reptile’s grip would hit one of the less vital portions of her body.

The creature was then hit by a fang-filled missile.

Knife Twist saw it happening in slow motion, the ex-captain of the guard already moving.

It was just like in her dreams. She was too slow, and her best friend was about to be killed in front of her. The laughter of a thousand white-eyed creatures echoed through her mind-


Propelling herself with every ounce of strength in her limbs, the thestrel aimed directly at the attacker’s exposed throat, her mouth wide open.


Latching on with a savage bite, Knife Twist ripped a chunk of flesh from the attacker, spitting out blood as she aimed her flight towards another, second concealed reptile that had begun to attack, his personal cloaking spell dropping.

Knife wrapped her limbs around the horrified reptile’s head, sinking her fangs into the creature’s neck artery. A blast from Luna quickly made the reptile drop to the ground, Knife Twist spitting out a mouthful of foul blood as she glared at two other creatures, the gryphon and pony having skidded to a stop halfway down the hallway. Her wings were spread wide, the gaunt Thestral’s mouth dripping with blood as she let out a hiss.

The two attackers decided enough was enough, quickly retreating and leaving them alone, the five remaining legionnaires taking up protective positions in front of the Thestrel and Luna.

“Thank you, Knife,” Luna whispered as her friend collapsed, sitting down as her sides heaved.

“Never again,” the Thestrel whispered, reaching over to grab a fallen dagger to lever herself upright. “Now, where is that safe room?”

The seven individuals navigated hallways littered with shattered golems and the bodies of their attackers. While the automated security forces weren’t trained warriors, they were hardly pushovers it would seem, holding their own against the often-lopsided attackers in size and number.

The sounds of battle as they neared the designated safe room area put them all on guard, the group slowly peering around the corner.

They abruptly jumped back as two reptiles sped down the hallway, but not under their own power. They slid to a stop and didn’t move after impacting the distant wall.

Recovering from blasting two creatures back with a surge of magic, Onyx barred his fangs at the reptile in his grasp, arm-like appendages slitting the walking snake’s throat. Icait cowered behind him at the locked safe room door, the Windigo whimpering. They had been separated from their guards only moments ago; and then this group had rushed them. The last one, a scarred gryphon with a cracked beak, aimed a strike at the pony-

And then, as if to spite Onyx for the death of his fellows, turned his long pike towards the shivering Icait.

The Windigo’s eyes widened as Onyx skidded in front of her, taking the strike square to his shoulder and snapping the weapon’s blade off with the impact. A quick stab of his shadow arms left the gryphon a lifeless sack on the floor, the shadow pony grunting in pain as he ripped the pike head from his shoulder.

Two new creatures promptly appeared in front of him, shadow-creatures with the bodies of ponies but eyes that glowed white laced with red.

“You dare fight against Him?” one of them asked in a voice that seemed to be an amalgamation of dozens of creatures.

“To think you do anything but bow, TRAITOR! You dare protect that abomination?” the second hissed, aiming a strike at Onyx as he yanked the dead gryphons’ body in the path of the shadowy appendage. The second strike dug into Onyx’s shoulder, the shadow-pony once again darting over to block a strike at Icait.

“I don’t answer to him any longer!” Onyx growled, lashing out with a dagger-like limb at the two attackers.

A blast from behind shattered the two threatening shadow creatures, Luna trotting up with her guards and looking curiously at the pair.

“Are you ok?” Onyx asked the Windigo, ignoring Luna as Icait nodding numbly, her eyes wide at seeing his shoulder ‘bleeding’ dark traces of black material.

“Onyx, why did you do that?” Icait asked, looking up and seeing Luna watching them out of the corner of her eye, keying the emergency code for the shelter door behind them.

Onyx paused, but only for a moment. A rare, genuine smile twitched at his features.

“Because you’re my friend.”

In Tall Tale.

Toxic knew there was no getting out of this.

The attackers continued to pour in, somehow teleporting into the destroyed remnants of the eatery. Gelliana was coming under the effects of the tranquilizers, and the unicorn could sense a teleportation spell powering up, foul runes on the floor starting to flicker and spark with green and purple colorations.

We’re all going to get yanked somewhere, and I can’t fight them all!

The stallion only had one plan, and it very well may fail miserably. But he couldn’t keep fighting, not if he wanted the strength to escape.

The opening for the plan was given to the Guardian on a silver platter, one of the attacking gryphons holding a blade against Gelliana’s throat, the gryphoness fighting a losing battle against the drugs.

“Stop fighting or she dies!” the gryphon bellowed, causing Toxic to immediately stand still, the soft chuckling of reptiles echoing around the room.

Oh, Gells. Forgive me. I won’t let them hurt you, but I can’t fight anymore!

Toxic blinked, armor fading away from his body as the pony started to sway on his hooves.

“Looks like those darts worked after all! A bit late,” one of the reptiles mused.

His legs gave out, the stallion slamming to the ground as his armor vanished completely.

After getting poked by a rather sharp knife to make sure he was unconscious, the unicorn was slung over the shoulder of a reptile, a magic-inhibiting ring being latched over his horn.

And then they were gone.

Author's Note:

To those who were wondering if things were going to be all hunky-dory for a while...

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