• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 842 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

  • ...



Blaze was startled by whoever was yelling, he place his pillow over his head. “It’s too early for this shit.” He was just to be up early thanks to be a guard but considering he hadn’t have decent good sleep since he got to this weird world, he want to sleep.

“Cheer up.” Blaze removed his pillow to see who was talking, it was the boy from yesterday. “Today we are going to be assigned teams and then dorms, then you can sleep as long as you want, expect when we have classes.” Blaze had forgotten about that, today was apparently the day were going to be signed teams. “By the way, I never got your name last night.”

“It’s Blaze Fury.”

The boy smiled. “Nice to meet you Blaze, my name is Tyr Laraan.”

Blaze just gave him a nod. “Yeah, do you know if there somewhere I can take a shower? I haven’t take one for at least three days.” He ask Tyr as he got up, he decided to sniff his armpits, bad mistake considering it didn’t smell good.

Tyr got up from his own bed. “Yes, I know where they are, follow me.” They both got dress and went to take a shower.

After they had done that, they went to the dining hall to eat, Tyr decided to sit at the same table as Blaze which he didn’t mind. Other than Ruby and her sister, Tyr was the only one he ‘knew’ at Beacon.

“Hey Blaze.” The former pegasus look up from his food. “How old are you? You look a little old to be here.” Blaze knew that question would come, considering that Ruby already ask him.

“I’m twenty three.”

Tyr tilted his head in confusion. “Really?” Blaze nodded. “Can one be a Huntsman at that age?”

Blaze just shrugged his shoulders. “Apparently.” He went back to his food, but he could feel that Tyr was still looking at him. “Is there something else you want to ask me?” He ask him while taking a bit of his sandwich.

“How’s it like?”

This time it was Blaze turn to be confused. “How is what?”

“To have wings, to fly up in the sky. Is it great?”

Blaze wasn’t expecting that question. “It’s a little difficult to explain, the short version is that is the best experience in the world, for those who have wings.” He wasn’t sure that was the answer Tyr wanted, considering he nodded, I guess he like it.

After they were done eating, Tyr lead Blaze to the lockers. Blaze took out a note he had gotten by Glynda after he had taken a shower, it look like she didn’t want him there. Blaze didn’t really care what she thought about him.

“See you around Blaze, I have to find my locker and get my stuff.” Tyr walk of.

It didn’t take long before Blaze found his locker, number 84. He opened it and found a spear there with a note, he took the note and read it. “I hope this will suit you, Ozpin.” Blaze threw away the note and took the spear, it look like a normal spear expect for the blade on the tip, he swung it around a few time to get a feel of it and the blade didn’t hinder it movement.

He then thrusted it to his left to get a feeling of it. “Ah.” The blade almost hit Ruby in the face, it was inches from her face, and she was pale.

“You shouldn’t sneak up on others.” He said to her as he lower his weapon.

“Sorry, I just wanted to see if you got a weapon and you did.” She said in a happy tone. “Are you going to name it?”

Blaze raised an eye brown of what she said. “Name it? Why would I do that? Sounds stupide.” He told her while closing his locker.

Tyr walk over to his locker, opened it and took out his jacket, he took of his weapon and placed it by his locker. After opening it, he took out his jacket which was a light blue and put it on.

While closing the locker he heard someone talk. “I really hope that we will be on the same team.” He look in the direction of the voices and saw the three Faunus from last night, one had purple hair and was wearing a white dress?

The second one had blond hair with a hat with a bandana that was light red and had apples on it, she was wearing a white collared shirt with a leather vest, brown pants and a pair of cowboy boots. She had an axe on her back.

The last one a rainbow coloured hair? She was wearing a jacket and a pair of pants that was blue and the lines inside are yellow, she was wearing a pair of sneaker with matches her outfit. A couple of dagger was lying on the bench she was sitting on.

Tyr could swear he had seen them before. “I really don’t want to be on a team with a human that hate Faunus.” Said the one with purple hair.

“I know what you mean Rarity, I had running with one this morning, he just gave a look that said monster or something like that.” Said the one with the hat, she was leaning against one of the lockers.

“I’m surprised that you didn’t punch him.” Said the one with rainbow hair, she was currently sitting on a bench putting on her shoes.

“And get expelled on my first day, unlike you Dash I can control my anger.”

That made Dash get up. “Hey, I can control my anger when I want too.” Her friends just gave her a blank stare. “Oh, shut up.”

“Darling, we didn’t say anything.”

Tyr couldn’t help but laugh little of them, Dash saw that. “Is there something funny human?”

“Nope.” He told her while planning his weapon on his back.

“Hey, watch were you are going.”

Tyr and the girls with the rest of those who was in the room look to where the voice were coming from. They saw a girl with a red dress, she was on the floor picking up dust crystal from the floor. Over her stood a girl with black hair with strands of silver highlights, she was wearing a knit hooded vest that's colored dark velvet and she was wearing a short sleeved shirt underneath, she was also wearing a pair of cargo shorts.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching were I was going.”

“You weren’t watching? You could have blown us up with the dust you are caring, who the hell carries dust crystals in her purse?”

“I do.” The girl with the dress said while getting up.

“You fight with dust? Are you a Schnee or something?”

“Uh, no?” The girl with the dress said while taking a step backwards. “My mother bought them for me.”

The other girl snorted. “You mother bought them for you? You probably stole them two days ago in Vale.”

The girl with the dress eyes widen. “What? Is wasn’t in Vale when that happened.”

“And you expect me to believe that? you can be lying for all I…” That was all she could say as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She look to her right, it was Blaze. “That’s enough. She wasn’t the one who robe the dust store in Vale two days ago, that was Roman Torchwick and I should know, I was there.”

The girl with hooded vest swapped away his hand. “You words don’t mean nothing to me Faunus and don’t you dear touch me again or I will…”

She was interrupted again but this time by the speakers, it was Glynda “Would all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff or initiation? Again, all first year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately.”

“Huh, I guess you got lucky.” The girl with hooded vest started to walk towards the exit.

Blaze just watch her go. “What an attitude.” He look over the girl with the res dress. “You ok?” She nodded. “That’s good to now.” He then walk to the exit.

Once they made it to a cliff near the edge on the school boundary, he saw Ozpin and Glynda. Ozpin gave Blaze a smile while Glynda frowned when she saw him, he was guessing that she didn’t want him here, he neither but he didn’t have a choice. Ozpin told them to stand on some pad and then he explained what they were going to do.

Apparently they were going to get launched up in the air in to Emerlad forest, find a relic in an abandoned temple to the north of the forest and return to a cliff. There was more, the first one they made eye contact with would be their partner for the next 4 years. There was also Grimm in the forest, Blaze had never seen a Grimm before, but they were probably dangerous. Blaze couldn’t help but question the whole thing, it all sounded a little weird. How could finding a relic have anything to do with this?

Then Ozpin told them to take their position, Blaze look around and saw that most of the students got ready, so did he. He crouched down placed his right arm behind him which he was holding his weapon with, he saw to his left as a girl with a cowboy hat got launched into the air, then the pat under him explode and he flew through the air. Now he felt like home.

Ozpin told them to make a good landing strategy which Blaze thought was stupid, he just flew thought the air a little and landed on the ground while sliding on it a little. “Landing strategy? Yeah right, who needs that when you got wings?” He said when he landed, he was about to start walking when he heard explosion in air and then he saw Ruby’s sister fly through air. “I guess that’s one way to travel.” He mumble to himself as he walk.

He had been walking for five minutes when he heard some noises in the bushes, he got ready his weapon in case it was this Grimm Ozpin was talking about. It didn’t take long before he got his answer, out came two Grimm. “Boy, you two are ugly.” They just snarled at him Blaze pointed his weapon at them, then one of the charge at him. Blaze swung his spear and cut its head right of, apparently the other one didn’t like that, so it also charge him, Blaze just swung his weapon a second time and cut it head of. He then just watch as they disappeared into nothing. “Uh, I expected more.” He then heard a bang behind him, he turned around and saw another Grimm drop dead on the grass.

Blake was walking through the forest looking for another student, one thing was for sure she didn’t want to be on the same team as the girl with daggers, she didn’t seem like a nice person and it looked like she wasn’t too fond of Faunus, she didn’t need that. Blake then some growling and could see a Grimm but it wasn’t looking at her, the Grimm was looking at a male Faunus with red wings, ears and a tail. Most Faunus has one traits animal, maybe two but Blake had never seen three before. The Faunus was facing two other Grimm which he made short progress of, then the last one decided to jump him, Blake took out her Gambol Shroud and fired two shout from it saving the Faunus. After the Grimm was dead, she turned her weapon back into a sword and placed it on her back.

Blake then looked eyes with her, they just started at each other until he spoke. “I guess we are team mates.”

“It looks like it.” Blake then walk out from the bushes she then got a better look at him. He was wearing a black jacket and pants, red shirt, he had a spear resting on his shoulder and there was one last thing. “You look a little old to be attending at Beacon.”

He just shrugged his shoulders. “I get that a lot, the name is Blaze Furry. What’s yours?”

“Blake Belladoona.”

“Nice to meet you Blake, why don’t we find those ruins with those relic and get the hell out of this forest, it’s creeping me out.” He had been in a forest that is worse than this but Emerlad forest was close, Blake nodded in agreement and started to walk. “It’s nice to see a fellow Faunus.” Blaze told her as she walk past him.

Blake froze when she heard that. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” She answered in a shaky voice.

Blaze could hear that she was lying, apparently she didn’t want others to know. “I guess I was wrong and for that I am sorry.” He placed his spear on his shoulder and started to walk.

When he past Blake. “How did you know?” She ask him.

He stop and turned around to face her. “Last night, I saw you bow move which I am sure of is not possible unless you have ears.” Blake was surprised that he saw that, she thought she had hide but she was wrong. “Look, I don’t know why you are hiding that you are a Faunus just let me tell you something, keeping secrets never ends well.”

“It’s not like hiding who I am is just I have past that I don’t won’t others to know.” She told him while rubbing her arm.

Blaze let out a sighed. “Fine, don’t tell me but just remember what I said, keeping secrets never ends well.” He then started to walk leaving Blake alone, was hiding that she was Faunus a good idea? She shook her head and followed Blaze.

Another Faunus with pony ears and tail, she had blur hair and her name is Luna Moon and this was the first time she had left Menagerie, she was currently holding her sword the Moon breaker in front of her looking in every direction and she was nervous as hell. “What am I doing here? I should never have left Menagerie.” She then heard a sound in the bush and that made her squeak. “Hello? It there someone there?” She didn’t get any answer and he noise became louder, her whole body was shaking and eventually she let out a scream and then she charge towards where the sound came from.

Out from the bushes came a girl with a red dress and she had no clue what was happening in front of her, she heard a scream and saw a Faunus girl coming towards her with a sword over her head. The girl swung her sword and red dress user managed barely to get hit by jumping back a little.

The sword hit the ground in front of her. “Hey, what’s the big idea? Are you trying to kill me?” The girl asked Luna.

Luna started to panic. “I am so sorry, I thought you were a Grimm. Also, I was terrified.” Luna admit with a blush.

“Let me guess, this is your first time away from Menagerie.” The girl asked while dusting away the leaf that was stuck to her dress.

Luna was in shook. “How do you know that I am from Menagerie?” Luna ask her.

The girl look at her. “I saw you on the airship and your tail was swinging from side to side, you were probably existed being away from there and you just confirmed it.”

That made Luna blush even more, she the rubbed her neck. “Yeah, this is my first time away from Menagerie.” Luna held out a hand. “My name is Luna Moon, nice to meet you.” She said with a smile.

The girl gladly shook her hand. “My name is Opal Akaru.”

“Hello Opal and I am sorry for almost killing you.” Luna said with an innocent smile, she then place her sword on her back. Opal couldn’t help but chuckle. Then Luna saw her hair move. “Oh my, you’re a Fau…” That was all she could say, Opal had placed a hand over her mouth.

“Would you keep your voice down, I don’t want others to find out that I am a Faunus.” Opal removed her hand from Luna’s mouth.

That just confused Luna. “Why won’t you to know that you’re a Faunus? Unless…” Luna thought for a second. “You are a White fa..” Opal placed hand over mouth, again.

“Would you just shut up, I don’t want others to know I am a Faunus or a former White Fang.”

“We do.”

The new voice scared both of the girls, the voice were coming from behind Opal so the look in the that direction and saw male Faunus with a girl that had a bow on her head which Opal recognized right away.


The male Faunus look at Blake. “You know here?”

Blake rubbed the back of her head. “Yes, but I haven’t seen her in a while.”

Luna looked between Opal and Blake. “Wait a minute Opal, are you telling me that you know Blake Belladoona?” How did Luna know who Blake is? Almost every Faunus know who she is.

Opal had a naturel face. “I should, we grew up together and out parents know each other. I haven’t seen her since she joined up with that psychopath Adam Taurus in Vale.”

Blake just look away when Opal mention Adam while Blaze had no idea what they were talking about, he had no idea who this Adam Taurus. “Look, as much as I like see old friends reunited I really want to find these relics and get out of this forest.” He then started to walk.

“Who are you by the way? You look a little too old to be here?” Opal ask him.

Blaze stop to look at her. “Really? You didn’t ask about my age on the airship.” Opal couldn’t help but feel stupid for that. “My name is Blaze Fury and I would like to play answer twenty question, but I don’t know any of you. We are going to spend the next four year together, when I know you all better then we can talk. Right now, I want finish this test and leave the forest.” With that said, he started to walk again. The girls look at each other not sure what to think about Blaze, eventually they followed him.

In another part of the forest was Weiss Schnee, she had used her glyphs to land, and she was hoping that it was good enough for Professor Ozpin. Weiss had a lot to live up to, she is the heir to Schnee Dust Company and when she told her father that she would attending at Beacon and not Atlas, he was not happy.

She was currently walking through the forest looking anyone that would be on her team. “I really hope I find someone soon, before the Grimm find me.” As soon as those words came out from her mouth, she ran into a couple of Beowolf, at least six of them. She really wished she had keep her mouth shut, she got ready her Myrtenaster and was ready to fight.

She took a deep breath. ‘Remember your training Weiss. Head up, shoulders back, right foot forwards, not that forward. Slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike…’ Weiss did everything she had learned but before she could attack.

Out of some trees, a shadow jump out and strike the closet Grimm. It was girl, that could Weiss see, she was wearing a knit hooded vest that was currently cowering her head. She was also wearing cargo shorts she was holding daggers in each hands which she just to strike the Grimm, the girl then went for the next Grimm striking it down with ease. Weiss just stood there as the girl made short process of them all, when she was done, she was breathing heavily. “I really hate Grimm.” Said the girl, she then turned around and then she locked eyes with a very angry Schnee. “Great, I got the princess. That’s just great.” She said while putting away her daggers.

When Weiss saw who it was, the same girl had thrown the dagger at her last night and gotten into an argument with, she wasn’t angry anymore she was furious. Not only had she stollen her targets she had also stolen the opportunity to show Professor Ozpin how a true Schnee fight. Weiss decided to get away from this girl, she turned around and started to walk.

“And where are you going?” The girl ask Weiss.

“Away from you.”

The girl snorted. “So, you are going to ignore Professor Ozpin words? The one who you make eye contact with first are going to be your partner for the next four years.”

That made Weiss to stop dead in her track, the girl was right, the Professor told them that and she really didn’t want to get into trouble on her first day at the academy, she turned around and walk straight to the girl, she stopped a few inches from her face. “This does not make us friends.” Weiss then walk past her.

The girl couldn’t help but smile. “This should be fun. By the way princess, my name is Ebony Nox.” She told Weiss while walking after her.

“I don’t care what your name is, and my name is not princess it’s Weiss Schnee.” Weiss said with annoyance in her voice.

Rarity was currently flying through air hoping to find an appropriate branch, she spotted one and took out whip that was attached to her hip. She lashed out it and managed to get it wrap around the branch, when she hit the ground she slide on the ground coming to a stop, the whip somehow loosened of the branch as she landed. “Not a perfect landing but it will do.” She told herself while attaching her whip to her hip, she then took a look at her shoes and she was glad she decided to wear normal shoes and not high heels. “Well, let’s see if I can find Dash or Applejack.” She then started to walk. She didn’t mind coming a team with others, but she really wanted to be on a team with her friends.

After five minute of walking Rarity hadn’t seen anyone. “Just how large is this forest? I have been walking like forever.” Before she could complain more, two Beowolf jump out from some bushes. “You two aren’t the one I was looking for, but I guess some practice will do.” She took out her whip and got ready.

Both Beowolf growled at her and the one of jump towards her but Rarity was ready, she lashed her whip towards the Beowolf’s head, and she managed to kill it with ease. Then the other jump at her and she did the same with that, she managed to kill it with ease to. She was pretty please with herself. “That was way too easy.” As soon as those words left her mouth a third Beowolf jumped out from to her left. “Me and my mouth.” She closed her eyes waiting for the end, it never came.

Rarity then heard a long bang she opened her eyes and saw the Beowolf just disappeared. “The Grimm can attack in a flock, but they don’t know how to treat a lady.” Said a new voice.

Rarity looked when the shoot came from and she saw the same human that Dash has snap at, he had light brown har, he was wearing a grey shirt, black pants white light blue jacket. He was holding a swords in his hand that also looked like a gun, which he was pointing at her, he then rested it on his shoulder.

“You ok?” He ask Rarity.

She nodded. “Yes, thank you for saving me. How did you see that Beowolf.”

“I didn’t, I was walking trying to find someone then I heard growling and saw you fighting those two Beowolf, then I saw the third one jump out from the bushes, I took out my Lawgiver and killed it.”

“Yes, thank you for that, I would probably be dead if you haven’t passed by.”

Rarity then started to look around, like she was looking for someone ells. “Is there something wrong?” The boy ask her.

“No, I mean yes.” She let out a sighed. “No offence but I was hoping that you were one of my friends, or a Faunus not a human.”

Rarity had no idea how the boy would react he had a normal face not showing any emotions, he then smiled. “It’s ok, I understand that you want to be on a team with your friends.” Rarity didn’t expect that reaction, she thought that he would be furious at her, but this boy look happy. “But, Professor Ozpin said the first one you make eye contact with is going to be your team for the next four years. I guess you are stuck with me.” He walk over to her and offer a hand. “My name is Tyr Laraan.”

Rarity gladly shook his hand. “Rarity Bell.”

Tyr smiled. “Nice to meet you Rarity, why don’t we see if we can’t find your friends.” He told her while placing his weapon on his back. Again, Rarity didn’t expect that. Maybe begging on Tyr’s team wouldn’t be so bad, she just hope that AJ and Dash would agree with her. Maybe AJ would, she wasn’t sure about Dash.

Meanwhile on the cliff where the students had been launch off, where Ozpin and Glynda was standing looking at the students through their scrolls.

“Our last pair has been formed, sir.” Said Glynda while looking at her scroll. “Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy. I can’t possible imagine those two getting along.” She said to Ozpin while looking at the couple. “Still, he’s probably better off than Ms. Nikos.” She then look at a video of the boy who threw up at the ship and a girl with red hair. It didn’t seem like Ozpin was listing to her, at all. “I don’t care what his transcripts says, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat.” She then turned off her scroll. “I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” She then turned around and started to walk. “At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes.” She then stop and turned around. “Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?” She ask Ozpin, he didn’t answer. “…Professor Ozpin?” He was just standing there, looking his scroll. Glynda walk over to him to see what he was looking at, it was Ruby and her sister, Yang which had found Ebony and Weiss. “I can’t still believe that you let a fifteen years girl into the school.”

“I think she has potential.” Glynda was a little surprised that he answered her.

“Maybe, then we have Blaze Fury. A twenty three years old Faunus that claims he is from another world, why did you let him into the school? He is too old.”

“I gave him the offer to become a huntsman Glynda, it was either that or jail.”

Glynda couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Sometimes I think you are too nice.”

While Glynda and Ozpin had their talk, four girls had a different talk. Weiss was currently walking back and forth suggesting different direction of where the temple could be, Ruby was sitting by a tree playing with some leaves, Yang was leaning against the tree with her shoulder watching Weiss going back and forth, Ebony was leaning against the tree while playing with her daggers.

Weiss eventually stop and faced the girls. “Alright, it’s official, we have past it.”

Ebony couldn’t help but smirk. “Just admit it princess, you don’t know where you are.”

Weiss walk right up to her. “Stop calling me that and what about you? Do you know where the temple is?” She ask Ebony.

Ebony straighten up and put away her dagger. “I’m from Vacuo, we know how to find out way through areas we know nothing about. When we got launched into the air I managed to see where the temple was, and I was able to find a route to it.”

The two sister was impressed when they heard that, Weiss wasn’t. “Wow, you managed to do that while in the air. That’s so cool.” Ruby said while getting up with stars in her eyes.

Weiss just snorted. “You expect me to believe that.”

“Believe what you want princess.” Weiss had enough of that she was referring her as princess. “You can stay here and wander around, alone. Or you can follow me so we can find the relic and leave this forest, it’s too much green for my taste.” Before Weiss could say anything, Ebony started to walk.

Ruby and Yang look at each other, then they followed Ebony. “You two can’t be serious, you don’t know if she is leading you the right way.” They didn’t listen to her. “Wait up.” Weiss ran after them.

Yang had walk up to Ebony. “So, how it’s to live in Vacuo?” She was trying a small talk.

“We live in the dessert and we live by a philosophy, If you can survive our harsh conditions you are welcome to live there.”

Ruby, who was on Ebony other side, tilted her head to the side. “Really? Those that include all?”

Ebony shrugged her shoulders. “Pretty much. It’s a place you don’t want to go on holiday, that’s for sure.”

“I am surprised that you survived there.” Weiss said with her arms crossed, she was walking behind them.

Ebony stop to face Weiss. “What the hell do you know? You are from Atlas you live in the sky in were the rich live, I grew up in street in Vacuo and every day was a struggle to survival, but you don’t know nothing about that because you are a Schnee, you had every ting served on a silver platen. Not everyone who lived the way I did survived because I was one of the lucky once.” That made Weiss look down on the ground. “Here’s an idea princess, don’t talk about a place you know nothing about.” Ebony started to walk again. ‘I can’t believe that I have to be on her team for four years.’ She thought for herself.

In another part of the forest, Rarity and Tyr had managed to find Rarity’s friends, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They had managed to find each other so they had end up on the same team, but they weren’t too happy that Rarity was on a team with a human, mostly Dash.

Rarity was walking with Dash, trying to explain that Tyr was a nice human. Applejack was walking behind them with Tyr, she was trying to figure out if he was nice human.

Tyr watch as Rarity and Dash argued. “Man, she dosen’t like human.” He said.

“Can you blame her considering how you humans has treated us? We grew up that human was the superior and the Faunus was thrash.” Applejack answered him. Applejack was right, Tyr had read stories how human treated Faunus as slaves. “It wasn’t easy to find a place who would train us, I am just glad Signal did.”

Tyr then snap his fingers. “I knew I had seen you and your friends somewhere I saw you three at Signal but you keep mostly too yourself.”

“Wait, you trained at Signal too?”

“That I did and…”

That was all Tyr could say when Rainbow walk to them. “What are you talking about human?” She walk straight to his face.

Tyr couldn’t help but blink. “Nothing much, just that you don’t like humans and before you interrupted us, Signal.”

Dash snorted. “Yeah right, you act like a nice human but when the opportunity comes you will find a way to hurt us, just like all humans do.”

Applejack and Rarity was in shock over what their friend just said but Tyr, he was completely calm. “Just what is your problem with me? Have I done something to offended you?” He asked her.

“No, but your race have.” Dash told him in an angry voice.

“So that’s it? You are going to blame me for everything the humans have done to the Faunus? You know, you Faunus aren’t perfect either.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dash was now right in his face, ready to punch him.

“The White Fang.” That made Dash’s eyes to widen, she couldn’t believe he brought them up. Rarity wasn’t sure what would happened while Applejack was ready to intervene in case Dash lost it. “The White Fang has done some nasty things over the years they might not compare what the humans has done to the Faunus. Now, I don’t blame every Faunus for what the White Fang has done, I tried to see the best in every one and right now you are doing a crappy job, your friends are way nicer than you.” Dash ears folded in shame she was never a big fan of the White Fang, so she understood him a little. “And don’t you dare blame me for everything the humans has done to you and your kind, I actually don’t judge others by their look only what’s in their hearts.” Dash tried to say something, but nothing came out. Tyr just patted her on her shoulder and walk past her.

Applejack and Rarity just look at Dash in disappointment. “I thought you were better than this Dash, I guess I was wrong.” Rarity told her friend, she then followed Tyr.

Applejack walk over to Dash and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You ok?”

Dash shook her head. “No, I feel like crap. I was way out of line.”

“Yes, you were but it’s never too late to apologize.” Applejack told her, but Dash wasn’t so sure.

Blaze and the girls had finally arrived at the temple and when Blaze saw the relic, he couldn’t help but question them. “Chess pieces? What the hell are we? Pawns for Ozpin?” He just shook his head as he walk over to one of them, it was a white knight. “There, I got one, let’s get to the cliff.” He said while looking at Blake. “You don’t mind the horse, do you?” He ask her.

“No, I don’t mind.” She said while walking over him.

Meanwhile with Opal and Luna. “Why don’t you pick one Luna.”

“Really?” Opal nodded. Luna couldn’t help but smile, she walk over to the other white knight. Opal just gave her an amusing smile when she saw that. “What? It looks like a pony.” Opal couldn’t help but giggle.

“Great, we all have a ‘relic’, let’s get to the cliff and leave. This place gives me the creeps.” They all nodded in agreement as they walk towards the nears cliff.

They had been walking for a few minutes when they heard growling in front of them. “What now?” Blaze asked with annoyance in his voice, then a giant Grimm appeared in front of them and this was twice as big as the other they had faced.

“It’s a Ursa and it’s a little bigger than I remember.” Said Blake. It wasn’t like the ones Blaze had fought before and he had already figured out that it would be different kinds of Grimm. Although, this was bigger than he had imagen. “What do we do?”

Before anyone of them could react, Opal leap into action. She got ready her Yoyo, jump into the air and send it flying towards the Ursa, on impact electricity surrounded the Grimm, it howled in pain.

“What just happened?” Blaze ask Blake.

“It’s her Yoyo, it must content dust.” Blake told him.

Blaze had no idea what she was talking about it, he guessed it was a good thing. He then got an idea. “Blake, I need you three to distract it, I’ll take care of it.” Blake nodded and too out her weapon that look like a sword then it turned into another weapon, she started to run around it while firing at the Ursa. Blaze was about to fly when he saw only Blake and Opal was the only one who was fighting, he look at Luna and she was shaking with fear. “Luna, was wrong?”

Luna was babbling. “I don’t belong here I should never had left Menagerie.”

Blaze walk over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Luna, look at me.” She did and he could see that she was afraid. “It’s ok to be afraid once in a while, I’m afraid right now.”

Luna blinked a few times. “Really? You don’t look like you are afraid.”

“That’s why my father once told me that you should never let your fear control you, you control your own fear. What am I afraid of? Well, just look at that thing.” They both look over to where Blaze and Opal was fighting the Grimm. “That’s the biggest monster I have ever seen in my life and it’s terrifies me. Also, I know how it’s feel’s to leave your home.” He look back at her. “But right now, I need you and the others to distract so I can kill it.” Before she could say anything, Blaze took off to the sky.

Luna look over to the battle, she took a deep breath. “Don’t let the fear control you, you are in control of your on fear.” She grabbed her sword, closed her eyes and took one more breath. She opened her eyes. “I won’t let fear control me.” She then ran towards the Ursa and sliced one of his front legs, it howled on pain. “How did you like that ugly?” The Ursa tried to crush her with its paws but Luna’s training kick in and she jump back to avoid it.

“I hope Blaze will kill it soon, I don’t know how long we can keep doing this.” Blaze said while firing more shoot.

Then they all look up and saw Blaze coming toward the Ursa very fast, they all got clear as he trusted his spear into the head of the Ursa, the Grimm then disappeared.

“I really hope we won’t get more distractions.” Said Blaze as he pulled out his spear out of the ground, he had trusted the spear so hard that it went into the ground. He look over to the girls who eyes were widen. “What?” He ask them.

“That was awesome.” Luna half scream as she ran over to him. “I wish I had wings.” Blaze and Opal followed.

Blaze rest his weapon on his shoulder. “It’s has its advantages, why don’t we get out this forest. I had enough of Grimm for one day.” The girls agreed on that.

After they had returned, Ozpin had them all gather in the hall where it all started, and they were all gather in teams of four. When Ozpin said their names, they were to approach the stage and get their names. Blaze was resting on a wall with the rest of the girls watching the whole thing.

On the stage at the moment was four humans and Blaze recognized one of them, the bully from the airship.

“Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Brozewing, Sky lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as…” Then the letters CRDL appeared on a screen where their pictures was. “Team Cardinal, lead by Cardin Winchester.”

Every student clapped from them except for four faunus, then Luna spoke up. “Is it wrong that I was hoping that Russel would be eaten by a Grimm?” Blake and Opal look at her in shock while Blaze thought it was funny, a little funny.

Then they walk of the stage and four new humans walk on it, Blaze recognized one of the as the boy who was throwing up on the airplane, there was a girl with red hair, one with orange hair and a boy with black hair.

“Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as…” The letters JNPR appeared. “Team Juniper, lead by Jaune Arc.” That surprised Jaune and the girl Pyrrha hit him so hard that she managed to knock him on the floor.

Then Tyr and three Faunus Blaze saw argue at his first night take the stage, team JNPR walk of the stage. “Tyr Laraan, Rarity Bell, Rainbow Dash, Applejack. The four of you retrieved the white bishops. From this day forward, you will work together as…” The letters TRRA appeared on the screen. “Team Tornado, lead by Tyr Laraan.” Blaze couldn’t help but join the rest of the students as they clapped for Tyr and his team.

Then it was Ruby, her sister, Weiss and the girl who was causing trouble with Opal. “Ebony Nox, Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Weiss Schnee. The four of you retrieved the black rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as…” The letter EYWR appeared on the screen. “Team Excalibur, lead by Ebony Nox.” Blaze could see that Weiss was in shock when she heard that, Ruby and her sister was happy for Ebony who just smiling.

Then it was Blaze and the girls turn. “Blaze Fury, Blake Belladonna, Luna Moon, Opal Akaru. The four of you retrieved the white knight. From this day forward, you will work together as…” The letter BBLO appeared on the screen. “Team Blackout, lead by Blaze Fury.” Blaze thought that the entire room would be silence, he was wrong. They all cheered for them.

As they walk of the stage, Blaze couldn’t help but wonder what would happened next.

Author's Note:

There you have it, the teams.

I would like to apologize for the fight scenes, I'm not very good with those.

Tyr Laraan, Opal Akaru and Ebony Nox belongs to FrostTheWolf.