• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 842 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

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Jaune Arc part 2

After his talk with Weiss, Blaze did as he usually does fly around Beacon so he could stretch his wings. After some flying it started to get dark so he headed back to Beacon, once he was in the hallway to the dorms he could see Jaune standing outside the door to his room.

“Jaune?” That made the blond boy jump into the air, he turned to face the Blaze. “Why are you standing outside your toom?”

“Oh, you know, just catching some air."

Blaze didn’t believe that all. “Don’t you need to be outside to do that?” Jaune just look down on the ground. “Look, I don’t know why you are out here and to be honest it’s not my problem.” He walk over to Jaune and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Just don’t stay out to late, we have a field trip tomorrow.” He then started to walk back to his own room.

“Hey Blaze.” The Faunus stop and turned around to face Jaune. “What do you do when one messed up?”

Blaze crossed his arms. “What do you mean?”

“I did something I shouldn’t have and now Cardin’s got me on a leash and Pyrrha won’t talk to me…” He then sighed. “I’m starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea.” He then leaned on to his door and slide down. “I’m a failure.” He said while sitting down.

Blaze walk over to him and sat down beside him. “And just what is that Cardin has on you?” Jaune didn’t answer him. “Look Jaune, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.” Still no answer. “I thought we were friends.”

“We are Blaze but if I told you I could get me expelled from Beacon.”

Blaze then got up. “Then I can’t help you.” He started to walk towards his room.

“I faked my transcript.” That made Blaze stop dead in his track. “I didn’t go to any combat school and I didn’t pass any test, I lied to get here.”

Blaze turned around to face him. “And let me guess, Cardin knows and if you don’t do as he says he is going to tell Ozpin and you will be expelled.” Jaune nodded. “Well, it’s a difficult situation you have gotten you self into Jaune, but I don’t think Cardin can’t do anything.”

Jaune look at him with a confused look. “What?”

“If you really faked your papers, do you really think that Ozpin wouldn’t notice? He’s the headmaster of this school and I doubt he make a mistake like that.”

Jaune look down on the floor. “That might be true, but Cardin still has me on a leash.”

“Then you have stand up to him, don’t let him push you around.” Blaze told him.

“You make it sound so easy.”

“Well, it’s not.” Jaune look up at him. “I was bullied when I was younger, it became so bad that I almost took my own life.”

Jaune was shocked when he heard that. “What did you do?” He asked the Faunus.

“I did was my father told me, that I had to stand up to those who was bulling me, it took a while before they stop but it work. Stand up for yourself Jaune.” Jaune didn’t say anything, he just looked back down on the floor. “Fine, don’t take my advice. At least try and get some sleep, we have a field trip tomorrow.” Before he walk. “And one more thing, I suggest you let Pyrrha teach you how to fight, you need it if you are going to survive in this world.” With those word he left Jaune alone.

The very next day, team BBLO, TRRA, EYWR and JNPR was in the Forest of Forever Fall with Glynda and the leaves was red. “Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from trees deep inside the forest. And I’m here to make sure that none of you die while doing so.” She then stop so did groups. Jaune, who was carrying Cardin stuff managed to pump into him. “Each of you is to gather one jar’s worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o’clock. Have fun.” While the others walk of, Cardin dragged of Jaune.

Once the teams had found a place where they could collect the sap, which was a little difficult considering Nora was drinking most of it.

“I know that Professor Glynda told us to collect this stuff, but it would been a lot easier if Nora would stop drinking most of it.” Said Ebony in a frustrating tone while looking at her fellow huntress. “Dame it Lie, control you woman already.” She told the couple while helping Ruby with a jar.

“Hey, don’t be mad at Lie.” Nora told the leader of team EVWR.

“Then stop eating all of the sap.”

Tyr, who was helping Rarity, couldn’t help but think that argument between them was a little hilarious. “You know, it’s almost watching Applejack and Dash argue.” He told Rarity who couldn’t help but giggle of what he said.

“Hey, I don’t argue that much with Applejack.” Dash protested.

“Yes, you do.” AJ said in a bored tone while filling up a jar, then they started to argue.

Little did the teams know that not far from them, Jaune, Cardin and his team was hiding behind some rocks with six filled jar.

“Cardin, what’s going on?” He asked in a nervous tone.

“Payback.” Said Cardin while looking at certain red hair woman who was busy filling up a jar.

Jaune. “Pyrrha?”

While they were plotting, Blaze happened to look in their direction. ‘What the…? What are Jaune doing with Cardin?’ He then saw that Cardin was looking at Pyrrha. ‘Are he looking for revenge? But why Pyrrha?’ There’s was another thought going through his mind if he did then he would save Pyrrha from whatever they had planned for her but if he did, there was a chance that Cardin would never stop harassing Jaune.

“Blaze, are you ok?” It was Blake and her voice brought him back. “You have been staring at something, is something wrong?”

Blaze shook his head. “It’s nothing, I was just think.” They went back to collecting sap.

Jaune on the other hand, he was forced by Cardin to throw a jar of sap at Pyrrha so she could be stung by bees, Jaune had the jar in his hand and was about to throw it when he remember Blaze’s words; ‘You have to stand up to him, don’t let him push you around.’ He then saw Pyrrha smile.

“No.” Jaune lowered the jar.

Cardin didn’t like what he said. “What did you say?”

“I said…” He then threw the jar at Cardin. “NO. I’m done with you pushing me around, this ends now.”

Cardin, who was covered with sad, was not happy. “Oh oh oh, you’ve done it now.” All the bravery that Jaune just had was now gone when Cardin and his team advance on him, then Cardin lifted him up with one arm and punch him with the other one, so he fell on the ground. “You know that wasn’t very smart, Jaune-y boy.” He lifted Jaune up again. “I’m going to make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny, tiny, pieces.”

“I don’t care what you do to me. But you are not messing with my team.”

Cardin lifted Jaune up in the air. “What, you think talk like that makes you tough? You think you’re a big strong man now?”

“I’m not strong but I’m done with you pushing me around.” Jaune said with a smile on his face.

That pissed Cardin off even more, he then punched Jaune in the face but when he did a light erupted from Jaune which hurt Cardin’s fist. Jaune look at his hands and saw they were glowing, but before he could figure out what just happened one of Cardin’s teammates pushed him down on the ground.

Cardin was ready again. “Let’s see how much of a man you really are.” Before he could punch him again they all heard a growl behind them, it was a Ursa and it had been drawn of the smell of the sap on Cardin chest.

Cardin and his team was now afraid. “That’s a big Ursa.” Said Russel as he and the rest started to run, Cardin was left behind.

The Ursa then swat away Cardin with its paw, then it look like was going to attack Jaune but then the Ursa started to walk towards Cardin instead of Jaune. Jaune then got up and watch as the Ursa was right on top of Cardin, Cardin the drew his weapon to defend himself but the Ursa just swap it away. The mace just landed in front of Jaune who thought about running.

The other teams was still collecting sad when they heard loud roar. “Did you guys hear that.” Said Ruby as rest of Cardin’s team ran past them.

“Where the hell are they going?” Asked Ebony as she watch them ran.

Then Russel shouted. “Ursa! Ursa!” Considering he didn’t saw where he was running, he ran straight into Applejack.

Applejack, who wasn’t affect at all by Russel running into her, lifted him up by his shirt. “Ursa, where is it?” She asked him.

Russel pointed where they came from. “Back there! It’s got Cardin.”

Then Ebony walk over to him. “And you just left him? what kind of team mates does that?” She asked Russel with some anger in her voice.

“It’s a Grimm.”

“And you’re supposed to be training to be huntsmen, a huntsmen isn’t supposed to run away.”

Before Russel could say anything, Blaze step in. “We can argue later, right now Cardin needs help.” He look at his team mates. “Go and get Glynda while the rest of us while help Jaune and Cardin.” They nodded and ran.

Then Pyrrha spoke to Ren and Nora. “You two, go with them! There could be more.” Both of them nodded and ran after them while Blaze and the others ran in the direction of where Cardin’s team came from.

When they arrived, they saw a Grimm that was ready to attack Cardin, as the Grimm attack Jaune was there with his shield protecting Cardin. Everyone was a little shock when they saw that Jaune protect Cardin, especially Cardin. None of them thought that Jaune would protect the bully that had torment him since school started.

Jaune started to struggle when the Grimm started to put pressure on him, Weiss and Dash was about to help him but Pyrrha stop them. “Wait.” They watch as Jaune push back the Grimm and then he swung his sword hurting the Ursa, the Grimm staggered back a little but then it went on the offensive, attacking with its claws. Jaune rolled out of the way and then he jump when the Ursa attack again, the Grimm attack a third time and this time the attack hit sending Jaune flying a few meters. Jaune got up pretty fast and attack again, he jump towards the Grimm and tried to hit it with his sword but the Ursa just step aside and hit him the back.

Jaune rolled on the ground a few times, as he got up he saw that his aura was getting low, he had to finished it. Jaune charge the Ursa and it charge Jaune, both attack each other, and Blaze saw that the Ursa was about to hit Jaune before he did. He was about to act when he saw Pyrrha’s hand started to glow, then Jaune’s shield also started to glow and it moved to intercept Ursa’s claw. Jaune managed to block the attack and cut it’s head off, the Ursa felt on the ground dead.

Blaze look over to Pyrrha. “What did you just do?” He asked her.

“Everyone has their semblance, mine is polarity.”

Ruby was amazed by that. “Ah, you can control poles.” Almost everyone slap a hand on their faces when they heard that.

“No, you dunce! It means she has control over magnetism.” Weiss explained to her.

“Magnets are cool, too.”

Then Pyrrha started to walk. “Wait, where are you going?” Weiss asked her.

“Yeah, we gotta tell them what happened.” Said Ruby.

“We could.” They all look over to Jaune, who put away his sword. “Or, perhaps, we could just keep it our little secret.” Pyrrha walk back.

“But…” Ruby wanted to ay something, but Ebony cut it her off. “Just forge it Ruby, let’s just keep it between us.” She followed after Pyrrha so did the rest.

Blaze stood there while Jaune offered a hand to Cardin. “I hate secrets.” He then walk after the others.

Later that night, Blaze decided to take a walk to a certain room. When he got there, he knock on the door and waited. When the door open, Cardin was there.

“What do you want Faunus?” Cardin asked in a tired voice.

Before Cardin could react, Blaze grabbed him by the shirt, dragged him out into the hallway and pinned him to the wall. “Now you are going to listen to me because I’m going to say this only once, from now on you are going to stop bulling everyone you have ever bullied since we started here. I can tolerate a loot of things in life but one thing I don’t tolerate his bullies, unless you want me to drop you off the school roof top, you and your team are going to stop bulling. Do I make myself clear?” He asked in a threatening tone.

Cardin was terrified right now. “I get it, I will stop so will my team.” Blaze couldn’t help but raised an eye brown in how easy that was. “Jaune told me the same ting after he killed the Ursa, he didn’t say it as threatening as you did but I respect hum and I will stop.”

Blaze couldn’t help but smile. “Good, and don’t you forget it.” He dropped Cardin on the floor and walk back to his own room while Cardin just sat there, terrified.