• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 839 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

  • ...

Beacon Academy

After spending the night in jail, the officers had escort him to a airship that Blaze was currently on heading to Beacon academy, he calls it metal bird. He was sitting in the back away from the rest, considering some of the people on the ship was giving him looks, most was hatred, he just ignored them. Blaze wasn’t the only one that was in the back of the ship, there was girl with black hair who had pair of white hair bun covers on her head, she was wearing a dress with flowers, she was also wearing sandals with socks. It also looked like she was covering something with her hair witch Blaze thought was weird, she was leaning against the wall playing with her Yojo.

Blaze look over the rest of the humans in the air ship, well not all were human. He saw a Faunus girl with blue hair, she was wearing a pair of blue jeans and her jacket was also blue, she was probably wearing a blue shirt, she had a tail and pair of ponies ears. She was currently looking out of the window and her tail was swinging back and forth, it was like she never had been on an airship before, Blaze thought it was cute. He also saw a sword that was leaning against the wall near her.

Other than the girl Faunus girl, Blaze saw one human that he actually recognized, the girl with red hood. She was currently talking to a big girl with blond hair or was it golden? He didn’t know. Blaze wasn’t sure if he would ever understand this world. Blaze then let out yawn. ‘Bloody bed in jail.’ Blaze didn’t get much sleep thanks to the uncomfortable bed he sleep on.

Blaze was about to close his eyes but then he saw something, a human male walking towards the female Faunus. The male was wearing black pants, green shirt and a spiked spaulder on his left shoulder, her had a mohawk hairstyle which was light green. Blaze didn’t like the way he look at her, it was with disgust. He tap the girl on her shoulder she turned around, Blaze could barely hear what they were saying.

The Faunus look a nervous when she saw him. “Can I help you?” She ask him a nervous voice.

“I want to know what a Faunus like you are doing on a ship to Beacon.” The man said with anger.

The girl was now a little afraid. “I am going to Beacon academy to become a huntresses.”

“A filthy Faunus like you? Are they giving out a free pass or something? A Faunus like you has nothing to do at Beacon so I suggest you pack you bag and leave.”

Blaze was just in shock of the behaviour of the human, why would he threat the female Faunus girl like that? He look around the ship and saw that no one was going to anything, they were just standing there, the made Blaze mad. If no one was going to do something then he would, he got up and started to walk towards them.

“Hey.” Both the human and the Faunus look in his direction. “Leave her alone.” He told the human as he walk towards them.

Both of them look at Blaze. “Mind your own business Faunus, this dosen’t concern you.”

Blaze stopped right in front them. “I’ll make it my concern when you are bulling a Faunus without a reason.”

“Without a reason? This filthy Faunus dosen’t belong here and neither do you.” The human told Blaze while poking him the chest.

That was the last straw for Blaze, before anyone could blink, Blaze had grabbed the human shirt and lifted him up in the air. “I don’t know what your problem is, but I suggest you keep it to yourself. Saying that she dosen’t belong here is bullshit, she wouldn’t be her if she hadn’t earn the right to, so I suggest you take that attitude of your and shoved it up your ass or I am going to throw you of this ship, got it.” The human was now sweating he was terrified, and Blaze saw it in his eyes.

“”I got it man, just don’t kill me.”

“Good.” Blaze let him down. “Get lost.” The human ran off. Blaze look at the female Faunus, she was shaking a little. “You ok?” He ask her.

“Yeah, thank.” She said in a shaky voice.

Blaze gave her a smile. “Don’t mention it.” He walk back to where he sat before and sat down letting out a sigh. ‘I really hate bullies.’ He leaned his head back and closet his eyes.

“Uhu, excuse me.”

Blaze opened his left eye to see who was talking, it was the girl with the red hood. “Well, well. Isn’t it miss Rose.” He closed his eye again. “What can I do for you? Do you need saving again?”

“Yeah, about that, I guess I forgot to thank you for that, thanks.”

“Don’t mention it, you were in danger, so I did what was right.”

“Wait, you were telling the truth Ruby?” Blaze opened both his eyes to see who was talking, it was the girl with blond hair.

Ruby look at the blond. “Of course, I was telling the truth, this Faunus saved my life.” Ruby said in annoying tone. “Why would I lie about that?” She told the blond girl. “Wait.” Ruby look at Blaze again. “How did you know my last name?”

“Ozpin told me he visit me after he had talk to you.”

“Oh, that makes sense. Anyway, thanks again, for saving me and helping the Faunus girl.”

Blaze just waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it.” He was about to close his eyes again when he notice that girl with the blond hair was still staring at him. “Something I can help you with blondie?”

She didn’t like that. “Hey, don’t call me blondie, I have a name.”

“Considering I don’t know your name I’m calling you blondie.” That made Ruby giggle.

She blushed a little. “Right, my name is Yang Xiao Long, and Ruby is my little sister.” Yang decided to ruffle Ruby’s hair with Ruby didn’t like, she just waved away Yang’s hand away.

“Yeah, I am not going to remember that name, so I am sticking with blondie.” That made Yang to roll her eyes.

“So, what’s your name then?” Ruby ask him.

“It’s Blaze Fury.”

Ruby nodded her head. “Nice to meet you Blaze.”

Yang put an arm around her sister. “See Ruby, you can make new friends beside me.” Blaze wouldn’t go that far. “I have to ask you Blaze, just how old are you? You look a little old to enlist to Beacon academy.”

“If you must know, I am twenty three.” That made both of the girls eyes to widen. “What? Did I say something wrong?”

Ruby. “Your twenty three? You must be seventeen to enlist into Beacon.”

“Really? I didn’t know that, how old are you?” He asked Ruby.

She hesitated a little. “I’m fifteen.” She told him while looking down on the floor.

“Then what is the difference that you are too young and I'm too old?” Both sister’s didn’t know what to say. “Look, it’s was this or jail and I don’t want to spend my life in jail for something I didn’t do.”

Both of them was about to say something when the news folk started to speak. “The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities.” Then a picture of Roman appeared, and Blaze recognized him for yesterday. “If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale police department.”

Blaze couldn’t help but snort, there was no way he was going to do that. Considering that the police arrested him for a crime that did didn’t commit.

Then a human with grey hair appeared. “Thank you, Cyril. In other news this Saturday’s Faunus civil rights protest…” Blaze then saw some Faunus appeared in the upper right corner with posters. “…turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony.” The White Fang, Blaze didn’t like that name. “The once peaceful organization has now disrupted…”

That was all the lady could say as the broadcast ended and a lady appeared that Blaze recognised from the other night, she had blond hair, she was wearing a white shirt and black pants, she also had some sort of purple cape which Blaze thought stupide on her. All on the air ship look at her.

She then started to speak. “Hello, and welcome to Beacon!”

“Who’s that?” Yang asked.

The woman. “My name is Glynda Goodwitch.”

“Oh.” Yang said with surprised, Blaze couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Glynda continued to talk. “You are among a privileged few who have received the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy.” Blaze wasn’t selected, it was either this or prison. “Our world is experience an incredible time of peach,” Somehow, Blaze found that hard to believe. “and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it.” ‘It didn’t look like peace in the news.’ Blaze thought for himself. “You have demonstrated the courage needed for suck s task, and now, it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.”

“Wow.” Ruby then walk over to the window.

Blaze couldn’t help but be curious of what she was looking at, he turned his head and boy was he surprised of what he saw. Canterlot castle had nothing on Beacon.

Ruby. “Look, you can see Signal from up here.” Blaze had no idea what Signal was, he was to focuses on Beacon.

He was brought back to realty by a human boy coming towards him and it look like he was going to throw up. “Well.. I guess the view isn’t for everyone.” Said Yang.

Ruby. “It was a nice moment while moment while it lasted.”

Yang. “I wonder who we are going to meet.”

The boy got closer to Blaze. “Hey, if you are going to puck then do it somewhere ells, away from me.” That got the boy to stop, he then decided to throw up on his shoes. Then Ruby said that Yang had puke on her shoes and then she started to chase Ruby, for some reason.

When the ship finally landed and the door opened, vomit boy ran out to find the nearest thrash can. Blaze decided to get up and head out the door. When he came out he could see vomit boy throwing up the trash can, Blaze couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing on a ship if he got airsick.

“Get out of my way Faunus.”

Blaze could feel someone bump into him it was a human girl. She had black hair with some silver in it, she was wearing knit-hooded vest that's colored dark velvet, she had pair of black cargo shorts.

“Blaze.” He look to his side to see Ruby and Yang. “Did you know that girl?” Ruby ask him.

“Nope, never seen her before.” They vomit boy throw up some more. “If you two will excuse me, I am going to get far away from that guy.” He pointed his thumb towards the human that had his head in the trash can, he started to walk.

Yang. “We are right behind you.” Ruby and Yang followed him.

As they walk, all three couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer size at Beacon. “The view from Vale got nothing on this!” Blaze didn’t know what Yang was talking about, he only knew that Celestia’s castle had nothing on Beacon academy.

He then notice Ruby started to stare at some humans walking past her. “Ooh! Ooh! Sis! That kid has a collapsible staff! And she’s got a fire sword.” She look like a little girl on Heart’s Warming Eve.

Yang had to grab her by the hood to calm her down. “Easy there, little sister. They’re just weapons.”

Ruby wasn’t happy by what her sister said. “Just weapons? They’re an extension of ourselves! They’re a part of us!” Blaze didn’t think that weapon was that important around here. “They’re so cool” She squeal like a little girl.

“Well why can’t you swoon over your own weapon? Aren’t you happy with it?” Yang ask her.

Ruby then took out her own weapon. “Of course, I’m happy with the Cresent Rose!” Blaze thought that was weird name for a weapon, what did he know. “I just like seeing new once.” She then look at Blaze. “Hey, Blaze. Do you have a weapon?”


Both girls was shocked when they heard that. “You don’t have a weapon?” Yang ask him, Blaze just shook his head. “How are you going to protect yourself?”

“I think that Ozpin is providing me with a weapon, it sounded like that yesterday.”

Ruby. “Wow, Ozpin is giving you a weapon, that’s so cool.”

Blaze just shrugged his shoulders. “I guess so.” He started to walk. “I’m going to have a look around, you two can do whatever you want.” He told them.

He didn’t get far before Yang ran past him with others humans, Blaze had no idea why she was in a hurry and didn’t really care. He then heard a crash behind him, out of curiosity he turned around and saw Ruby lying a pile of suitcases, then a girl with white hair and dress started to yell at Ruby. She then started to talk about Duse and the Schnee Quary, Blaze had no idea what those names meant. Then new girl started to wave a bottle with red powder in Ruby’s face, Ruby sneezed and the white girl explode, the bottle then flew up in the air and landed near a new girl. Blaze stop caring after that, he walk away.

Blaze decided to follow the rest of the humans to see where everyone was going, he ended up in a giant hall that was filed with people. He notice that jerk from the ship, the Faunus he saved, the girl with the red dress and blondie. She was easy to spot thanks to her hair, he didn’t see the girl that bump in to him, which was dumb, he wanted to tell her that wasn’t nice.

He then notice Ruby and the boy who threw up walk in, Ruby ran over to her sister who had saved her a spot. Blaze decided to stand with them, considering they were the only one he knew.

He stood by Yang’s right side. “How’s your first day going, little sister?” Yang ask Ruby.

“She was trying to get to know a girl in a strange way.”

That Blaze spoke scared Yang that she jump into Ruby’s arms. “Blaze, where did you come from?” Yang ask him.

“From the ship?” They didn’t know if he was sarcastic or not.

“That was not what I meant, how did you appeared right beside me without me noticing?” Yang ask him while getting out form Ruby’s arms.

He crossed his arms. “Apparently I am very stealthy.” The sister gave each other a confusing look, not sure what to make of this Faunus.

“Did you say that Ruby tried to make friends with someone?” Blaze nodded. Yang then turned to Ruby. “Really?”

“You mean since you ditched me, and I explode!?” Blaze saw that.

“Yikes. Meltdown already?” Meltdown?

“No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school… There was a fire… and I think some ice.”

“…Are you being sarcastic?” Blaze wanted to say something, but he also wanted to see where this conversation was going.

Ruby snorted. “I wish!”

As Ruby talk, Blaze could see the same girl with the white hair sneaking up on Ruby. “You.” Said the girl.

Ruby then jump into Yang’s arms. “Oh god, it’s happening again!”

“You’re lucky we weren’t blown off the side of the cliff.” Said the new girl.

Yang. “Oh my god, you really explode.”

“It was an accident.” Ruby said as Yang put her down. “It was an accident.” Then the girl shoved a paper in Ruby’s face. “What’s this?”

“The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product…” She then started to talk fast.

When she was finished, Yang leaned over to Blaze. “Did you understand what she was saying?” Yang whispered to him.

“Not a word.” Blaze answered.

Ruby was also confused. “You really want to start making things up to me?” The girl ask Ruby.


The girl then handed Ruby the paper. “Read this and don’t ever speak to me again.”

She was about to go when Blaze spoke up. “What’s you problem?” All three girls look at him and the new girl wasn’t happy.

“Excuse me?”

“I ask you what you problem is, maybe it was an accident.”

The girl then walk over to him. “Do you know who I am?” She asked him.

“You look like a pamper princess to me,” Ruby had to put both hands over mouth to contain her laugher when he said that. “Am I wrong?”

The girl wasn’t too happy right now. “Pamper princess? My name is Weiss Schnee and my father is the president of the Schnee company, we are the largest producers and exporters in Remnant. I could have my father destroy your family like that.” She snap her finger.

Blaze wasn’t impressed. “Go ahead, my family is dead so you would only destroying me.”

That chance Weiss expression from anger to sad. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”

Blaze cut her off. “Whatever, just get lost.” Weiss said nothing, she just left. Blaze saw that Yang and Ruby also had sad faces. “Not a word, I don’t need your sympathy.”

They never got the chance as Ozpin walk over to a microphone and started to speak, Glynda was standing beside him. “Ahem… I’ll keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search for knowledge.” Blaze couldn’t help but snort when he heard that. “To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people.” Blaze found hard to protect a rase he knew nothing about. “But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.” Not the most inspiration speech Blaze had heard.

Ozpin then walk away and then Glynda step up to the microphone. “You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready.” Blaze couldn’t help but smile a little. ‘Initiation? That sounds interesting.’ Blaze thought for himself. “You are dismissed.”

Yang. “He seemed kind of off.”

Ruby. “It’s almost like he wasn’t even there.”

“Oh, he was.” The girls turned to Blaze. “He just didn’t care I could see it in his eyes.” Before they girls could say anything, Blaze walk off, he wanted to find good spot in the ballroom.

The night had fallen, and Blaze had found himself a place near the window in the corner of the room, so he could look out into the night. As he look into the darkness that was this world, he couldn’t help but wonder if he ever could get home. you are probably wondering why Blaze aren’t freaking out, what good is that going to do him? He can just go around and shout ‘I want to home to Equestria,’ if he did that then people of this world would think he is crazy.

He look around the room, he saw Ruby and her sister were in the middle of the room and Yang gave him a wink? He had no idea why, then he look down and noticed that he only had pants, no shirt and she could see his upper body, that’s why. Then he saw Ruby throw a pillow at her sister, Blaze couldn’t help but smile of that, sisters. He look around the room and he could see the Faunus that he help, he then saw a girl lighting a candle and was trying to read, this one had a bow on her head that looked ridiculous.

“Oh, come on, what did I do now?”

Blaze look to his right and saw a human boy with light brown hair, he was sitting on the floor fiddling with some kind of sword. “Nice sword you have there.” Blaze told him. That scared the boy. ”Holly crap.” He almost dropped the sword on the floor, the boy look at Blaze with some annoyance. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.

The boy calmed down. “Don’t worry, and yes you scared me.” He went back to his weapon.

“What kind of sword is that? I have never seen one before.” Blaze ask him.

The boy look at him with smile. “This is the Lawgiver, it’s a long scimitar with a revolver that's built into the blade's and its hilt. The guard on the blade also serves as the weapons crosshairs.”

“Sounds impressive.”

The boy’s smile didn’t go away. “I know, it took me months before I got it right, the ammo chamber blew up in my face to many times before I got that part right.” Blaze had no idea what an ammo chamber was.

“You got to be kidding me Applejack, we have to sleep on the floor.”

Blaze and the boy look in the direction of the voice, they could see two Faunus female arguing, they both had ears and tail. One of them had purple hair and look a little elegant, the other had blond hair and a cowboy hat? Which Blaze thought was weird, but the hat somehow fit her.

“I know you are upset Rarity but it’s only for tonight, tomorrow we will be in a team and will be given rooms so just bear it for now.” Said the one with the hat.

Rarity huffed. “Fine, I will survive for now.”

“Finally.” Said a new voice, Blaze could barely see her considering she was lying on the floor, her hair was multicolour? She was Faunus like the two others. “You never complain when we have sleepover with the girls.”

Rarity look down on the laying girl. “That's different Rainbow Dash, there we had sleeping bags here we are lying on a mattress that probably has been used before, I don’t like it.” They continued to argue or whatever they were doing.

The boy then said. “Huh, I guess that not everyone likes this.” Blaze nodded in agreement.

He then saw the Weiss walking towards Ruby and her sister who was talking to the girl Blaze saw earlier, the one with the bow. Then Weiss started to argue with them, he couldn’t hear them, but he saw it. He then notice a girl on the corner of his eyes, she didn’t look happy that they were arguing, it was the same girl that bump into him. She then threw something that look like a dagger at the Ruby and the rest, it missed them and hit the wall. She then got up and walk over to them, she pulled the dagger out of the wall, said something to the girls and went back to where she was sleeping. Ruby and the rest did the same.

Then Blaze spoke. “I think we better get some sleep, I guess we have a big day tomorrow.” The boy next to him agreed with that, but away his weapon and went to sleep. Before Blaze lay down, he look at the girl who was reading, and he could swear that her bow moved. Blaze shrugged it off and lay down on his stomach and took one last look out the window. “I wonder what tomorrow will bring.” He then feel asleep.

Author's Note:

Yes, three of the main 6 is in the story. I thought that AJ, Dash and Rarity was those three that was best suited to become Huntresses.