• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 5,369 Views, 225 Comments

The Hero: Cozy Glow...? - SoloBrony

Cozy Glow defends truth, justice, and the equestrian way, despite everyone trying to arrest her. It's mostly because she has brain damage.

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Do you have a way to beat a monster like this, Cozy?!

Over the next few days, I learned my host's name was Zecora and managed to throw together a half-decent costume (with her help). I kept pretty quiet, especially since I got the impression she generally preferred the silence, but I did make sure to impress upon her the need for secrecy.

I also made sure she never saw my wings.

When she asked my name, I panicked and told her I was called Quillon (that's kee-yon, in case you didn't know) – it just kinda came to mind based on my appearance, for some reason.

I thought I'd have to re-apply the alteration to my coat color, or fight to keep my hair restyled, but it turned out they were much better-behaved than that. All told, I was pretty secure in my disguise, and since I'd managed to go a few days without being discovered I started to feel less anxious about my pursuers and more focused on the future.

Since I'm a super hero, shouldn't I be out saving ponies, or beating up monsters, or something? Isn't that how super heroes get more powerful? And I need some kind of super hero name.

I looked over my costume, which had a distinct rainbow-and-lightning hue. It's just what we had on-hand and what seemed 'super heroic' to me, for some reason – Zecora had found that funny, especially when I added wing slits (hah! Joke's on her!), but I didn't think it looked funny. It looked... what's the term...?

Awesome. Yeah, that.

And so, since I obviously needed way more power to defeat the evil wizards who had cursed me, I set off with my costume towards Ponyville (as I'd learned it was called) in the dead of night.

And I sat around for a solid hour before I realized that evil wasn't just going to spring up so I could defeat it, spontaneously.

This super hero thing is BORING. How am I supposed to know where the badguys will show up? They might end up attacking somewhere halfway across Equestria from here and I'd never even know!

That's when I remembered I was some kind of super-powerful mage, myself. Clearly I must have had some kind of system to warn me about incursions, but what?

Let's see... my experience with super heroics so far is that you hear a pony scream, and then you go bolting off in that direction to help. So... could I set some kind of scream-detector here, and have that alert me when trouble starts? Yeah, that seems reasonable! Ponies pretty much always scream and freak out when something goes wrong, so that should be foolproof!

Affirmed by this line of reasoning, I pondered over what I knew of magic and what I'd need for that kind of spell.

Crystals. Er, that is, I'll need gemstones as a focusing agent for this – one to act as a detector, and another for me to wear. But where can I get gems at this hour?

I tapped my chin with my hoof, considering it, until I remembered Zecora mentioning there was an angry green dragon guarding its hoard in the Everfree.

Of course, robbing a dragon was stupid, borderline suicidal, extremely dangerous, reckless.

Brave and totally awesome, like a super hero.

If there was one thing I knew about adventuring, it's that randomly taking on ridiculously dangerous tasks was how you got more powerful. So I set off straight for the dragon's lair, donning my costume and shifting my coat to a deep navy blue, and my mane to an ever-flowing rainbow just long enough to reach back to my shoulders; the super hero 'Dashing Savior' would have her debut with a super-sneaky stealth mission!

Huh. This is the second time I'm stealing – not very heroic, I guess. On the other hand, the dragon stole most of that hoard, if what Zecora told me is true, and if it feels like its hoard is unsafe it will probably move further away from ponies. So that's a win! Less risk for those who wander into the woods.

I wasn't sure why I knew so much about dragon behavior; I chalked it up to super hero studies again, and stole into the cave making less noise than a light-footed mouse. The cave was pretty well-lit, and it didn't take me long to spot the giant gem hoard or the giant, slumbering dragon behind it. For a moment, my blood ran cold at the sight of it.

Wowza, somehow I didn't really register how big these guys were. But then again, that's what super heroes are all about! Facing up to stuff so scary a normal pony wouldn't go anywhere near it!

I nodded to myself and tried to quell the sense I was making a huge mistake as I looked over the gem hoard. It didn't really matter what gems I used; even the cheapest, smallest stuff would do for a simple spell like this. The dragon would probably barely care they were gone.

My musings were interrupted when I heard a loud snort. I had been very confident about my stealth skills, staying utterly silent.

But I hadn't accounted for smell. I'd been bathing with aromatic zebra concoctions and I was wearing a spandex outfit that smelled like rubber.

Two giant, yellow eyes cracked open.

"Oh, fiddlesticks."

The dragon reared up, furious at the sight of me, and roared so loudly I reflexively generated a shield around myself with my magic just to block out the noise.

Oh wow! Now THAT'S a handy power!

I saw the dragon take a deep breath, readying to fry me with fire.

This guy is asking for it. It's time to show off the brand-new technique I've been working on!

I charged energy into my horn, and started belting out in a loud, sing-song voice, "Iiii've, been working on my maaaaaagic, all the live-long daaaaay~!"

The dragon belted out a giant fireball at me, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. But I hadn't just charged in to a fight with a dragon without any prep-work; I figured that if I was going to be fighting a big group of evil wizards, someone would try to burn me eventually, so while I was working on my costume I also worked on a little counter. A shimmering, magical cup of red energy appeared in front of the dragon, and as the fire filled it, it turned from red to blue. The flames dissipated into the field, and they melted together into a floating, crackling ball of electricity.

The dragon blinked in confusion, but then shrugged and started towards me, apparently intent on biting down on me or rending me with his giant claws. That really ticked me off.

"HEY! Don't you dare ignore my ball! YOU TAKE MY BALL SERIOUSLY!"

And with that I blasted him in the face with a ball of lightning. Not exactly easy to make, or control, and even harder to trigger in a way that was deadly, but I just poured enough effort in to force it, causing my horn to shoot sparks and smoke slightly in the process. A deafening crash filled the room as dragon and ball collided, and the flash was so bright it left me blind for a few seconds.

When my vision cleared, the dragon was visibly scorched all over, and twitching on the ground, clearly dazed and in great pain (though in no danger of death).

"YEAH! YEAH! TAKE THAT! THE DASHING SAVIOR TRIUMPHS! I'm going to call that move my 'dragon ball' after this! Hah! Emergent move-names! Yeah!"

I was so caught up in my antics I almost didn't notice the dragon growling at me. I knew I didn't have the energy to keep fighting him, but I couldn't let him know that, and besides, I figured a big predator like him must be pretty unaccustomed to pain. I was quick to capitalize on that.

"Hey! Don't you take an attitude with me!"

I put my hooves on my hips and shouted down at him as angrily as I could.

"You tried to fry me just now! You got exactly what you deserved, mister! And you'll get a lot more than that if you don't apologize!"

I flared my horn threateningly, and I was gratified to see the big bully flinch.

Yeah! Fear my power!

I didn't let the moment slip away, flying up closer to him and staring right into one of his huge yellow eyes.

"Now you listen here! Your nasty attitude and dangerous habits aren't fit for being so close to a pony town, so you need to pack up and get out of here! If you don't, I'll turn you into a tiny little fish and huck you into the stream, and we'll see how you like it when bigger things try to chow down on you, GOT IT?!"

For a second, I almost believed my bluster myself, and that really helped me sell it. The dragon made a whining sound and nodded meekly, which was really a boon to my spirits – despite a nasty headache setting in from my magical strain. I looked over his hoard.

"Oh, right. And I need a few gemstones before you go!"

The dragon's eye shot wide open, and his eyebrow ridge arched in fury. I rolled my eyes back at him.

"Not big, shiny, expensive ones. Like, any gem will do, I just need a bunch of little ones. I'll let you pick them out."

The dragon blinked a bit at that, and then slowly raised his head. I realized how much of a strain it was for him; I'd apparently done a lot more damage than I realized, and he wasn't in any shape to fight any more either. He eventually, hesitantly, reached over and scraped a few smaller quartzes towards me. I flew down to pick them up, and realized there was a sizeable diamond mixed in with the pack – probably on accident.

I shrugged and stuffed all of the gems into the saddlebag at the rear of my costume. "Golly, thanks. Cheapskate."

The dragon rolled his eyes at me while I flew out.

Whew! I did it! Beat a dragon, discovered my shield spell, got some practice, and I got the gems! It's like I can feel myself leveling up!

Wait, is that adventure games or comics? Whatever, basically the same concept. Now I can set up those alarms in every town. Soon, the Dashing Savior will be known Equestria-wide!

If I'd only known just how fast word would spread, I might have taken things a bit more carefully.

Author's Note:

Cozy Glow is best JoJo